Chapter 906

Ye Weiyang is a courageous person, she decided to face the final problem by herself, and went to see that Luo Xiu directly.Regardless of whether it was true or not, and regardless of whether he read the Jade Slips in Cangshu Pavilion or not, he still had to face Luo Xiu in the end, and Luo Xiu was bound to find the final solution.Ye Weiyang turned around and walked straight towards the back door.The back door was open, and Ye Weiyang stepped out.However, he then found himself standing inside the door.

"Can't you get out of this back door?"

Ye Weiyang tried a few more times, but finally decided that she couldn't get out.After thinking for a while, Ye Weiyang turned around and came to the bookshelf, the bookshelves on the first floor were filled with books, not jade slips.Ye Weiyang picked up a book, looked at the cover, there were three words written on it:
Aoki Jue!

This should be a wood attribute exercise, Ye Weiyang was just about to read it, but his heart moved, he walked to a nearby monk and said:

"This fellow Taoist!"

The monk looked up at Ye Weiyang: "Fellow Daoist, what's the matter?"

Ye Weiyang pointed to the three words on the cover: "Fellow Daoist, what's the name of this exercise book?"

That person looked at Ye Weiyang like a fool: "Isn't this written clearly? The Rainbow Art!"

Ye Weiyang was stunned, and looked down at the words "Qing Mu Jue" on the cover.Silently put the books on the bookshelf, took another one down casually, looked down at the five characters on it, Dahuajin Collection, raised his head and said to the monk:
"Please take a look, what is this?"

The monk seemed to have forgotten that Ye Weiyang asked him just now, as if this was the first time he asked him, he opened his mouth and said:

"Isn't this the Rainbow Transformation Art?"

Ye Weiyang silently put the book back on the shelf, and took down the third one: "What about this one?"

"Isn't this the Rainbow Transformation Art?"

Ye Weiyang looked at the monk as usual and said: "Then what are you looking at?"

The cultivator stretched out the book in his hand towards Ye Weiyang: "The Art of Transforming the Rainbow!"

Ye Weiyang looked down.

Chi Yan Jing.

"Thank you fellow daoist!" Ye Weiyang clasped her fists in thanks.

"No thanks!" The monk nodded, and began to look down at the offense and defense in his hands again.

Ye Weiyang lowered her head and opened the exercise in her hand. She didn't practice it, but just read it from beginning to end, then held it in her hand, waited for a while, and found that there was no change between herself and her surroundings.Then he put the exercises back on the bookshelf, picked up another one and opened it, and saw that the exercises inside were different from the ones he had read just now, and it was indeed a book of exercises, so he read it again from the beginning to the end, After waiting for a while, nothing changed.Can't help frowning slightly.

"Is it necessary to practice?"

"Then try it."

Ye Weiyang has now speculated that this kind of weirdness is not due to formations and talismans, and I'm afraid she won't be able to get rid of it with violence, and she won't be able to get out of it for a lifetime.As for how the Compassionate monk got out at the beginning, she doesn't know now, but it must have caused the changes here, and then deciphered the changes before being able to rush out.

In other words, if you want to get rid of this place, you must first understand it, and then find the problem and solve the problem before you can go out.

"Then let's practice."

The offense and defense that Ye Weiyang holds in his hand is a technique called Thick Earth Jue, which he has seen before.For her, it is impossible to change the cultivation method, but according to the cultivation method of Houtujue, it is not uncommon to operate the Dao Yuan.Sitting cross-legged, he put the book in his hands on his knees, closed his eyes, and began to circulate the Dao Yuan in his body in the way of Hou Tu Jue.


Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat, when she ran the Great Zhou Tian correctly, she felt a slight connection between herself and the book on her lap.This kind of connection is not clear, her spiritual consciousness spread out, and she saw tentacles emerging from the book on her knees, like slender spider threads, inserted into her body, I and this book are connected as one through these spider threads.

Ye Weiyang frowned slightly, her spiritual consciousness spread out to the surroundings, through the spiritual consciousness, she looked at the monks around, and those cultivating monks next to her, some were still reading books, some were starting to practice, her eyebrows were the same , she saw a monk's body connected to a book with spider threads.But the difference between that monk and Ye Weiyang is that he doesn't seem to feel the slightest.


