Chapter 891
Ye Weiyang's position at this time is very safe, although it is far away from the central platform, but it can be judged whether the competition for the monks of the Tao is over based on the aftermath of the Taoism spreading over.Ye Weiyang released the Liuhe curtain, swallowed another elixir, and waited patiently.

Nearly an hour passed.The aftermath of that harmony not only did not disappear, but intensified, which shows how fierce the battle in the central light curtain is.But Ye Weiyang is also worried.After fighting for so long, wouldn't there be a second drop, or even more Shizhanglu, right?
However, she could only wait here, with anxiety in her eyes.

Another hour passed like this, and the aftermath of the Daoist struggle finally disappeared.Ye Weiyang waited for another quarter of an hour, but did not perceive the aftermath of the harmony, and then moved towards the center of the light curtain again.This time she didn't rush forward, but leaned over slowly, trying not to make any fluctuations, she even dispersed the Liuhe curtain, letting the strangling force directly strangle her body.

But she couldn't be sure when she would walk out of this world of light and enter the central light curtain platform.Moreover, if the spiritual knowledge is used here, as long as the spiritual knowledge spreads out of the body, it will be strangled by the strangulation force, and it is impossible to use the spiritual knowledge to explore the way.Therefore, Ye Weiyang poked his head forward and slowly approached.

Finally, half of her head slowly poked out of the world of light. When her eyes passed through the light curtain, she stopped immediately, revealing half of her head, and her eyes looked around.

She saw those fellow monks standing quietly on the light curtain platform at this time, but she felt that a few were missing, and she didn't know whether they were killed or escaped injured.But there must have been a monk who got the first barrier and left.

Then there was one thing in Ye Weiyang's heart, she felt that there were eyes locked on her, and it was not the same, she couldn't help but smile bitterly in her heart.No matter how careful I am, I can't avoid the result of being discovered.These monks are right.

At the same time, she also found that there were monks looking at other places, and then she saw that there were also Hunyuan monks like herself, with half of their heads exposed.It seems that Hunyuan is not the only one who is unwilling to give up.

She thought for a while, then stepped out of the light curtain, standing with her back against the light curtain, ready to leave at any time.

Afterwards, Hunyuan came out one after another, and they were all standing with their backs against the light curtain just like Ye Weiyang.Looking at each other, Ye Weiyang saw that there was a lot missing.It seems that many Hunyuan cultivators realized that they could not get Shizhanglu at all after seeing the power of Hedao.Even if you happen to get one, you will be hunted down, and you will definitely be hunted down.Because the power of harmony is too powerful.

So there are only monks like Ye Weiyang who don't give up, or monks who feel that they have a hole in their hearts.

Those fellow monks didn't pay attention to Ye Weiyang and the others, but their eyes were full of indifference, and they didn't even bother to sarcasm.

In this way, more than half a day passed, and the sky lit up again.All the monks looked up at the sky.Ye Weiyang is also circulating Dao Yuan in her body.What happens once that drop falls on his head?
You can catch and run yourself!

Not only her, but other Hunyuan monks also adjusted their state to the best.


Ye Weiyang and Hunyuan's eyes lit up, with anticipation, envy, and nervousness.

Because the drop began to hide, it suddenly appeared not far from the head of a Hunyuan cultivator.Ye Weiyang and the others expected that cultivator to succeed, because the success of that cultivator also indicated that they would also be able to succeed once they had this opportunity.The monk looked ecstatic, but his movements were absolutely fast.He jumped towards that Shizhanglu, opened his mouth directly, swallowed the drop of Shizhanglu into his mouth, turned around and rushed towards the white light world.


Ye Weiyang and the others turned pale, they saw that the monk was about to rush into the world of white light, but was imprisoned in the air all of a sudden.

That's not imprisonment.

It was the monk who was attacked by countless Taoist monks, and the monk was squeezed by the power of the Taoist monks from all directions, resulting in such a momentary scene of confinement, and then his body was crushed with a bang, and the drop began Before the barrier dew was refined, it flew out.

Ye Weiyang retreated into the white light time, and the power of the Taoist monks' fighting spread fiercely again.Ye Weiyang retreated a long way before stopping, her face uncertain.

