The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 870 Wen Duxin

Chapter 870 Wen Duxin

Ma Qianli understood as soon as he heard it, Ye Weiyang understood something.He nodded immediately, then released the flying boat, took Ye Weiyang into the flying boat, and roared away.As for Ma Qianli, almost all the monks of the human race and monster race present knew each other, and it was difficult to know him as the suzerain of one of the four major sects of the Nine Palaces.Even if you don't know them, you've heard of them.So no one dared to stop.

Inside the boat.

Ye Weiyang had already closed her eyes, and began to sort out and comprehend the process of this battle and her perception of the way of heaven.Ma Qianli and the others didn't speak, and they were all sorting out and comprehending the process of watching the battle. This was also a rare comprehension for them.

a few days later.

The flying boat landed in Ye Weiyang's manor, Ma Qianli and others had already come out of the flying boat, Ma Qianli said to Ye Weiyang with a smile:

"Friend Ye Daoist, I won't disturb your comprehension. I hope you will come to comprehend after you leave the customs."

"Definitely go." Ye Weiyang returned gratefully.

Ma Qianli was also very satisfied with Ye Weiyang's attitude, and left with a smile.Ye Weiyang immediately returned to her room and began to retreat.

After three months, a trace of regret flashed across Ye Weiyang's brows. Although the harvest this time was great, it still did not allow him to achieve the true perfection of Hunyuan.As soon as her heart moved, she took out the leaf that Gu Changmei had given him, rubbed her hands together, and crushed the leaf, a wave of Dao rhyme spread.Covering the young night.Ye Weiyang was overjoyed, and absorbed the dao rhyme bit by bit. It seemed that someone was chanting scriptures and someone was preaching in the dao rhyme, and it was not the same one. Although it was scattered and had different people's perceptions, it gave Ye Weiyang Great inspiration.

half year later.

Ye Weiyang finished her cultivation, this time her cultivation body did not improve, nor did her immortal essence increase, but her comprehension of the Dao of Heaven has reached the consummation of Hunyuan, the real consummation.She could feel the veil of He Dao, but the veil was so thick and heavy that she couldn't see through it and couldn't lift it off.

However, this already made her very happy. In the past, she couldn't touch the edge of He Dao, and she didn't even know where the direction of He Dao was.I didn't understand it at first, but now I understand that my previous Hunyuan Consummation was fake, and there is still a long distance from Hedao, so I can't see the direction of Hedao.Now you can see the direction of harmony, this is progress.And now that you have a direction, do you still worry about not being able to comprehend it?

But it's a matter of time.

And she happens to have more time than anyone else.Now he is only [-] years old, and he still has tens of thousands of years of life.

After comprehending for so long, I am tired.Grab some fairy lines.

Ye Weiyang started to grab the fairy lines again, and let Luoshu refine them while grabbing the fairy lines, while Xingsuo was also devouring them.

"Xingsuo, how are you doing now? How much have you improved?"

"I'm very good now. Compared with me before, my all-round improvement should be doubled."

"The speed has also doubled?" Ye Weiyang was pleasantly surprised.


"Then you are considered a baby of the Dao level now?"

Xing Suo was silent for a while: "It doesn't count, but it's very close."

"Then can you refine these fairy patterns to become a treasure of harmony?"

"It should be possible, but I'm afraid it will take a long time."

"That's okay, we don't lack time."

Ye Weiyang grasped the fairy pattern for another year, and then spent four months refining it. The main body did not reach the seventh level of Hedao, but it was one step closer to the perfection of the sixth level of Hedao.

After sitting for several years, Ye Weiyang felt a little depressed, so he waved his sleeves, soared into the sky, looked around, and flew towards the distance.Two quarters of an hour later, she came to a remote mountain place, and with a thought, flying needles flowed out of the sea of ​​consciousness, condensing a long sword, which she held in her hand.


With a sound of the sword, one sword comes out, seven swords are born, and then just in an instant, each sword gives birth to seven swords, and then regenerates, regenerates, and in less than one percent of the time, a river of swords is born, heading towards the distance A mountain was bombarded away.

"Boom boom boom..."

After the Jianhe River passed, the mountain peak disappeared at its waist, and the peaks above halfway up the mountain were twisted into dust by the Jianhe River.

Ye Weiyang raised his long sword and slashed, seven swords appeared in the air, but the seven swords did not divide this time, but merged into one sword, and slashed down towards the half of the mountain like a giant sword covering the sky.


