The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 914 Five Lines of Sect

Chapter 914 Five Elements Sect

As for the aptitude of the disciples, with such a huge population base, as long as they are willing to choose carefully, they will always select those with good aptitude.There shouldn't be a lack of qualified disciples around the Yunhai Mountain Range, but a lack of sects where disciples can practice.After all, as a mortal, if you want to leave a long distance to find the fairy gate, there is a high probability that you will die in the mouth of a monster on the way.If a sect appeared in the Sea of ​​Clouds Mountain Range, it would definitely attract a large number of disciples to join them.

In the past few days, Ye Weiyang has also learned about the surrounding forces.

Over the years, the Sea of ​​Clouds Mountain Range has added a few more cities. Now there are fifteen cities in total, distributed around the Sea of ​​Clouds Mountain Range, forming an irregular circle, surrounding the Sea of ​​Clouds Mountain Range.It's just that the Yunhai Mountains are too big and occupy too much land. These fifteen cities are far apart from each other. It is necessary to walk around the mountains. From one city to another, it will not be less than a month or two.Between the cities, there are dotted villages and towns.

The vast territory of the Sea of ​​Clouds Mountains does not belong to the jurisdiction of any sect.It's not that the sect doesn't have the strength to occupy it, but that it's too lazy to occupy it.Because there is no spiritual vein here, although there is spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy is not weak.But compared to other places, there are fewer resources.Whether it is the quantity or grade of resources, it is far from other places.It belongs to chicken ribs, tasteless to eat, and a pity to discard.

Therefore, the current situation has been created, and no sect takes care of this area.

So no one is in charge of this area?


Of course it is not a big family, big families will not come here, even medium-sized families will not come here, and the natives here will not grow into medium-sized families, or big families, they can only be small families.

Because the size of the family is not calculated by the number of people, either you have a large number of people, or a large family.It depends on what level of cultivation is the highest in your family.

The sects of Jiugongxing are also divided into first-rate, second-rate and third-rate.But it is one level higher than Ye Weiyang's world of cultivating immortals.

In order to become a first-class sect, there must be monks in the sect who are compatible with the Tao.To become a second-rate sect, there must be Hunyuan monks in the sect, and to become a third-rate sect, there must be Daoyuan monks in the sect, and the rest of the sects will be excluded.

Underneath is the family. Only monks who transform the Tao can be a first-rate family, only monks who have an imperial Tao can be a second-rate family, and only monks who have a Taoism can be a third-rate family.The rest are not in the stream.

But in the situation of Yunhai Mountain Range, there are third-rate families, that is, small families.In fact, the emergence of plastic third-rate families in this area is also the result of many generations of hard work by these families.

The Four Treasures of Immortal Cultivation, the Wealth of Dharma Couples.

The Sea of ​​Clouds Mountain Range doesn't have it here.There is no direct inheritance of the Dao, no guidance from high-level monks, no large number of high-quality resources, and no place for spiritual veins.It is not easy to be able to appear as a Taoist monk.

The highest cultivator of the family is only Taoist. It is conceivable that the masters of the fifteen cities will not have a high cultivation.It's just a small flower environment, not a gathering of three flowers.Once a city lord's cultivation level breaks through to the top of the three flowers, he will be called back by the family, practice in seclusion, and advance towards the plastic road.

There are more than 100 families in the Sea of ​​Clouds Mountain Range, but there are only 26 small families.But even so, the battle was very fierce, so the Sea of ​​Clouds Mountain Range was in chaos.

But all of this is not a problem for Ye Weiyang's master and apprentice, the people here can't threaten them.Even if there is no Ye Weiyang, just one or five people from Ye can sweep the entire Yunhai mountain range.The five transformation paths possess a powerful deterrent force.

this day.

Six people fell down on Cang'er Mountain, they were Ye Weiyang's master and apprentice.

Cang'er Mountain is located deep in the Sea of ​​Clouds Mountain Range, and for these families in the Sea of ​​Clouds Mountain Range, Cang'er Mountain is considered an extremely dangerous place.The strength of monsters here is not weaker than Shaping Dao, and there are not many.The mountains around Cang'er Mountain, Hechuan Grassland and other places are occupied by powerful monsters.And those families occupy the outer areas of the Cloud Sea Mountain Range.

Ye Weiyang stood with her hands behind her back, looking around, she couldn't help but nodded slightly.