She carefully recalled the behavior of the monk who was able to just now. After the monk got the first barrier, he immediately fled, but it was obvious that his body froze.Thinking about it now, at that time, the attack of the monks who joined the Tao had not yet arrived.

It's Dao Realm!
The speed of the Dao Realm was too fast, and there was more than one Dao Realm that hit the Hunyuan monk, so his body froze, and then he was smashed to pieces by the attack of the Daoist monk.

Even if I built the five-element sword array in the sea of ​​consciousness, I could only block it for half a breath.It stands to reason that half a breath is enough time for him to escape into the white light.But that's the result of resisting a Daoist artistic conception, and now there must be more than one Daoist monk's Daoist realm to resist.Although I don't know how many of those Taoist monks have comprehended the Dao realm, but there must be more than one.

In this way, how long can the comprehension sword array in the sea of ​​consciousness resist?
Definitely not half breath.

Feeling the disappearance of the Dao Realm, Ye Weiyang rushed forward again.She now knew that those monks who were righteous would not waste energy on taking care of her.After all, the monks staying on the light curtain platform are all of the same way. Whoever wastes a little energy may become weaker in the subsequent robbing.But she still walked out of the light area cautiously.

Not bad!

She came out, standing with her back against the light curtain.Sure enough, those fellow monks just glanced at her and ignored her.In the hearts of those fellow monks, it was Ye Weiyang's luck that Shi Zhanlu didn't fall on Ye Weiyang's head.Once it lands there, it will be Ye Weiyang's misfortune.

Then, many Hunyuan monks also came out, like Ye Weiyang, they all stood with their backs close to the light curtain.Although they saw a Hunyuan consummated and died so fragile that they couldn't stand a single blow, they still refused to give up just like Ye Weiyang.However, Ye Weiyang looked around, and there were still a lot of Hunyuan monks missing, and it seemed that there were still few monks who dared to risk their lives.

Ye Weiyang had already remembered the monks on the light curtain platform before, and when he glanced at those fellows, there was indeed a missing monk.It must be that monk who joined the Tao finally got Shizhanglu and left immediately.

Next, I don't know if it was the misfortune of those monks who joined the Tao, or those Hunyuan monks like Ye Weiyang. Near a certain Hunyuan monk.Then, the Hunyuan monks were killed one by one.

Ye Weiyang almost gave up in her heart, because now eight drops of Shizhanglu have appeared, and only the last drop is left.At this time, on the light curtain platform, there was only Ye Weiyang, a Hunyuan cultivator left.Those Hunyuan monks chose to leave.

On the one hand, they saw all the Hunyuan dying consummately and fragilely, and finally gave up this thought, and on the other hand, it was because there was only this last drop left.

Even if Hunyuan monk obtained the drop of Shizhanglu before, if he could escape successfully, it might attract several fellow monks to chase him down.But it will definitely not cause all the monks of the same way to hunt down and kill them.Because there is still a beginning to appear.However, now there is only the last drop left, even if he escapes into the world of light by chance, it will definitely cause all the monks who are in harmony with the Tao to hunt down and kill him.No Hunyuan monk would feel that he could survive the pursuit of more than 200 fellow monks, so they all left.

In this way, Ye Weiyang was the only one left.

The fellow monks looked at Ye Weiyang playfully, and they also admired Ye Weiyang's boldness in their hearts.Ye Weiyang lowered her eyelids slightly.Don't look at those fellow monks, just stand there quietly and wait.

The sky lit up again, Ye Weiyang became nervous, and then a look of disappointment appeared on her face, the dew did not appear on her head, even if it was not even close to her, it was almost Falling in the center of the light curtain.Ye Weiyang sighed, and then retreated away. At this moment, those fellow monks had rushed over and fought fiercely.Ye Weiyang's figure had already retreated halfway into the light curtain, but her eyes suddenly focused.Then I saw the drop of Shizhanglu being shot towards her by those fellow monks fighting for it.

Ye Weiyang gritted her teeth resolutely, and rushed out suddenly, but within three meters, the Shizhanglu had already reached her, grabbed the Shizhanglu, and flew towards the light curtain retreat.Less than two meters away from the light curtain, the Dao Realm of the Compassionate Cultivator has already arrived, pouring into the sea of ​​consciousness.And those fellow monks raised their hands one after another, attacking Ye Weiyang.

clang clang...

