The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 907 Luo Xiu

Chapter 907 Luo Xiu
Ye Weiyang's heart felt a little anxious, and she made a judgment in an instant, what she lacked was absorbed.And the passage to absorb must be the direction of the spider silk inserted into the void behind the tree spirit.Who is the end point in that direction?

Luo Xiu!

Ye Weiyang made a judgment instantly, so what should she do?
At present, there seems to be only one way, which is to try to absorb this tree spirit, so that Luo Xiu will definitely perceive it.Once Luo Xiu perceives it, it will definitely bring danger to Ye Weiyang, and there is a great possibility that Ye Weiyang and Luo Xiu will face it directly.But Ye Weiyang is riding a tiger right now, even if he is facing Luo Xiu, he has to take back his own soul.

Ye Weiyang continued to run Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue, her realm was too high, and the grade of Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue was too high, the body of the tree spirit on the opposite side was rapidly fading, that tree spirit let out a mournful howl, and his expression changed. It became more and more ferocious.


In less than ten breaths, with Ye Weiyang's strength, he sucked that book spirit into thin air.And with the disappearance of the book spirit, the tentacles that penetrated into the void also disappeared, and the situation that Ye Weiyang imagined to face Luo Xiu directly did not happen.

Ye Weiyang fell into deep thought, probably those people who left the Luoji Library Pavilion were just like him now, sucking back the spirit of the book.Although the comprehension of the Thick Earth Jue has reached an unimaginable level, but the missing part of him has not been regained.It is impossible to say whether it is a profit or a loss.

But Ye Weiyang firmly believed that the Taoist monk of the Daoist sect would definitely not just let it go.She now has a feeling that she can leave from Luoji Library Pavilion.But would he leave like this?
Certainly not!

Even if I don't want to leave without such a lack, will the Hedao sect of the Daoist sect leave?

Don't say he can't, even the few who left before, I'm afraid they didn't know it at the beginning, and they just left helplessly in the end.

Ye Weiyang stood up, she wanted to try first to see if she could leave.She walked towards the backyard first, but still couldn't enter the backyard.She turned around and walked towards the front door. Standing in front of the door, she hesitated in her heart. Because she sucked back the book spirit, the rules of heaven in the library allowed her to leave.But after he left, would he allow himself to come in again?

Thinking of this, Ye Weiyang didn't dare to take that step.In the end, he gritted his teeth, gave up and went out now, walked up to the stairs, and went up to the second floor.

The exercises on the second floor are all jade slips, Ye Weiyang took a jade slip casually, probed into it with spiritual sense, read it once, and then started to run Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue, but it didn't work.

Ye Weiyang was not in a hurry, and began to practice according to the exercises in the jade slip. After running a big circle, he immediately connected with the jade slip, and the soul and dao flowers in his body began to be attracted. This time Ye Weiyang immediately began to operate the Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue to absorb the jade slip, and within about fifteen breaths, the book spirit in the jade slip was sucked away, and Ye Weiyang also lost contact with the jade slip.

Ye Weiyang's eyes were cold.

I see how long you can last?
Ye Weiyang went directly to the fifth floor this time, went up the fifth floor cautiously, and found that those monks seemed to have forgotten her, and no one paid attention to her, she was sure, so she took down a jade slip and started to practice.After the connection was established, Ye Weiyang immediately activated Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue to suck back the tree spirit.It took a longer time this time, and it took a full quarter of an hour to suck the book spirit to pieces.However, he still didn't face Luo Xiu directly, nor did he find his shortcomings.Ye Weiyang was not in a hurry, as soon as his spiritual sense moved, he rolled up another jade slip, read it quickly, and then practiced.After the connection is established, run the Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue immediately.These two times, she didn't experience missing phenomenon, because Ye Weiyang's movements were too fast, the soul that was sucked away was sucked back by Ye Weiyang before the book spirit sent it away.

The book spirit was sucked back by Ye Weiyang and dissipated, and the absorbed immortal essence was circulated by Ye Weiyang for a long time, turning it into her own immortal essence.At the same time, he also absorbed the understanding of exercises.

Whether it is the immortal essence or the comprehension, they are all extremely pure, but Ye Weiyang has benefited a lot.Ye Weiyang just sat on the ground and didn't move. Whenever she finished regurgitating a book spirit, she rolled her spiritual consciousness and rolled over a new jade slip to start a new round of regurgitation.

One, two, ten, fifty, one hundred...

