Chapter 864

Ye Weiyang originally wanted to hear some news from here, so she reached out and grabbed another utensil, which was a cup, so she carved Dao patterns on the cup and threw it to Fat Tiger.Fat Tiger hurriedly caught it, looked at it for a while, and laughed:
"With this, brother, I will definitely open today."

"Co-author, you haven't opened yet."

"Hey... sister, which sect are you from?"

Ye Weiyang rolled her eyes: "Although I can speak the language of the Nine Palaces, I don't believe that you, a native, can't understand my accent."

"Hey, I've heard it a long time ago. Sister, you just came to Jiugongxing, right? Foreign monks, as long as they stay in Jiugongxing for a while, they will never be able to hear their accent. They all know to change their accent first. Sister , your accent is not good."

Ye Weiyang knew that her accent couldn't be concealed from Fat Tiger, this is also because she just entered the Nine Palaces, and she can change it after a period of time so that others can't hear it.

"Didn't I just come to Jiugongxing for a few days? And I don't know much about Jiugongxing, can you tell me?"

"Well, our Nine Palaces have four major sects, and our Canghai Sect is one of them. The other three sects are Changtian Sect, Dizang Sect and Baiyun Sect. These four sects will unite the Tianxia Sect Formed a Jiugong League. The Jiugong League manages everything on the Jiugongxing..."

Fat Tiger was talking blah blah blah, and Ye Weiyang would ask a few questions from time to time.This lecture lasted for more than an hour, during which a few monks came in, Ye Weiyang's cup was sold, and a few things were also sold along the way, which made Fat Hu happy enough, and the lecture to Ye Weiyang was even more In detail.Then he said to Ye Weiyang:
"Sister, why don't you join our Cang Haizong? With me here, there must be no problem."

Ye Weiyang waved her hand, indicating that she was not interested.Fat Tiger said seriously: "Sister, the real Ascension Technique is in the hands of the Jiugongmeng and our big sects. If you don't join the sect, it's not that you can't practice to perfection, but it's very difficult."

"Ascension?" Surprise flashed in Ye Weiyang's eyes.

"Yes, sister, don't you know?"

"Take my sister as a bumpkin and tell me."

"There's nothing to say about this. It's just that after you've cultivated to the perfection of He Dao, you'll be rejected by this world and then ascend. As for where you ascend, no one knows. Sister, let me tell you, I don't know how many People who want to join the sect on the Jiugong star are rejected by the Jiugong star. I really think that we two hit it off."

"I know, thank you. But I'm not interested."

"Sister, are you hostile to the sect on the Nine Palaces?"

"There is no hostility. It is inevitable that Jiugongxing suppresses foreign monks and does not allow the establishment of sect forces. If it were me, I would do the same. There is nothing unusual."

Fat Tiger scratched his head: "Then... why do I feel that you have no fear of Jiu Gong Xing?"

"Fear? Hehe... I came to Jiugong Xing not to cause trouble, but to find the way of harmony. If no one provokes me, I will be very friendly. But if someone provokes me, they will regret it. Even if it is the four major sects here , or that Nine Palaces League. Don’t be unconvinced, for you, I am just a loose cultivator. Naturally, a casual cultivator will not be valued by the sect. But what if this casual cultivator is a powerful casual cultivator?”


Fat Tiger's expression changed. If he offended a powerful casual cultivator, it would be a nightmare.Even the four major sects are unwilling to offend such casual cultivators.Taking a deep breath, Fat Tiger said seriously:

"Sister, my brother advises you to be more patient, because once the Jiugongmeng wants to target an outsider, it will go all out. It is afraid that a casual cultivator like you will cause trouble to the Jiugongxing. Even when the Jiugongxing touches After knowing your details and the star map, I will go to your planet to slaughter and conquer."

"Chi..." Ye Weiyang's heart trembled, the grandson on the Nine Palaces is really ruthless, but on the surface he scoffed: "My sister was a casual cultivator on my planet, but now she is an interstellar casual cultivator, it doesn't matter."

Fat Tiger didn't believe a word, but he also knew in his heart that the beautiful sister in front of him was a ruthless person, and the most important thing was that he couldn't figure out the strength of the other party, so he didn't know what to say for a while.He didn't say anything, but Ye Weiyang was very excited to talk:

"Hey, when I said Fat Tiger, there was no outsider who killed you Nine Palace Stars so hard?"

