Chapter 863

"Fellow Daoist, tell me what you want to buy, maybe it's something I haven't put on display." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

Ye Weiyang said: "Treasures that comprehend the way of heaven, treasures that increase the immortal essence, and treasures that enhance the body, all are fine."

The storekeeper pointed to the things in the store: "These are all treasures to comprehend the way of heaven."

Ye Weiyang just looked at him and smiled, Ye Weiyang admired the store's face, she still looked serious, without the slightest embarrassment: "It's all true, let me tell you..."

Ye Weiyang turned around and left, and within a dozen steps of the gate, she felt someone approaching, turned her head and looked over, and saw a monk, seeing Ye Weiyang looking over, she sent a voice transmission with her spiritual sense:
"Fellow Daoist, I have Dao Harmony Pill, which can improve the body, do you want it?"

"He Daodan?"

Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat, she had never heard of this kind of elixir.But still pretending to know, voice transmission said:
"How to sell? I have to see the goods first."

"I can't see the goods now!" The monk had already moved over, handed over a jade slip and said, "If you want it, take this jade slip, and I will notify you through the jade slip."

Ye Weiyang realized in an instant that this Hedao Pill was definitely not a serious thing, but she started to accept the jade slips, and the monk nodded when he saw Ye Weiyang took the jade slips, squeezed into the crowd, and disappeared.

Ye Weiyang continued to walk around, while thinking in her heart: "What is this Hedao Pill? It should be effective in improving the body, but it may come from a wrong way, do you want to ask about it?"

Afterwards, Ye Weiyang shook her head, she could see that the way was wrong, if she went to inquire about it, she might cause some trouble.

Stuffing the jade slip into the sleeve of his robe, Ye Weiyang decided to ignore it for now.It's time to think about whether to go or not.Such a big trade fair, let's go shopping first.

After wandering around for a day, Ye Weiyang didn't make a move once.At her level, there are very few things that can be effective for her.Go back to the inn to rest for one night, and continue shopping the next day.

I just walked around for an hour today, but I didn't notice anything, but I heard arguing in front of me.Being bored, Ye Weiyang moved over there.

Don't underestimate quarrels, you can learn about local customs through quarrels and those who watch the quarrels, and maybe you can learn relatively important information from the content of the quarrels and the content of the onlookers' discussions.

There are really many people watching the excitement, three floors inside and three floors outside.Ye Weiyang didn't squeeze in, she stood outside and looked inside.

Learned quickly.

It turned out that two customers had taken a fancy to a treasure, which was said to be a Taoist artifact capable of comprehending the way of heaven, so the shopkeeper would naturally not let this opportunity go, and the method given was that the highest price would get it.So, those two monks are bidding.

It's like watching an auction, how interesting that is.There are booing around.

Ye Weiyang was very interested in that Taoist artifact, she reckoned that the Taoist artifact should have some effect, otherwise it would not cause two monks to bid, so she patted the shoulder of the monk in front:

"Brother Dao, what are they bidding for?"

"It is said to be a basin."

"A basin?" Ye Weiyang opened her mouth wide in surprise, "Is it a cornucopia?"

The cultivator gave Ye Weiyang a disgusted look: "The Dao basin."

"Dao basin? What kind of basin is that?"

"That basin is amazing!" The monk blushed. "Usually it looks like an ordinary basin, but after it is filled with water, it will show the avenue of heaven and earth."

Ye Weiyang was really curious, her spiritual consciousness spread out, and when she probed into the shop, she saw a basin, which was being filled with water at this time, and when she looked into the basin, it was no longer a basin, but a It is a world with the rotation of heaven and earth.All this made Ye Weiyang startled for a moment, and the spiritual consciousness fell down, covering the basin, then put it back, turned around and left.

Fart's Dao basin is to refine a basin that can release illusions.However, the grade of the phantom array is very high.And that basin is still a space treasure, people can enter it, and monks should be able to practice in it through the illusion.But for Ye Weiyang, it's not even tasteless.With her current perfect realm of Hunyuan and perfect realm of Fushen, she can make one at any time.

This trading conference is really full of liars!

Speaking of...

Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat, he could make something similar anytime, did he want to make a fortune here?
And the things I made are really not just illusions, but can really incorporate a trace of heaven in it.After all, where his realm is, he is still a god of talisman, and he has also comprehended the Zhoutian Star Monument and the Yin-Yang Monument.Thinking of this, my heart itches a little.

