The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 926 New World

Chapter 926 New World

After perceiving the imprint left by me, I can also perceive that once it is imprinted on the space barrier, it seems to be able to persist for a longer time.

Ye Weiyang tried to cultivate in this space again, but found that it is impossible to cultivate at all, there is no spiritual power or immortal essence that can provide cultivation.

The turbulent flow of space is extremely fast, and the power is also great.Ye Weiyang found it difficult to control her own direction under such speed and strength.She tried hard not to stay away from the space barrier.But gradually moved away.In the end, the space barrier could not be seen.She is like a flat boat in the vast ocean. At first, she could see the coastline, but in the wind and waves, she moved away from the coastline. In the end, she couldn't see the coastline, and all she could see was water.

But what she sees now is the turbulent flow of space.

But in the process of staying away, she was not without gains.

Strange to say, in Ye Weiyang's world, no space barrier can be seen.But when entering the turbulent flow of space, one can see the space barrier.It was a dark barrier, but Ye Weiyang noticed that the color of the barrier was different.Ye Weiyang had a guess in her heart, maybe the barrier with lighter color could be weaker.

However, she has no chance to experiment now, because the barrier is no longer visible.

Ye Weiyang drifted with the tide, thinking in her heart.

What is the world inside the space barrier?
It must not be the void among the stars and the stars, and it's not like she hasn't wandered in the void before.There is no such turbulence in the void, and other stars can be seen at any time.


Could it be a space interlayer between universes?

Very likely!
Ye Weiyang thought of this, and decided not to think about it anymore.Can't figure it out.And even if you want to understand, so what?

She was thinking about the future, what would she do if she encountered a barrier again and found the weak point of the barrier?
With his current strength, it is difficult to hold himself in this turbulent space, and then concentrate his strength to continuously bombard a weak point.She felt that even if she touched the weak point of the space barrier, she couldn't penetrate it all at once, it would take many times.And now it is difficult for her to stay in one position.There is only one way to achieve this goal, and that is to practice and improve one's cultivation.

after one day.

Ye Weiyang's Dao Yuan was exhausted, and with a thought, she entered the Xingsuo, and then Ye Weiyang immediately entered the Talisman Tower, sat on the spiritual veins and began to practice, recovering Dao Yuan while comprehending the way of heaven.

Dao Yuan recovered very quickly, with the help of spiritual veins, Ye Weiyang fully recovered Dao Yuan in just half a day, and also found that some immortal Yuan had been added.It seems that consuming all the Dao Yuan in the body and practicing again will be of great help to the transformation of Xian Yuan.Of course, she also knew that this was because she had a spiritual vein, and without it, she would not have achieved such a great effect.

However, this also made her worry endlessly.

What if the spirit veins are exhausted?

Have all the resources on your body been exhausted?

At that time, I really could only wait to die.

Weak points in the barrier must be found before resources are exhausted.

But there is also something that Ye Weiyang regrets, she can only increase the transformation of Xianyuan now, but if she wants to improve her cultivation, don't even think about it.Because there is a lack of the Dao of heaven here, it is impossible to comprehend the deeper way of heaven. If you can't understand the deeper way of heaven, you will naturally not be able to improve your cultivation.

However, as long as the transformation of Xianyuan can be improved, her strength can also be improved.

Then take the transformation of immortal yuan as the main direction of attack.

Now is not the time to save spiritual veins, Ye Weiyang seldom used spiritual veins to practice because she was reluctant.But now she started to practice with spiritual veins.In fact, there is no way to do it.

Time passed day by day, Ye Weiyang and Xingsuo took turns to go out.Each day.In this way, neither she nor Xingsuo will be harmed.While drifting with the tide, while looking for space barriers.

Ten years have passed.

Ye Weiyang's cultivation has climbed to the peak of the first level of Hedao, but she knows that this is the limit, if she is always in the turbulent flow of this space, she will not break through, because she lacks the way of heaven.However, her transformation of immortality has increased to [-]%, which allows her to persist longer in the turbulent flow of space.

Xianyuan is different from Daoyuan, it is a qualitative improvement.

Even though it was only a [-]% increase, it allowed her to last from one day to two days, which doubled the time.This made her and Xingsuo's rotation more calm, but it also made Ye Weiyang more anxious.She has consumed three spiritual veins in the past ten years, but she still hasn't found the space barrier, like a boat lost in the ocean.Once the spirit veins are exhausted, what awaits her is death.

Moreover, this kind of drifting in the turbulent flow of the empty space is also a great test for the will. If it is not for Ye Weiyang's experience of wandering in the void, ten years may be enough to destroy her will.Even so, there was a trace of anxiety in her heart.

In this way, another half year has passed.Surprise suddenly radiated from Ye Weiyang's eyes.

She saw the space barrier, the dark space barrier, as far as her eyes could see, there were also different colors.She rushed towards the barrier with all her might.Now that [-]% of the immortal essence has been transformed, she can slightly control her direction, and it is no longer that she has no ability to struggle at all.

She finally came to the space barrier, first left a brand on the space barrier, and then bombarded the barrier with star cables.But soon, her complexion changed, and in less than three breaths, she found that the imprint she had left on the barrier had dissipated.

How can this be?

She could still feel that the imprint she left at first was still there. Although she could feel it vaguely, she could feel the general direction.How could the imprint here dissipate so quickly?

Ye Weiyang once left a mark on the space barrier, but it dissipated quickly.She tried three more times and finally gave up.No longer trying, but began to concentrate on attacking the space barrier.She had to break the barrier and enter a world so that she could survive.

