The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 889 The Spiritual Vessel

Chapter 889 The Spiritual Vessel
Ye Weiyang stepped on the ground with both feet, and her figure rose violently again, this time she rushed towards the fruit of enlightenment.Everyone was stunned for a moment, and when she was given this opportunity, her figure swept across the tree.And she didn't take all the fruits of enlightenment, but only took three, leaving two.

Then the figure roared away.

Sure enough, when they saw that there were still two enlightenment fruits on the tree, and were shocked by Ye Weiyang's sudden outburst, they instinctively didn't choose to chase Ye Weiyang, but rushed towards the two enlightenment fruits, which was Wei Shuang. not excluded.

in a mountain range.

Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged in the temporarily opened cave, took out a fruit of enlightenment, looked at it for a moment, and then ate it in a few mouthfuls.I closed my eyes.

A month later.

Ye Weiyang opened her eyes, with a look of regret in her eyes. This month's retreat, it cannot be said that she has not made progress, and she has a faint feeling about the realm of harmony.But it was just a trace, but the direction could not be determined.And without being touched by the Taoist monk's Taoist realm, the dao flower has never responded, and Ye Weiyang tried his best, but he didn't let the dao flower radiate out of the dao realm again.She also sank into Daohua to comprehend, but she didn't comprehend anything at all.

Ye Weiyang thought about it, she didn't feel that it would be of any use if she didn't eat the remaining two Enlightenment Fruits.At the very least, it should be useless to eat now.

He got up and pushed away the boulder in the cave, and walked out of the cave.He chose a direction at random, spread his spiritual knowledge, and looked for the traces of the monks.

Three days later, she looked for traces of the monks passing by, and followed the traces to look forward.

While searching, while thinking.

Judging from the current state, I am not the opponent of the triple peak of Hedao.Because it can't resist the opponent's Dao realm, but what about the second level of Dao?

She recalled the process of the first stage battle with that monster clan, and thought it over many times, and found that in the process of fighting that monster clan, until she killed it, the opponent didn't seem to release the dao realm.

Is it because the monster race can't release the Dao realm, but can only release the supernatural powers of life?
Ye Weiyang felt that this should not be the case.

That's because the monster monk had just broken through to the Dao because of his low cultivation base, and he couldn't release the Dao realm yet.

Then what state can release the Dao state?

Or is it that not all monks in this realm can release it?
Dao realm and harmony are completely different things?
It's like in a certain realm, some monks comprehend the artistic conception, but some monks couldn't comprehend it?
Ye Weiyang shook her head, she couldn't be sure, but she made up her mind to avoid fighting with fellow monks if possible.The battle with Wei Shuang made him a lot more afraid of the fellow monks.


Ye Weiyang saw a figure whose back was very familiar.But it was Ma Qianli, the patriarch of the Canghai Sect.At this time, Ma Qianli also sensed that there was someone behind him, and when he looked back, his expression was also taken aback.

Ye Weiyang!
The expressions of the two of them changed slightly, and then they returned to normal, and they met with smiles.

The look on Ma Qianli's face seemed a little tired, as if he had just experienced a big battle.At this time, he said with joy on his face:

"Where did Fellow Daoist Ye go all these years? I visited Fellow Daoist before, but I didn't expect Fellow Daoist to leave without saying goodbye."

Ye Weiyang said with a smile: "At that time, I suddenly got something, so I traveled far away immediately."

Ma Qianli's eyes flashed, and he remembered the time when Ye Weiyang wanted to comprehend Hedao Kung Fu by himself:
"Is there any gain?"

"Alas..." Ye Weiyang sighed and said, "Is that so easy?"

Unexpectedly, Ma Qianli also sighed: "Yeah, don't say that you don't have skills, you need to create follow-up skills first, even someone like me who has skills is wasted before He Dao, He Dao is originally Very difficult to comprehend."

The two walked endlessly: "Where have fellow Taoists been all these years?"

"Be safe with the situation, travel around. I also discussed the Tao with many fellow Taoists, and benefited a lot. By the way, I have seen two Hedao fights before, exuding a Taoist magic similar to the artistic conception, but it is definitely higher than the artistic conception , I can’t get close, what is that?”

"You met two monks who can release the Dao state and fight fiercely?" Ma Qianli was surprised.

"Yeah!" Ye Weiyang nodded and said: "Just looking at it from a distance, I almost died in that artistic conception, and left in a hurry, not daring to stay. Is that artistic conception called Taoist realm?"

Ma Qianli nodded and said: "That's right, once a monk breaks through the Tao, he will have the basis to understand the Tao."

