The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 880 Tianshui City

Chapter 880 Tianshui City

Ye Weiyang's life became ordinary, and two months passed in a flash.The five children have already recognized many characters and know the meaning of many characters.Moreover, the body has been fully recuperated and recovered, and they have grown a lot taller.

Ye Weiyang began to teach the bottom-level offense and defense to the five disciples.

Body quenching!

At this time, the things that Ye Weiyang carried on his body finally came into use, and he refined some body quenching medicinal liquid for the five disciples.Ye Weiyang was still eager to see whether her derived exercises were perfect, so she practiced these five disciples to the extreme every day to maximize their physical potential.In this way, the speed of cultivation has been achieved, but these five disciples have suffered.I am exhausted every day, and I wish I could die.But after being soaked in the medicine liquid, he was alive and well the next day.

In other words, these five disciples were beggars before, and their endurance was much stronger than ordinary people.He stubbornly persisted.And Ye Weiyang also bought some beast meat in Shanglin City, and stewed it for the five disciples.Although the five disciples can only eat a small piece of each meal with their current cultivation base, but for their state, the auxiliary effect is very great.

They eat body quenching medicine and beast meat every day, and Ye Weiyang, a Hunyuan monk, gives advice. It can be said that none of the new disciples who joined Shanglin Sect at the beginning had the cultivation conditions like the five of them.I dare not say what will be the state of cultivation in the future, but as far as the current situation is concerned, the cultivation speed of the five members of Ye Yi is definitely far faster than those disciples at the beginning, leaving those disciples who joined the Shanglin Sect far behind. later.

Moreover, Ye Weiyang is not the first time to teach disciples, she has rich experience.In just two months, these five disciples successively tempered their bodies to perfection, and Ye Weiyang successively taught five disciples different exercises, which were the Five Classics of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth that she founded.At this time, the Five Classics, Ye Weiyang has already deduced to the plastic way, and is deriving towards the realm of the royal way.

Every day, Ye Weiyang carefully observes the five disciples with her spiritual sense, to see if there is anything wrong with the exercises she created.Not to mention, there are still some minor flaws more or less, which is not wrong. Even if there are these flaws, it will not delay the monk's cultivation, but it will have a weak impact on the speed of cultivation, the power of fighting, etc. influences.

After being discovered by Ye Weiyang, such flaws would naturally not be left behind. After careful deduction, these flaws were improved to make the exercises more perfect, so the cultivation of the five disciples improved rapidly.

half year later.

The five disciples all entered the Meridian Realm one after another. Although the progress was different, their physical condition could not be whispered, and there was no trace of weakness. Each of them looked like a dragon and a tiger. In this way, Ye Weiyang took the five disciples away After leaving Shanglin City, we started our journey again.The teaching and disciples are all on the journey of traveling.In addition to explaining the Five Classics to the five disciples, he also taught them martial arts according to the attributes of each disciple.

The traveling continues, the teaching continues, and the derivation of the exercises continues.And whenever Ye Weiyang suddenly had a realization, he would let go of all this and retreat for a period of time.The five disciples were handed down by Ye Weiyang, and although they did not continue to soak the medicinal liquid, the pills had never been cut off, and the beast meat was enough to eat, so these five disciples were thriving, and their cultivation was improving every day. promote.

However, every once in a while, their master would put them into the Talisman Tower and strike them with lightning.It is said that they want to get rid of the impurities left in their bodies because they have taken a lot of pills.Later, they really felt that every time they were struck by lightning, their bodies would feel transparent, and when they practiced again, their cultivation speed would obviously increase for a period of time, and they also felt that lightning strikes could temper their bodies , Let their bodies be tough and always walk in front of the realm of cultivation.

But it was too painful, but these five disciples did not dare to have the slightest attitude of pleading, because they knew that the master treated them very well, took care of them in every possible way, and tried their best to teach them cultivation.He also provides them with endless beast meat and elixir. If you have any questions, whether it is about cultivation or other aspects, you can ask them at any time, and the master will answer them kindly.

However, the cultivation program formulated by the master must be completed unconditionally.Anyone who dares to disobey, or dare to complain, will usher in an extremely cruel punishment from the master.Therefore, in their young hearts, they have both extremely deep love for Master and fear at the same time.No one has the slightest complaint about being struck by lightning.

