The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 301 Grievance

Chapter 301 Grievance
Ye Weiyang came out from Cao Xuan, walked in the corridor, shook her head and sighed.Cao Xuan was not surprised when she saw that she took out the Great Hope Talisman. She knew that these big bosses had long guessed that she was the black hand behind Shang Gongxiu.

None of these big guys are simple!

Back in his repair room, Ye Weiyang remembered the spirit stones he got yesterday, left [-] spirit stones behind, took out five boxes and put them on the ground, and said to Yang Xingguang:
"Brother Yang, here are [-] high-grade spirit stones, you can use them to practice."

Yang Xingguang looked overjoyed, he naturally knew that these spirit stones were distributed from Shang Gongxiu, and he didn't politely refuse.He knew that the higher his cultivation level, the safer he would be able to protect Ye Weiyang.Immediately put away five boxes and said:
"I have already taken a fancy to some resources, Wei Young, are you not going out in the morning?"

"I won't go out, you go buy resources."

"Then I'm leaving, and I'll be back as soon as possible."

Yang Xingguang left in a hurry, Ye Weiyang sat on the chair, his mood gradually became heavy.Dai Donglin's words revealed the problems she had to face.

Qin Yi will resist some power for himself, but will he be able to resist the power from the prince and queen?
Can't stop!
Will Dai Donglin help him resist?

Maybe, maybe not!

Ye Weiyang couldn't figure out the mind of that kind of boss.

So, just can't count on it.

Do you want to keep a low profile?

Ye Weiyang was in a daze for a while, but finally sighed.

Impossible to be low-key!

He has already embarked on this path, and has already attracted people's attention. At this time, keeping a low profile will not only have no effect, but will also be regarded as weakness by those wolves who pay attention.

Most importantly, she needs to walk this path to pave the way to find her loved ones.

"How to avoid being devoured and torn apart by those wolves?"

Now that she has firmly established her own path, she began to think of ways to avoid bad results.


She needs time!
Whether it is her own growth or finding her family, she needs time.

The top five must be taken away, so that no one dares to touch him before the Four Kingdoms Competition next year, because of the importance of the Four Kingdoms Competition, the crown prince and queen also know that if they dare to target themselves at this time, the emperor will be angry , will also lose the hearts of civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty.

In this way, I have nearly a year.

She doesn't know what she will grow into in the past year.She doesn't know if she will find any clues about her family.

"Is being weak the original sin?" Ye Weiyang sighed: "Let's just count it as a day. The spiritual power in the body still cannot be fully controlled!"

Ye Weiyang felt a little irritable, shook her head, let out a long breath, and forced herself to calm down.

Years ago, she was able to face death with peace of mind.At that time, she already knew that she couldn't survive. At the beginning, she could hardly bear the pressure, but later she became a habit and didn't care. Instead, she cherished every day of her life.With this kind of state of mind, Ye Weiyang was only temporarily irritated by the things she was facing now, and she quickly put away the irritability, and took out the book of arrays to read again.

Today, because of the registration of the talisman masters, there are a lot fewer people even repairing the talisman soldiers.He repaired two talisman soldiers in one morning, and Ye Weiyang spent more time reading books.


The door was pushed open violently, Ye Weiyang frowned and raised his eyelids to look, and saw Shang Gongxiu walking in, with red eyes, he sat down on the chair opposite Ye Weiyang, tears streaming down his face ground current.

"This..." Shang Gongxiu is a well-known dandy in the emperor, who bullied him?Can't help but ask worriedly: "What's wrong with you?"

Shang Gongxiu raised her head, her face was full of tears, her grievances were almost like a river, how could she still look a little arrogant at this moment?
Totally a wronged little girl.

She doesn't want to cry either, and it's not that she hasn't been wronged before...

Of course, the previous grievances were not as big as this time, but no one cared about her in such a worried tone before, she couldn't bear it all at once, not only tears flowed faster, but also cried loudly:

"Fifth sister... woo woo woo..."

And at this time, Ye Weiyang's mind was spinning rapidly.In the entire imperial capital, Shang Gongxiu could be wronged to such an extent that it could be counted on one hand.

Could it be that the prince angered her?
It can be said that Shang Gongxiu ruined the prince's plan to drive the vassal king back to the fief, and it is normal for the prince to anger her. This made Ye Weiyang feel apologetic, and her voice became softer:

"Who bullied you?"

"My father!" Shang Gongxiu wiped away tears: "There are also my two older brothers."

"Your father and your brother?" Ye Weiyang froze for a moment, then asked: "They took your spirit stone away?"

Shang Gongxiu nodded her head aggrievedly, and wiped away her tears again: "I have never had so many spirit stones, and they have never looked down on me. .

But... who knew they... actually took my spirit stone away.My father also said, what do I need so many spirit stones for a girl, it is better for him and his two brothers to practice.

Fifth sister... Is it true that women have no status?
Other people's daughters are treasures in the palm of their parents and brothers, why am I not even as good as a grass? "

Shang Gongxiu cried hoarsely.

Ye Weiyang sighed softly in her heart.

In this era, it is really not that men are superior to women, and women are also officials in the court.As for why Shang Gongxiu's family is like this, Ye Weiyang doesn't know, and doesn't want to know.

But she can also feel that Shang Gongxiu's nature is not bad.So I didn't mind stretching out my hand, and comforted me:
"Forget it, don't you still have [-] spirit stones with me, I'll give them to you right now."

"No! That's yours." Shang Gongxiu shook her head.

"You are my sister. I said it was saved for you. I am my sister. You have to listen to me."

While speaking, he took out five boxes from the storage bag and placed them in front of Shang Gongxiu: "Don't show off when you go home this time."


Shang Gongxiu put away the five boxes with drooping eyebrows.

"Fifth sister, you are closer than my father."

The corner of Ye Weiyang's mouth twitched, she didn't want this generation.

"Your father didn't ask you, how did you get these spirit stones?"

"I asked, and I told you everything. But I didn't say that I would give you the spirit stone."

"What did your father say?"

"My father said you are not simple."

"I didn't scold you, or scold me?"

"Why scold us? They took all the spirit stones we earned."

The corner of Ye Weiyang's mouth twitched again: "Didn't you scold you for destroying the prince's plan?"

Thank you very much Meng Chi (100) for your tip!

(End of this chapter)

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