"Why not!" Fat Tiger smiled wryly, "Who is not a ruthless person who can wander here in the interstellar world? At the beginning, some people killed our side ruthlessly, and our side almost united to encircle and suppress them. Killed a few waves fiercely. As for those Hunyuan from outside the interstellar, even a few of them broke through to Hedao, and we killed them. We even went to their planets and occupied their planets. became our territory.

But this kind of thing is unstoppable.Our side also knows that, so we have changed some strategies. Unlike before, people who reject outside forces, everyone formulates some rules. Of course, these rules are still very harsh for outsiders.But this is much better than before.Those outsiders also recognized it.He also promised that once any foreign monk violated these rules, those who agree with the rules will work together to encircle and suppress them.In this way, the Nine Palace Stars basically calmed down.It can't be said to be peaceful, at least it is not as brutal as before. "

Ye Weiyang squinted at him, she is not a young child, she has a deep understanding of human nature: "That's it? Outsiders have no hidden power?"

"Of course there are." Fat Tiger smiled wryly: "The largest organization in Jiugongxing, we call it the Alien Alliance, they are lurking, and no one knows where their headquarters are. These people have committed all kinds of evil. For tens of thousands of years , There are countless small and medium-sized sects destroyed in their hands. They rob resources, rob inheritance, and even kill people, and then use human blood to refine Hedao Pills..."

Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat, He Dao Pill turned out to be such a thing.But he still asked: "What is this Hedao Pill?"

"It is these people who captured the original residents of Jiugongxing, and then refined the monk's blood essence to refine the elixir. If the person being refined is a monk of the Tao, the elixir refined is called the elixir of the Tao. After the monk takes it, it can enhance the blood and the body's toughness. Of course, if the refined monk is a Taoist, the refined medicine can only be useful to the Taoist monk. They are called Taoist Strong Body Pill. Because Hedao Pill is the most famous, this kind of evil pill is collectively called Hedao Pill."

"That's it!"

Ye Weiyang thought for a while, let this matter go first, she was thinking.I am not a casual cultivator, and I will definitely bring people from my own planet here in the future, but the establishment of sect organizations is not allowed here...

"Fat Hu, if we outsiders want to survive and practice here, we must give them a place to make a living, right? Otherwise, wouldn't we just have to rob? Or join that alien alliance?"

"Of course it is allowed. As long as you don't establish a sect, the rest will not be cared about."

"It's okay if you don't establish a sect?"


"Is it okay to start a family?"


"What about setting up a business?"

"That's more welcome. Nine Palaces welcomes alien monks to do this, so that the resources of the two planets can be exchanged."

"Then if I want to establish a business, what procedures do I need?"

"If you set up a firm within the scope of our Canghaizong, I will help you, it will be easy."

"How simple?"

"Look for my father, my father will take care of this."

"That's right, you are from the Second Generation of Immortals."


Fat Tiger smiled innocently, he also wanted to help Ye Weiyang and return the favor.The Dao utensils carved for him are worth this kind of favor.And he also wants his father to see what kind of cultivation Ye Weiyang is, to see if it is worthwhile to associate with Ye Weiyang.

"Sister, do you want to settle down first? I'll get you a place to live, and then I'll get you a shop?"

"It's not in a hurry. I probably won't stay here for the time being. I just arrived at Jiugongxing, and I'm still looking around. By the way, you just said ascension. How many times can Jiugongxing ascend in a year? There are many locals, or foreigners?" How many stars?"

"How many? Another year? Sister, are you insane?"

"Fuck off!"

Ye Weiyang didn't keep a low profile in her words, she had already planned to be high profile.Coming to such a place, if you want to open up the situation in a short period of time, it is impossible to keep a low profile.Therefore, she was deliberately a little bit unscrupulous.Not to mention, Fat Tiger is also a little afraid of Ye Weiyang because of this.In his opinion, two points can be analyzed from Ye Weiyang's speech and behavior.

First point, Ye Weiyang's cultivation should be very high, otherwise she wouldn't be so arrogant, and a person wandering here from the interstellar must be in the Hunyuan realm, as for how much Hunyuan is, I don't know.


That's impossible!

Just wandering here, it is absolutely impossible to join the Tao, aliens do not have the qualifications to break through the Tao.