Ye Weiyang is a completely random travel, sometimes walking in the bustling, sometimes walking in the deep mountains and old forests.When encountering a wild beast, let the five disciples experience it. When encountering a spirit beast with a higher level than the wild beast, monsters, etc., they will kill them, and then put them away, and let the five disciples improve their cultivation base in the future, and feed them. .The dispositions of the five disciples have also undergone earth-shaking changes, and they no longer have the cowardice of a beggar, but they also have a trace of bookishness after Ye Weiyang taught them how to read and read.Even his personality is much calmer than his peers.

this day.

Ye Weiyang took five disciples out of the deep mountains and came to a small city called Tianshui City. Ye Weiyang was going to take five disciples to rest in Tianshui City for a few days.At this time, the five disciples also entered the stage of opening alchemy, and began to open up the meridians towards the five qi realms.

The five disciples have similar aptitude, talent and understanding, and Ye Weiyang cultivates the attack and defense against the attributes of the five disciples, and has enough pills and spirit beast meat to eat.

Not bad!

Now they no longer eat the meat of fierce beasts, and their cultivation level can support them to eat the meat of spirit beasts.It's just that they still can't eat too much per meal, but it has a great auxiliary effect on their cultivation.

The five disciples all learned swordsmanship, and Ye Weiyang taught them the sword scriptures of each of the five elements with their own attributes.

Ye Weiyang doesn't care about spirit stones, even if she is only planning to rest here for a few days, she also rents a courtyard, as long as she gives enough spirit stones, everything will be fine.

Ye Weiyang must visit every place he passes by.This time was no exception, and then I got a message.

Don't look at it as a small town, but it has become popular in practice.Every year there is a big competition in the city.It is divided into various realms, among which there is the Kaidan realm suitable for their five disciples.However, the realms of each level are not high, because the city lord of this small city, that is, the largest family patriarch in the small city, is only a Taoist monk.

After some inquiries, this small city competition also welcomes passing monks to participate in the competition. Using this method, the local monks in Tianshui City can see the various schools and strengths outside.It has to be said that this city lord's vision is not shallow.

Of course there are rewards, but those little rewards are not in Ye Weiyang's eyes.She decided to let her five disciples participate in the big competition, in order to let her five disciples get used to fighting with people.These five disciples of myself can now besiege and kill ferocious beasts.And killed a lot, but never fought against human monks.

After talking about the matter with the five disciples, the five disciples became excited.They actually don't have a clear understanding of their own fighting power, because they have never fought anyone before.How can you not be excited to be able to fight against human monks now?

Ye Weiyang took them to sign up.Then he watched his five disciples sweeping the monks of the same level in the ring.

It's really sweeping. These five disciples practiced the offense and defense created by Ye Weiyang, and they practiced under Ye Weiyang's personal instruction. They never lacked resources, and they were tempered by lightning. It can be said that Ye Weiyang will The bodies of the five disciples have been developed to the extreme.What he studied was also the Five Elements Sword Sutra improved by Ye Weiyang, and his combat effectiveness was extremely powerful.

Perhaps because of their aptitude and savvy, they will fall behind their peers in terms of cultivation in the future.However, the combat power among monks of the same level is not weaker than others, but extremely strong.

And in this competition, except for the five disciples Ye Weiyang, there were no outsiders at all.This small town was originally on the edge, outside the forest, few outsiders came here.However, the locals are trapped by factors such as vision, experience, skills, and martial arts.He couldn't resist the sweep of the five little disciples at all.

Accompanied by the city lord, Taoist cultivator, Fang Yuan, Ye Weiyang was sitting at the VIP seat, drinking tea and watching, with the patriarchs of Tianshui City beside him.

"Senior Ye's disciple is really good." Fang Yuan looked at Ye Er who was fighting in the ring with admiration.

"City Master Fang, in the past, there were very few outsiders?"

Fang Yuan smiled wryly and said: "How can there be foreign monks every year in such a remote town? But occasionally people will come here. So I also seize this rare opportunity, so that these monks can have a chance to compete with foreign monks, increase Some insights."

Ye Weiyang nodded: "Aren't there any sects around? You can send outstanding disciples to the sect, so it should be even bigger to increase your knowledge."

Fang Yuan said: "Our place is too remote. The Wanshan Sect closest to here is only a small sect, but it is also five hundred miles away. Of course, I also went to ask Wanshan Sect, and Wanshan Sect also promised that every year before the meeting Come here, watch the big competition in this city, and choose a disciple to enter the Wanshan Sect."

