Chapter 890

On the third floor, there are five spirit veins, which are gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, all of which are middle-grade spirit veins.The demonic aura is more intense.

On the fourth floor, there are also five spiritual veins, which are gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, but they are all low-grade spiritual veins.

This layer belongs to the way of mortals that Ye Weiyang comprehended. Ye Weiyang was afraid that the spiritual veins placed here would weaken or even disappear, so she chose the five worst spiritual veins to put here.

And on the fifth floor, there are five top-grade spiritual veins, which are gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.In the small world of this level, the environment is almost the same as that of the world of cultivating immortals.

And on the sixth floor, there are more spiritual veins placed, and there are all grades.There are a total of eighteen items, and they all belong to metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

After Ye Weiyang is ready to go out, she captures some fairy patterns and puts them on this floor to see if it can become a small world similar to Jiugongxing.

She reckoned that those fellow monks would only gain more than her, not less than her.

There are really opportunities and treasures everywhere here.

Nearly [-] million monks are like locusts, plundering here.

But after so long, she still didn't find Hongmeng Daoyun, nor did she hear any news about Hongmeng Daoyun.

In a flash, 50 years have passed since entering the ruins of the Colossus. In the past 50 years, Ye Weiyang has obtained many treasures and some more spiritual veins, which she put into the sixth floor of the Talisman Tower.

She will get the herbs, all of which are planted on the sixth floor, all kinds of ores are also put on the sixth floor, and all kinds of treasures, if she feels that they can grow, she puts them all on the sixth floor, trying to see if they able to grow.Of course, this is a long process, but Ye Weiyang is not in a hurry, she doesn't need it anyway.


On this day, Ye Weiyang was walking in a forest when he suddenly heard a humming sound, which was so loud that it seemed to spread throughout the ruins.Ye Weiyang stepped into the air, flew up into the sky, stared at it, and saw the direction of the humming sound, as if a big sunset had fallen on the ground, emitting white light.

"what is that?"

Ye Weiyang was a little dazed, but then she shot towards there.Whatever it is, let's talk about it.Her speed is extremely fast, but even so, she flew for nearly a month before reaching the edge of that big sun.

At this time, it became clear.

That round of great sun did not fall on the ground, but was about a hundred meters above the ground, suspended in mid-air.It doesn't look big, and it's not hot, it just exudes a dazzling white light.

She saw some monks around, standing there, as if they didn't enter.But I also saw a monk rushing in without hesitation.She stood and watched for about a quarter of an hour, and found that only Hunyuan and Hedao rushed in, and no one went in under Hunyuan.

Her heart moved.

In this way, in this big day, there must be treasures that Hunyuan and Hedao are interested in.However, she is not in a hurry.Instead, he walked to a monk not far away, who looked at her warily, and Ye Weiyang cupped his hands and said:

"This fellow Taoist, can you tell me what kind of opportunity is there?"

The monk was surprised: "You don't know?"

Ye Weiyang shook his head, and at the same time released a trace of breath, the monk's expression changed, he felt Ye Weiyang's cultivation, and immediately replied honestly:

"There are nine drops of Consciousness Dew here."


The monk has realized that Ye Weiyang is a foreign monk, and he is even more afraid in his heart, for fear that Ye Weiyang will be dissatisfied and kill him.At this distance, Ye Weiyang wanted to kill him, but he didn't have any chance.Hastily replied:

"Shizhanglu is a kind of treasure. I don't know if the seniors have heard of the Dao Realm?"

Hearing the Dao Realm, Ye Weiyang was also sure that the person in front of him must be a local cultivator of Jiugongxing, so he nodded and said: "I know."

"If a Taoist monk does not comprehend the Taoist realm, the Hunyuan monk can still fight with the Taoist monk, and even escape from the Taoist monk. However, once he meets a Taoist monk who has a Taoist realm, there is no possibility of escape. Because Dao realm can directly destroy the sea of ​​consciousness.

However, after Shizhanglu is taken, it will form a barrier in the monk's sea of ​​consciousness, which can have a good effect and resist the Dao realm. "

Ye Weiyang's eyes couldn't help but light up, if she had the ability to resist the Dao realm, she wouldn't be so afraid of the monks who joined the Dao.Although he still wouldn't be an opponent of a high-level Taoist monk, he could fight against a low-level Taoist monk.

