Chapter 898 Ruins
Ye Weiyang landed by the lake, looked down, and saw the monk's body squeezed into the bottom of the lake and disappeared.Ye Weiyang glanced away, and his figure fell towards the bottom of the lake. There was a formation at the bottom of the lake, but for Ye Weiyang, it was not an obstacle, and his figure also passed through the bottom of the lake.

The eyes are dim, but the space is huge, like an underground city.

It's just that there is no city here, but there are many houses.At this time, the monk was running towards the house, but the few monks facing him had expressions of fear.The monk sensed something, hurriedly turned around, and saw Ye Weiyang.The voices are out of tune:
"who are you?"

"Who is in charge here?" Ye Weiyang asked coldly.

But at this time, the monks regained their calm, and one of the monks saluted: "Master Fang is the master here."

"Master Fang?" Ye Weiyang thought for a while, but without any impression, he said, "Lead the way."

"Yes! Senior please!"

Ye Weiyang followed several monks towards the house, and many monks appeared on the way, looking towards Ye Weiyang, and someone shouted at those monks:
"Junior Brother Lian, is there another newcomer here?"

Even the junior didn't know what to answer, so he could only nod his head and quicken his pace.Ye Weiyang frowned slightly, there are quite a few people here, but their cultivation bases are not high, and not all of them are disciples of Zhou Tianzong, their clothes are very mixed, but it looks like a refuge.

Her heart became more and more heavy.

"Yeye... Senior Sister Ye?" Suddenly, an extremely surprised voice came from the crowd.

Ye Weiyang turned her head to look, her eyes were full of surprises, and with a glance, she stood in front of that monk: "Junior Brother Tao!"

"Senior Sister Ye, it's really you!"

That person was Tao Wangyou, when he saw Ye Weiyang, tears flowed down his face, he reached out and grabbed Ye Weiyang's wrist, and burst into tears.

Ye Weiyang heard that his crying was full of grief and indignation, so she didn't bother him, and let him cry, venting out the grief and indignation smoldering in her heart.The surrounding monks also had sad expressions on their faces at this time, and some even cried out.The few monks who led the way were completely relieved. They had already relaxed a lot when they saw Ye Weiyang, but now they saw Tao Wangyou knew Ye Weiyang, and they were even more relieved.Just guessing in my heart who this woman is?

Why did Master Tao see this woman, just like a child meeting his mother?
Tao Wangyou's unscrupulous wailing alarmed the other monks, one by one figures flew towards this side, and one of them was the monk who was in charge here, Zhou Tianzong's Dao Transformation monk Fang Zizai.His expression was obviously stunned, and then he showed ecstasy, and rushed towards Ye Weiyang, his eyes were full of excited tears:

"Fang Zizai pays homage to the Sovereign!"

There was a shock in the surrounding area, followed by an uproar, and then silence again, eyes focused on Ye Weiyang's body, those eyes were full of excitement, anticipation, hope...

Ye Weiyang's eyes fell on Fang Zizai's body, a little strange.At this time, Tao Wangyou also stopped crying, and introduced to Ye Weiyang:

"Senior Sister Ye, when you left the world of cultivating immortals, Fang Zizai was still young. At that time, he was just a three-flower gathering. It's normal that you don't know him."

Ye Weiyang nodded, Fang Zizai's aptitude and comprehension were very high for being able to break through to the Dao of Transformation in a few hundred years.

Look around: "Find a place."

"Senior Sister, it's my place." Tao Wangyou hurriedly said.

Ye Weiyang nodded, and then said to the surrounding monks: "You guys go away first."


The monks around saluted one after another, their despondent expressions were filled with hope, and after Ye Weiyang left, they whispered to each other.Hearing their whispering, Ye Weiyang's eyes flashed.

Is that thigh alive?

When they came to Tao Wangyou's room, Ye Weiyang sat on the main seat, Fang Zizai and Tao Wangyou accompanied him.Ye Weiyang said:

"Tell me about it, both of you, in more detail."

"Yes!" The expressions of the two people showed memories, and there was fear in the memories: "Sovereign, 58 years ago, the thigh of the Cangshan Sect suddenly came to life and turned into a human form. Then he started killing everywhere. Not only killing people, but also killing demons. Then he absorbed the blood essence of humans and demons, making himself stronger and stronger.