Ye Weiyang was aware of the violent shaking of the sword array in the sea, although it had the dao realm exuded by dao flowers, it was too weak.In this case, it is absolutely supported for less than half a breath.

Ye Weiyang released the Liuhe curtain, the terrain is less than one meter away from the light curtain, but the distance between the two sides is rapidly approaching.Ye Weiyang could clearly see the surprise on the faces of those monks who joined the Dao, because they found that Ye Weiyang was not overwhelmed by the Dao Realm.


Ye Weiyang's figure had fled to the edge of the light curtain, but the most sudden attack had hit her Liuhe curtain, and the Liuhe curtain exploded, and the remaining power bombarded her body, Ye Weiyang was like a projectile Was blasted into the world of light.Immediately, with a flash of body shape, he entered Xingsuo, Xingsuo released its extreme speed, knocked those strangling forces out of a straight hole, and roared away.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

One after the other monks rushed into the world of light, they could naturally perceive the big hole-like passage, squeezed out all their potential one by one, and chased after Ye Weiyang.They were very angry.If in the end that drop of Shizhanglu was snatched away by a Hunyuan cultivator, it would be too hard a blow.How playfully they looked at Ye Weiyang at the beginning, and how much they were beaten in the face.

But, when they rush out of the world of light, where is the figure of Ye Weiyang?

However, they were able to perceive a violent spatial fluctuation and headed for the distance.These fellow monks showed their abilities one after another, and chased in that direction, making those monks who stayed outside stare dumbfounded. At the same time, the world of light was gradually dissipating.

Ye Weiyang was sitting cross-legged in Xingsuo's space, her face was a little pale.Just now, the Five Elements Sword Formation in her consciousness almost collapsed.Once it collapses, her sea of ​​consciousness will explode, and she will die.On the contrary, it was the attack of the Hedao monk, even though it shattered the Liuhe curtain, and the attack was on her body, it only caused her inner palace to be slightly injured and spit out a mouthful of blood.The peak body of Hedao Yae gives her a strong ability to resist blows.

She first put the drop of Shizhanglu into a jade bottle and sealed it away, then took a healing pill, and completely handed over the escape task to Xing Suo.With Xingsuo's speed, it is impossible for those monks who are compatible with the Tao to catch up.

After an hour or so, Ye Weiyang's cultivation had returned to its peak.She made Xingsuo stop, came out from the star lock, put away Xingsuo, then restrained her breath, and flew in another direction.She knew that those monks who joined the Tao could not catch up with Xingsuo, but with the speed of Xingsuo, there would definitely be space fluctuations, and those monks who joined the Tao would eventually catch up.She didn't want to keep playing chase and escape games with these monks.

Ye Weiyang has been flying for a month. During this month, he kept changing directions, finally opened up a cave, and arranged a formation. Then he sat cross-legged in the cave, took out the jade bottle, and swallowed it in one gulp. Beginning to reveal.

Then, close your eyes and look inside to observe and feel the changes in the sea of ​​knowledge.

That drop of Shizhang dew began to merge into the barrier of the sea of ​​consciousness, spreading bit by bit, and the barrier of the sea of ​​consciousness emitted a faint milky white light bit by bit. This process lasted for more than a month before it ended. The entire sea of ​​consciousness barrier exudes a layer of milky white light.

Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat, it was this kind of precious light that could resist the Dao Realm.

Then, her heart skipped a beat.She found that the artistic conception she had comprehended before began to become active automatically, and those artistic concepts flowed towards the barrier of the sea of ​​consciousness like a thousand streams returning to the clan.Merging into the barrier of the sea of ​​consciousness, Ye Weiyang's brows throbbed with surprise, she felt that those artistic conceptions had mysterious changes in the dim light that entered the barrier of the sea of ​​consciousness.

This is evolution!

Those moods are actually evolving automatically, evolving towards the direction of the Dao realm.

The artistic conceptions of the Five Elements, Liuhe, Seven Stars, Bagua and Nine Palaces that Ye Weiyang had comprehended are all evolving towards the Dao realm.Ye Weiyang immediately forced herself to immerse herself in it, carefully watching the evolution process.

Half a year.

This process was completely over, but Ye Weiyang still didn't wake up, after watching, she was immediately immersed in sorting out and comprehending.

(End of this chapter)

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