The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 884 Colossus

Chapter 884 Colossus
A monk copied a map jade slip for Ye Weiyang, and Ye Weiyang thanked him for taking it.The three of them didn't invite Ye Weiyang to go together after a hundred years, and Ye Weiyang didn't invite the three of them either.After the four had satiated with wine and food, they bid farewell to each other.

Ye Weiyang inquired in the city for another ten days and collected more detailed information.Then he left with five disciples.Go in the direction of Mangcang Mountain.

Ten years later.

Ye Weiyang brought five disciples to a floating cloud city three thousand miles away from Mangcang Mountain.

This is a big city.

Although there are still more than 100 years before the opening of the Colossus ruins, there are already many monks in Floating Cloud City, and the discussion in the tea house and wine shop is also about the Colossus ruins.

Ye Weiyang spent a lot of money to buy a courtyard in Liuyun City, and brought five disciples to live in it.From this day on, Ye Weiyang will not come out behind closed doors.She has now deduced the cultivation method to the realm of Taoism.And the five disciples have also stepped into the small flower realm, approaching the realm where the three flowers gather together.

Ye Weiyang no longer teaches five disciples every day, it is no longer necessary.The five disciples also need time to practice on their own.She would come out of the room every month and instruct five disciples for three days. The rest of the time, she would spend the rest of the time in the room, absorbing the powder made by refining the fairy patterns in the Luoshu space to practice.

Because she has already figured it out, a hundred years is not enough for her to comprehend the way of heaven and break through the way of harmony.In this way, there are only two aspects that can significantly increase combat effectiveness in a hundred years.

One is the ontology, and the other is the immortal element.

However, cultivating with fairy grain powder can achieve these two effects at the same time.So, she retreated in her room every day, while absorbing the fairy grain powder, while deriving the five exercises.

A hundred years passed very quickly in retreat.In the past hundred years, Ye Weiyang's body has reached the peak of the eighth level of harmony, and the immortal essence also occupies one-thousandth of the Dao essence in the body.Combat power is greatly improved.But Ye Weiyang didn't know how powerful it was.

She estimated that with her own strength, she would be able to complete the first level of Hedao, and even if she couldn't kill the opponent, the opponent would not be able to help her.But when it comes to those with a higher realm, she doesn't know what to do.You have to fight to know.

After a hundred years, Ye Weiyang has already deduced the five kinds of exercises to the Hunyuan realm, and is stagnant on how to break through the Hedao realm.Ye Weiyang doesn't even know what He Dao is, how can he continue to deduce it?

The derivation of her exercises can only stop here temporarily.But it's not without good news. At least, the five disciples have not found any problems in practicing these five exercises.Moreover, practicing these five exercises is very powerful.Ye Weiyang derived these five exercises from Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue, which are very powerful.

The five disciples have also broken through to the realm of shaping Tao in a hundred years, and the strongest one is the Tao of shaping.Ready to attack the Royal Road, the weakest is also the late stage of the Shaping Road.

Ye Weiyang didn't want these five disciples to enter the ruins of the colossus, it was enough for him to enter alone.If he could get opportunities that he didn't need, he would naturally bring them back to the five disciples.

In the past five years, the relationship between the six masters and apprentices has grown deeper.The five disciples already knew about Ye Weiyang's background, but their feelings towards Ye Weiyang did not change at all.In fact, for the five former beggars, it doesn't matter whether they are native or alien, only who is good to them is important.

this day.

Ye Weiyang called the five disciples to her room, and the five disciples obediently paid their respects to Ye Weiyang, and then sat in front of Ye Weiyang.Ye Weiyang glanced at the five disciples and said:
"I've told you before that the teacher is not from the Nine Palaces, but from a planet called the World of Cultivation of Immortals."

The five disciples nodded one after another.

Ye Weiyang continued: "You also know that in about 20 years, when the ruins of the Colossus will be opened, I also know that you have the intention to go there. But the teacher forbids you to go."

"Ah?" The faces of the five disciples showed surprise, Ye Wu took advantage of his young age and being a girl, and asked, "Master, why?"