"It's more than that!" The monk continued to explain: "After the formation of this sea of ​​consciousness barrier, it can assist monks to comprehend the Tao realm. The monk absorbs the energy of the barrier and comprehends the Tao realm. A consumption of the sea barrier will eventually consume the sea barrier."

"Thank you!"

After Ye Weiyang thanked him, he didn't rush in, but asked a few more monks to inquire.The news they got was the same, Ye Weiyang rushed into that big day.

As soon as he rushed into the big sun, he lost his direction, couldn't see clearly, everything was white, even his spiritual consciousness was affected, and he couldn't distinguish at all.

But the moment Ye Weiyang entered the white light, she felt a strangling force coming towards her.Ye Weiyang immediately stopped vigilantly, released Dao Yuan to resist, and then began to perceive the strangling power, his eyes flashed, and the strangling power was strongest in one direction.Ye Weiyang rushed towards that direction without hesitation.

Sure enough, the strangling power became stronger and stronger as Ye Weiyang went deeper, but Ye Weiyang didn't panic, instead she was overjoyed, it should be the right direction she was looking for.He released the Liuhe curtain, wrapped his whole body, and rushed towards that direction with all his strength, without slowing down at all.

The strangling power is getting stronger and stronger, coupled with the changes brought about by Ye Weiyang's impact, strangling storms are generated around Ye Weiyang from time to time, even similar to the strangling of space debris, even the Liuhe curtain can't stand it.

The strangling power is constantly increasing, doubled, ten times, a hundred times...

The Liuhe curtain covering Ye Weiyang's body began to appear cracks, and finally began to shatter, then a strangulation force rushed in from the broken space, strangling Ye Weiyang's body.But when it comes to Ye Weiyang's body at the peak of the eighth stage of Hedao, it can't be hurt at all.But Ye Weiyang still released the Liuhe curtain again to resist the strangulation of space.After a few rounds, Ye Weiyang felt that the killing power was gone, her eyes lit up, she rushed out of the white strangling space, but she didn't feel happy in her heart, instead she immediately put all her strength on guard, the heaven and earth screens circulated, and she looked around.

Seeing the surrounding situation clearly, Ye Weiyang heaved a sigh of relief, dispersed the Liuhe curtain, took out a elixir and swallowed it, and began to look around.

The scene here is like a huge platform, but the ground under the feet is not a real flat ground, but a white light curtain.Ye Weiyang raised his foot and stomped towards the light curtain, very tenacious, with Ye Weiyang's strength, he stomped with all his strength, but only caused circles of ripples to appear on the light curtain under his feet, spreading away to the distance.

Looking towards the platform, she saw some monks, there were probably more than 100 monks, and everyone stood there quietly at this moment.I can't tell how much harmony there is, how many Hunyuan there are.However, Ye Weiyang knew that not all the monks who joined the Tao came here, but as time went by, those monks would come one after another.

Those monks also glanced at Ye Weiyang, and then all looked away.Ye Weiyang thought for a while, these people are very quiet now, it seems that the beginning barrier has not appeared yet.

I don't know when it will appear.

She carefully observed the positions of the monks, and found that there was a distance between each monk and other monks.This shows that no coalition situation arises.

That's right, there are a total of nine drops of Shizhanglu, and they can only grab each according to their own abilities, there is no possibility of joining forces.

Then she discovered that the positions chosen by these monks were very random, which meant that the position of the beginning barrier should be random, and she didn't know where it would appear.

This made Ye Weiyang frowned.

If Shizhanglu happens to appear on one's head, and one gets Shizhanglu, one will immediately rush into the light and flee to the outside.And the monks here have no chance to hunt and kill themselves.However, if it appears on someone else's head, I also have no chance.However, if the location of the appearance is a certain distance from every monk, it will definitely be a scuffle.And once there is a Taoist monk who comprehends the Dao realm, he has almost no chance.Because at most, he can resist the impact of half a breath of Taoism.


Her eyes swept over everyone, and those Hunyuan who did not have a Dao realm would have no chance.