Let's go shopping first.Anyway, this trade conference will last for three years.

Ye Weiyang started to go shopping again, passed through a long, long open-air market, and then entered a street with shops on both sides, went in one by one to have a look, that is, just to look, there was really nothing that aroused her interest.


Ye Weiyang walked into a shop, there were no customers inside, only a chubby young man sitting there with an unhappy expression on his face.Seeing Ye Weiyang coming in, that unhappy face immediately smiled and jumped up from the chair:
"Fellow Daoist, you have come to the right place. Let me tell you, I have a lot of treasures here. As long as you think of it, I have it here..."

The corner of Ye Weiyang's mouth twitched, just now she had scanned it with her spiritual sense, and there was nothing good at all.But she also felt strange, the location of this shop is very good, it is estimated that it is not cheap to rent such a place.Then sell it here?
Can't you die?
There is a seven-story building on the opposite side of the street. At this time, facing the window on the seventh floor of the small building, there are two people looking down while drinking.The one on the right looks like a young man, and the one on the right looks like a middle-aged man.

The young man seemed to be somewhat interested in the chubby shopkeeper's shop, so he naturally saw Ye Weiyang entering the shop just now.

"Tsk, uncle, have you seen that woman?"

"You have to change your temperament!" The uncle gave him a disgusted look: "You know that you are in trouble because of your cheap talk?"

"Tch..." The young man sneered, "Master, you are just too careful, I didn't even think about doing anything, just commenting?
Besides, with my status and cultivation, even if I go down and harass her, maybe she will harass me in turn. "

"Shut up. This kind of trade fair, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, don't provoke people you can't afford."

The look on the young man's face was disapproving: "Uncle, I admit that there are many people in Jiugongxing that I can't afford to provoke, but at that girl's age, there is no one I can't afford to provoke, right?"

The middle-aged man snorted: "Ziyao, can you provoke me?"

The young man's face changed, and the middle-aged monk continued: "Qingju, can you provoke me?"

The young man's expression became a little embarrassing: "Those people are peerless geniuses, you don't think that woman is also peerless geniuses?"

The uncle thought about it seriously: "It's very strange. If she is a local monk of our Nine Palaces, she must not be a peerless genius, because we all know the local peerless genius. If she is a peerless genius, then she should come from another planet. , and it should come to the Nine Palaces soon."

The young man touched his chin: "I don't know which planet she comes from."

In the middle age, he reminded: "That kind of person is very dangerous, because there is no follower. Even if she kills you, she will leave the Jiugong star immediately, and your death will be in vain."

The young man waved his hand: "I'm just talking about it, so don't worry about it, uncle."

The middle-aged man nodded: "You have excellent aptitude, talent and understanding, and you have a bright future. Don't stir up trouble."

The young man curled his lips and said, "Uncle, from the time I practiced to the present, I have fought against the same realm, and I have never been defeated."

Seeing that the uncle still wanted to speak, he hurriedly said, "I just want to see the fat cat's joke."

"You two... oh..."

In the shop, the little fat man was still warmly receiving Ye Weiyang: "What is the name of this fellow daoist? My name is Lu Chengwei, and everyone calls me Fat Tiger. Fellow daoist, please sit down and watch while drinking tea."

Ye Weiyang was not polite either, in fact, just before she entered the door, she felt someone's eyes locked on her.This made her vigilant.Don't think that if you have no friends or enemies here, you won't be targeted.There are countless killings for no reason in this world.Therefore, she plans to stay in this shop for a while.

So he sat on the chair, and Fat Tiger sat on the other side, serving tea for Ye Weiyang, Ye Weiyang took a sip of the tea, nodded and said: "The tea is good, my name is Ye Weiyang."

Fat Tiger rubbed his hands together and said, "Friend Ye, do you have a baby you fancy? You point it out, and I'll show it to you. You don't need to move, just sit here and move your mouth, and I'll run errands for you."

"Forget it!" Ye Weiyang waved her hand: "I'll just sit and rest here with you, you don't have any treasures here at all."

"Why not?" Fat Tiger quit, stretched out his hand and grabbed a bead from the sky: "See, this is the Heavenly Dao Bead, which can help monks comprehend the Dao of Heaven and Earth."