But he doesn't kill both humans and demons, he ignores those with low cultivation, and the people and demons he kills are also cultivators with the worst cultivation.At the beginning, our human race also united to besiege and kill him.But almost all of them were beheaded by him.Later, the human race and the monster race united and sent out all the cultivators above the plastic road, but they were still almost all beheaded by him.Since then, his strength has become even stronger.

Originally, at the beginning, his strength was not enough to break through the mountain guard formations of our seven major sects. At that time, he was only going to kill the monks of those small and medium sects and families.But since he killed the coalition forces of the human race and the monster race, he began to break through the formations of our seven sects one by one, killing each sect into ruins.The first thing he broke through was the Great Heavenly Kingdom Temple.After he broke through the Great Heavenly Kingdom Temple, our Zhou Tianzong and the rest of the sects knew that this last barrier could no longer stop him.Therefore, the disciples of the sect were dismissed one after another, and each went into hiding.

We have spent the past few decades hiding in the XZ. If we hadn’t still had an expectation in our hearts, expecting the return of the suzerain, you Hunyuan monks, we would have lost the courage to live long ago. "

"Senior Sister!" Tao Wangyou said suddenly: "According to your original agreement, shouldn't it be nearly 600 years before you can come back?
Why did you come back so early? "

"I have encountered some problems, come back a while earlier, you continue to talk."

"Oh!" This time it was Tao Wangyou who continued: "That thigh is very powerful. Although we tried our best to hide, he kept finding hiding places and killing us. We are now above the flower realm. I’m afraid there aren’t many monks left. There are even fewer cultivation bases above Taoism. Take our Zhou Tianzong as an example, the strongest one right now is Junior Brother Fang Zizai.”

Ye Weiyang focused her eyes: "Where is Uncle Du? Was he killed?"

"That's not true!" Tao Wangyou shook his head and said: "Master Du and more than 100 years ago also broke through the Hunyuan, and then went to the starry sky. Leaving the preface, I will come back before the agreed time for your return."

"Huh..." Ye Weiyang let out a breath, as long as he didn't die.In Zhou Tianzong, she had the best relationship with Du Yan, and she really didn't want to hear bad news.

"Later!" Tao Wangyou glanced at Ye Weiyang and said, "Your fourth brother suddenly appeared."

"My fourth brother?"

Ye Weiyang's heart suddenly rose again, isn't he in the world beyond Yanling?

Or has he already grown wisdom from demons?

"How is my fourth brother?" Ye Weiyang showed anxiety and worry on his face.

Tao Wangyou naturally knew what Ye Weiyang was worried about, and hurriedly said: "Senior sister, don't worry. Your fourth brother is still alive."

"Huh..." Ye Weiyang breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Tao Wangyou, and Tao Wangyou hurriedly continued: "Your fourth brother didn't come back alone, but brought two people back, and those two people are also very happy." Powerful, they are all Hunyuan. Then the three of them fought with that thigh. They ran away without fighting. But that thigh kept chasing them. They couldn't hide for long each time, and they were found by that thigh .However, according to the information received, your fourth brother and the three of them are not dead yet."

Ye Weiyang felt uneasy in her heart.

Fourth brother, both Yanling and Bai Feixue have gone to the realm of cultivating immortals. There is only one explanation, that is, there is also a big problem in the world on the other side of Yanling.

That head!

She immediately remembered the head.Since the thighs can wake up, isn't it normal for the head to wake up?

Moreover, Yanling and Bai Feixue were hunted down by the thighs here, and refused to return to their own world. I'm afraid that head is more powerful than the thighs here.

"Where are they now?"

Tao Wangyou shook his head and said, "It's not very clear, but the last time they were caught up by that thigh, it was on the Yaozu's side."

Can't wait anymore!
She was thinking about her fourth brother and stood up, but then she paused again: "Where are my second sister and third brother?"

"They...are said to be dead." Tao Wangyou said: "They didn't break through the Hunyuan, so they didn't go to the interstellar. They also went when they killed that thigh. They never appeared again. , should be dead."

Ye Weiyang felt her throat was salty and her mind was buzzing.Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to calm down.

