The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 899 Beheading

Chapter 899 Beheading
Ye Weiyang's eyes lit up.And at this moment, the giant rushed over again.Without even thinking about it, Ye Weiyang threw the long sword in her hand towards the opponent.



There was another loud bang, and the giant stretched out a big hand to block the self-exploding power of the long sword.But the forearm of that arm was blasted into powder along with the palm.

Ye Weiyang quickly backed away while turning Xing Suo into a big gun, holding it in his hand.And the giant on the opposite side has grown arms and palms again, but it's just a little smaller in stature.

Just when he wanted to continue chasing Ye Weiyang, he suddenly looked to the left, Ye Weiyang couldn't help but look over, his face was filled with joy:
"Fourth Brother!"

The people who appeared were Xiongba, Yanling and Bai Feixue.When the three of them saw Ye Weiyang, their expressions were also happy.



The giant rushed towards Ye Weiyang, Ye Weiyang was about to try the opponent, twisting the big gun with both hands, facing the opponent's fist.


The tip of the big gun collided with the opponent's fist, Ye Weiyang felt a strong attack, his figure flew back involuntarily, the tiger's mouth shattered, and blood flew everywhere.


Ye Weiyang, who was flying back, was stunned, and saw Xiongba's body grow suddenly, he was a hundred feet tall, taller than that giant, and he turned into three heads and six arms, surrounded by demonic energy, rushed towards the giant, six The fist smashed towards the opponent like a windmill.

But the giant didn't panic, raised his fists to meet Xiongba's six fists.At the same time, Yanling and Bai Feixue also released the most powerful Taoism towards the giant.The few of them knew in their hearts that Ye Weiyang was back, and this was their only chance to kill this giant.If you can't beat this time, there will be no future.

"Boom boom boom..."

The space where the giant was located was shattered, but Ye Weiyang felt terrified in his heart.Because she saw the figure of the giant disappear in this space, and reappear from another space, right in front of Ye Weiyang, and punched him.In an instant, Ye Weiyang fell into danger.

Between flashes and flints, Ye Weiyang didn't panic, nor did he dodge hastily. The experience of struggling from danger countless times made him make an instinctive decision.

At this time, it was too late to stab Xingsuo, she raised her fist and faced the opponent's huge fist.At the same time, Xiongba's figure suddenly turned into a ray of magic flame, shooting towards the giant's back.There was a trace of panic in the giant's eyes, and it seemed that he still had a little fear of the magic flame.But then he became firm and bombarded Ye Weiyang firmly, he was going to kill Ye Weiyang first.


Ye Weiyang's figure shot backwards like a projectile, and there was severe pain in her arm, but she felt a little relieved in her heart, the opponent was not strong enough to smash her arm.From this point of view, the other party's body should be higher than his own, but not too high, it should be the appearance of the ninefold harmony.

It's just that one thigh has come to life, and it has such a body. I really don't know how powerful he was when he was alive!

The ray of magic flame bombarded the back of the giant, and the giant let out a muffled grunt. The muscles in his back heart shattered, and a huge wound appeared, and then the magic flame fled towards the distance.The giant roared angrily, and chased after Xiongba, only to see the magic flame engulfing Yanling and Bai Feixue, and went away in an instant.The giant couldn't even catch up.Ye Weiyang's eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

The fourth brother's magical powers are amazing!

At this time, Ye Weiyang also understood that the fourth brother relied on this magical power to get rid of the giant's pursuit many times.But she knew better that this supernatural power must consume a lot and cannot last.

Taking advantage of the giant not attacking her now, Ye Weiyang quickly moved her fingers, and then pointed at the giant.

Rune tower projection!

The giant who was chasing and killing Xiongba suddenly sank, like a shooting star, falling towards the ground.Ye Weiyang's figure was like a sharp arrow, holding a straight Xingsuo gun in both hands, and shot towards the falling giant.At the same time, the magic flame also saw the situation here, decisively threw Bai Feixue and Yanling out of the magic flame, and then shot towards the giant.


The giant landed on a mountain peak, and the mountain collapsed instantly, huge rocks collapsed, the ground crumbled, and ravines criss-crossed.


