Chapter 300 Choice
"What isn't it?" Dai Donglin's expression became even more unsightly: "You think you've done it seamlessly? No one knows? You think you used some method to take advantage of Shang Gongxiu, and no one found out?
Have you ever thought about how the prince will hate you when he finds out?After the queen knows about it, how will she deal with it?
With Shang Gongxiu's head, will he discover the ability to transform demons?

Yang Xingguang has been hanging out with Shang Gongxiu for the past few days, so if he does a little research, he will think of you.At the beginning of the investigation, the truth will not be obtained because of the tight-lipped officials.But as long as you put your heart into it, you can't hide it.

Let me tell you, the information that you are the mastermind behind this incident has now been placed in front of the prince and queen. "

"I didn't want to hide it! My monk Gongxiu just made a deal. I told her that it's a good luck charm I gave her."

Dai Donglin was stunned, and said for a while: "Shang Gongxiu is really a headstrong!"

Thinking of Shang Gongxiu's performance last night, and hearing Dai Donglin's words, Ye Weiyang couldn't help but feel happy.But still hold back.

Don't dare to be happy!
"When will the Great Hope Talisman be handed in?"

"Just hand it in when you get back!" Ye Weiyang said immediately.

Dai Donglin said bitterly: "Do you know how important the Great Hope Talisman is to Dahua? How much peace will it bring to the people of Dahua if the Talisman Master learns it one day earlier?

But you concealed it for the sake of the Third Highness's reunion. "

Ye Weiyang lowered her head, she was not at all surprised that Dai Donglin could guess her purpose, Shoufu's wisdom is not for nothing.

Ye Weiyang lowered her head and did not make any excuses, although she decided to find Cao Xuan last night and hand in the Great Hope Talisman, but she was drunk yesterday and forgot today.But when the boss speaks, just listen.

"And..." Dai Donglin's voice softened: "Do you think you are too high-profile?"

"High-profile?" Ye Weiyang was stunned, she couldn't help but raised her head, and looked at Dai Donglin.

"Hmph!" Dai Donglin snorted: "Your people have not yet arrived in the imperial capital, but they are already famous all over the capital. In order to fight against the Fumeng, the Talisman Making Department pushed you to the forefront. The old man blushed when he heard those compliments."

Ye Weiyang immediately thought of Zhang Liuying's speech at the time, and the praise he gave to him made her face turn red.Just beep in my heart:
"That's not what I let them brag about."

"That's all, anyway, you are not in the imperial capital, stay away from the vortex of these battles. As time goes by, the people in the imperial capital will gradually forget about you. But when you come, you will come when you come, but you will immediately create a Pulling out the different talisman pushed the waves to a new level. Afterwards, he repaired the talisman soldiers of His Highness the Seventh Prince. A few days ago, he completed the Great Light Talisman. In the presence of a large crowd, he purified the demonization of that monk. One piece followed. One thing, one wave after another, almost pushed you to the sky, and now you have created another great hope talisman..."

Dai Donglin sighed: "Do you know the truth that Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng? You are a person without background and foundation. Don't mention the Third Highness, he can't be your backing, and he can't even protect himself. "

Dai Donglin spoke silently for a moment, as if to give Ye Weiyang time to digest, then he sighed:

"Before a person becomes powerful, he must learn to hide his clumsiness.

Since you have signed up for the Dao Fu Dao Competition, let's go.But don't try your best.I know that your level must be a great talisman master, but it's not that you haven't reached the level of a first-rank great talisman master, so even if you try your best, you won't win the top five and then participate in the four-nation competition.So, you just mess around.Stop showing off.

You have to know that you have offended the prince and queen.

Knowing your ability, the prince and queen will definitely fight for you. If you join their camp, they will let go of the things that offended them before.But will you join them?

If not, they will target you and even get rid of you.After all, with your talent, your talisman talent, if you join other people's camp, it will be a threat to them.

Keeping a low profile and keeping a low profile is the best survival choice for you now. "

Ye Weiyang lowered her head slightly and said nothing, struggling with thoughts in her heart.

Doesn't she know that her high profile will cause others to covet her?

She didn't know that if she used the Great Hope Talisman to help Qin Yi this time, would it attract the prince's hostility?

She didn't know that if she used Shang Gongxiu this time, it would arouse the queen's anger?

she knows!
But in order to become famous as soon as possible, she used her fame to expand her network, established her own circle of influence, and then used her network and circle of influence to find her relatives, so she ignored all of this.


Ye Weiyang sighed in her heart, looked up at Dai Donglin, and whispered:
"I still want to do my best!"


Dai Donglin snorted, and stared straight at Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang froze all over, as if being stared at by a ferocious beast, she didn't dare to move.It seemed that if he moved, he would be torn apart by Dai Donglin who was opposite him.

Dai Donglin stared at Ye Weiyang for more than a dozen breaths, until a drop of cold sweat oozed from Ye Weiyang's forehead, and then said:

"this is your choice?"

"Yes!" Ye Weiyang gritted her teeth.

"Not changed?"

"to not fix!"

"If it is because of this?"

"Then you'll be smashed to pieces!"



Ye Weiyang walked out of the room quickly, closed the door behind her back, and wiped the cold sweat from her forehead with her hand.

"Too fierce!"

inside the room.

Dai Donglin was silent for a moment, then called out: "Come here."

The book office opened the door and walked in: "My lord."

"Call Dai Xing."


After more than a quarter of an hour, Dai Xing walked in: "Father!"

Dai Donglin looked up at Dai Xing: "How about helping Ye Weiyang find her family?"

Dai Xing frowned and said, "There is no news so far."

"Invest more manpower and material resources to find news of her family as soon as possible."

"Father, what's wrong?"

"Alas..." Dai Donglin sighed lightly: "Wei Young has become a bit obsessed in order to find her relatives. Forget it, you don't need to pay attention to these, just find her family as soon as possible."

"Yes, Father!"

Ye Weiyang joined Yang Xingguang at the gate of the imperial palace, and returned to the Talisman Department. Ye Weiyang came to Cao Xuan's office door again, and knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in!" Cao Xuan's deep voice sounded from inside.

Ye Weiyang pushed the door open and walked in.

"Wei Young!" Cao Xuan's eyes lit up, "Come in and sit down."

Ye Weiyang walked to Cao Xuan's desk, took out a few pieces of paper and handed them to Cao Xuan, "Director Cao, this is the Great Hope Talisman I completed, and I can observe animals and plants that have not yet been demonized."

Cao Xuan took a few pieces of paper, read it quickly, looked up at Ye Weiyang with a smile:
"Or exchange cold attribute flying needles?"


"Okay! I'll arrange it now!"

"Thank you. My subordinates take their leave."

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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