The eldest brother went to the interstellar world, his life and death are uncertain, and the second sister and third brother are already dead.Can't let the fourth brother have an accident.

"Hide here well, I'll go find that thigh."



Ye Weiyang's figure had disappeared, and Ye Weiyang was flying towards the direction of the demon clan at this time, she did not hide her huge aura, she wanted to use herself to attract that thigh to turn into a monk.

Now she basically has a judgment on that thigh. She is no longer a novice of Hedao. She has been in the Nine Palaces for so long. played against each other.

To be able to break through the Great Heavenly Kingdom Temple's mountain protection formation, it must have been restored to harmony, but I don't know how much it has been restored.However, the three of the fourth brothers are still alive, so their recovery should not be high.Her eyes were full of anxiety and worry, and she flew straight in the direction of the Yaozu.

Yaozu Territory.

At this time, it was also a ruin. A tall giant, more than ten feet tall, was flying in the sky at this time, his eyes were like torches, and he glanced around.

Suddenly, he stopped, then turned around and looked behind him.Grinning with a big mouth, he laughed, and then his figure broke through the space and disappeared on the spot.

Ye Weiyang, who was flying straight, stopped suddenly, and the single-attribute flying needles flowed out, condensing into a sword in her hand, and the five-attribute flying needles flowed out, setting up a five-element sword array around her body, and the star cables were entwined around her body. on the wrist.The earth attribute rune tower poured out, floating above her head.Her eyes looked forward.

A huge figure shattered the space and appeared in her field of vision.Ye Weiyang focused her eyes.

The cultivator on the opposite side is no different from the human race, but he is too tall.A powerful aura exudes from his whole body.The giant also saw Ye Weiyang at this moment, and laughed loudly from his mouth. He kept moving towards the Five Elements Sword Formation and punched at the same time.

Ye Weiyang saw that the other party went straight to the big formation, without the slightest scruples about falling into the big formation, so he mobilized the big formation and let the giant enter the big formation.

Ye Weiyang's sword formation is not an ordinary sword formation, but a five-element sword formation.Since she was weak, she has been comprehending the Five Elements, and even for the Five Elements Sword Formation, she challenged the Quartet.Fifty thousand five-element flying needles have also been warmed for hundreds of years, and each flying needle has been warmed to produce the purest sword energy essence.Ordinary monks, even if they are Hunyuan, will be seriously injured if they get hit by a flying needle, let alone [-] flying needles at this time, and they have built a large formation?
Therefore, the moment the giant entered the sword formation, he was put into a world of swords, and dense flying needles started strangling him under the operation of the sword formation.The giant was so embarrassed in an instant, which made him furious.I am a great monk in the upper realm, but in the lower realm, I was killed by an ant so embarrassingly!
If he hadn't been seriously injured and his limbs were broken, leaving only this leg, his recovery would be less than a ten-millionth of the original, and just a single finger could explode the sword formation.But at this moment, he was trapped inside by the sword array.

At this time, Ye Weiyang's heart also sank. She had mobilized the greatest power of the Five Elements Sword Formation and attacked the giant's body, but she did not pose a fatal threat to the giant, but only left a wound on his body. Got a few scars.

The Five Elements Sword Formation can't kill him!
Ye Weiyang stabbed out the long sword in his hand, using the cover of the large formation.Stabbing the opponent, causing some damage, but it made Ye Weiyang feel more dignified.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this time, the giant didn't care about the attacks of the Five Elements Sword Formation and Ye Weiyang at all. He raised his fists and bombarded the Five Elements Sword Formation non-stop.With just five punches, the Five Elements Sword Formation trembled violently, and it was about to collapse.

Ye Weiyang gritted her teeth, flew upside down, and thought in an instant: "Explode!"


The Five Elements Sword Formation exploded, and the entire space was shattered into chaos.


There was a scream from the shattered space, but before Ye Weiyang's face showed joy, he saw a huge figure rushing out, one arm was missing, and the detonation of the Five Elements Sword Formation finally caused damage to the giant. Injury, but this injury looks too small to Ye Weiyang!
Sure enough, the giant's severed arm and shoulder began to squirm rapidly, and an arm grew out.But his stature has become smaller. He used to be more than ten feet tall, but now he is only nine feet tall.

(End of this chapter)

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