The cultivation environment here is really good, and it should belong to the area with the strongest spiritual energy in the Sea of ​​Clouds Mountain Range.But compared with Cang Haizong, it is a heaven and an underground.However, it is completely possible to establish an unpopular sect here.The cultivation environment here is enough to maintain a low-level sect that is not in the flow.Others regard this place as tasteless, but Ye Weiyang thinks it is good.


A monster finally smelled the scent of Ye Weiyang and the others, and rushed towards them viciously, but was slapped to death by Ye Si.

"Master, how large a sect do we want to establish here?"

"No hurry, I'll check first."

Ye Weiyang's spiritual consciousness spread out, penetrated into the ground, and then expanded to the surroundings underground, Ye Weiyang watched very carefully, and it took a full hour before Ye Weiyang withdrew her spiritual consciousness.

There is indeed no spiritual vein here, and there is no trace of the formation of the spiritual vein.Because the ground veins below are very scattered, there is no tendency to converge.Every place where the spiritual veins are born will be formed by the convergence of the ground veins, otherwise the spiritual veins will not be born.

Ye Weiyang can adjust the earth veins below. After all, she is a talisman, and she has been studying the array in Zhou Tianzong for hundreds of years, so she can also sort out the earth veins.

However, it is a very complicated and protracted matter to sort out the veins into a trend, and even if the veins are readjusted to form a converging trend, it will take about ten thousand years to finally produce a low-grade spiritual vein.It took a lot of effort, but it took ten thousand years, no wonder no certain forces took a fancy to this place.

However, Ye Weiyang still decided to adjust the ground veins. After adjusting the ground veins, although no spiritual veins will be born here for ten thousand years, the gathered spiritual energy will increase by at least five times, and the herbs, ores, etc. that will be bred along with it and quality will also be enhanced.With this improved cultivation environment, it is enough to support the establishment of a top sect among the unpopular sects here.

"Master!" Seeing Ye Weiyang opened his eyes, the five disciples looked at Ye Weiyang eagerly.

At this time, Ye Weiyang already has a plan for sorting out the earth veins.He flew towards the sky, and the five disciples followed closely.

After looking around for about half an hour, Ye Weiyang landed with five disciples, and then began to take out a blank jade slip to form a map.Afterwards, five copies were copied and handed to five disciples respectively.Then pour Dao Yuan into the jade slips, and Yu Jianjian released a light curtain, on which the map made by Ye Weiyang appeared just now. He stretched out his finger, pointed, and said:
"We're going to circle the circle."

The five disciples couldn't help clicking their tongues, the master's heart is really big.

They quickly counted it, not to mention how big this circle is, they couldn't calculate it all at once.However, 590 nine peaks were counted.

This takes up a lot of space!
"Master, do we need such a big place?"

"Need, let's occupy the place first. And once I adjust and sort out the ground veins, the concentration of aura within the area I circled will increase by five times. It won't be discovered in a short time, but it will definitely be discovered after a long time." Discovery, you know what that means."

Ye Wufen's face was full of evil: "If you dare to covet our sect, I will kill them all."

Ye Weiyang waved his hand: "Families in the Yunhai Mountain Range naturally don't worry about it. But the affairs of our sect will spread slowly. At that time, there will definitely be powerful monks who will come to fight for it. Not to mention those sect forces and big Family, they may not be interested in this place, but for casual cultivators, once I have sorted out the land veins, it is still very attractive. If I am entering the spiritual veins, it will be the big family and the sect They will all be interested in this place. And I am not suitable to come forward, so the cultivation base of the five of you is enough for now, but it will still be lower in the future."

As the eldest brother of the five siblings, Ye Yi usually thinks a lot and thinks deeply: "Master, do you mean that we should develop slowly?"

"There are two levels, and the development of apprenticeship must be fast. First, recruit a large number of disciples. The strength of a sect is not enough for five of you with high cultivation levels. It needs a large number of monks of all levels. This must be fast, not slow.

The second level is to be slow, the spirit veins cannot be penetrated first, and wait for the overall strength of the sect to improve.Moreover, the current cultivation environment here and the concentration of aura are enough to support the cultivation of new disciples.

