The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 883 The Ruins

Chapter 883 The Ruins
"Senior You Lao."

When the two of them left the cave, they flew into the air, and Ye Weiyang's spiritual consciousness spread, covering the entire Wanshan Sect.And it spread underground towards Wanshanzong.

The Wanshan Sect is a small sect, and it is not popular, and it really does not occupy a large area. Ye Weiyang quickly surveyed the terrain, and doubled the scope, and then said to Guangwen:
"Fellow Daoist Guangwen, I can set up a large formation that doubles the area, which also leaves room for Wanshanzong to expand in the future."

Guangwen was overjoyed: "Thank you, senior."

Ye Weiyang took out a formation flag from the storage ring and began to set up the formation.With her current formation skills and cultivation, the formation is very fast.But even so, it took two days to successfully deploy the formation.Then let Guangwen and the others test the power of the formation, and after they were satisfied, they passed on the method of controlling the formation to Guangwen, and then left Wanshanzong with five disciples.

That night, I rested in a wilderness.

Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged by the campfire, and the five disciples had already fallen asleep.She took out the spirit vein from the storage ring.After thinking about it, he summoned the rune tower and entered the sixth floor of the rune tower.Then open the dragon lock.

"hold head high……"

With a roar of the dragon, the spirit vein flew up from the Dragon Suolong Platform, and then landed on the ground. It quickly became large, and in just an instant, it stretched across the sixth floor like a huge mountain range.

Ye Weiyang sensed it carefully, and felt that the aura in the sixth floor of the Talisman Tower was rapidly becoming richer, and there was still a trace of fairy aura, and even a trace of heaven spreading.

A smile appeared on Ye Weiyang's face, and with a thought, he got out of the Talisman Tower, took the Talisman Tower back into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and continued to deduce the exercises.

The next day.

The journey continues, still on foot.Every day, Ye Weiyang will teach five disciples, order them to practice, and let them practice when they encounter spirit beasts.And she is also comprehending the way of heaven and deriving exercises.

Five years passed in a flash.

Although the life of the five disciples is ups and downs, and they have to fight with spirit beasts from time to time, it is very difficult.But the benefits they get, even the peerless arrogance of the Jiugongxing sect, can't compare with them.

Ye Weiyang never leaves the ground, explaining Taoism to five disciples every day, pointing out their mistakes from time to time.Which peerless arrogance has this treatment?

The five disciples eat spirit beast meat every day, which is the same as those peerless arrogance.But these five disciples took far more pills than Peerless Tianjiao.Because even the peerless Tianjiao dare not eat the pill as jelly beans, because the pill has impurities, and every time you eat a pill, you have to wait more than ten days. Get rid of the medicinal impurities in the body.

However, these five disciples did not have this worry, because whenever Ye Weiyang felt that there were a lot of impurities in their bodies, he would throw them into the Talisman Tower, and control the intensity of the thunder to bombard them continuously, using Thunder, get rid of the impurities in their bodies.

Although the process was very painful, it made the five disciples want to die.But the effect is extraordinary.Not only greatly saved their time to eliminate impurities, but also tempered their bodies, making their bodies far surpass their own cultivation.In this way, the cultivation of these five disciples has improved by leaps and bounds. In five years, they have already cultivated to the perfection of the five qi.

Ye Yi, the oldest of the five, is 16 years old, and Ye Wu, the youngest, is 13 years old.The temperament has completely changed, walking, sitting and lying has the charm of a monk.

This is still Ye Weiyang controlling herself, not using her Dao Yun to assist them in their cultivation.Because Ye Weiyang is experimenting with exercises, although she wants to see the results as soon as possible, she also wants to practice in a public environment to test the exercises she created.So, you can help them, but you can't help too much.

In the past five years, Ye Weiyang has already deduced the five kinds of exercises to the realm of the Royal Dao, and is deriving the level of the Dao of Transformation.


The five disciples got up and started cooking.Ye Weiyang has given each disciple a storage ring, which contains resources for cultivation, as well as spirit rice and spirit beasts.Of course, there are also spirit beasts they hunted and herbs they dug.There are also things they trade in Fangshi themselves.

The five disciples knew that the master didn't need to eat, so after they cooked the meal, they ate it silently.Then he packed everything up and looked at Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang looked at the stretch of mountains at the end of the wilderness and said: "When we get to the mountains, let's choose a place, and the five of you are going to break through the human realm."

"Yes, Master!" The five disciples beamed with joy.

