Chapter 881

Zhou Xiu's heart skipped a beat, he had never investigated such a small person.Moreover, this child is only over one year old now, and it was only a few months last year. How could he investigate?

What's more, he has never probed such children, he just came to watch those people competing in the ring.But when Ye Weiyang specifically pointed it out at this time, he felt a little suspicious in his heart, and at this time Ye Weiyang's voice sounded again:
"That child's spiritual bone is already very close to the best."


Zhou Xiu couldn't help being shocked, even their entire Wanshan Sect didn't have such a spiritual bone monk, so he hastily released his spiritual consciousness and began to probe the child's spiritual bone.Fang Yuan on the side also looked excited.If this is true, the child's future cultivation level must not be low, and he may be able to reach the top level of Wanshanzong. If that is the case, he will definitely feed back and take care of Tianshui City in the future.

Zhou Xiu withdrew his spiritual consciousness, seeing his excited expression, Ye Weiyang smiled and said, "How is it?"

Zhou Xiu'an resisted the excitement in his heart, and his heart turned.

Since Senior Ye pointed out this child, shouldn't he have any intention of accepting that child as his disciple?
Otherwise, it would be fine to secretly go to recruit apprentices.But still not sure in my heart, I cupped my hands and said:

"Senior, can this junior take it away?"

"Of course, that's your business. However, this child is still young, and now he can only see that the spiritual bone is good. As for the understanding, he still can't tell. However, with such a spiritual bone, even if the understanding is poor, the future will be good. "

Zhou Xiu nodded, his expression became more excited, he was able to bring back such a disciple with a spirit bone, and he would definitely be rewarded by the sect this time when he went back.At present, the other party is far away:
"City Master Fang, I will take that child back this time. I am the master, and I will spare you this time."

Fang Yuan was also overjoyed: "Thank you, Senior Brother Zhou. This child also asks Senior Brother Zhou to take care of him in the future. I will prepare a generous gift."

Zhou Xiu nodded, he was exempted from Tianshui City's one-year offering, even if he received some gifts, it would be nothing.Turning his head to Ye Weiyang, he cupped his hands and said:

"Does the junior have the honor to invite the senior to come to Wanshanzong as a guest?"

Ye Weiyang thought for a while, she should also let her disciples see the sect, even if it is a small broken sect, she nodded and said:

The matter of taking that child to Wanshanzong was naturally handled by Fang Yuan.Ye Weiyang and Zhou Xiu watched the game from the VIP seats.At this time, Zhou Xiu already knew which five people were Ye Weiyang's disciples. He saw the five disciples sweeping away the other disciples. Although these five disciples were only at the alchemy stage, he could tell that they had profound backgrounds, and the skills and Taoism they had learned The method is not simple, and the expression of Ye Weiyang is more respectful.During the conversation, he also probed Ye Weiyang to the bottom.Ye Weiyang also just said that she is just a casual cultivator, and she has accepted five disciples on the road.

Zhou Xiu didn't really believe it, but Ye Weiyang had no hostility towards him, so he didn't dare to ask the bottom line.When he came back, he asked some puzzling questions about his cultivation while talking. Originally, he just wanted to try his luck, but he didn't expect Ye Weiyang to give him a random explanation, but it made him suddenly enlightened.

After this discussion, the two of them got to know each other a lot, and Zhou Xiu had already decided that Ye Weiyang was the worst imperial dao, maybe he was the Dao of transformation, because Ye Weiyang taught him the dao at his fingertips, from the simple to the deep, which made people suddenly enlightened , this feeling is that the Guangwen Taoists in the early days of the sect's master Yu Dao did not have this ability, so they respected and eagerly towards Ye Weiyang in their hearts.

The next day, Ye Weiyang took five disciples, Zhou Xiu took the one-year-old child, and left Tianshui City to go to Wanshanzong. Naturally, Ye Weiyang couldn't walk with five disciples, and a white cloud formed. He carried everyone into the air, and under Zhou Xiu's guidance, he flew towards Wanshanzong.

It was the first time for the five disciples to fly. Standing on the clouds at first, each of them was a little frightened, but then they became excited and gathered together, pointing and chattering.A strange color flashed in Zhou Xiu's eyes:
"Senior took the disciples to fly for the first time?"

"En!" Ye Weiyang nodded: "This is also an experience for them."

Zhou Xiu couldn't help admiring in his heart, he was not admiring the five disciples, but Ye Weiyang.Such a big cultivator can endure the trouble with five alchemy-stage disciples.

"It seems that seniors value disciples very much."

Ye Weiyang smiled and said: "Since we have accepted them, I hope they can achieve something."