Ye Weiyang sighed and said: "Do you know that there is a narrow escape?"

"I know, but..."

"No, but, Master has taught you for so many years, but he didn't want you to die. Moreover, Master has something for you to do."

The five disciples knew that they couldn't go, and they didn't dare to stop at what the master said.

Ye Weiyang took out five jade slips and handed them to the five disciples, saying: "This jade slip records your respective follow-up exercises, as well as various Taoist methods selected by the teacher for you. Therefore, even if the teacher is not here, You will not lack inheritance."

"Thank you, master!" The five disciples took the jade slips respectfully.

Ye Weiyang took out five more storage rings and handed them to five disciples respectively: "There are cultivation resources here, and you will not be short of cultivation resources for a long, long time."

The five disciples felt uneasy, Ye Yi took the storage ring, and said with some panic, "Master, are you going to the ruins of the colossus?"

"Master will naturally go. You are different from Master. Your current practice is only to shape the Tao, but you have the master's skills and the resources given to you. You can continue to practice. In the future, you still have the imperial way and the way of transformation. , the four realms of Daoyuan and Hunyuan, you need to break through one by one.

However, Master is different.Master's current cultivation base is Hunyuan Consummation, but because there is no follow-up method, he needs to deduce it by himself.But it is so difficult to comprehend the way of heaven.

The ruins of the giant statue gave Master a chance. If Master could get a Primordial Dao Rhyme, he would have a chance to break through the Dao.Therefore, Master must go.Otherwise, it will be difficult to make progress. "

Yeyi and five people were silent, they knew what Master said was right.Master has nowhere to go, unlike them, who still have a long way to go.However, it is inevitable that I worry about Master in my heart.

Ye Weiyang took out another five jade slips, and handed them to five disciples respectively: "The contents of these five jade slips are the same, and they are messages from the master to the people in the master's hometown.

If after becoming a teacher for a hundred years and coming out of the ruins of the Colossus alive, everything will be fine.If the master has not come out after a hundred years, it means that the master has died inside.From now on, you will have to take care of yourselves.If in the future, you meet people from the sect in Master's hometown, you can contact them.Information about Master's hometown is all in the jade slips. "

"Master..." The five disciples looked worried.

"Don't worry, Master may not die. I will stay for a month to guide you. After one month, the teacher will leave."

A month later.

Ye Weiyang left Floating Cloud City alone. With her cultivation base, it took three thousand miles, which means half an hour, and then she saw the giant statue.

It is really a giant statue, and the whole stone statue is like a hill.It was a portrait of a man with one hand behind his back and the other pinned in front of him.It's just that one palm is like a huge square.

At this time, many monks have arrived and watched around the stone statue.After all, it opens once every 5000 years, and most monks have never seen this stone statue.Ye Weiyang also watched over and over again, and even probed with her spiritual sense, but she didn't find anything.

Ye Weiyang left, chose a place not far away, opened up a cave, and continued to practice.There are still nearly 20 years to go, maybe he can make his body break through to the ninth level of Hedao.

There are more and more people, all over the mountains and plains, but there is no fight, because every monk knows that the real fight is after entering the ruins of the colossus, and it is stupid to fight now.

Not only the human race, but also the demon race came here.But both sides are extremely serious.Waiting for the opening of the ruins of the Colossus.

20 years have passed in a hurry, and there is very little fairy grain powder left in Ye Weiyang's Luoshu space, but Ye Weiyang's body has finally broken through to the ninth level of Hedao.However, the transformation of the immortal essence in the body is not obvious, it is only stronger than one-thousandth.

Ye Weiyang, who was practicing, suddenly opened her eyes, then got up and walked out of the cave, looked up, and saw dozens of monks coming from the sky, exuding a powerful aura.


Those dozens of human race monks are indeed monks of the Dao, Ye Weiyang looked dignified, with these monks of the Dao, it is extremely difficult for him to compete for the Primordial Dao Yun.

Exhaling a foul breath, Ye Weiyang glanced around, a trace of surprise appeared between his brows.

