The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 872 Xiaguang

Chapter 872 Xiaguang
"Yeah, what's the problem?" Ye Weiyang asked strangely.

"Of course there is no problem!" Fang Tong said with a smile: "In this way, there will be no fundamental conflict between you and Jiugongxing. Other monks came to Jiugongxing, thinking about how to get Jiugongxing's skills, so they will not give up means. And you just came to the Nine Palaces to comprehend the way of heaven and the follow-up exercises alone. In this way, it is impossible for us to have malicious intentions towards you.

And you are very strong, strong enough to kill the monks who have joined the Tao, and you have won our respect. "

Ye Weiyang thought for a moment, and understood in her heart.

It is true that the strong are respected, especially this strong man has no covetousness towards the natives of Jiugongxing, so even the natives of Jiugongxing are not willing to offend Ye Weiyang.This is the reason for releasing kindness to yourself.


That's not bad either!
Ye Weiyang originally came to Jiugongxing to comprehend the way of heaven and complete her skills.There is really no attempt to the Nine House Stars.However, thinking about it now, beheading a He Dao by himself is really a prestige.Even the more than 100 Taoist monks of Jiugongxing should understand in their hearts that if they want to escape, it will be very difficult for them to kill themselves, and the Taoist monks have to move a lot.Now it seems that as long as I don't do too much in Jiugongxing, I should be safe.

"By the way!" Ye Weiyang asked: "Watching the Plains has appeared, won't the fellow monks participate?"

"Does not participate."

"Don't they need Xianlu?"

"Need, but they don't need to get it in person."


Ye Weiyang really understands that those bosses who stand at the top of the Nine Palace Stars will not personally participate in the snatching. Wouldn't it be good to have that time to enlighten?

The elixir will naturally be provided by those monks who are not in the right way, so it is good for them to enjoy it.

In other words, does the fairy dew only have the benefit of being able to directly absorb the fairy lines?

Ye Weiyang decided to give it a try, but she endured it as she had never used Xianlu before. Once she used Xianwen, there would be side effects.For example, if you can't interrupt or move, you are too dangerous.So, she decided to wait until she had a relatively safe place.

From then on, Ye Weiyang joined the team.She only does one thing every day, and she does it day and night, which is to capture the fairy lines and let Luo Shu refine them.Because nothing else can be done.

Comprehending the way of heaven has reached a bottleneck, and it is not suitable to absorb fairy grain particles, because in the process of cultivation like that, there is still pain, and the process cannot be interrupted. Once interrupted, it will hurt yourself, and it is not safe on the way. worried.So she spent all her time capturing and refining fairy patterns.However, both Luoshu and Xingsuo have improved.That's all for Xing Suo, Ye Weiyang has no chance to experiment.But Luo Shu's speed of refining the fairy pattern is getting faster and faster.

Along the way, Ye Weiyang sometimes chatted with these monks, and sometimes talked about the knowledge of Jiugongxing, so that Ye Weiyang knew a lot about Jiugongxing, and sometimes discussed the Tao, which benefited other monks a lot, so Ye Weiyang The relationship between Wei Young and those monks became more and more friendly.

A month later.


Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged under a tree, his spiritual consciousness entered the sixth floor of the Talisman Tower, and saw Wen Duxin was cultivating, and Ye Weiyang's spiritual consciousness transformed into a form, standing in front of Wen Duxin:

Wen Duxin opened his eyes, saw Ye Weiyang, and hurriedly saluted: "Master."


"It's recovered, but I feel that the soul has a little turbidity again."

"Don't worry, I will continue to strike you with lightning first. When you feel that the impurities in your body have been eliminated and become transparent, call me."

"it is good!"

Wen Duxin gritted his teeth, he knew that being struck by lightning was uncomfortable, but he also knew that this was his only chance to get back on the right track.

It's just that when I think that I have taken so many pills before, I guess I will be struck by lightning for a long time, and I can't help feeling scared.

Ye Weiyang touched the talisman, and thunderbolts continuously descended from the sky, bombarding Wen Duxin's body.Wen Duxin holds the spirit stone in his hand, and uses cultivation to maintain his state.

In this way, after walking for more than a year, Ye Weiyang saw a magnificent light from afar.

"Watching Plains is here!" Fang Tong excitedly said.

The others were also very excited, everyone involuntarily quickened their pace, and as they approached, Ye Weiyang saw a lively scene.