Ye Weiyang thought about it and said, "You mean, not everyone who has the cultivation base of the Dao has a Dao realm?"

Ma Qianli nodded and said: "Naturally, just like low-level monks, not all of them may comprehend the artistic conception. But once they understand the artistic conception, fellow Taoists should know what the artistic conception means to low-level monks."

"Well, if it is a monk of the same realm, a monk with artistic conception can crush and kill a monk without artistic conception. You can even challenge at a higher level."

"The same is true for the Dao realm." Ma Qianli said.

Ye Weiyang couldn't help her heartbeat, when she challenged that monster monk, that monster had just broken through to the Dao, so she probably didn't comprehend the Dao realm, otherwise she would be the one who died.

"Are there many people who comprehend the Dao realm?"

Through chatting back and forth, Ma Qianli was certain that Ye Weiyang didn't know that Jiugongmeng had sent someone to kill her, and that she left suddenly last time, she was proficient in accidents, rather than discovering the truth of the problem.He wanted to know more about Ye Weiyang, so he didn't hide anything:
"How is this possible? How difficult is it for low-level monks to comprehend the artistic conception? Among monks who join the Dao, the Dao realm is ten times more difficult. As far as I know, the combined Dao of the Jiugongxing Human Race and the Monster Race is less than three times." Hundreds, there are less than thirty people who have comprehended the Dao realm. However, all monks who have comprehended the Dao realm have unlimited future.

According to legend, all the monks who can ascend in history are monks who have comprehended the Dao Realm.

Moreover, the earlier the comprehension is, the better it is for the monks. "

Ye Weiyang nodded, and changed the subject: "Fellow Daoist, in the past hundred years, can you see a chance to join the Dao?"

Ma Qianli shook his head and sighed, "No, it's too difficult. Fellow Daoist, do you really not consider joining Cang Haizong?"

Ye Weiyang shook her head and said, "I don't think about it for now, I still have time."

"Then... how about we join forces in the ruins of the Colossus?" Ma Qianli sent out an invitation.

Of course Ye Weiyang wouldn't, it's not that she didn't find out that the two Hedaos from Jiugongmeng had gone to Canghaizong, although she still wasn't sure, those two Hedaos came to kill her.But it is doubtful, otherwise she would not have fled decisively back then, how could she join forces with Ma Qianli now?

What if he is taken into a ditch by Ma Qianli?
Immediately declined Ma Qianli's invitation, a trace of regret appeared on Ma Qianli's face, but he did not force it, and bid farewell to Ye Weiyang, the two split into two directions and left separately.

Ye Weiyang left straight away, and so did Ma Qianli.He didn't do anything to follow Ye Weiyang, he was very afraid of Ye Weiyang, a person who could kill a fellow monk and escaped from the fierce fight between two fellow monks, he didn't think he could follow Ye Weiyang without be exposed.But after he flew thousands of miles, his face inevitably became extremely gloomy.

"Let her jump again."

Ye Weiyang's guess is correct, Ma Qianli just wants to go with Ye Weiyang, and once he meets the monks of Jiugongmeng, he can kill Ye Weiyang.However, she didn't expect Ye Weiyang to politely reject her.He is also a little confused now, whether Ye Weiyang is used to walking alone, or he has become wary of himself.

In fact, if he wasn't afraid of Ye Weiyang, he would attack Ye Weiyang as soon as he saw Ye Weiyang, because this giant statue secret realm is not only a place of opportunity, but also a place of killing.

This is an unspoken rule, because Ye Weiyang didn't think too much about it because she didn't come to Jiugongxing for a long time and got the news of the Colossus Secret Realm, she has been teaching the five disciples.In fact, most monks know that the Colossus Secret Realm is a place where a large number of monks and experts gather together to sit on each other's sofas.Otherwise, there will be more and more monks of Jiugongxing, which will overwhelm the world, and sooner or later Jiugongxing will become a mortal star, and the opening of the Colossus Secret Realm once every 5000 years will give Jiugongxing a chance.After the Colossus Secret Realm is opened, all monks with aspirations will enter.It doesn't matter whether the cultivation base is high or low.

Because there are countless opportunities in the secret territory of the Colossus, monks with high cultivation levels can get opportunities suitable for them here, and monks with low cultivation levels can also obtain opportunities suitable for them here.It can be said that there are opportunities suitable for monks of all realms here.

With so many monks pouring into the Colossus Secret Realm, two camps and three camps were naturally formed.Moreover, the two camps and the three camps are intertwined with each other, which is very complicated.

First of all, there are two camps, one is the human race, and the other is naturally the demon race.