Ye Weiyang's eyes sharpened, and she found that something in her body was flowing towards the book through the spider thread, Ye Weiyang did not stop this flow, but seriously sensed what was in her body, Taken away by this book?
With Ye Weiyang's cultivation base, she only sensed the time for a breath before she could perceive it clearly, and her face couldn't help but become very solemn.

My own soul, the Tao flowers in the sea of ​​consciousness, etc., all things that do not belong to the body, are flowing towards the books along those spider threads.

Ye Weiyang's cultivation is very high, and her soul and dao flowers are naturally very condensed. Although they are flowing towards the books along the spider's thread, on the one hand, the flow is extremely slow, and on the other hand, Ye Weiyang's soul is extremely condensed and stable. It would take a long time to suck Ye Weiyang's entire soul and Dao flowers away.Therefore, Ye Weiyang is not in a hurry, but through this absorption, she is perceiving and analyzing why this book absorbs her own soul.

In less than a dozen breaths, Ye Weiyang had a guess.

Kung Fu!

This kind of situation happened because I practiced this exercise.Before practicing the exercises by oneself, nothing happened at all.

So, why does this happen to the exercises I practice?
Ye Weiyang stopped cultivating, and found that the spider thread between herself and the book was still there, but the speed of the flow suddenly decreased by a hundred times.I couldn't help but feel that the other monks fell into the strangeness and didn't know it. Under the influence of this weirdness, they must continue to practice, and finally let their soul and other things that do not belong to the body be absorbed by the exercises.When it is completely absorbed, it is Huahong.But at that time, the monk's body was already an empty shell, no different from death.

But where did the body go after turning into the rainbow?

Also, what happens after the soul enters the book?
Then she couldn't help but smiled wryly. With her cultivation level, she wanted to let this book absorb all the soul in her body, etc., but she didn't know that she would have to wait until the year of the monkey.

There was a sudden movement in her heart.

It should be that the level of this skill is too low. Could it be that the higher the level of the skill, the faster it is absorbed?

Ye Weiyang couldn't help but looked up at the upstairs, the fifth floor had the strongest kung fu.With a look of hesitation, Ye Weiyang decided to investigate this exercise first.

She closed her eyes, silently perceiving the lost souls, and then her consciousness entered the book along those spider threads.

Curiosity and vigilance arose in her heart, because she found that after her meaning entered the book along the spider's thread, it was not as she imagined, there were some words inside, but a dark space, and what appeared in front of her was a piece of land Like a dragon, on the opposite side of her, there is a person standing at this moment, that person is looking at Ye Weiyang, Ye Weiyang can feel that what she has lost is continuously entering that person's body.

Ye Weiyang was not in a hurry, and looked around carefully, this space has a strong earth attribute of heaven, as if this is a world of earth attribute of heaven.Feeling it carefully, Ye Weiyang's heart moved.

Thick soil decision!
Here are the profound meanings of Heaven's Dao of the Thick Soil Art, and the comprehension of the Thick Soil Art here can increase the speed by hundreds of times.

She thought of the countless monks who went out from here. Not only did they come out, but their cultivation base was also improved.It should be in such a similar place to comprehend the way of heaven, and then break away from here, and finally left Luo Ji Zangshu Pavilion.

Ye Weiyang still has doubts in her heart, she feels that it is not too difficult for her to get rid of the connection with this book.This kind of threat should not be difficult to say, not to mention her, even to the Taoist priest.

She suddenly thought, why didn't almost all the monks go out, and only a very few monks went out from here?

Ye Weiyang thought for a while, letting herself fall into the comprehension of the earth attribute.In fact, with Ye Weiyang's cultivation level, there are too many comprehensions beyond this book, and nothing can be comprehended from it at all.But what surprised her was that once she entered the state of comprehension, the speed of the soul in her body suddenly increased by more than a thousand times, and it flowed towards the person opposite. She couldn't help looking at the person opposite, who looked like a young man , with a weird smile on his face.

Ye Weiyang immediately stopped comprehending, the face of the young man in front of him became ferocious, his body began to ripple like ripples, Ye Weiyang couldn't help being startled again, as the other person's body rippled layer by layer, it actually caused a wave of shock in his heart. thought.