The two talked about it, and at the speed Ye Weiyang lifted the clouds, he soon came to the sky above Wanshanzong.It fell into Wanshanzong and fell downward.Ye Weiyang glanced at it, and determined that this Wanshanzong was just a low-level sect, not even a large guardian formation, and it is estimated that their suzerain might be just a late-stage plastic Taoist, at most, a royal Taoist.

Stepping into the mountain gate, some monks kept saluting to Zhou Xiu, and Zhou Xiu just nodded without saying a word.After walking not far, a monk came from the opposite side and smiled from a distance:

"Junior Brother Zhou, have you brought back so many disciples from Tianshui City this time?"

Zhou Xiu hurriedly said: "Senior Brother Li, I brought back only one child, and that is the child in my arms. This is Senior Ye, and these five heroes are the disciples of Senior Ye."

Li Jie is not a fool, he is also a Taoist, since Zhou Xiu called Ye Weiyang a senior, Ye Weiyang is also a Royal Taoist at worst, so he hastily respectfully saluted:
"Li Jie met senior."

Ye Weiyang nodded, seeing no movement from her, an invisible force naturally lifted Li Jie up.Li Jie was shocked in his heart, and his expression became even more respectful.He even took the initiative to follow behind, all the way to the suzerain's cave.

Holding the child in his arms, Zhou Xiu saluted Ye Weiyang apologetically: "Please wait, senior."

Ye Weiyang nodded indifferently, and stood with her hands behind her back, watching the surrounding scenery.Accompanied by Li Jie, Zhou Xiu hurriedly entered the cave, and after only a few breaths, Taoist Guangwen came out of the cave, looking at Ye Weiyang quickly, but he couldn't see Ye Weiyang with his normal eyesight. of cultivation.But he didn't dare to be careless, he cupped his hands at Ye Weiyang and said:

"I've seen Fellow Daoist Ye."

Ye Weiyang also politely returned the gift: "I have seen Guangwen Daoist."

"Friend Ye Daoist, please!"

"Fellow Daoist Guangwen, please!"

Ye Weiyang turned her head to look at her five disciples again, and said to Guangwen: "If fellow Taoist doesn't mind, let my five disciples go around as they please."

"Of course I don't mind." Guangwen summoned one of his own disciples and asked him to accompany Ye Weiyang's five disciples around Wanshanzong.

Ye Weiyang, Guangwen, Zhou Xiu and Li Jie entered the cave, and through communication, Ye Weiyang learned that Guangwen, the suzerain of the Wanshan Sect, had just broken through the imperial way, only the first level of the imperial way, and there were only Zhou Xiu and Li Jie in the sect plastic road.

Naturally, Guangwen would not rashly ask Ye Weiyang what kind of cultivation he is, but he can talk about it.It is normal for monks to gather together to discuss the Tao.With this argument, he soon became convinced, knowing that the gap between himself and Ye Weiyang was like a gap.While the expression became extremely respectful, it also became extremely joyful.

It was the first time in his life that he could get such a powerful advice, and he immediately ordered his disciples to prepare the best banquet, the best tea, and the best spiritual fruit to entertain Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang also gained a better understanding of the surrounding area through communicating with them, as well as a more detailed understanding of their needs.If you want to open a business in the future, this is an indispensable data accumulation.Moreover, having a relationship with Wanshanzong can be regarded as having someone to trade in the future.

Although, Ye Weiyang definitely doesn't like the transactions of such a small sect as Wanshanzong.But to start a business in the future, you must start from the humble beginnings.

Therefore, Ye Weiyang's attitude is very kind, and she does not hesitate to give pointers to the three in front of her.Especially the Taoist Guangwen, who felt that he had been searching for the Dao that he could not find, suddenly opened up.

While chatting enthusiastically, they saw a rush of footsteps coming from outside the cave, and then saw Guangwen's disciples walking in with Ye Weiyang's five disciples, Ye Weiyang's face darkened.Because the five disciples had bruised noses and swollen faces, Ye Er was still limping when he walked.Ye Weiyang's spiritual sense was swept away, but she felt relieved, these five disciples were just wounded, and there was nothing serious about it.

The Daoist Guangwen at the side became impatient, if this angered Ye Weiyang, he now had no doubts that Ye Weiyang alone would be able to wipe out their Wanshan sect.Immediately shouted in a cold voice:
"What's going on? I told you to take Senior Ye's disciples around the sect. Why do you look like this?"

The disciple said with a bitter face: "I took a few juniors to visit the sect, and happened to meet disciples who were in the alchemy state of the sect who were discussing. These juniors wanted to compete with disciples in the alchemy state of the sect. The disciple thought, this is nothing. Usually the disciples of the sect also exchange ideas with the disciples of other sects, so they agreed.