Get ready first, you have to fight anyway.

Ye Weiyang started to build a sword array with flying needles in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and then let Xingsuo quietly wrap around her wrist, and quickly made a plan in her heart, then stood there quietly, observing the surroundings seriously.Unknowingly, two quarters of an hour passed, and monks appeared again and again. One of the monks happened to appear not far from Ye Weiyang. After seeing Ye Weiyang, he immediately moved away.With a look of wariness on his face, he was relieved when he saw that Ye Weiyang was just standing there quietly.

And at this moment, I saw a monster monk, and suddenly said: "Dear friends, let's clear the field first?"

Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat. At this time, the monks who could say these words were undoubtedly the fellow monks, and the people he cleared the field were undoubtedly the Hunyuan monks like Ye Weiyang and the others.All the Hunyuan present were on alert.The figure couldn't help but retreat, standing on the edge of the white light world, ready to escape at any time.The same is true for Ye Weiyang.

However, the words of the monster monk didn't get any response from the other monks who joined the way, so the monk said hey and stopped talking.While Ye Weiyang breathed a sigh of relief, she also thought of something in her heart, and her expression became more dignified.

The other fellow monks didn't respond. At this moment, thinking about it, there should be two reasons.

One is that they didn't pay attention to these Hunyuan at all.The other should be that they actually hope that a certain Hunyuan will get the Shizhanglu in their hearts.

If the first barrier dew appeared, it happened to be obtained by a certain monk, and the remaining monks basically had no chance of winning it.But if they are obtained by a Hunyuan, even if that Hunyuan eats it immediately and escapes, they will catch up to that Hunyuan in a very short time, kill that Hunyuan, and then extract Shizhanglu .It takes time for the initial barrier to form a barrier to the sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Weiyang could think of it, and those Hunyuan could think of it too, each of them couldn't help but change their expressions.But none of the Hunyuan withdrew.This is a great opportunity.It can be said that among the ruins of the colossus, the first opportunity is Hongmeng Daoyun.The second opportunity is the beginning of exposure.

After obtaining the Shizhanglu, Hunyuan monks have a chance to compete for the Primordial Daoyun.If there is no Shizhanglu, Hunyuan monks will not be able to resist the invasion of the Dao realm, and there will be no chance to compete for the Primordial Daoyun.

The Taoist monks looked playfully at each of the Hunyuan monks, seeing that none of Ye Weiyang and the others withdrew, their eyes were full of sarcasm.A Taoist monk couldn't help but sneered:

Another monk said with a smile: "Man dies for money and birds die for food!"

After waiting for another half a day, there were already more than 300 monks on this light curtain platform, and the number of monks who joined the Tao was more than that of Hunyuan monks.In this way, Ye Weiyang and other Hunyuan monks felt hopeless in their hearts.

All of a sudden, the monks raised their heads suddenly, and the sky became brighter.Even though Ye Weiyang didn't know the details, she knew at this moment that Shi Zhanlu was about to appear.However, the brightness of the sky was the same, and it was impossible to know from which direction Hashizakaro would appear, and everyone became nervous.


Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat, he saw a bit of green, it was very conspicuous in this white space.It was a green thing that looked like a drop of water, which appeared from the white light and fell downward from the air.But the falling position is in the center.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Nearly two hundred fellow monks rushed towards the drop of Shizhanglu, Ye Weiyang and Hunyuan could only watch helplessly, as bystanders, they had no strength to fight for it.

The melee broke out in an instant, and the power of the sky collapsed, spreading to the surroundings. Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat, and she flew back into the white light world behind her without hesitation.In the process of flying back, she saw several Hunyuan monks whose reactions and speed were a little slower, their bodies were broken and they died on the spot.

Ye Weiyang retreated into the world of white light, into the world of strangulation.She sensed that Ling Jue's power also rushed into the world of white light, and collided with the strangulation power, and that power also had the meaning of Dao Realm.It's just that he was strangled very weak by the strangling power of space.Ye Weiyang retreated another distance, and the strangulation force finally strangled the aftermath of the fight between the Taoist monks.But then the aftermath of harmony spread in.

(End of this chapter)

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