Cultivate, comprehend!
Ye Weiyang's heart trembled, there was a primordial dao rhyme and a dew in the sea of ​​consciousness, which could make this kind of thought in his heart, if it was another monk, he might have fallen into this weird, crazy Practice and comprehend.Then the soul in my body and everything else will flow into the book at a faster rate, and be caught by the person opposite...

This is definitely not a person, so he is?

book spirit!

Ye Weiyang's heart twitched, and then her hair stood on end, not because of the book spirit in front of her, but because she thought that there might be millions of books in this library, and there was a great possibility that all of them gave birth to book spirits.

But how is this possible?

How could the book spirit be born so easily?

Ye Weiyang couldn't help but scrutinized Shu Ling on the opposite side again, feeling even more awe-inspiring.She found that the book spirit on the opposite side had a thread of spider-like tentacles emerging from the front, connecting with herself.But a thread of spider-like tentacles emerged from behind him, pierced into the void, and disappeared.

The spider threads connected to me are easy to understand, they are absorbing my soul and Daohua Consciousness Sea, etc., but what am I doing for those spider threads inserted into the void behind?
Her heart beat violently, and she felt a little uneasy.

It was sent to Luo Xiu!
Regardless of whether Luo Xiu is the body or the obsession, it is very likely that these absorbed souls and so on were transmitted to him through this strange space.How many souls and seas of consciousness has he absorbed in these ten years?

What will he become?
Ye Weiyang felt uneasy, she felt that if she really confronted Luo Xiu directly, she might not be her opponent.Now there is a book spirit in the middle, and he can still occupy an absolute advantage.Ye Weiyang is sure that she can break these spider threads and get rid of this book spirit now, but she doesn't know if she can leave Luo Ji Zangshu Pavilion after getting rid of this book spirit.

"it should be OK!"

Ye Weiyang analyzed it in detail and gave the answer.And she also knows that it is not easy to get rid of the book spirit, but it will be very difficult.Because the higher the monk's cultivation level, he would definitely choose the higher-grade exercises upstairs, and the higher-grade exercises, the more powerful the book spirit should be.It is also more difficult to get rid of Shuling.As for the constant thoughts of cultivation and comprehension in Ye Weiyang, she didn't think that other monks could resist it, but she could resist it because she had the Primordial Dao Yun and Shizhanglu, while others did not.In this way, even if he took the initiative when facing the tree spirit at the beginning, he would lose the initiative later, and eventually he would be completely lost and die here.And the few monks who were able to get rid of this place in the end were all people with great determination and perseverance.

Do you want to get rid of the tree spirit and leave the library now?

Ye Weiyang frowned tightly, but finally sighed.She knew that she couldn't. Although her soul and Daohua Sea of ​​Consciousness were only absorbed very rarely, there was no doubt that if she broke away like this, her soul, Daohua, etc. would be missing.Even if there is only a slight lack, it will be difficult to break through the harmony in the future.

At this time, she realized why the Daoist monk was in such a mess. She probably didn't want her soul, Daohua, etc. to be missing. She must have taken some action, but in the end she faced Luo Xiu directly, and she couldn't beat Luo Xiu. Xiu, although he broke out of Zangshu Pavilion in the end, he must have lost his soul and so on.There is no future path.

But even if it is speculated, Ye Weiyang has no choice, she can't let her soul be missing, it is her own thing, she must take it back.Otherwise there is no way.

She began to think of a way.With her cultivation level, she had an idea in an instant.It is estimated that the Taoist monk did the same thing.Since he practiced the thick earth art, his soul and dao flowers would be absorbed by the book spirit, so if he practiced his own kung fu, would he absorb the book spirit in turn?
This is very likely, after all, the grade of this Thick Earth Art is too low, while his Zhou Tian Xing Chen Art is of a high grade.Do whatever you think of, Ye Weiyang immediately began to practice Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue.

Ye Weiyang was overjoyed with this luck, and she began to absorb it from Shu Ling's body.There are actually two kinds of energy absorbed, one is the pure immortal power, and the other is the comprehension of the Thick Earth Art.But Ye Weiyang frowned again, because the absorbed soul and Daohua Consciousness Sea were gone, and they were not absorbed back, so she was still in a state of absence.

(End of this chapter)

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