In the end, these five juniors were really amazing.The alchemy realm disciples who swept away our sect.Then……"

He glanced at Ye Yi: "Junior Brother Ye Yi didn't think it was enough, so he wanted to challenge the sect's disciples in the five qi realms, but it turned ended like this."

This time, Guangwen didn't know what to say.

Blame your own disciples, it's Ye Weiyang's disciples who made trouble.

Blame Ye Weiyang's disciples, you have to dare.

Ye Weiyang also understood at this time, knowing that these five disciples must have swelled up after being swept away in the Tianshui City Grand Competition.He glared at the five disciples:
"Have you forgotten Master's usual teaching?"

The five disciples hurriedly knelt down and lowered their heads.Ye Yi boldly said: "Master, this disciple did not embarrass you. This disciple defeated the disciple of the five qi and two veins, but lost to the five qi and three veins."

Ye Weiyang glared at him unhappily, with the kung fu and martial arts that Ye Weiyang taught them, isn't it normal for Wan Shanzong, an unpopular sect, to defeat the five qi and two veins at the alchemy level?
"You five go outside and kneel."


Ye Yi and five people got up, bowed their heads and went outside, kneeling obediently.Ye Weiyang apologized:
"Fellow Daoist Guangwen, I haven't been accepting these five disciples for a long time, and I haven't met any real big sect disciples yet. It's the first time I've fought against a human cultivator in Tianshui City. Guizong has caused trouble, and I apologize to Guizong."

"I dare not!"

Guangwen waved his hands again and again, and even stood up, how dare he ask Ye Weiyang to apologize to him, Ye Weiyang also smiled and said:

"Then forget about it, it's just a child's game."

"Then..." Guangwen glanced outside the cave, feeling uneasy, if Ye Yi and five people were to kneel outside, and he didn't punish the disciples of the sect, wouldn't that be slapping Ye Weiyang in the face?
"Also let the disciples of the seniors heal."

Seeing Ye Weiyang pondering, Guangwen hurriedly said: "In three days, it will be Wanshanzong's annual hunting day. It's better to let the senior disciples go to heal their injuries quickly, so that they can participate in the hunting in three days' time."

"Alright!" Ye Weiyang finally nodded, and then spoke softly, but the voice clearly entered the ears of Yeyi's five disciples:

"Hurry up and heal your wounds, and join the hunt in three days."

The five disciples immediately smiled, but they didn't dare to laugh out loud.Guangwen's disciples hurried out and arranged for five disciples to stay.As for healing, Ye Yiwu has healing pills on his body, so Ye Weiyang doesn't need to worry about it at all.

After three days passed, Wanshanzong's hunting day began.This is a routine hunting of Wanshanzong every year. On the one hand, it is to collect resources, and on the other hand, it is to sharpen the disciples.

In the past, Guangwen did not participate in this kind of hunting, but only sent Li Jie or Zhou Xiuzhong to host it.This time, he accompanied Ye Weiyang to participate.Of course, they will not participate in the hunt, but just watch from afar.

Disciples with high cultivation levels, such as monks in the Heavenly Flower Realm, Earth Flower Realm, and Human Flower Realm, all directly crossed the forest area and went straight to the depths of the forest to find powerful monsters. In the deeper areas, go to look for spirit beasts, but these people who want to open the alchemy state don't go deep and hunt fierce beasts.

Yeyi's five disciples were still swollen. In fact, the discussion in Wanshanzong not only failed to suppress their swell, but made them swell even more.In their view, even the disciples of the sect can defeat the five qi and two meridians, and even the five qi and three meridians can fight.

What does this mean?
This shows that they are very powerful. They are so powerful that they can stay in the beast area?

They should hunt monsters.And in fact, they have also hunted and killed spirit beasts.Therefore, they directly got rid of those Kaidan disciples and went straight to the spirit beast area.They want to show the disciples of Wanshanzong who beat them black and swollen that they don't need Wanshanzong's disciples to be weak when it comes to hunting spirit beasts.

Ye Weiyang naturally saw their actions clearly, but Ye Weiyang didn't stop them. With her cultivation base, even if the five disciples were in danger, she would be able to rescue them in time.Let the five disciples sharpen it, it is best to suffer a little setback, there is nothing wrong with it.

The actions of Yeyi's five disciples also inspired those monks in the five qi realms of Wanshanzong.The two sides began to compare from the heart, to see who killed the higher level of spirit beasts, and who killed more spirit beasts.

Yeyi and five people did not stare at others, but just stared at the few who defeated them. The two sides taunted each other from time to time, and the atmosphere was hot.

(End of this chapter)

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