There are many monks, including human race and demon race.However, the Human Race and the Monster Race are clearly separated, forming two camps.Tents everywhere.

At the junction of the camps of the human race and the monster race, there is a huge market, in which the human race and the human race shuttle and trade.

Ye Weiyang followed Fang Tong and the others towards the edge of the camp, and found an open space there, which will be their future camping place, and the camp continued to expand as waves of people came to set up camp, Ye Weiyang After a while, even now, there are more than 50 tents on the human side.

Fang Tong and the others started to take out the tent and build it, Ye Weiyang looked at the tent, and his eyes just moved.No wonder the monks here have to set up tents. The tents are painted with talisman arrays, which can isolate spiritual sense detection, and also have the effect of defense and warning.Seeing Ye Weiyang standing there, Jin Changyun said while building his own tent:

"Senior, didn't you prepare a tent?"

"En!" Ye Weiyang nodded.

"Senior, you can go to the Fangshi over there, there are things for sale there, but it will be twice as expensive. We have prepared everything in advance."

As long as there is a sale!
Ye Weiyang nodded, turned around and left, walking towards Fangshi.And this side also vacated the space, next to Fangtong's tent.After more than a year of getting along, these monks are also very friendly to Ye Weiyang.What's more, with Ye Weiyang as a master, they can be safer.

Ye Weiyang came to Fangshi, and was not in a hurry to find a place to sell tents, but looked all the way along Fangshi.Some shops have tents, and some shops have open-air stalls.It's just that at Ye Weiyang's realm, it's really hard to see things that are helpful to him.

Then, she saw a place selling tents, Ye Weiyang bought a tent, it was indeed expensive, but Ye Weiyang was rich.Putting away the tent and returning to the camp, Jin Changyun and Fang Tong came to help, and the three of them quickly set up the tent.Then sit in Ye Weiyang's tent and drink tea.Ye Weiyang asked:

"What are we doing now?"

"There are a lot of things to do." Jin Changyun said with a smile: "We can visit friends, participate in some exchange meetings, make some new friends, go to Fangshi to shop for treasures, and challenge others. Also, go to Take a look at Xiaguang."

"Can I go to Xiaguang to have a look?"

"Of course it is possible, but there will be danger. When we enter Xiaguang, our cultivation will be suppressed."

"Then let's rest for one night and go take a look tomorrow."

"it is good!"

After the two left, Ye Weiyang opened the formation of the tent, so he was still worried, so he took out the formation flag and set up the formation in the tent, then sat cross-legged.He took out a jade bottle, which contained more than a dozen drops of fairy dew, first drank a drop, then put away the jade bottle, and carefully sensed the changes in his body.

"Nothing seems to have changed?"

Ye Weiyang started to exercise, and at the same time captured the fairy pattern and inhaled it into the body. This time, she felt a change, the fairy pattern entered the body, no longer violent, causing harm to the body, but became very docile, running in the meridians, and With the operation, it gradually decomposes into pure immortal essence. Although the speed is very slow and the amount is small, it is really very safe without any discomfort.


Ye Weiyang's expression moved slightly, she felt that she and Tian Dao seemed to be getting closer.She immediately emptied her mind and let herself try to immerse herself in the wandering of heaven.


Ye Weiyang opened her eyes, with excitement and regret in her eyes.

She was excited that a drop of celestial dew could last a night of cultivation, and it could also promote her comprehension of the way of heaven.Regrettably, even one night did not increase much Xianyuan.In fact, she has already seen that the speed of Xianlu's cultivation is not as fast as that of directly using Xianwen granules.It's just safer, and in the process, you can bring yourself closer to the way of heaven.

Unfortunately, Xianlu is not often available, and the speed of cultivation is indeed slow.Ye Weiyang thought about it carefully, if she didn't use anything, but just cultivated with the fairy energy in the space of Jiugongxing, it would probably take ten thousand years to transform all the dao essence in her body into immortal essence.

And there is also a prerequisite, that is, one's own body has also reached the perfection of harmony, otherwise the toughness of the body cannot support the immortal essence in the body and it will collapse.For example, now that Ye Weiyang's body is at the sixth level of He Dao, at most, he can only convert [-]% of the Dao Yuan in his body into Xian Yuan, otherwise the body will collapse.

In this way, another problem has arisen, and it will take time to improve the realm of the body's toughness.It is often more difficult than converting immortal yuan.In other words, it is likely to take another ten thousand years, adding up to 2 years, which does not mean that it is in harmony.You also need to comprehend the way of harmony.I don't know how many thousands of years it will take.

