The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 892 Prohibition

Chapter 892 Prohibition
Eight years.

Ye Weiyang in the cave opened her eyes, with surprises and regrets in her eyes.

Ye Weiyang has a little understanding of the Dao Realm, but she has not comprehended the Dao Realm yet.But with those Dao realms inside the sea of ​​consciousness barrier, comprehension is only a matter of time.

After thinking about it carefully, her heart skipped a beat suddenly, and an idea came to her.

Because she thought of the Yin-Yang Monument.

She just pushed forward the Yin-Yang Monument from the Five Elements, all the way to the Nine Palaces.If I can invert it, will it help me to comprehend Hedao?
The more she thought about it, the more she felt that it made sense, and she had already made a decision in her heart. When the ruins of the giant statue were over, she would return to the world of cultivating immortals ahead of schedule.

There is no need to continue to comprehend the Dao realm, it was an extremely long time, and I don't know if the Hongmeng Daoyun has appeared now, that is the real treasure that can help break through the Dao.

Ye Weiyang got up and left the cave. After meeting other monks, she inquired about it and found that Hongmeng Daoyun was not born, so she was relieved.At this time, Ye Weiyang has much more confidence in competing for Hongmeng Daoyun.

First of all, she is no longer afraid of the Dao rhyme of the Taoist monk, which is a decisive factor.Secondly, her body is not weaker than Hedao, and even surpasses most of the Hedao monks.But there are also weak points. Her immortal essence should not be as good as those of the Taoists. The most important thing is that she is not a monk of the Tao. The speed and power of releasing the Taoism are not as good as the monks of the Tao.Although she practiced Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue, combined with the Yin-Yang Monument, which made her release Taoism several times faster and more powerful than other Hunyuan Consummation monks, but it should still be inferior to the Taoist monks.

If you encounter a low-level Taoist monk, that is, a monk in the early stage of Taoism, you may not be weaker than the opponent in the speed and power of releasing Taoism.But when you meet a monk in the middle stage of the union, I'm afraid it's not as good as the other party.At that time, the only thing I could rely on was my body.

Ye Weiyang thought for a while, but she still had few cards in her cards. Against the monks who joined the Dao, it can be said that she almost had no cards.


I have Xing Suo!
She suddenly remembered that now her cultivation base has reached the perfection of Hunyuan. Before that, she had been searching for Jiugongxing in the starry sky. After coming to Jiugongxing, she had been practicing, but she forgot about Xingsuo.

Xingsuo has three functions.

One is the fast speed, Ye Weiyang escaped from the pursuit of those fellow monks by relying on Xingsuo's speed.The second is hardness, Ye Weiyang feels that in this world, there is probably no harder treasure than Xing Suo.Anyway, I haven't seen it so far.In this way, this is an excellent weapon.The third is supernatural powers.Thinking of supernatural powers, she immediately communicated with Xingsuo.

"Xingsuo, you forgot to teach me supernatural powers."

Xing Suo's voice came: "I thought you looked down on my supernatural powers."

"How? I forgot."

"Okay, I'll pass it on to you."

Xing Suo is also happy, it has been with Ye Weiyang for so long, although Ye Weiyang is still not the main one, and Ye Weiyang has never mentioned it, the two of them are like friends.But Xing Suo also noticed Ye Weiyang's growth speed and strength.Especially when she found out that Ye Weiyang also had a Luoshu, and it was Luoshu who refined the Dao pattern to improve it.In this way, she doesn't want to leave Ye Weiyang even more.It was even a little bit worried that one day Ye Weiyang would be too strong, so she would not need it.So, now hearing that Ye Weiyang asked for its supernatural power, it is very happy:
"Wei Young, let me tell you, my natal supernatural power is even stronger now."

"Oh?" Ye Weiyang raised her eyebrows, and said in surprise: "What a powerful technique?"

"In the past, although my supernatural powers could release nine hundred and ninety-nine star dragons at once, my cultivation was two levels behind yours. But now, I can only be one level behind."

Ye Weiyang was overjoyed: "You mean, I can release 99 star dragons with perfect Dao Yuan now?"

If this is the case, it will indeed surprise Ye Weiyang.Although the nine hundred and ninety-nine star dragons are able to blow up the nine hundred and ninety-nine star dragons with just a few slaps even if the opponent is only in the first level of the He Dao and has not comprehended the Dao state, but they can win Ye Weiyang A glimmer of chance.It's just this slight chance, if Ye Weiyang grasps it, it may not be impossible to defeat the opponent.