There are too many monks!
It is impossible to see how many monks there are, like locusts, everywhere, no matter which direction, there is no end in sight.

Ye Weiyang shook his head, turned around and went back to the cave he opened, there were also monks beside him who had taken a fancy to Ye Weiyang's cave, at this time most of the monks had no place to build a cave, they just found a place to stay anywhere.But seeing Ye Weiyang's natural expression, he didn't dare to act rashly.

A few more days later, Ye Weiyang once again felt the coercion of He Dao, and when he came out of the cave, he saw dozens of He Dao monsters coming.This shows that the day when the ruins of the Colossus will be opened is not far away.

In the next few days, someone came to visit Ye Weiyang.At first, Ye Weiyang thought they were here to rob her cave, and then she realized that they came to find her to form a team, Ye Weiyang declined one by one, some left with a smile, and some spoke coldly, Ye Weiyang didn't care .

It was this indifferent attitude that actually made those people very afraid of Ye Weiyang.

In this way, more than ten days have passed.There was a sudden commotion outside the cave, Ye Weiyang got up and walked out of the cave, and saw that the big palm held by the giant statue in front of him emitted light, and the light gradually formed a halo.It took about two quarters of an hour for the halo to stabilize completely.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Then I saw all the monks who joined the Tao soaring into the sky, falling towards the halo of the big palm, and their figures disappeared in the halo.After that, countless monks jumped up and fell towards the big palm.

Ye Weiyang was not in a hurry, based on her experience, she knew that the opportunity is not the one who gets in first, and whoever gets it first.Therefore, he stood firmly on the spot and watched the monks falling towards the big palm from all directions, like a torrent.

At this time, no one talked to Ye Weiyang, and everyone was scrambling to fly towards the big palm.

It took a hundred years for this colossus ruins to be opened, Ye Weiyang could afford to wait, watching the torrent until it began to become sparse, Ye Weiyang sighed softly.

There must be more than 8 million monks, right?

If it is really close to death, this is almost the death of [-] million monks.

With a wave of his robe sleeves, his figure soared into the sky, then fell towards the big palm, and entered the halo, he felt as if he had entered a space passage, and was dazed for a while, and when he regained his sanity, he saw that he had appeared in the An endless plain, this plain is so big that nearly [-] million people landed here, and they didn't feel crowded.

At this time, nearly [-] million monks were flying towards the ground, and no one dared to fly into the sky.Ye Weiyang didn't know why, but she also flew close to the ground, during which time she saw corpses lying on the ground.Let Ye Weiyang be on guard.

This just came in, and people started to die!


Ye Weiyang suddenly saw a golden ray suddenly appear in the air, shooting towards the monks below.


There was a sound of metal colliding, and the golden ray was repelled by a cultivator's sword, but the golden ray was not crushed. The golden ray shot at another monk, and the cultivation level of the other monk was obviously not as good as that of the previous one. The head was pierced by the golden ray, and the body fell to the ground.

"What is that ray?"

Ye Weiyang frowned, the rays had an extremely strong metallic aura and were very sharp.Although Ye Weiyang felt that the rays could not threaten her, she still raised her vigilance.

Fortunately, only one ray appeared occasionally, which made Ye Weiyang and the others feel a lot less afraid. They all looked alert, but they didn't stop, and quickly swept forward.

However, Ye Weiyang's face became more serious afterward, and she found that as she moved forward, the number of golden rays began to increase. Although it was not so much that Ye Weiyang was afraid, it was obviously not a good idea Omen, because I don't know how big this plain will be, how many golden rays will there be in the end?
Ye Weiyang was not careless, and kept releasing the Liuhe curtain, covering the whole body, and then [-] flying needles formed like a ribbon, wrapped around Ye Weiyang's body.Every time a golden ray attacks her, a flying needle will shoot out from the ribbon, shattering the golden ray.

A day passed like this, and Ye Weiyang looked ahead with shock in his eyes.

In the air ahead, there seemed to be a large golden net, which was embodied by countless golden silk threads.Continuously shoot downwards.

She saw a monk casually slashed towards the ground with a sword, and then grabbed a golden stone in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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