The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 913 Chamber of Commerce and Sect

Chapter 913 Chamber of Commerce and Sect

At this time, five people were cleaning up a monster, and that monster was already dead. Two women, Ye San and Ye Wu, were on guard, and the other three men were cleaning up the valuable place of the monster.

Ye Weiyang sighed in his heart, originally he accepted these five disciples just to test his skills, but now he really regards these five people as his own disciples.

With the strength of these five disciples, if you want to join a certain sect, you won't have such a hard time, and even the resources for cultivation have become a problem.This is because they refused to join the sect and lived a life of casual cultivators, which made them so miserable.

In fact, this is exactly the case. If these five people did not have Ye Weiyang, they would have starved to death or died of illness.So Ye Weiyang is not just a master to the five of them.Even if the ruins of the Colossus were closed, they were sure in their hearts that their master was dead, but they refused to join other sects.In their hearts, they have the orthodoxy and inheritance, and they are unwilling to switch to other forces after their master dies.

Regarding Ye Weiyang's winning of Hongmeng Daoyun, only the upper echelons on the Nine Palaces knew about it, and the people below did not.Therefore, Ye Yi and the five people all thought that the master was dead. The five of them depended on each other for the past 800 years, and the first 600 years were fine. They still had the resources Ye Weiyang left for them. They practiced and made breakthroughs along the way.But since 200 years ago, the resources left by Ye Weiyang have been exhausted.They lived a life of casual cultivators.

The days of casual cultivators are not easy, no matter how high your cultivation level is, as long as you are casual cultivators, life will be difficult.These five people are emotionally behind, no matter who breaks through to the next level first, they will give up most of the cultivation resources to others, so the cultivation level of these five people is consistent in the big level.Just like now, they are all cultivating the Dao of Transformation, but there are differences in the small realm of the realm of Dao Transformation cultivation.

However, as their cultivation level improved, their plight became more and more serious.On the one hand, the higher the level of cultivation, the higher the resources needed, and these resources have been accumulated for tens of millions of years, while casual cultivators can only rely on themselves to find them; Casual cultivators can only rely on their own groping.

Ye Weiyang stood on top of the white clouds, looking down.Listening to the conversation of the five disciples.

"Brother, should we leave Fenghuan Mountain? The resources here can no longer satisfy us."

"Leave it for a while, we won't use these resources, but we can sell spirit stones. When we have accumulated enough spirit stones, we can buy some resources."

"Let me say that we have accumulated a certain amount of spirit stones. Instead of rushing to buy resources, it is better to find a place and establish a sect. Slowly expand the sect, so that more people will collect resources for us. And with the territory, we can occupy the resources in the territory."

"It's easy to establish a sect, but it's difficult to hold onto the territory. We are casual cultivators now, and those sects won't talk to us. But if we want to establish a sect, we need to divide their resources and be targeted by them. Besides , if you want to establish a sect, you must have a land with spiritual veins. The land with spiritual veins has long been occupied by other sects, families, or certain forces. In the past 800 years, we have encountered a soul without an owner Is it the land of veins?"

"How about we go overseas and find an island with spiritual veins to occupy it."

Everyone fell silent for a while, and Ye Wu said: "It would be great if Master was here."

Ye Yi and three people who were cleaning up the monsters couldn't help but stop, and then continued to clean up, but the atmosphere became much duller.

"Brother!" Ye San said, "What kind of cultivation do you say Master is?"

"Should be taller than us?" Ye Yi hesitated.

Ye Weiyang above the white clouds shook her head and sighed, the five children could hardly hold on anymore.This kind of support can't continue, not because they can't survive, but because they don't have the resources to support them to go further.They are all heading overseas to find an island with spiritual veins.How can an island with spiritual veins be so easy to find?
Even if there were, most of them were occupied by human monks or big monsters. How could Ye Yi and the others find one by chance?
Moreover, the sea is boundless, and the sea people are everywhere, which is more dangerous than the land.If these five people hadn't really had no choice, none of them would have taken that path.

Ye Weiyang's figure fell downwards, and was alerted by the five disciples, they immediately looked up, then froze in place, maintaining their movements, like a statue, looking at Ye Weiyang who was slowly falling.Waiting until Ye Weiyang landed in front of them, these five people reacted suddenly, still couldn't believe it, and asked tentatively:

Ye Weiyang sighed: "It's hard for you!"