Ye Weiyang's big spear pierced the giant's forehead, this spear was completely Ye Weiyang's body power at the peak of the eighth level of Taoism, and it smashed the giant's head in an instant.


The magic flame shot the giant's back heart, and the back heart was blown to pieces.But I have to admire the tenacity of this giant's body. Without Xingsuo, even the frightening magic flame can't pierce the giant's body into a big hole.


Followed by Yanling and Bai Feixue's two supernatural powers, but they only broke a little bit of the giant's skin.Ye Weiyang's eyes changed, she saw that a new head was being formed in the giant's neck cavity.And Xiongba in the magic flame has already attacked the giant again, it seems that Xiongba has long understood the regeneration function of this giant.


Ye Weiyang saw the fragments of the giant's head shattered in mid-air, and after falling to the ground, it rolled back towards the giant and reintegrated into the giant's body.


Ye Weiyang stretched out her great hand with spiritual power, grabbed those fragments in her hand, and then put them into Luoshu space.Luo Shu immediately began to refine these fragments.


The giant's head protruded, and seeing Ye Weiyang take away his body fragments, he roared and rushed towards Ye Weiyang.But I found that my speed was not as good as one percent of the original.

"Can still move!"

Ye Weiyang's heart shuddered, the other party was hit by his rune tower projection, and he was able to move. Although he moved like a tortoise, he was much stronger than those He Dao in the space of the Nine Palace Star Colossus.


Ye Weiyang charged forward, stabbing the giant with a big spear.At the same time, Xiongba, Bai Feixue and Yanling were also attacking continuously.The giant was crushed by the projection of the rune tower, and it was almost a situation of being beaten passively. The body was continuously smashed, and Ye Weiyang put away those fragments without hesitation.

However, sacrificing the talisman tower projection consumes a lot of money for Ye Weiyang. After only a quarter of an hour of attacking, [-]% of the Dao Yuan in Ye Weiyang's body was consumed.Ye Weiyang knew that she couldn't go on.If you continue, you will die yourself.Then he drank:
"Come to me!"

Xiongba and the three came to Ye Weiyang's side without hesitation, Ye Weiyang said don't resist, and rolled the three of them into Xingsuo space.

"Xingsuo, go to the starry sky."


Xingsuo then shot towards the starry sky, and when he went, the rune tower projection was released.The giant roared and chased after Xing Suo.But it was only a dozen or so breaths before the giant stopped and kept roaring in the starry sky, but couldn't catch up with Xingsuo.

The giant turned around and flew towards the world of cultivating immortals. At this time, he had recovered from his injuries, but his whole body was only seven feet tall. This battle caused him a huge loss.

Xingsuo landed on a planet, Ye Weiyang and four people came out of Xingsuo, Ye Weiyang said:

"Everyone adjust breath first to recover! Xing Suo, protect us."

Half a day later, the four recovered their cultivation.Ye Weiyang looked at Xiong Ba and said, "Fourth Brother, did you become wise from demons?"

"Almost!" Xiongba nodded: "I absorbed that demon body, and finally formed a wisdom seed in the Dao heart, but this wisdom seed is only a seed now, and it is still very weak. So sometimes I still get enchanted. "

Having said that, he let out a long sigh, and the magic flames danced in his eyes again, as if he could be enchanted by magic at any time.Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the evil thoughts in his heart:
"Back when I came back and learned that my second sister and third brother had died, I became enchanted once. It was also that enchantment that allowed me to comprehend the power of the magic flame and transform myself into a magic flame."

Ye Weiyang has seen the power of Xiongba incarnated into a demon flame. Although it is not as powerful as Xingsuo's damage to giants, it can still hurt giants, not like Bai Feixue and Yan Ling. The damage to giants is almost can be ignored.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Weiyang turned to Yanling and Bai Feixue and asked, "Two friends, is there something wrong with that head?"

The expressions of the two of them were gloomy: "Yes! One day that head turned into a human form, we are no match at all. And the spiritual consciousness of that head is so powerful that we can't even hide it. Just when his life was dying, Fellow Daoist Xiongba It just happened to appear, but we were still no match, and Daoist Xiongba took them and fled here. But he didn't expect that there was also a problem here. Fortunately, although the giant here is powerful, his spiritual consciousness is not so strong. We You can also hide for a short time and recover a little, otherwise you really would have died long ago."