Not only the half of the mountain was split in half, but also the earth was split into a gap. The sword current flowing in that gap may not dissipate within a thousand years.If someone finds this place, it will become a holy place for comprehending the way of swordsmanship.

Standing in midair, Ye Weiyang's eyes sparkled with a smile.

Comprehending the way of heaven to the perfection of Hunyuan not only doubles the speed and power of the seven swords into ten thousand swords, but also realizes the unity of the seven swords, which triples the power.Now that he meets the monster clan from before, he may not be able to kill him.

It has been nearly ten years since I came to Jiugongxing in a flash, except for one challenge, I am almost in retreat.Ye Weiyang was very still and wanted to move.Some want to travel around the Nine Houses.As soon as he thought of it, Ye Weiyang disappeared into the mountains and forests.

A few months later, Ye Weiyang walked on the clouds, looking down, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Below is a wilderness. At this time, a group of monks are walking in the wilderness.It looks like a caravan, but also like an experience, a little unclear.But she saw someone she knew in the crowd.

Back then, Ye Weiyang snatched a flying boat, and that flying boat is still in her talisman tower.At that time, there were still some monks in the flying boat, among them was Dao Yuan, Ye Weiyang remembered that his name was Jin Changyun, and at this time that Jin Changyun was among the crowd below.

The flying boat sounded, and then the rune tower sounded, Ye Weiyang's gaze became strange, she once captured two Hunyuan from the Alien Alliance in order to get the Dao Dao Pill, and she was still thrown in the rune tower, being struck by lightning.

"I don't know if I was struck to death by lightning!"

Ye Weiyang wandered around, and then fell towards the distance. Before leaving, he also threw a spiritual consciousness imprint on that Jin Changyun, and landed in a deserted place. Ye Weiyang's consciousness entered the first floor of the Talisman Tower, and then Seeing that both Hunyuan were dying.

But it's good that he didn't die.

Ye Weiyang stepped into the first floor of the rune tower, grabbed a Hunyuan first, and began to interrogate.At this time, that Hunyuan had been struck by lightning for several years, full of desire to survive, whatever Ye Weiyang asked, he would just say what he said, almost to the point of numbness without thinking.But when Ye Weiyang asked him where the alien alliance's lair was, that Hunyuan just uttered two words without thinking, and then with a bang, his head exploded.


Ye Weiyang froze for a moment, then realized that someone had sealed her in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and would blew herself up once she came into contact with the alien alliance lair.

Wipe off the monk's storage ring.Throw the body out casually.Ye Weiyang began to sort out the information she had just received.

People like the Alien Alliance, when they were first established.They are really only targeting the native monks of Jiugongxing.They destroy families, rob resources, rob skills, rob everything.Anyway, they regard the Nine Palace Stars as enemies.But slowly, with the passage of time, the alien alliance began to change, they no longer care about the Nine Palace Star natives and alien monks.All robbing and killing, not only robbing their resources and skills, but also using their bodies to refine various elixirs.It has completely turned into an evil organization.

But they also have persistence, which is to completely separate themselves from the home planet they used to come from.They force themselves to forget their home planet. They are casual cultivators on Jiugongxing, forming an alliance. They want to replace the current Jiugongmeng on Jiugongxing.

Knowing from the information obtained, the alien alliance has plundered a huge amount of resources, which made Ye Weiyang really envious.Thinking of resources, Ye Weiyang began to check this Hunyuan storage ring, there were a lot of resources in it, but in Ye Weiyang's eyes, it was just like that, after turning over and over, he finally found Hedao Pill.Ye Weiyang sniffed it, and basically knew its usefulness, she would not use this kind of thing.Destroy He Dao Pill casually.After thinking about it, he took out the storage ring of the Yaozu Hedao first level, and checked it.

He Dao is He Dao, which is much richer than Hun Yuan's collection, and the value added up is about ten times that of Hun Yuan.However, she didn't see anything that Ye Weiyang felt was of decisive use to her, but she found a jade bottle, which contained more than a dozen drops of celestial dew.

"This can try the effect!"

Ye Weiyang was overjoyed, and put away all the things first, there was still a Hunyuan who hadn't been interrogated yet.

Another Hunyuan was caught and interrogated, which was similar to what the previous Hunyuan knew.Ye Weiyang didn't ask the question about the alien alliance's lair, but asked:

"If I let you go, can you just go back to the headquarters of the Alien Alliance?"