No wonder there are so few He Dao monks, and there are even fewer monks who have reached the perfection of Dao Dao. It is difficult for one in a thousand years.

What if it is revealed?
If there is uninterrupted star dew, combined with the effects she has used before, Ye Weiyang feels that it can save ten times the time.If it takes tens of thousands of years to use the spirit of the fairy, but it will only take a few thousand years if it has been revealed.

But, how could it be possible to have Xianlu all the time?
Maybe the Hedao Society of Jiugongxing will always exist, but Ye Weiyang dares to conclude that it is impossible for the native Hunyuan monks of Jiugongxing to have fairy dew all the time.Getting dozens of drops per year is probably the limit.

How about changing yourself?

It's even more impossible to get it.

But Ye Weiyang cheated in Luoshu, she could directly use the celestial pattern granules to cultivate, she also calculated, the effect can be saved by a hundred times, that is to say, the transformation of the body and the celestial essence can be completed in a few hundred years, but the comprehension of Hedao , then it is not time that can be counted, it depends on chance, maybe one day, I will understand it all at once.Maybe I won't understand it all my life.

However, it is impossible for Ye Weiyang to use the celestial pattern particles to cultivate every day, and she has not practiced once in more than a year.Therefore, this time is definitely not hundreds of years.

What's more, directly absorbing the fairy grain particles for cultivation, although the transformation speed is very fast.But it didn't help her understand the way of heaven in the slightest.But use the fairy dew to absorb the entire fairy pattern cultivation.But it is of great help to comprehend the way of heaven.Therefore, Ye Weiyang still needs fairy dew, and the more the better.

At this time, a group of people had already stood outside Xiaguang.There are Ye Weiyang and Fang Tong's team here, as well as monks from other teams.Everyone's attitude is very friendly, and now is not the stage to start competing for the fairy dew, one by one stepping into the Xiaguang.

As soon as he entered Xiaguang, Ye Weiyang felt that he was suppressed, and his Hunyuan cultivation was directly suppressed to Daoyuan.His expression couldn't help changing, and he channeled towards the side beside him:

"I was directly suppressed by a realm."

"That's how it is!" Fang Tong looked at Ye Weiyang in surprise.

Ye Weiyang frowned slightly: "When the glow stops spreading, will there be no suppression of monks?"


"Then the monster inside is not only not suppressed, but also getting stronger, right?"


"Then what is the purpose of our coming in early?"

"There is no purpose, just come in and experience it."

"Then everyone, be careful. After a little experience, let's leave."

Everyone nodded, and went deep inside, the teams dispersed one by one, and soon there were only a few dozen people from Ye Weiyang's team left here.

"Boom boom boom..."

The earth shook, Ye Weiyang stared, and a nine-spotted cow appeared in her field of vision.Fang Tong at the side explained to Ye Weiyang:

"Friend Ye, that's the nine-spotted ox. The nine-spotted ox is a fourth-order monster, and its upper limit is the strength of shaping the way. But look at it now, it already has the strength of controlling the way. This is what Xiaguang brings its growth."

Ye Weiyang nodded: "I'll try."

Ye Weiyang walked up, and the nine-spotted bull charged towards her.Ye Weiyang grabbed the bull's horns.Then he could no longer break free.


Suddenly, two sharp wind blades shot out from its two horns, which were blocked by Ye Weiyang's defense.Ye Weiyang weighed in his heart that he had indeed reached the strength of the early days of Yu Dao.And with the expansion of Xiaguang, maybe it will increase.Why is this so?

What is the secret here?
Ye Weiyang held the horn of the nine-spotted ox with one hand, then enveloped the nine-spotted ox with spiritual consciousness, and began to scan the nine-spotted ox.Finding nothing unusual, he turned around and asked:
"Can I eat it?"

"It's edible, and it's delicious, but it can make people cranky."

Ye Weiyang thought for a while, then punched the nine-spotted cow to death, and then put it into the storage ring:
"Go back and try."

Ye Weiyang walked towards Xiaguang, she felt that there should be nothing to investigate.In the history of Jiu Gong Xing, I don't know how many times this kind of place has appeared. If there is any secret, it should have been researched out long ago, so I don't need to waste that time.The others didn't care, and it was really hard to be suppressed here, so they returned to the camp together.

Thank you very much for the reward from the book friend 37 (1500) at North Latitude 160612124033950 (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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