"only one?"

"Well, this is not necessarily the case. You need to have excellent disciples, otherwise Wanshanzong will not accept a single disciple."

"He didn't come this year?"

"It's coming tomorrow. The monks of Wanshanzong usually come later. According to them, the previous rubbish competitions are dirty. They only need to watch the last few games."

Ye Weiyang nodded, it was actually true.From Ye Weiyang's point of view, these cultivators in Tianshui City practiced low-level kung fu, poor martial arts and Taoism, there is really nothing to see, they are considered a kind of torture.

On the contrary, it was his five disciples who were so excited that Ye Weiyang couldn't help shaking his head.With opponents of this level, it would be strange if his five disciples couldn't sweep them away.However, looking at the expressions of his five disciples, he was proud.I have to take them to some big places, let them fight against real masters of the same age, and recognize their own strength.

The next day.

Ye Weiyang, who was sitting on the VIP seat and was a bit bored, suddenly looked at the sky.At this moment, Fang Yuan also hurriedly stood up, with a look of excitement on his face:
"Wan Shanzong is here."

A monk with the appearance of a middle-aged man was falling from the sky at this time, with fluttering sleeves, full of fairy charm, making the people on the ground look envious.Everyone else in the VIP seat also stood up, only Ye Weiyang sat firmly on the chair, shaking her head slightly.

At such an advanced age, he is a Daoist. It seems that the strength of this Wanshan sect is very average. I don't know what cultivation level their suzerain is?
The middle-aged monk landed on the VIP seat, and Fang Yuan hurriedly saluted: "I have met Senior Brother Zhou."

Zhou Xiu nodded in return, and then his eyes fell on Ye Weiyang.Ye Weiyang is really special, everyone is standing, only she is sitting.Fang Yuan hastily introduced:
"Senior Brother Zhou, this is Senior Ye Weiyang. He took his disciples to travel around and passed by Tianshui City by chance. Just in time for the Grand Competition in this city, he asked his disciples to participate. Senior Ye, this is Zhou Xiu from Wanshan Sect."

Zhou Xiu's complexion changed, he is Taoist, and Fang Yuan is also Taoist.To be able to be made a senior by Fang Yuan, he must have surpassed the two of them.Now respectfully salute:

"I've seen Senior Night."

Ye Weiyang nodded and said: "Sit down."

"Thank you senior."

Ye Weiyang sat in the center, with Zhou Xiu on the left and Fang Yuan on the right.Zhou Xiu smiled and said, "I don't know who is Senior Ye's disciple?"

"There are five in total, all of which are at the Opening Pill Realm not long after I received them."

Fang Yuan on the side hastily said: "The five disciples of Senior Ye are really extraordinary, each of them swept away our disciples."

Zhou Xiu curled his lips inwardly. In his opinion, isn't it normal for disciples who sweep away your small town?
"Senior Ye, do you think there is someone who can be made this time?"

In fact, Zhou Xiu just came to take a look this time.At the beginning, Tianshui City used the resources in the nearby mountains in exchange for a place in the Wanshan Sect every year.But come once a year, how can there be outstanding disciples every year?
Not to mention outstanding disciples, even relatively good disciples were accepted into the sect by Wanshanzong for the sake of handing in resources.In the past ten years, Zhou Xiu came every year. He was already familiar with the monks in Tianshui City, and there were no disciples worthy of being introduced to the sect.He has made up his mind, this time he will come and take a look, without taking any disciples with him, after finishing the competition, he will return to the sect after receiving some benefits.But she didn't expect that Ye Weiyang nodded and said:

"There really is a seedling."

Zhou Xiu's expression was stunned, and he couldn't help being a little unconvinced. He was too familiar with this small broken city, and he came to see the competition every year. Where is there any seedlings?
However, he didn't dare to show the slightest dissatisfaction, instead he cupped his hands and said, "I also ask senior to give me some guidance."

Ye Weiyang has been bored in the VIP seats for the past few days, so she uses her spiritual sense to check out the audience around her. Of course, she won't check out some older ones. She checks out the three-year-old children.Not to mention, she really let her detect one, the spirit bone is very good, it has reached the best of the top grade.It was just a boy over one year old, riding on his father's neck at this time, holding his father's head with both hands, looking towards the ring.Ye Weiyang signaled:

"Did you see that one-year-old child riding on his father's neck?"

Thank you Ji Moxue (1500) for your tip!

(End of this chapter)

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