Ye Weiyang shook her head slightly, these five disciples were confused, if they were put into the original Shanglin Sect, with their aptitude, they may not be able to have five qi and one vein now.This is to follow by one's side, to teach one's own hands, and the resources are the best, enough.There is also the Talisman Tower to quench their bodies with thunder, and the third layer of the Talisman Tower to sharpen their mood.And for the past six years, he has been taking them on a tour, allowing them to broaden their knowledge and keep them fighting.This is what has achieved today.

After all, it was their spiritual bones that were still a little off, not top grade.

Wang Shan ran a dead horse, even if these five disciples were already at the top of the five qi, they galloped along the way.But it took seven days to run before entering the mountains.

Ye Weiyang found a valley, beheaded the monsters inside, and then let the five disciples break through the human flower realm.Everything that should be prepared has been prepared, and everything that should be explained has also been explained, and the foundation laid down is also very deep.Given a lot of resources, the breakthrough is just a matter of course.

But because of the need to open the purple mansion, it will break people's flowers.It's been a little longer.Ye Weiyang was not in a hurry, while instructing the five disciples, he deduced the exercises, and half a year later, the five disciples successively broke through the human flower realm.Ye Weiyang took them on another journey.

Half a year later, Ye Weiyang's master and apprentice walked out of the mountains, and seven days later, they entered a big city.After staying in an inn, after washing up, and letting the five disciples move freely, Ye Weiyang leisurely entered a restaurant, eating and listening to the chatter of the monks.

After hearing this, she heard a pleasant surprise.

It is said that there is a Colossus mystery to be opened.Any secret realm must be extraordinary.And according to that meaning, this secret realm is open to all monks, no matter if they are local or alien monks, they can enter.And the most attractive thing inside is Hongmeng Daoyun.

Ye Weiyang didn't know what Hongmeng Daoyun was, but when she heard this tall name, she thought it was a good thing.So he couldn't help but walked to a table, cupped his hands and said:

"The three fellow daoists, at the end of the night, alone, can we sit at the same table with the three fellow daoists?"

This is not in the wild, everyone's vigilance is much lower, what's more, these three people instantly understood that Ye Weiyang had heard their conversation and wanted to inquire about it.This can be regarded as a small good fortune, they would not refuse this kind of favor and free thing, so they invited Ye Weiyang to sit down and announced her name.Ye Weiyang called the waiter over, removed the table, and ordered a table of the most expensive food and drink in this restaurant.In this way, the three monks also showed smiles on their faces.

This restaurant is the largest restaurant, and the most expensive table dishes are all made with spirit vegetables and the best parts of monsters' bodies. They are not only delicious, but also have a great effect on cultivation.In this way, after drinking for three rounds, without waiting for Ye Weiyang to ask, a few monks introduced each other to Ye Weiyang one by one.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, are you doing it for Hongmeng Daoyun?"

"That's right, I'm ignorant and ignorant. I haven't heard of Hongmeng Daoyun, and the Colossus Mystery Realm. Please ask fellow Taoists to clarify."

"It's normal if you haven't heard of it, because the secret realm of the Colossus has been gradually forgotten by people. This secret realm of the Colossus is only opened once in 5000 years. After 5000 years, the sea has changed, and who remembers it."

Ye Weiyang's gaze is fixed.

It opens once every 5000 years. The longer the time, the more good things will be in the secret realm that is opened only once.

"This Colossus Secret Realm was discovered 10 years ago and appeared in Mangcang Mountain. There are more than ten thousand mountains in Mangcang Mountain. According to the legend, it is estimated that the Colossus Secret Realm has appeared many times, but it has not been discovered. It’s really too hidden there. But things happen a lot, and people will always discover them. It was discovered by accident about 3 years ago. When it was discovered, it was not the time to open it, but it also aroused the attention of all parties. The monk's attention has been studied for a long time, but nothing has been researched. But Jiugongmeng still sent disciples to stay here for a long time, while studying, expecting something to happen.

In this way, more than a thousand years have passed, and the ruins of the colossus have finally been opened.

And at that time, when the Jiugongxing was in chaos, a large number of alien cultivation poured into the Jiugongxing, and the alien alliance had been established.Nine palace star local monks are fighting fiercely with alien monks.Knowing that the ruins of the Colossus were opened, the two parties suspended the battle, and both rushed into the ruins of the Colossus. "

"It is roughly estimated that more than 5000 million monks have flooded into the ruins of the Colossus, and they have all kinds of cultivation. They are as high as the Dao, and as low as the five-level. The ruins of the Colossus have been opened for a hundred years, and finally the people who came out of the ruins of the Colossus alive are only [-] million. , that is to say, [-]% of the monks died inside."