"It's not a big deal, you are now a complete Hunyuan, and I can pass on to you Xeon's natal supernatural power."

"Xeon's natal supernatural power? What is that?"

"Originally, my Xeon natal supernatural power was not as strong as it is now, so you could release [-] star dragons, and each star dragon has the strength of the peak in the early stage of Hunyuan. But now I have improved with the help of the fairy pattern. So, now you can release one hundred and eight star dragons that are at the peak of the Hunyuan mid-stage."

Ye Weiyang couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard that, the [-] star dragons at the peak of the middle stage of Hunyuan still couldn't beat the monks in the early stage of Hedao, but they were definitely able to hold on for a few more breaths, which gave Ye Weiyang a great chance to sneak attack many.

Ye Weiyang immediately began to study Xingsuo's supernatural power, with Xingsuo's cooperation and guidance, Ye Weiyang only spent a day to master this supernatural power.

Ye Weiyang is going to try the power of Xingsuo's supernatural power, this is not difficult.Because the space of the colossus is a strangulation field, there are monster races, human races, local monks of the Nine Palaces, alien monks, and the notorious alien alliance. They are killing all the time.

Ye Weiyang will not take the initiative to kill those monks, but she will not exude her own aura to make other monks afraid.Instead, he restrained his breath and looked around for various resources with peace of mind.But her behavior, to put it nicely, is low-key.To put it bluntly, it is called fishing.Therefore, all the monks who saw Ye Weiyang almost all attacked Ye Weiyang, wanting to kill and seize the treasure.Then he was killed by Ye Weiyang.

At this time, Ye Weiyang was picking herbs among the flowers and plants.A crape myrtle grass grows here, which is the main medicine for refining crape myrtle pill.Ziwei Dan is a elixir that is effective for Hunyuan monks.There is a piece of growing here, about 1000 plants.Ye Weiyang picked them very carefully so as not to damage the rhizomes.She wants to plant these crape myrtle grasses in the sixth floor of the rune tower.

Don't look at her lowering her head to pick herbs, as if she was concentrating.In fact, she has discovered six monks, lurking not far from her.She just wanted to try the power of Xing Suo's natal supernatural power, so she pretended to be ignorant.However, the six monks did not move.What they thought was that once Ye Weiyang attacked now, the crape myrtle grass would inevitably be damaged, so it would be better to wait for Ye Weiyang to finish picking and then kill Ye Weiyang.At that time, everything Ye Weiyang owns will be theirs.

Ye Weiyang finally finished picking the last herb, she has already seen eighteen monks lurking around.However, these people came here carefully restraining their breath, and it was impossible to tell what kind of cultivation they were.Ye Weiyang prayed in her heart that their cultivation base would be higher, so that they could test the level of Xing Suo's natal supernatural power.

The moment Ye Weiyang finished picking the last herb carefully, and put it away, the sound of clothes being swept away, followed by the roar of Taoism and the buzzing of weapons.

Eighteen monks attacked Ye Weiyang almost at the same time.

However, Ye Weiyang felt a burst of death in his heart. Among the eighteen monks, the highest cultivation level was the Dao of Transformation, and a few of them were the Dao of Imperialism.Ye Weiyang waved the star cable in his hand, and one hundred and eight star dragons rushed out, and then began to grope the corpse, very carefully and slowly, and didn't care if anyone passed by and saw it.

Five years later.

On a mountain peak, Ye Weiyang stood with his hands behind his back.After five years of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, she killed countless monks, both human and demon.The human race just touches the corpse, while the monster race even collects the corpse.

The ruins of the Colossus are worthy of being a huge strangling field. Now decades have passed, and even the low-level monks staying at the checkpoint have the opportunity to enter the real ruins. There are monks everywhere, some alone, some with knots. In the team, there are fights everywhere. In the past few decades, Ye Weiyang has accumulated resources, and she feels that the resources of the eight major sects in the world of cultivating immortals combined are not as many as her alone.And only a small part of these resources were picked or dug by herself, and most of them were obtained from killing other monks.

It is conceivable that the more time passes, the fewer monks here will be.And the surviving monks will get more resources, because those resources are not obtained by one person, but the resources of countless people are accumulated on one person.