Luo Xiu didn't respond, and Ye Weiyang was not in a hurry.She wants to see how much Luo Xiu will endure?
Obviously, the book spirit absorbed the monk's soul, etc., inserted into the void and transferred out, so it must have been absorbed by Luo Xiu.Now being sucked back by Ye Weiyang constantly, causing the destruction of book spirits one by one, she doesn't believe that Luo Xiu can't perceive it?

She guessed that the Dao Sect's He Dao should use the same method as her, and finally forced Luo Xiu to face that He Dao.In the end, it was the co-dao who lost.

This made Ye Weiyang very vigilant, he didn't think that he was Luo Xiu's opponent, but at this point, Ye Weiyang couldn't let his soul, dao flower, etc. be missing, and had to take back what belonged to him.

Ye Weiyang rolled over another jade slip, then performed the exercises in the jade slip, and then sucked back immediately.Ye Weiyang's eyes suddenly opened, and then his spiritual consciousness spread out, and he saw tentacle-like silk threads jumping out from the jade slip, directly inserted into his body, and began to crazily absorb the soul and dao flowers in his body.


She knew that Luo Xiu had finally made a move, and it was impossible for Luo Xiu to endure it forever and let herself suck back like this.If Luo Xiu endured it all the time, Ye Weiyang decided to suck back all the book spirits in this library.Although she didn't know why all the books here produced book spirits, they must have something to do with Luo Xiu.Otherwise, it would be impossible to produce so many book spirits.She also didn't know why Luo Xiu absorbed the cultivator's soul dao flower, but only by forcing the other party to face her, could she know why and get back her own soul.

Ye Weiyang quickly circulated the Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, showing a hint of a smile.

Luo Xiu is perfect Hunyuan, and Ye Weiyang is also perfect Hunyuan.But Hunyuan Consummation is not the same as Hunyuan Consummation.Because Ye Weiyang practiced Zhoutian Xingchen Jue and later fused with the Yin-Yang Monument, both the soul and the Daohua are extremely powerful, otherwise she would not be able to leap to kill Hedao.Therefore, when Ye Weiyang used Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue with all her strength, she found that the other party could not compete with her. Not only did the other party fail to absorb Ye Weiyang's soul dao flower, but let Ye Weiyang absorb a lot of insights.

Not bad!

There is no immortality, only perception.

Ye Weiyang's heart beat violently, and she was terrified by the little insight she had just absorbed.

This is really a feeling of Huahong.

Do not cultivate the body, but only cultivate the essence, energy and spirit. The essence, energy and spirit are united to form a spiritual body, and then go out of the body and transform into a rainbow, soaring to the fairy world.

Ye Weiyang immediately determined that this exercise was fake, or immature.It was Luo Xiu's self-created technique. Maybe it was because of this technique that Luo Xiu fell.And accompanied by the transfer of this kind of exercise, there is also a strong temptation, which made Ye Weiyang start to practice this kind of rainbow transformation.

Ye Weiyang has no doubts that if she really practiced this kind of Rainbow Transformation Art, she would be completely absorbed by Luo Xiu in the end.

No wonder the fellow monk suffered a great loss.

Now it seems that Ye Weiyang has the upper hand and is sucking back Luo Xiu.But what came with the anti-absorption Luo Xiu was the Rainbow Transformation Art and the extremely strong temptation.Ye Weiyang's heart has been shaken a bit now, she has no doubt that after some time, as she sucks back, this kind of temptation will become stronger and stronger, and eventually she will practice the Rainbow Art, lose her way, and be attracted by Luo Xiu. Suck back.It is estimated that the Taoist monk of the Daoist sect also realized this, decisively broke these connections, and fled out in a hurry.

Ye Weiyang will not choose to break the connection between her and Luo Xiu, because she wants to regain the missing part of herself.But this does not prevent her from trying first, and also leaves a way out for herself.


She found herself shaking constantly, and her face darkened.After all, I am not a harmonious way. Although the soul and Daohua are stronger than Luo Xiu, there is still a gap between him and the real harmonious way.But now the gap between Ye Weiyang and He Dao is not in the body, not in the immortal essence, but in the aspects of Dao Hua's knowledge of the sea soul.

Ye Weiyang let out a sigh when the temptation to practice the Rainbow Jue came one by one.

This is really Luo Xiu's home field. If he is not as good as Luo Xiu, he will be directly absorbed by Luo Xiu.If you are stronger than Luo Xiu, you will be seduced by Luo Xiu, and you will lose your way in the end, practice the Rainbow Transformation Art unknowingly, and eventually be absorbed by Luo Xiu.

It's all a death!