Ye Weiyang lowered her eyes slightly to contemplate, and had a guess in her heart.The giant here is made of thighs, its strength lies in its body, and its weakness lies in its spiritual consciousness.And the people over there are transformed from heads, strong in spiritual consciousness, weak in body.


Before smashing his body, he became a little smaller.Will his strength be a little weaker?
However, the only place where I can threaten him now is the body.Other Taoism has no effect on him at all.It seems that if I want to kill that giant, I still have to rely on my body.If my main body improves a little bit, I am now at the peak of the Hedao Yae, and now with that thigh fragment, it is not a problem to break through the Hedao Ninth Layer.If I break through to the Ninth Layer of Harmony, I should have a slight advantage.

She suddenly remembered the strength of the fourth brother, looked up at Xiongba, and asked expectantly: "Fourth brother, can you break through Hedao?"

"Yeah!" Xiongba nodded in full expectation, "After I completely absorbed that big demon, I broke through the first level of Hedao. But my first level of Hedao is completely dependent on refining that big demon. Now I can feel that in this world, it is impossible for me to continue to break through. And it is difficult to keep my current cultivation base. This world lacks the way of heaven. As time goes by, my cultivation base Slowly fall to Hunyuan again."

Ye Weiyang nodded, she understood the fourth brother's feeling very well: "fourth brother, I found a place called Jiugongxing, where there is a harmonious way of heaven."

"Really?" All three looked at Ye Weiyang with burning eyes.

Ye Weiyang recounted how Hunyuan decided to go to the starry sky to find a place to break through, and how he found Jiugong Xing, the eyes of the three Xiongba were all jumping with excitement.

"Fourth brother, two fellow Taoists. The Nine Palaces is the only place I know so far where one can practice the Dao. Just now I have talked about my experience in the Nine Palaces and the rules of the Nine Palaces. So, now we have to First solve the giant, solve the giant, and then go to Yan Daoyou to solve the head. We went to Jiugongxing not only for ourselves, but also for the monks in our hometown to find a breakthrough channel. Therefore, Nothing can happen to our hometown."

The three of them nodded in agreement.

And if you want to keep practicing in the fiercely competitive place of Jiugongxing, resources are very important.So, we have to create a chamber of commerce.I want to wait until 600 years later, when all the monks who went out to find a place of harmony come back, we can discuss it again.

The three of Xiongba nodded one after another, this is a mature idea.

"You should get acquainted with the spirit spirit first, and practice there to see if it improves."

Ye Weiyang sacrificed the Talisman Tower and took the three of them into the fifth floor of the Talisman Tower.As soon as the three of Xiongba entered the rune tower, they felt the difference, and the three of them grew their mouths.

"This is the spirit of the fairy!"

Today's fifth floor has more than five spiritual veins. She has killed so many monks, and there are several of them who are in harmony. Even the fifth floor of the Talisman Tower also has thirty spiritual veins.This layer is placed on the nine palace stars, and it is also a blessed place for cultivation.Ye Weiyang nodded and said:
"You practice here for a period of time to see if you will understand."

The three nodded impatiently, then each chose a mountain and began to practice.With a thought in his mind, Ye Weiyang came to the sixth floor, entered the Luoshu space and took a look, Luoshu was refining the fragments that collapsed from the giant's body, and had already refined a lot of powder.Ye Weiyang immediately mobilized the powder and began to practice.

The familiar pain came again, but now Ye Weiyang is already in harmony, and her tolerance for pain has increased a lot.

seven days later.

Ye Weiyang, who had already reached the peak of the eighth level of Hedao, finally broke through the checkpoint, allowing her body to break through to the ninth level of Hedao. At this time, she also discovered that after breaking through the ninth level of Hedao, her body seemed to be consummated in a certain state. This kind of body that tends to be perfect has a great effect on the transformation of the immortal essence in her body.The immortal essence transformed in her body now accounts for one-thousandth of it.

(End of this chapter)

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