The human race and the demon race are naturally opposed to each other. On the Nine Palaces, the human race and the demon race have their own territories, and they are clearly separated.The human race has no ability to attack the monster race, and the monster race has no ability to attack the human race. They each occupy their territory. Although there are small-scale conflicts happening all the time, there is no large-scale war.

However, it is different in Rift of the Colossus.Everyone flooded into the same secret realm. There is no clear-cut territory here. Everyone is looking for opportunities everywhere. They don't know when they will meet together, and they will fight because of chances.Therefore, after the Colossus Secret Realm was opened once, the Human Race and the Monster Race each issued orders.The next time you open it, enter the secret realm of the Colossus, and kill each other when you see each other.

This kind of racial fighting is the most common, and of course there are exceptions.If there is any opportunity, one party cannot get it alone, and if two parties need to cooperate, the two parties will not be rigid.But this is not the case much.

Then talk about the three camps.

One is a local cultivator of Nine Palaces, one is an alien cultivator, and the third is an alien alliance.

It's complicated.

First of all, let's talk about the native monks of Jiugongxing, which includes the monster race and the human race.

Secondly, alien monks, including monster races and human races.

Finally, let’s talk about the Alien Alliance. Now the local monks of Nine Palaces regard the Alien Alliance as an enemy, and the Alien monks don’t have a good impression of the Alien Alliance, because the current Alien Alliance also hunts and kills the Alien monks.

Therefore, if you encounter a few monks fighting, it will not be chaotic or complicated.But if a large group of monks are fighting, let alone the monks who are fighting, even if someone is watching from outside, they will not be able to understand.

Think about it, if among this group of monks, there are tribes, demon tribes, native monks from Nine Palaces, alien monks, and alien alliance monks, what kind of chaos will it be?
It is also true that every time the ruins of the Colossus are opened, almost [-]% of the monks will die.

Although Ye Weiyang didn't know the inside story, she knew that the ruins of the Colossus must be very dangerous. She didn't need to know the inside story, as long as she knew that every time the ruins of the Colossus were opened, [-]% of the monks would die, that was enough.

Therefore, Ye Weiyang is very cautious, and will not join forces with anyone and walk alone in the ruins of the Colossus.Although wandering around aimlessly, it has to be said that this colossus remains has been closed for 5000 years, and it is really full of treasures.After traveling alone for more than ten years, Ye Weiyang has gained a lot.It is the herbs, which are piled up into a hill in the Talisman.

Ye Weiyang put all the herbs on the sixth floor of the Talisman Tower. Ye Weiyang also killed many monks in the past ten years, including monster races and human races.As for which camp he belongs to, Ye Weiyang doesn't know, and won't try to find out.Anyway, these monks wanted to kill herself, so she killed them instead.

She also gained a lot from killing these monks.Every monk has his own harvest, and after being killed by Ye Weiyang, their harvest becomes Ye Weiyang's.Coupled with the chance that Ye Weiyang encountered herself, there are already many spiritual veins in her rune tower.

Back then, in the cultivation world, spiritual veins were regarded as the supreme treasure, because one spiritual vein could lead to a sect.Once the spiritual vein is obtained, a sect, or a family, or a blessed place will be established on it.Even if you don't want to build there, if you extract the spirit veins, you will bring them back to the sect, break into the foundation of the sect, and improve the cultivation environment of the sect.Almost no monk would leave a spiritual vein on his body and use it to practice.

The scarcity of spiritual veins can be imagined.

Coming to the Nine Palaces, although the spirit vein has not become the supreme treasure like in the world of cultivating immortals, it is still a very precious treasure.It's hard to find one.

However, in the secret realm of the Colossus, one is found from time to time.It caused looting, and in the process of looting, countless monks died.

Ye Weiyang's spiritual veins are all placed in the Talisman Tower.

At this time, on the first floor of her talisman tower, there were three spiritual veins, one high-grade, one middle-grade and one low-grade.They are all water spirit veins.She found that the water spirit veins were very suitable for the first layer. Not only did it increase the yin energy in the Talisman Tower, but the first layer was also slowly changing the water spirit veins, transforming towards the most yin direction.

On the second floor of the rune tower, there is only one spiritual vein.It is a dark spiritual vein.This kind of spiritual vein is very rare, even in the ruins of the giant statue, Ye Weiyang never encountered it once.After she beheaded a Hunyuan monk, she turned it over from the storage ring of the other party.She immediately put it into the second floor of the Talisman Tower, and the Dark Spiritual Vein was really suitable for a place full of demonic energy, complementing each other.It is conceivable that this spiritual vein is already top-grade, and maybe it will be upgraded to top-grade under the environment of this level.And the magic thoughts at this level will also become more manic.

(End of this chapter)

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