"Master!" The two girls Ye San and Ye Wu ran towards Ye Weiyang, plunged into Ye Weiyang's arms, and Ye Weiyang also stretched out his arms to hug the two girls.Ye Yi and the three of them couldn't hold back the tears of excitement at this time.

After a while, the five people calmed down slightly from the excitement, and Ye Wu looked up at Ye Weiyang: "Master, where have you been these 800 years?"

"Master took the Hongmeng Daoyun and was hunted down, so let's not talk about it. I'll talk about it in detail when I go back."


Ye Weiyang, Ye Yiwu and Wen Duxin sat around.Ye Weiyang slowly revealed her identity, Ye Yi and five people were not surprised at all, regardless of the identity of the master, why is the master an alien cultivator?
I am a native of Jiugongxing. If there is no master, will I starve to death or die of illness?
"Master, we will still travel with Master in the future." Ye Wu said.

Ye Er and the others also nodded, looking at Master expectantly.Only Ye Yi thought about it.Ye Weiyang looked at Ye and said:
"Yeyi, what do you think?"

"Master, just now you said that you want to establish a chamber of commerce in Jiugongxing?"


"Let us assist Senior Wen?"


"My disciple thinks this way, Senior Wen established the Chamber of Commerce, and the five of us established a sect. In this way, Senior Wen is in the open, and we are in the dark. Isn't it more beneficial to Master?"

Ye Weiyang thought for a while, then nodded with satisfaction: "Ye Yi, you are already able to be alone."

Ye Yi showed embarrassment and pride in front of Ye Weiyang.Then his face sank again and he said:

"It's just that we can't find a place with spiritual veins."

"This is not a problem. Master has spiritual veins. You have been to many places in the past 800 years. Where do you think is suitable for establishing a sect? There is no need for places with spiritual veins."

Ye Yi and five people looked at each other as if they all lowered their heads and began to think.Ye San suddenly said:

"Cang'er Mountain."

Eyes of Yeyi and the others lit up, and Ye said, "Master, Cang'er Mountain is suitable."

"Tell me."

Cang'er Mountain is in the south, which belongs to the Sea of ​​Clouds Mountain Range, and there is no sect power there, because although the aura is good there, there is no spiritual vein.There are thousands of peaks in the Sea of ​​Clouds Mountain Range, and it is strange to say that none of them has spiritual veins.But the geographical location there is very good. Surrounding the Sea of ​​Clouds Mountains, there are eleven cities and countless villages and towns.In the Sea of ​​Clouds Mountain Range, there are also many family forces.Although there are many and complex family forces and a relatively dense population, the cultivation base of the people there is not high.This is also the reason why there is no sect, no big family, and no direct inheritance of the Dao.The main reason for all this is because there is no spiritual vein, so there are no sects and big families there.

"Let's go there!" Ye Weiyang immediately made a decision: "Leave tomorrow."

"Master, wait a few more days."


"Wait until the disciple sells the house." Ye Yi said with some embarrassment.

Ye Weiyang wanted to say that the spirit stone was not bad, and then thought that he would not be alone in the future, but would establish a chamber of commerce on the left and a sect on the right.Ye Yi's thinking was right, earn what he can earn, so he nodded in agreement.

"Come on, tell Master what you don't understand. Ask Yeyi first."

"Yes, Master."

Ye Yi thought for a while before asking questions.For the next few days, Ye Weiyang lived here, teaching Wen Duxin and five disciples every day.On the third day, Yeyi sold the house.The seven men set off, heading south.At this time they are in the east.There is a long distance from the Yunhai Mountains.But Ye Weiyang didn't take them on a flying boat, let alone fly.Instead, walk all the way.On the way to walk.Constantly teach Wen Duxin and five disciples the exercises and Taoism.

He also gave the revised exercises to five disciples.From time to time, I also discuss with five disciples, correcting their mistakes in Taoism and giving suggestions in terms of artistic conception.

Until three months had passed, Wen Duxin had completed the transformation of his cultivation method, and his cultivation had also broken through, from the peak of the early Hunyuan period to the middle Hunyuan period.The breath of the whole body is completely different from before.

this day.

A group of people camped in a forest.Ye Weiyang and his group are discussing.

"Duxin, you have changed your aura now, and you can start a chamber of commerce. Where do you think it is better to start?"