We arranged this way, the five of you leave here now and go to the surrounding villages and towns to recruit disciples, not to the family in the Yunhai Mountains, and not to the city.Go to villages and towns to recruit qualified disciples.The less loud the better.Be quick.Villages and towns are relatively closed, and news spreads slowly.Just tell them that the Five Elements Sect accepts disciples, but don't tell them where the sect's address is.The time of such concealment can also be longer. "

After saying that, Ye Weiyang took out five flying boats and handed them to five disciples.

"You go to recruit disciples, the master will set up a large formation here, and first enclose the sect."

"Yes, Master!"

The five disciples put away the flying boat and flew away.Ye Weiyang is very relieved of her five disciples.On the one hand, with their Dao Transformation cultivation base, they are basically invincible existences on the side of the Sea of ​​Clouds Mountain Range.On the other hand, these five disciples have traveled the rivers and lakes all year round and have experienced.

Ye Weiyang began to observe the surroundings, thinking about what kind of formation he would arrange.She regards this place as a foothold, planning a ten thousand year foundation, so naturally she must try her best to be perfect.

It is worthy of being called the Sea of ​​Clouds Mountains, where there are many clouds and fog.Ye Weiyang thought about the plan of the sect.

The first is to divide the sect into inner and outer sects.Then, between the inner door and the outer door, a formation should be set up to isolate the inside and the outside.Then you can spread the spiritual veins in the inner door.In this way, the outer sect will not know that the inner sect has spiritual veins.Of course, there is no need to lay out spiritual veins now.Except for his five disciples, the newly recruited disciples don't need such a strong aura.

So, now we have to consider the outermost formation, and we should combine the advantages here to form the formation, so that the power will be stronger.

What is the advantage here?
sea ​​of ​​clouds!

The clouds here should be used to set up a maze.In this way, even if a monk enters, he will lose his time.Ye Weiyang decided to first set up a cloud and fog array on the outermost layer.

This formation not only confuses vision, but also confuses spiritual consciousness.It is a top maze.And with the advantage of the sea of ​​clouds here, the power will be even stronger.

He didn't set up the formation immediately, but conceived in his mind to readjust and sort out the various nodes of the ground veins, where the formation flag should be placed.So three days later.Ye Weiyang began to form formations.

The area covered by the large formation is extremely wide, covering 590 nine mountain peaks, and the deployment of such a top-level formation is also very complicated.It took Ye Weiyang four months to complete the deployment of the Sea of ​​Clouds God Formation.In the past four months, the five disciples have each sent back several batches of disciples, and Ye Weiyang will teach them the most basic body tempering technique for each batch of disciples sent back, allowing them to start practicing.At the same time, a mountain peak was drawn out, allowing them to open up caves for themselves.

These disciples are not very old, the youngest is only three years old, and the oldest is only 12 years old.Therefore, they couldn't open up a real cave at all, so they cut down some trees and built a simple shed by themselves.Under Ye Weiyang's order, the big ones help the small ones.But Ye Weiyang didn't help them, let them help each other, so that these disciples could get to know each other quickly, and deepen their fellowship.


A group of children stood outside the shed they had built, their mouths wide open, watching the changes taking place in the distance.

The moment the cloud and fog formation formed, the sea of ​​clouds in the sky began to change.The sea of ​​clouds that had piled up into pieces began to separate, no longer connecting into one piece, but dividing into white clouds, flowing towards each node of the big formation.Then it was fixed on each node, and the clouds formed in the sky were absorbed by the clouds on the nodes one by one, patchwork and beautiful.

This is looking from the inside to the outside, you can see the beautiful white clouds, and you can see the blue sky and everything outside the big formation through the gaps between the white clouds.

However, from the outside of the formation, it was completely covered by the sea of ​​clouds, and it was impossible to see the slightest view inside.

Ye Weiyang started to set up the second big formation, the Great Zhoutian Sword Formation she is most familiar with, this is a killing formation.Even if some monks managed to pass through the Cloud and Mist Misty God Formation, they would still be strangled by the mighty Great Zhoutian Sword Formation.

Another three months have passed, and Ye Weiyang's Great Zhoutian Sword Formation has not yet been set up, but all five disciples have returned.They quickly went to villages and towns, and left immediately after receiving disciples.For seven months, the news did not spread to the various families and cities. There may be news, but no one knows where the Five Elements Sect came from, giving people a sense of mystery.Even if someone started to investigate, all traces were lost.

A total of 620 disciples were recruited.

(End of this chapter)

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