Chapter 862

There was a silence in the cabin, and then a person turned his neck stiffly like a puppet, looked to the back, and saw Ye Weiyang sitting steadily on a chair behind, looking at them with a smile.The cabin instantly became dead silent.After a while, a middle-aged monk cupped his hands tremblingly and said:

"This senior..."

Ye Weiyang waved his hand, then pointed to a young man and said, "Go down and bring back the storage rings of those two people."

"Oh!" The young man stood up, and then looked at the middle-aged man again.The middle-aged man signaled the pilot of the flying boat to open the hatch, and the young man rushed out in a hurry, flew back soon, and handed the two storage rings to Ye Weiyang.Ye Weiyang checked the contents of the two storage rings, while everyone else stood there obediently.

"Tsk, you're really rich. This resource is almost [-]/[-] of your own." Ye Weiyang put away the two storage rings with a smile, then glanced at everyone and said:
"Don't resist, don't worry, I will put you one by one into my talisman, and then ask you questions. If I know who lied, or concealed something, then you will die. If you didn't lie, I will let you go. for you."

A beam of light flowed out, and Ye Weiyang sucked these people into the sixth floor of the Talisman Tower.The reason why they were put on the sixth floor was because Ye Weiyang's Talisman Tower had six floors in total, and the other five floors were abnormal.The first floor is the ghost realm, the second floor is the demon realm, the third floor is the demon realm, the fourth floor is my mortal realm, and the fifth floor doesn't know how to describe it, so only the sixth floor will not reveal the identity of your rune tower. secret.

After these people were sucked into the Talisman, they were separated into 23 fast small spaces, leaving a total of 23 people, isolated from each other.Ye Weiyang began to interrogate these people.These people saw Ye Weiyang's ruthlessness, they didn't ask questions, they came up and beat the two highest cultivators on their side to death.At this moment, I wish I could tell all about how old I was and how I still wet the bed.

Ye Weiyang was not in a hurry, just stopped in this void, interrogated for a full month, and finally made a synthesis, her heart beat with joy.

These monks come from a planet called Tianshuixing, which is in the same realm as Ye Weiyang's planet, and everyone is also the highest in Hunyuan, unable to break through the harmony.It's just that the elders of that planet started to explore the starry sky long ago, and finally let them find a place by mistake. It is said that it is called Jiugongxing, and the realm of heaven there is not high or not. Said, anyway, there is a great monk of Hedao there.After that, Tian Mercury began to go to Jiu Gong Xing to practice.

But at the beginning, all the monks who went there were Hunyuan monks. After these people arrived at the Nine Palaces, they gradually got to know the Nine Palaces.They don't know why the heaven of Jiugongxing is higher than that of their planet, but they know that Jiugongxing has indigenous residents.And it is also the most powerful force of the nine palace stars.

Apart from these Nine Palace Star residents, there are still a large number of outsiders.These outsiders are all from planets like Ye Weiyang and the others who are not in harmony with the way of heaven.They all went through a long search for the starry sky, and by chance, they found this place.And as time goes by, more and more monks have found the Nine Palaces.Two forces were formed.

One is local power and the other is foreign power.

But all in all, the local power is still strong, and it is much stronger than the foreign power.And the local forces have formulated a rule that foreign forces can practice in Jiugongxing, or join various sects or families of Jiugongxing.However, it is not allowed to establish foreign forces in the Jiugongxing.Otherwise, find one and destroy the other.

In the history of Jiugongxing, I don't know how many foreign monks have established sects, and even foreign monks from many planets united, but they were all forcefully wiped out by Jiugongxing.Although Jiugongxing also suffered a lot of casualties, but Jiugongxing is very determined.But if it is discovered, it must be destroyed.

Therefore, foreign monks are actually in a bad situation on the Nine Palaces, but they will still come to the Nine Palaces continuously, because this is the way.Not only Hunyuan monks came, they also began to bring the sect juniors to practice in this heavenly environment in advance.And these 23 people were all brought by the two monks who were killed by Ye Weiyang to the Nine Palaces to practice.

Interrogating these people, Xing Suo was always on the sidelines, Ye Weiyang asked: "Xing Suo, are they talking about the place you mentioned?"

