Chapter 871 Rumors
"I hope you can help me get rid of the impurities in my body. It would be even better if you can lift the seal in my sea of ​​consciousness. I can do more things for the master."

Ye Weiyang was thinking at this time, whether to accept such a subordinate, it stands to reason that the other party is also a late Hunyuan, such a subordinate is definitely worth accepting.Put it on your own planet, and you can build a big sect.However, the strength of this Hunyuan is much worse than that of Jue Lin and Jun Xinghai.Because he did not rely on his own cultivation and comprehension to break through the realm, but relied on the strange means of the Alien Alliance to break through.

This method can allow the monk to break through, but it also makes the monk's strength very low.From Ye Weiyang's point of view, although he has the realm of late Hunyuan, his real strength is equivalent to that of Juelin's early Hunyuan.It is even more incomparable with Ye Weiyang.

However, if Wen Duxin can really solve all the problems, he will find a chance to join the alien alliance.One can imagine that if he really researched and cracked the seal method in Wen Duxin's knowledge of the sea, and then researched a seal.

There is nothing difficult about it. The difficult thing is to crack the seal. Once it is cracked, it can be deduced in reverse, and you will naturally understand this kind of seal, and you will be able to lay out a new seal.In this way, the alien alliance's means of controlling people has become its own means of controlling people.

Wen Duxin has no chance of entering the alien alliance, as he said, if he goes back, he will die.But if you meet a monk from the alien alliance next time, you can quickly crack the seal in the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness, and then quickly set up a seal in the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness, so that the opponent will not be suspected by the alien alliance, and you can go back naturally. Be your own spy.

The core issue now is how to crack the opponent's seal without harming the opponent.

Ye Weiyang knew that with her current talisman realm, it was not impossible, but there were two conditions, one was a long time, and the other was enough experimental products.

However, Ye Weiyang still has Luoshu.

Therefore, Ye Weiyang closed Wen Duxin's six senses, making him completely unable to perceive everything outside.Only then did Luo Shu be released, and after communicating with Luo Shu, Luo Shu hung over Wen Duxin's head, and began to copy the seal of Wen Duxin's knowledge of the sea.

In less than half an hour, Luo Shu finished copying, Ye Weiyang put Luo Shu away, let it start to decompose the seal, and then touched Wen Duxin's six-sense seal.Wen Duxin's eyes were full of survivors, and this feeling of being completely dominated by others made him fearful.

"Don't resist!"

Ye Weiyang gave him a warning, and then led him to the sixth floor of the Talisman Tower.

Upon entering the sixth floor, Wen Duxin let out a long sigh of relief.He felt that there was no difference between the environment here and the outside. Apart from being comfortable, he even relaxed his nerves a lot.

"Fellow Daoist!" Ye Weiyang thought about it and said, "Although I don't know much about your method of improving your cultivation, I do know that you will never break through the Dao. And the side effects are huge, maybe with The accumulation of time. Behavior is your result."

Wen Duxin also nodded: "Master, in fact, all of us have this kind of thinking, but the leader said that he is still researching, once he researches the medicine and means that can break through the Hedao, it will not be a problem for us to enter the Hedao. At that time, there are no more than 100 Hedaos on the Jiugongxing, as in the Jiugongmeng, and our Alien Alliance can have as many as we want."

"So, you believe it?"

Wen Duxin smiled wryly and said: "So what if you don't believe it? We have already embarked on this path. If there is no elixir from the Alien Alliance, our cultivation will stagnate without any improvement. And..."

"And what?"

"Moreover... not everyone can achieve a breakthrough, and many people either died directly or went mad when they broke through.

Also, those of us who have already broken through, usually feel that something is wrong, we will feel that we are changing in a certain way, some can't explain clearly, it is the kind that is difficult to calm down, and the killing intent is surging in the heart. .We also suspect that we will one day go crazy.But already on this road, we have no right to choose. "

"So how do you feel now?"

Wen Duxin was stunned for a moment, then felt carefully, and fell silent for a while, with joy in his eyes:

"That feeling is gone, but..." He felt it carefully again: "But it seems that I can faintly feel that there is some kind of energy that is slowly pushing me in that direction again."