And in these five years, Ye Weiyang finally tested the power of Xingsuo, why did it take so long, because although there are many monks, it is not easy to meet a master.After all, masters, especially monks above Hunyuan, are not even a fraction compared to [-] million.

Only relying on Xingsuo's supernatural power, Ye Weiyang found that he could kill a Hunyuan Consummation.Just last year, she finally met a Hunyuan Consummation cultivator, released a magical power, [-] star dragons, each star dragon's power is equivalent to the peak of Hunyuan in the middle stage, besieging a Hunyuan Consummation, and finally Although there were only seven of the [-] star dragons left, they successfully killed that Hunyuan.

In this way, she did not continue the experiment.A Hunyuan Consummation can kill one hundred and eight star dragons to only seven. If you encounter a Hedao, even if that Hedao is only one stage, this supernatural power cannot kill that Hedao.

At this time, Ye Weiyang was thinking.

What if I build a formation of one hundred and eight star dragons in this supernatural power?

It's not impossible, I and Xingsuo can cooperate.It should be possible to control one hundred and eight star dragons and form a formation.In this way, the power will be doubled.

So, what kind of formation is constructed?
One hundred and eight star dragons are naturally the most suitable for building the Great Zhoutian Star Array.So he passed the Great Zhoutian Star Array to Xingsuo:
"Xingsuo, with the two of us united, can we build this formation?"

Xing Suo said nothing, Ye Weiyang was not in a hurry, knowing that Xing Suo was deducing.He stood with his hands behind his back and looked into the distance.About half a day later, Xing Suo's voice sounded:

"Yes, and if I am the center of the formation, the power may be stronger."

Ye Weiyang raised her brows: "Let's find a place first and practice this formation before we talk about it."

Ye Weiyang's figure disappeared on the peak.

half a month later.

Ye Weiyang stood beside a small rock pool in a valley, looking down at the water surface of the small rock pool.Beside her lay the corpses of monks on the grass.

The movement of her practicing the big formation will not be small, so she wants to find a hidden place, and has been looking for it for half a month.Then when flying over the valley, he saw the monk breaking the ban by the pool, so he fell down, wanting to see what the ban was.

She has also broken some restrictions over the years, and these restrictions are man-made. It was 5000 years ago, when the monks who opened the ruins came in last time, because they were hunted down or injured, they opened a cave to heal their wounds and escaped from hunting alive.As a result, he was seriously injured and died, leaving behind these restrictions.These monks often have abundant resources and various magic weapons, but it depends on fate.Therefore, seeing this restriction, Ye Weiyang was also very happy.

Seeing Ye Weiyang, the monk attacked Ye Weiyang without hesitation, and was slapped to death by Ye Weiyang.At this moment Ye Weiyang is studying this restriction.Her eyes sparkled with surprise and anticipation.

Because this prohibition is very high, and it is very secretive.The person who set up this restriction at the beginning must be a talisman god, maybe a talisman saint.Because this restriction is actually dynamic, constantly changing with the flow of water patterns in the small rock pool.It is impossible to discover this restriction if you are not a senior talisman master or array Taoist.

Ye Weiyang began to study this restriction, she doesn't need to completely break this restriction, what she wants is to open a gap in this restriction, and let herself go in.Even so, it took him three days to finally break through a gap in the restriction, and he passed through the restriction in a flash.

He fell down with full vigilance, and his eyes searched around quickly.Inside is an underground cave, the space is not small.Ye Weiyang landed on the ground, her eyes locked on one direction.There was a person sitting cross-legged, Ye Weiyang cautiously approached, and breathed a sigh of relief, that person was already dead.Although the body has not rotted and is lifelike, there is no breath of a living person on it.

However, Ye Weiyang cautiously checked with her spiritual sense, and made sure that this person was dead.Only then did he feel relieved, and his eyes fell on the monk's finger, where there was a storage ring.Stretching out his hand to grab it in the air, he grabbed the storage ring in his hand, and his spiritual sense penetrated into it.

not good!

When her spiritual consciousness touched the storage ring, she felt that there was a restriction blocking her spiritual consciousness.There is only one explanation, the owner of this storage ring is not dead, almost at the same time, a stream of light burst out from the eyebrows of the corpse, rushing into Ye Weiyang's eyebrows.

Take home!

Thanks a lot to lammasfan (100) for the tip!

(End of this chapter)

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