The second point is that Ye Weiyang must be a cruel and merciless person.

Therefore, Ye Weiyang laughed and scolded him to get out, but he didn't mind.One must know that he is the second generation of the Immortals of the Four Sects of the Nine Palaces of Stars. Try talking to him like this?

That is to say, Ye Weiyang grandly carved the Taoist vessel for him first, and then it would not do any harm to him, and if he made friends with someone who could carve Taoist vessel, he would send it away.Now he smiled and said:
"About a thousand years ago, there was an ascension. Most of them were local monks. In my memory, there seemed to be only one person from an alien."

"Why?" Ye Weiyang asked puzzled.

"Cultivation method! Alien monks lack the cultivation method to reach the realm of harmony. Sister, the cultivation method on your side is only to Hunyuan, right?"

"That's true!" Ye Weiyang nodded: "Did that person who ascended from an alien planet leave behind his exercises?"

"That's not a person."

"not human?"

"Well, it's a demon clan."

Ye Weiyang couldn't help but tsk, the monster race is different from the human race, the human race needs exercises, the monster race really doesn't.They just need to keep awakening their bloodlines.But from Fat Tiger's words, it is known that even the monster race from aliens only has one ascension.And with the addition of Jiugongxing, there is only one ascension in about a thousand years, which shows that the cultivation environment here is just average.

In other words, the starry sky where Ye Weiyang is located, the cultivation environment is average.The general environment of heaven.If we divide their lower bounds, it is probably a low-rank universe, at most a middle-rank universe.

"There is no confrontation between the human race and the demon race here?"

"Of course they are opposed, but they are not too hostile. In other words, there has not been a large-scale clan war for a long time. In fact, this is also due to you alien monks. The pressure that you alien monks have brought to Jiugongxing , forcing the human race and the monster race of Jiugongxing to be in a state of both alliance and opposition."

"Understood!" Ye Weiyang nodded, then got up: "Let's go."

"Sister, are you coming tomorrow?" Fat Tiger asked after sending Ye Weiyang to the door.

"more or less."

Ye Weiyang waved her hands without turning her head, and disappeared into the crowd. Not long after she left, she took out the jade slip from her big sleeve and poked into her spiritual consciousness. Inside was a map and a passage, which was exactly It was sent by the monk who sold the Harmony Dao Pill.An abandoned Taoist temple trading there at midnight.

Ye Weiyang thought about it, and finally decided to take a look.She now understands that the ones who sell Harmony Dao Pills are people from the Alien Alliance, and she has to get in touch with them to know what she knows.

Strolling back to his own inn, he began to practice cross-legged, wanting to see the cultivation environment here.

Barely can.

At the very least, Jiu Gong Xing has a fairy spirit, which is of course not as strong as the fairy spirit decomposed from the Luoshu space.But fortunately, Jiu Gong Xing's fairy spirit flowed continuously. I don't want Luoshu space, without fairy lines, there is no refining fairy spirit.However, if one relies on the spirit energy here to cultivate, one does not know when one will be able to advance to one level.I'm afraid it's impossible for a lifetime.

No wonder there is only one Ascension in a thousand years.

Ye Weiyang let go of her spiritual sense, and naturally saw the fairy lines hidden in the space.Not as dense as expected, a little loose.Looking at those fairy patterns, Ye Weiyang thought in her heart.

The monks on Jiugongxing's side can't directly absorb the fairy lines to cultivate into immortal essence, they are actually absorbing the spirit of the fairy.But once you have Xianlu, you can directly absorb Xianwen.It's just that Xianlu also has timeliness and is a consumable.Moreover, the places where the fairy dew appears are all controlled by the Jiugongxing Dazong, like Ye Weiyang, it is impossible to get it.Unless there is a land of fairy dew suddenly, everyone can grab it.But when the Nine Palace Stars and Four Sects occupy there, there will be no chance for outsiders like Ye Weiyang and the others.

Apart from using the fairy dew, the monks on Jiugongxing's side have no other way to absorb the fairy patterns.

But they didn't, Ye Weiyang did!

There is no way for Jiugongxing to crush the fairy pattern, but the Luoshu space can, so Ye Weiyang can use the powder of the fairy pattern to cultivate.

But don't rush, there is plenty of time.

(End of this chapter)

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