Ye Weiyang thought for a while, looked inside her sea of ​​consciousness, looked at the Luoshu space, and sent thoughts to the Luoshu space in her heart.

"Luo Shu, Luo Shu, can you bring the foreign supernatural powers into the space?"


Luo Shu shook for a moment, and then saw the silk threads inserted into Ye Weiyang's body, flowing towards Luo Shu like ten thousand streams returning to the clan, and inserted on Luo Shu.

Ye Weiyang's mind is cleared up, she no longer has that kind of temptation, and also no longer has those feelings.Those temptations and perceptions have continuously entered the Luoshu space.

Ye Weiyang's heart moved, and he stopped the Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue, and found that his soul, Dao, Flower, Consciousness Sea, etc. had not been absorbed and lacked, and now Luo Shu took over the connection with Luo Xiu.

So, is Luo Shu absorbing Luo Xiu now, or is Luo Xiu absorbing Luo Shu?
Ye Weiyang's consciousness immediately entered the Luoshu space, and saw a light group appearing in the Luoshu space at this time, Ye Weiyang connected his consciousness with the light group, and immediately felt the rainbow transformation technique and temptation inside , he hastily interrupted his consciousness, and came out of the Luoshu space, to beware of Luo Xiu's sudden appearance.

An hour passed, and Luo Xiu did not appear.Ye Weiyang entered the Luoshu space again, saw the light cluster expanding, and came out of the Luoshu space again.

Standing up from the ground, she came to the window, and looked towards the backyard through the window.Seeing that Luo Xiu had disappeared, she didn't crush the flowers there, her eyes moved to the three-story building, and it was estimated that Luo Xiu should be in the three-story building.She looked away again and began to observe the entire back garden.Can't help frowning slightly.

The flowers in the back garden are huge and beautiful.Ye Weiyang has seen this kind of flower before.

Suddenly, she felt a pulling force.Looking inside quickly, I saw those silk threads trying to break free from the connection with the Luoshu space, but they were tightly connected by the Luoshu space.Those silk threads vibrated again, it seemed that Luo Xiu wanted to break them.However, there were traces of tentacles coming out of Luoshu, connected to those silk threads, and spread rapidly, entangled, so that the silk threads could not be broken.

The space in front of Ye Weiyang suddenly rippled like ripples, and then was swallowed by the space.Ye Weiyang hurriedly came out of the Luoshu space, but found that she was no longer in the Zangshu Pavilion.It was dark all around.Then came the sound of chewing, and she felt something biting herself.It's just that his own perfect body is too strong to bite him.


Ye Weiyang raised her hand and punched, the powerful force blasted the thing that wrapped her, and the surroundings lit up, Ye Weiyang jumped up and landed on the ground, her gaze was fixed, she was already standing in the back garden Inside.In front of him is a flower that has been exploded.

These piranhas can't be his opponents, Ye Weiyang pondered for a while, and understood in her heart.Luo Xiu thought that it was him who was competing with him, and as long as he interrupted his exercise, he could break the connection between the two of them.But he didn't expect that the one who is connected with him now is not himself at all, but Luoshu space.

Ye Weiyang walked towards the small building, stepped on the steps, stretched out her hand and pushed open the door, and walked in.With a glance, there was no one there, and he walked towards the stairs.

Creaking, creaking, climbed up to the second floor, glanced away, there was still no Luo Xiu, then stepped on the stairs of the third floor, climbed to the third floor, and saw a person sitting cross-legged in the middle of the third floor.

It was none other than Luo Xiu.

At this time, Luo Xiu also opened his eyes and looked at Ye Weiyang.His expression was stunned: "Ye Weiyang!"

"I've met Fellow Daoist Luo!" Ye Weiyang cupped his hands and saluted.

" can act like this? No, you are still absorbing. How did you do it?"

Ye Weiyang didn't answer, but looked at Luo Xiu carefully, and after a while, there was a look of regret between his brows and said:

"Friend Luo, you are already dead."

"I'm dead?" Luo Xiu's face showed astonishment.

"Yes!" Ye Weiyang nodded and said, "There is no vitality in your body anymore."

"I have no life? Am I dead?"

Ye Weiyang said no more, just looked at him regretfully.After a while, Luo Xiu's face became ferocious:
"I didn't die. I won't die either! You are the one who is dead now!"


Ye Weiyang's eyes were fixed, she never thought that a single obsession could release Taoism.However, Ye Weiyang doesn't care.With a thought, Xing Suo came into her hand, swung it up and pumped it, and exploded the other party's Taoism.

Thank you book friend 160612124033950 (100) for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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