"Well, it's very similar, it should be!"

Ye Weiyang came out from the Talisman Tower, looked at the flying boat, and said with emotion: "People found out that Jiugongxing could make this kind of flying boat."

Holding a bead in his hand, his spiritual sense penetrated into it.After about a quarter of an hour, Ye Weiyang learned the language on the Nine Palaces.Then release those monks from the talisman tower, put away the talisman tower, and then said: "I can take you to the Nine Palaces, give you freedom, and won't hurt you. However, this flying boat is my spoils of war. Question?"

"No, no problem!" The middle-aged monk shook his head repeatedly.

This middle-aged monk is called Lian Kong, a cultivation base in the late Daoyuan period.Ye Weiyang waved to him and said:
"The journey is long, first teach me how to control this flying boat."

One day later, Ye Weiyang had a complete understanding of this spaceship, and this spaceship contained a star map, so Ye Weiyang began to study the star map, and planned to add the star map he had mastered, and then formulate a fastest and safest interstellar space. route.Judging from the star chart, in about 80 years, you will be able to reach the Nine House Stars.

After a few days of research, a route was temporarily researched.She was really greedy looking at this flying boat, but there was nothing she could do. None of these 23 people knew how to make flying boats.But according to them, Jiugongxing sells these technologies, but they are very expensive.

Whether it's expensive or not, let's talk when we arrive.

Ye Weiyang calculated the time, and after arriving at the Nine Palaces, about 600 years have passed.Now that there is a star map, it doesn’t take 800 years to go back from the Nine Palaces. If you take this spaceship, you can return to your own planet in 300 years.If you use star cable, it is estimated that 150 years will be enough.And after going to the Nine Palaces, Xing Suo still has a chance to grow.Once grown, the speed will be faster.Even if he stays for 200 years, he can stay in the Nine Palaces for nearly 700 years.

In 700, how old is Ye Weiyang now?
It is more than 700 years old, less than 700 years old.But he has cultivated to the present state.Therefore, for other monks, maybe 700 years is a short moment, but for Ye Weiyang, it is very long, allowing her to do many things.Therefore, she is also looking forward to the Nine Palaces and the next [-] years.

However, the 80 years on this road is a bit boring. Although the speed of the flying boat is fast, it is not as fast as Xingsuo, but even so, it is impossible for Ye Weiyang to sit on the flying boat to comprehend the starry sky road.Before, it was because I didn't know where the Nine Palaces were, so I let Xing Suo fly slowly and comprehend the Dao by myself.Now that you know where you are, you won't waste your time.This will not be able to comprehend the Dao, and it will be boring.

After thinking about it, he asked these monks to recite their cultivation methods and then learn from them.Needless to say, these monks practiced no weaker techniques than Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue, which gave Ye Weiyang a lot of inspiration.In this fusion method, 80 years have passed.

this day.

Ye Weiyang, who was deriving the exercises, heard Lian Kong's voice: "Senior Ye, we're here."

Ye Weiyang lifted her spirits, stood up, came to the porthole, and looked outside.Then he saw a huge planet appearing in front of his eyes, this planet was five or six times bigger than his own planet, Ye Weiyang moved the astrolabe, and the astrolabe flew in one direction.That's where Lian Kong and the others are going.However, Ye Weiyang naturally wouldn't send them to their destination.Isn't that entering the enemy's den?
At a distance that is not too far away, these people were driven down, and then flew up again. One month later, Ye Weiyang stopped the flying boat, put the flying boat into the rune tower, and landed on the ground.

The reason why she stopped here was because she was in the flying boat and saw many people below.Based on her experience, there must be a grand ceremony or a large trade fair, otherwise it would be impossible to gather so many people.So she landed about fifty miles away from the place where the monks were concentrated, and then walked in that direction.

To her, the distance of fifty miles is just a moment.After spending some spirit stones, I found out.

A large trade fair is being held here, and this fair will only be held once in a century.It was held by Cang Haizong, the local sect of Jiugongxing.