Ye Weiyang rolled her eyes: "Do you think I'm a fool? How dare you call it the Heavenly Dao Bead just like you? It's almost the same as the Human Flower Bead."

"Hey..." Fat Tiger laughed twice, that bead can indeed comprehend the Dao of Heaven, but it can also comprehend the Realm of Humanity.But Fat Tiger was not convinced, and stretched out his hand to take another one. Just as he was about to speak, Ye Weiyang waved his hand:
"Forget it, if you are the most powerful here, you can comprehend the plastic way, so don't use it as a gift. I said, if you rent such a good place with a pile of rags in your house, you are not afraid of paying for it! "

Fat Tiger played with the things in his hands: "That can't be done. My father is the third elder of the Canghai Sect, and he is in charge of the fair. My store doesn't cost any money."

"Tsk!" Ye Weiyang shook her head, not wanting to speak anymore.

"Senior Sister Ye!" Fat Tiger approached his face flatteringly, and gave a thumbs up: "Your eyesight is like this! You must have something good on you, take it out and I'll sell it to you, Junior Brother. I'll take [-]% of it. Do you think it will work?"

Ye Weiyang looked at him indifferently, and Fat Tiger laughed and said: "I don't smoke a cent, so I'll be sold to you for nothing? Just use your treasures to attract some people, maybe my things will be sold easily .”

Ye Weiyang said: "Where did you collect these rags?"

"It's not broken!" Fat Tiger said: "These are all given to me by my father when I was low in cultivation, as well as those given to me by my senior brothers and sisters, and some I got by accident. It’s the once-in-a-hundred-year trade fair, take this opportunity to sell all the things I don’t need, and once I meet a fool, I can make a fortune.”

"Did you take me for a fool just now?"

"Senior sister, how can I? No, absolutely not. Senior sister, what do you think?"

Ye Weiyang stretched out his hand to take a picture, and took a fist-sized ore in the shape of a hill from the shelf.Fat Tiger hurriedly said:
"Sister, this earth essence stone is a good material for refining weapons. It can also assist the monks of the five qi dynasty to comprehend the heavenly way of the human flower realm. Of course, it must be an earth attribute monk."

Ye Weiyang didn't pay any attention to him, and when she flipped her hand, a talisman knife appeared in her hand, and she carved it on the earth essence stone.With Ye Weiyang's perfect Hunyuan cultivation base and Fushen's realm, it only took a moment, so he took back the Fusao, threw the earth essence stone to Fat Tiger and said:
"For the sake of your journey from Fellow Daoist, to Fellow Daoist Ye, to Senior Sister Ye, Senior Sister, and finally sister, I'll give this to you."

At this time, Fat Tiger looked at the hill-like earth essence stone in his hand, and his eyes were glowing green. From this hill-like ore, he sensed the way of heaven.Seeing Fat Tiger's intoxicated appearance, Ye Weiyang judged that his cultivation base should be the way of transformation, either in the early stage or in the middle stage, but definitely not perfect.Because the Dao pattern carved by Ye Weiyang on this stone can be helpful for the later stages of Dao Transformation.

Fat Tiger caressed the stone fondly, raised his head and said, "Sister, are you really giving it to me?"

"Is it very precious?" Ye Weiyang said lightly.

Fat Tiger was startled, and realized that this thing is very precious to him, but just now Ye Weiyang made one in less than half a quarter of an hour, for him, it is just a matter of convenience.

Developed and touched the thigh!
Fat Tiger's Adam's apple twitched, and the look on his face became more affectionate: "Sister, this is helpful to my brother, I want to keep it for myself."

"Then keep it. Is there any better tea? Make me a pot. As you, shouldn't you only have this kind of tea?"

"Yes, yes, I will change it for my sister right away!"

Fat Tiger quickly and skillfully changed a pot of tea for Ye Weiyang, poured it for Ye Weiyang himself, then licked his face and said:

"Sister, you see, I keep this for myself, but my shop doesn't have the treasure of the shop yet!"

Ye Weiyang was amused by him: "It's just a broken store like yours that still needs to be the treasure of the shop?"

"This... must have been a broken store before, but with the baby made by my sister, it is not a broken store."


Thank you very much for the reward at N37 (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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