"Push in that direction again? Which direction?"

"It's the direction to go crazy again."

Ye Weiyang thought for a moment and said: "It should be your body infecting your soul again. Your body was in a state of pollution source because of taking that kind of elixir, and then your body gradually polluted your soul. Now your soul has been bombarded by the thunder to expel impurities. But now that there is no thunder, your body begins to infect your soul again. Of course, this will be a long process, and it will be a long time in the future For a period of time, you won't go mad."

"But... I will still be polluted in the end, right?" Wen Duxin didn't panic, he had already experienced it, so there was only regret and frustration in his eyes.

"Then let's solve the source of pollution first." Ye Weiyang said: "This is my sixth rune tower city, you should recover your injuries and cultivation here first. I will provide you with some spirit stones and elixirs."

Ye Weiyang threw a storage bag to the other party: "With spirit stones and pills, how long do you think it will take to recover to peak condition?"

Wen Duxin checked himself silently: "One month is enough."

"Okay, after a month, I will let thunderbolts strike you continuously. There should be a great possibility to remove all the impurities in your body. If they are removed, I will bring you back to the first floor and use Yin Lightning strikes you. In this way, your body and soul will become transparent. There will be no more hidden dangers in the future. As for the seal in your sea of ​​consciousness, I will study it. You should also know now that I am a talisman. It's only a matter of time before the seal is sealed."

Wen Duxin was ecstatic in his heart, and immediately bowed down and said: "Master, Wen Duxin is willing to encourage you."

"Let's do this first!"

Ye Weiyang left the Talisman Tower, to be honest, she is not very sure about getting rid of the impurities in Wen Duxin's body.Let Wen Duxin recover his cultivation first.Glancing at Luoshu, seeing that it would take a long time to crack the seal, Ye Weiyang got up to find Jin Changyun who left the mark.

It was almost dusk at this time, Ye Weiyang saw the caravan.

With more than 50 people, Jin Changyun, as a Daoyuan, seems to have a high status in this team.He was sitting cross-legged by the campfire.

Ye Weiyang fell from the sky, and then walked towards that side.Those people immediately became vigilant.Jin Changyun also looked over with sharp eyes.Then his eyes shrank, and fear rose in his heart.It was Ye Weiyang who left a deep impression on him.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, long time no see." Ye Weiyang greeted Jin Changyun from a distance.

Jin Changyun sighed in his heart, he knew that the dozens of people he had were not enough for Ye Weiyang to kill, how could he be so unlucky to meet this killer again?
However, he didn't dare to hesitate, got up hastily, and greeted Ye Weiyang: "I've seen you, senior."

Ye Weiyang stopped in her tracks, glanced at the fifty or so people, and then said to Jin Changyun: "Shall we chat in another place?"

"Okay!" Jin Changyun nodded decisively.

The two left the crowd, and there was a Primordial Cultivator among the crowd, who glanced at Ye Weiyang with seriousness in his eyes.Although he didn't see Ye Weiyang's exact cultivation level, his intuition told him that the other party was a Hunyuan.

The two stayed away from the crowd and exchanged spiritual knowledge.Ye Weiyang cut to the chase.

"You are this?"

"Let's go to Watch Plains."

"Watch the Plains?"

"Senior doesn't know?"

Ye Weiyang thought, what do I know?I have been retreating all day long, so I shook my head and said, "I don't know, please tell me carefully."

Jin Changyun glanced at Ye Weiyang in surprise, and then said carefully: "The Watching Plain has changed, and a magnificent glow has begun to grow, and the formation of this glow indicates that another place where fairy dew appears will be born."

"Immortal dew?" Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat, there were still a dozen drops of fairy dew on her body that she hadn't used, and she didn't know how effective it would be.But there is no doubt that this news has attracted Ye Weiyang.

"Yes! Where the fairy dew appears, there will be a magnificent glow first, and this glow will continue to expand slowly. When the expansion stops, it is when the fairy dew begins to be born. And these rays of light have a very strong effect on monsters. However, it has no effect on the intelligent life of the human race and the monster race. On the contrary, it has a strong suppression during the expansion of Xiaguang.