Ye Weiyang is naturally interested, this is a good place to learn about this planet.In this kind of large-scale trade fair, it is easy to make some wine and meat friends and inquire about some news.You can also learn about the general situation of this planet through the things traded at this fair.

However, Ye Weiyang is also very cautious, because she knows that every time such a large-scale trade fair, many things will happen, such as theft, robbery, killing and seizing treasures and so on.After all, everyone knows that everyone who comes here has their pockets full.

Canghaizong was established in the mountains not far away, and this large trade fair was also within the jurisdiction of Canghaizong.To be more specific, this trading conference will be held at the outer gate of Cang Haizong.

Ye Weiyang decided to find an inn first, so she went straight to the big inn, looking for the most luxurious one.Because she knows that the most luxurious inn must be expensive, but the price is clearly marked, and the price will not be raised based on people.For that price, I wish I couldn't live there.As for those small inns, the prices fluctuate at any time, depending on what people order.As an outsider, I can't afford to be idle.What's more, she has no shortage of spirit stones.

Ye Weiyang was already rich enough, but now he robbed the storage rings of two great monks, and the resources in them added up to two-thirds of his original resources.

Ye Weiyang walked into the inn, directly asked for a Tianzi brand to go to the room, and threw out a lot of spirit stones, which directly raised the attitude of the inn by several degrees.

Tips are being spread, and the service is even more attentive.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, Ye Weiyang went out and began to stroll around the trading ground.She has no definite purpose, where she goes, where she sees.Look at everything and see how the resources here are different from your own planet.

And as she walked, she also observed the monks around her, and found that almost all of them walked alone.The same is true when you think about it, everyone has their own preferences, and if they are in a company, once they encounter something that they all want to trade, whose will it be?
The ones that Wu shouted were all people, and Ye Weiyang felt that there could be 10,000+ people in this trade fair.But it doesn't feel crowded, it's just that Canghaizong is too big.She also listened to the bargaining between the monks and the sellers, and found out in words that many monks came here looking for some kind of treasure that could make her break through.

I saw a lot of resources on the way, most of which Ye Weiyang has seen, but some of them are of better quality than the ones she has seen.She also inquired about some that she hadn't seen before. Some came from the Nine Palaces, and some were brought over by monks from other planets.

Passing by a shop, I saw a few familiar faces, they were the monks in the flying boat that I robbed, Ye Weiyang walked over calmly, but those monks didn't notice Ye Weiyang.However, Ye Weiyang is also a little vigilant, it seems that the monks on that planet are doing well in the Nine Palaces.

Ye Weiyang doesn't care, so what if she sees herself?

I am alone now, even if the other party comes with a lot of monks at once, their strength is too strong, and I can't beat him, but if I run, I am afraid that no one can match the speed of Xing Suo, right?


Ye Weiyang came to a shop unknowingly, and saw that the things sold in this shop were very strange, so-called Dao artifacts.

The so-called Dao artifacts, the top Dao artifacts are on the same level as the Zhoutian Star Monument, and the worst ones are treasures that can comprehend the way of heaven.For example, a bead can comprehend the Dao of water attribute, and another example, a piece of dragon scale can comprehend the meaning of dragon.

There is also a huge stone slab, which looks like it was dug out from a cliff, and there are traces on it, which seem to be sword marks. According to the seller, there is a sword path hidden here.

Ask the price, it's ridiculously high.

And with Ye Weiyang's eyesight, you can see that they are all fake.

The treasure of enlightenment is so expensive, in Ye Weiyang's view, it is worth it.But if it's fake, it's cheating.However, there is also such a market in the cultivation world where she lives, and everyone relies on their eyesight.Everyone knows that these people are basically liars, but there are still many people who come.

Because there are really treasures that these sellers didn't see, and they were picked up and missed.

This thing is to buy it and leave it. If you suffer a loss, you will be fooled and admit your bad luck.Once it is missed, the seller will also be unlucky.

At this time, Ye Weiyang was watching in a shop.

Fake, fake, all fake.

"Fellow Daoist!" A voice sounded, Ye Weiyang turned to look, it turned out to be the store owner.And at this time, there was no one else in the store, just the two of them.

"What's the matter?" Ye Weiyang asked lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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