"I can't go back!" The monk shook his head and said, "I have been missing for so many years, but I came out with a mission. Once I go back, I will be interrogated. This cannot be concealed. Then I will be executed and refined into a Dodan."


Ye Weiyang was also a little embarrassed, thought for a while and said: "Open up your sea of ​​consciousness, let me see if you can break that seal."

That Hunyuan company was green, but he didn't dare to resist.If you resist, you will die now.If you don't resist, there is still a chance of life.

Half an hour later, Ye Weiyang sat there with a dejected expression on her face. She found the seal, but she didn't dare to move it because she couldn't crack it.

"There is something about the person who set the seal, who is he?"

"It's our ally."

"Has your lord broken through the Dao?"

"Probably not, but it is said that it has been half-stepped."

Ye Weiyang shook her head, feeling that the leader was bragging.But he didn't refute, looking at that Hunyuan said:
"By the way, I forgot to ask your name."

That Hunyuan was about to cry, how neglected I was, after interrogating me for so long, he remembered to ask my name, but there was also a tinge of joy in his heart, he felt that since Ye Weiyang was willing to ask his name, probably it was wrong will kill him.

"My name is Wen Duxin."

"what's your plan?"

"I..." Wen Duxin's eyes flashed with hesitation: "I don't know, I'm still alive, on the one hand, it's because you didn't kill me, on the other hand, it's also because I'm in your talisman, if I If you go out, you should be found by the alien alliance soon. The thing sealed in my sea of ​​consciousness can not only protect the secret, but also play a positioning role."

Ye Weiyang fell into deep thought, Wen Duxin showed a look of fear on his face: "Fellow Daoist, please save me, I am willing to be your servant."

Ye Weiyang glanced at him, sighed and said: "Your state of mind, it is impossible to break through Hedao, I really don't know how you broke through Hunyuan."

Wen Duxin was silent, thinking in his heart, I was not like this before, I also have a firm heart.But anyone who has been struck by thunder for nearly ten years can't bear it!

Ye Weiyang shook her head: "Don't think that you have been wronged after nearly ten years of being struck by Yin Lei. You, a Hunyuan breakthrough, is not normal, whether it is body, spiritual consciousness, or even soul, there are impurities. Yin Lei, although it has no effect on other aspects, but it has purified your soul. Your soul is free of impurities and very transparent. Otherwise, with your turbid soul, don't say it is right. That's the way it is for a lifetime of cultivation, and there will be no further progress.

Of course, maybe your alien alliance has some secret method, such as He Dao Pill, or other devouring methods.But the cultivation base improved by this method, not to mention the weak strength, I doubt that it is impossible to break through the harmony.So, what I said to you, that your alliance leader is now half-stepping the same path, I don't believe it at all. "

Wen Duxin had something in his heart, he immediately sensed his own soul, and he really felt that his soul was pure and transparent, and he was immediately ecstatic.He is also aware of his own problems, and now it is impossible for him to improve his cultivation according to the normal cultivation method.It is because there are too many impurities in each side.Now he improves his cultivation, all relying on various pills from the Alien Alliance.These pills can improve his cultivation, but he knows that the more he takes these pills, the farther he will be from the Dao.And if you want to get these pills, you also need to pay a high price, and you have to do a lot of things for the Alien Alliance.

But who doesn't want to practice normally?Who wants to rely entirely on pills?
"I haven't asked my fellow Taoists to respect my name yet."

"Ye Weiyang!"

Wen Duxin said earnestly: "Friend Ye, although my grandparents are from aliens, my parents and I were both born in the Nine Palaces. I don't know what status I am now, whether I am a native of the Nine Palaces or an alien Monk. But I am completely unfamiliar with the planet my grandfather came from, and I don't have the slightest concern. But Jiu Gongxing still regards us as alien monks.

What I mean by these words is that I am not a person with a follower, I am neither a person of the Nine Palaces, nor a person of an alien.I would like to recognize you as Lord and follow you from now on.I know that because I know the seal in the sea, it will cause you trouble.I can stay in the tower forever, it seems that you need me, then let me out.I will finish the work for you, and then you will put it into the tower.In a short time, the Alien Alliance will not locate me. "

"What conditions do you have?" Ye Weiyang looked at him with a half-smile.

Thank you Ji Moxue (1500) for your tip!

(End of this chapter)

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