Ye Weiyang couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, the death rate is too high.It's too dangerous inside.

"We are young and have never been there. But I heard from the elders that the Colossus has been hit very dangerously, but not all of them died in the danger of the ruins of the Colossus, most of them died in fighting with each other. There are dangers and opportunities in it. For the sake of chance, it has become commonplace for monks to kill each other. You can't trust anyone inside."

Ye Weiyang couldn't help but nodded, in the face of chance, especially the big chance, let alone acquaintances, it's not surprising that even the same family fights each other.

"It is said that the biggest opportunity in it is that there are nine Primordial Dao Rhymes, which have a great auxiliary effect for monks to break through and join the Dao. Every time in order to compete for this Primordial Dao Rhyme, a large number of Hunyuan Great Cultivators fall."

Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat: "Does that mean that every time the ruins of the Colossus are opened, anyone will be allowed to enter?"


Ye Weiyang immediately understood in her heart!
No matter how big the Jiugongxing is, it can't satisfy so many monks, like parasites, they are absorbing the nutrients of Jiugongxing.Originally, the local cultivators of the Nine House Stars might still be able to maintain the balance of the Nine House Stars, but now so many alien monks have broken into and multiplied in the Nine House Stars, the result may not be as small as the number of the Nine House Stars.

As a result, the Nine House Stars are somewhat overloaded.If it continues like this, I am afraid that the Jiugong star will become a mortal star.And the Colossus Ruins appeared just right.

I am afraid that the Jiugongmeng has regarded the ruins of the colossus as a place to strangle the monks, and it is not only the alien monks who are strangled, but also merciless to the local monks.

After entering the ruins of the Colossus, 5000% of the monks accumulated over [-] years will die.This greatly reduces the pressure on the Nine House Stars.

The danger in it can be imagined.

But, now that he knows Hongmeng Daoyun, it is impossible for Ye Weiyang not to go.

"Will those fellow monks go?"

"Of course I will."

"Haven't they all broken through Hedao, why are they still going?"

"Friend Ye Daoist, think about it, this relic was discovered only 3 years ago. It is opened every 5000 years, and now it is only opened six times. Each time there are nine Hongmeng Daoyuan, there are only 54. In other words, only 54 people have obtained the Hongmeng Daoyun. Now there are more than 100 joint Taoists in the Jiugong League, and there are more than 100 joint Taoists in the Jiugong Pavilion on the Yaozu side. How many people do you think have not obtained the Hongmeng Daoyun?
This primordial dao rhyme not only helps monks break through the harmony, it also has a great effect on comprehending the way of heaven and conforming to the way of heaven after breaking through the harmony.Therefore, the Taoist monks who have not obtained the Primordial Dao Rhyme must all enter the Colossus Ruins. "

"Then what's the matter with us?" Ye Weiyang couldn't help frowning.

"The Primordial Daoyun really has nothing to do with us, it is something that the monks of the same way are fighting for. But besides the Primordial Daoyun, there are other opportunities! And the chance is not small."

Ye Weiyang nodded: "Then every time the ruins of the colossus are opened, do any monks who have joined the Tao fall?"

"Yes, and there are quite a few fallen. Therefore, we monks who are not compatible with the Dao should not worry about Hongmeng Daoyun. Even if we find Hongmeng Daoyun, we can run as far as we want. Hongmeng Daoyun For us, Daoyun is not a chance, but a disaster."

After listening to their detailed narration, Ye Weiyang asked: "How long is it until the opening of the Colossus ruins?"

"There are still more than 130 years."

"Fellow Daoist, do you have a map of the ruins of the Colossus?"

"Fellow Daoist, do you want to go?"

"Of course I want to go, but the three fellow Taoists don't want to go?"

"Of course I want to go." The three monks couldn't help laughing: "Although we know that we are close to death, we have to go with such a great opportunity. There is no chance to get the Primordial Dao Yun, but in the ruins of the Colossus, there are opportunities everywhere. You can get other The opportunity is not in vain. I have been stuck in the Daoyuan realm for too long, if I don’t die in the ruins of the giant statue, maybe I can break through Daoyuan.”

The remaining two people also nodded with emotion, it seems that they have also been stuck in the realm for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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