And when the expansion of Xiaguang stops, the promotion of monsters will also stop, and the suppression of humans and monsters will also stop.Therefore, when Xiaguang expands, the monks of the human race and the monster race will not enter.When the glow stops, the monks of the human race and the monster race will enter and snatch the fairy dew. "

"Jiugongmeng will let aliens like them go in?"

"Yes, I think that at that time, the monsters shrouded in the sun were very powerful, and a large number of monks were needed to kill them. Any fairy dew birthplace will be open to any monk, no matter where you come from, and it doesn't matter where you cultivate. No matter what, you can go in. This is the only chance for those of us from the Alien Alliance to get Xianlu. When the monsters are almost killed, the Jiugongmeng will completely occupy this place. That’s what Jiugongmeng said.”

"Is this using us as cannon fodder?"

"Yes, but everyone is happy."

Ye Weiyang thought for a while and couldn't help but also nodded.Indeed, knowing that the risks are great, the benefits are also great.

"When is it estimated that the expansion will stop?"

"I don't know the specifics, but according to the calculation of the land of fairy dew that appeared in history, it will take ten years at the shortest, and a hundred years at the longest."

"Then what are you doing so early?"

"Every time the land of fairy dew first appears, it will become a huge market. People from all regions of the Jiugong star will come here one after another. On the one hand, it is because they are not sure when the expansion will end. If it is over, wouldn't the fairy dew Was robbed by others?
On the other hand, there are a large number of monks gathered here, so it is naturally a good time to do business, and it is also a good place to communicate and learn from each other. "

Ye Weiyang nodded, expressing that she understood, and then asked: "Where were those people back then? Why weren't you with them?"

Jin Changyun said in surprise: "We wouldn't be together in the first place. We came here to practice, and we are not allowed to establish sects here. Our planet just provides them with a gathering point. Everyone has their own history, looking for themselves. If you have a chance, go back to the gathering point and have a look.”

Ye Weiyang glanced at the dozens of people in the distance: "Where are those people?"

"This is a business firm of Nine Palace Stars, and I joined their firm. This time I will follow them to watch the plains."

"The local business firms also allow you to join?"

"Of course, as long as you have the strength."

"Then I'll go with you, okay?"

"I don't know." Jin Changyun shook his head, but felt bitter in his heart.I finally found a place to stay, don't let this killing star be destroyed again.

"Okay, let me ask."

Ye Weiyang walked straight towards the Hunyuan beside the bonfire, and that Hunyuan stood up.He can perceive that Ye Weiyang is a Hunyuan, so Ye Weiyang can also perceive him.Everyone is Hunyuan, out of respect, naturally they can no longer sit still.Ye Weiyang came to the opposite side of Hunyuan, and said straight to the point:

"Add me."

"Okay!" That Hunyuan was also very straightforward, the two sat down again, Ye Weiyang said: "My name is Ye Weiyang, what do you call me?"

"Fang Tong..." Fang Tong frowned slightly, feeling that the name Ye Weiyang was very familiar, after about a breath, his eyes suddenly sparkled:

"Are you the one who challenged the Yaozu Hedao?"

"Yes! Have you seen it?"

"No!" Fang Tong shook his head regretfully and said, "When I rushed there, you had already finished fighting. However, few people in the entire Nine Palaces don't know your name. After all, you killed a Hedao with a Hunyuan cultivation base. "

The guard in Fang Tong's heart was put down, and there was respect in his eyes, and there was even a trace of kindness mixed in.This makes Ye Weiyang a little puzzled, isn't there a big conflict between the natives of Jiugongxing and the alien monks?

Therefore, Ye Weiyang was a little uncertain: "Do you have good intentions for me?"

"Is this not normal?" Fang Tong was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and explained: "A lot of things about fellow Taoists have been handed down from Cang Haizong."

"Oh?" Ye Weiyang also wanted to know what Cang Haizong said to herself: "What has been passed down?"

"It is said that you rejected Canghaizong's invitation, saying that you don't need the offense and defense of Jiugongxing, so you can deduce the follow-up of your own skills?"

(End of this chapter)

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