"President, I want to go back to Canghaizong again and build the first store there. I have two reasons. First, if even the monks from Canghaizong can't recognize me, I will Real security, on the other hand, I'm more familiar with there. It's easy to roll out."

"it is good!"

Ye Weiyang took out five storage rings. Ye Weiyang's expression originally had a lot of resources. Later, in the ruins of the Colossus, she gained a lot of resources every time she killed a monk. She killed too many monks in the ruins of the Colossus. In particular, there is also the Taoist monk. Her resources are enough to establish ten Zhou Tianzongs.

When she left Zhou Tianzong, she left half of her resources.Bring the other half to Jiugongxing.At this time, only one-tenth of the resources were taken out. These resources include spirit stones, materials for the Dan Talisman Array, and finished Dan Talisman Arrays, etc., which are divided into categories.When Wen Duxin saw these resources, he was dumbfounded.

In the past 800 years, he also accumulated some resources through business operations.But compared to the resources that Ye Weiyang gave him at this time, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

After a while, he patted his chest excitedly and said: "President, don't worry, I will definitely establish the chamber of commerce in the shortest possible time and grow as fast as possible."

"No hurry!" Ye Weiyang waved his hand and said: "With these resources, it is not difficult to establish a chamber of commerce. The difficulty lies in people. Trustworthy people, capable people, and intelligent people. This is a long process. So you can set up a store first, and then recruit people, but you are not in a hurry to recruit many people. It is still the same sentence, you need people you can trust. You are alone, don’t be murdered and robbed of resources. If it’s not possible, you can build a shop, then recruit disciples, and cultivate yourself. Anyway, we have a lot of longevity and time.”

"I understand!" Wen Duxin said seriously.

Ye Weiyang took out another storage ring and handed it to Wen Duxin, saying: "This storage ring contains your cultivation resources and some Taoism inheritance."

"Thank you, President! President, what is the name of our chamber of commerce?"

Ye Weiyang thought for a while and said, "It's called the Zhoutian Chamber of Commerce."

"Okay! What is the name of the sect they formed that night? I will go find you then."

Ye Weiyang thought for a while and said: "It's called Wuxingzong."

Yeyi, the five of them nodded happily, and the five brothers and sisters happened to belong to the Five Elements.

"Then I'll leave tomorrow!"

Wen Duxin said decisively that he is now full of hope for the future.This is something he didn't have when he was in the Alien Alliance, and it didn't exist during the 800 years when Ye Weiyang disappeared.In the Alien Alliance, there is gloom and despair for the future in my heart.In the 800 years since Ye Weiyang disappeared, although he knew that Ye Weiyang was not dead, Ye Weiyang never appeared, which made him feel full of hesitation.

Now that Ye Weiyang is back, the exercises brought to him brought him resources, the most important thing is that Ye Weiyang obtained the Hongmeng Daoyun, which indicates that Ye Weiyang has an [-]% chance of breaking through the Dao.Once Ye Weiyang breaks through the Hedao, he may also break through the Hedao.In this way, he did not have the despair of the future in the Alien Alliance.And Ye Weiyang established a chamber of commerce, which gave him a goal to fight for, and he no longer hesitated.

As for Ye Weiyang still using the brand to control him, he doesn't care, but is delighted.Only in this way can Ye Weiyang truly trust him and train him.Moreover, Ye Weiyang was able to go to the ice field to rescue him regardless of the way to chase him, which shows that Ye Weiyang is not a cold and cold person, and there is nothing wrong with being controlled by such a person.

Ye Weiyang nodded, and reminded again: "Remember, don't worry about the chamber of commerce. You and I both have a long life, take your time, take one step at a time. Be steadfast."

"I see!"

The next day.

Wen Duxin left alone, Ye Weiyang and Ye Yi and five people did not walk on foot.Instead, he came to a city, and Hua Lingshi took a flying boat to Yunhai City, a big city outside the Sea of ​​Clouds Mountain Range.

After 46 days, Ye Weiyang's six people settled in Yunhai City, and then stayed in an inn in Yunhai City, and began to learn about Yunhai City.After a few days, Ye Weiyang was very satisfied.You don't need to go to other cities in Yunhai to learn about it, Yunhai City can represent other cities.Although there are many mortals here, they all have one thing in common, that is, they all like to practice, and I hope they can embark on the path of cultivation.In this way, there will be no problem in recruiting disciples.

Thanks a lot to lammasfan (100) for the tip!

(End of this chapter)

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