"Boom boom boom..."

Her figure bears the impact of the turbulent flow in the space. Although she is trying her best to resist, she is still passively moving a little bit, bombarding the barrier while moving.

Some barriers are weaker, but her strength is not enough to blast them away.

In this way, Ye Weiyang kept attacking, but she couldn't find a place she could break through, but under the impact of the space turbulence, she was gradually moving away from the space barrier.

The most important thing is that after two days of bombardment, she had to enter the Xingsuo space to recover, because the Dao Yuan had been completely consumed.After going in and coming out again, the space barrier can no longer be seen, and once again lost in the turbulent flow of space.

Standing in the turbulent flow of space, Ye Weiyang sensed it, the imprint left on Jiugongxing's side could still be felt.

Why is this so?
Ye Weiyang began to observe the surroundings, looking for new space barriers, while analyzing various possibilities.Finally, a possibility was speculated.

Maybe it's because I come from the universe of Jiugongxing.Although she is not a native of Jiugongxing, the cultivation world and Jiugongxing are in the same universe.Although I can't feel it, from the moment I was born, my body should have the imprint of this universe, and even my soul should have the breath of that universe.Being recognized by that universe, so the imprint I left in that universe will be recognized by that universe, and this will last for a long time.However, the other universe that did not belong to him would not recognize his aura, so the imprint left by him would quickly dissipate.


It seems that the imprint I left on the Jiugongxing side will not dissipate, so I finally have a way home.

Of course, the road is there, but with Ye Weiyang's current cultivation strength, he really can't go back.Because of the obstruction of space turbulence.

It is still necessary to find a world to enter as soon as possible, and then improve one's cultivation, so that it is possible to go back.

Ye Weiyang started her long journey again, taking turns with Xing Suo.

Another 11 years later, Ye Weiyang's transformation of immortality has reached [-]%, not only can he persist for five days in the turbulent flow of space, but also his ability to resist in the turbulent flow has also been greatly improved.But she is still not enough to be able to move freely in the turbulent flow of space, such as going upstream.

A few months later, she saw the space barrier again, but this time she was not so excited.Because she knew that she might not be able to find the weak point, and then break through the barrier.

As she approached a little bit, excitement suddenly appeared in her calm eyes. It was a coincidence that she saw a relatively light-colored barrier that was already somewhat dark gray.

Not big!

It only has a radius of one mile. Based on her experience, this place should be a weak spot in the barrier. This is the first time she has seen a place with such a light color.She strenuously leaned towards that place, then turned Xing Suo into a big spear, and stabbed fiercely.


There was a crack in that barrier, which made Ye Weiyang ecstatic, struggling to stabilize her figure, and stabbed out again.


The barrier shattered, and Ye Weiyang plunged in.

Tianfu Continent.

Backing the mountain village.

A 12-year-old girl is cutting wood, even if it is a girl, even if she is only 12 years old, because she has no talent for cultivation, she can only survive in a wild mountain village with extremely harsh conditions, and she has to do the same work as a boy.People like them who have no cultivation talent live very fragile in this world, and will die for various reasons at any time.

Her name is Zhang Chun, and the name is still very nice.It's just that his face is sallow, his hair is yellow, his body is thin, and he is obviously malnourished.

The family is very poor. In fact, everyone in their class has poor families.Their daily wish is to be able to have a full meal, but obviously, this wish is difficult for them.But they didn't think there was anything wrong with it, because everyone in the village was like this, and if there was no comparison, there would be no harm.

He staggered back to his own yard, put down the firewood on his back, stacked it on the wood pile, and then sat on a wooden pier, rested for a while, drank a few sips of water, and began to prepare dinner.

After a while, my mother and her younger brother, who was one year younger than her, came back from the field and sat on the wooden pier, drinking water and resting.The three of them were too tired to talk.

Cooking is very simple, at least for a family like theirs, just put a little rice in the pot, cook a pot of porridge that can see the rice grains clearly, and it's over.With no extra food, being able to drink a bowl of porridge and eat a pickle is enough for them to survive.

The scent of porridge gradually permeated, and the three of them couldn't help but twitched their Adam's apples.

Mother washed and chopped some wild vegetables in the basket, and put them in the pot as soon as it was opened.The fragrance of porridge adds some fragrance of wild vegetables.

Zhang Chun was stirring the spoon in the pot to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pot, while looking out the door from time to time.The same is true for mother and younger brother.They were waiting for their father who was out hunting.

There was worry and hope in their eyes.

Hunting is a very dangerous thing. She is worried that her father will have an accident during the hunt, and at the same time, she also hopes that his father can bring back the prey so that they can eat some meat.

Suddenly cheers erupted in the village, and the three of them were overjoyed.The mother and younger brother had already run out, and Zhang Chun also took a step, but then came back because she still had to stir the porridge with a spoon.

About two quarters of an hour passed, and in Zhang Chun's anticipation, he heard footsteps.Father, mother and younger brother returned with bright faces, and father held a piece of meat in his hand.

Not big.

It only looks like two catties.

But this was enough to make Zhang Chun cheer, and the village was full of cheers at this time.Being able to hunt successfully once is like a festival for a village like them.

In the usual hunting, people often return empty-handed, and sometimes people are injured or even die.

A small piece of meat was cut off, chopped into a puree, thrown into the porridge, and continued to cook.Niangqin marinated the remaining meat and dried it to dry.Save it for later days and eat slowly.

Every family in the whole village is like this, and no one has the luxury of eating meat in one meal.

Outside the village, a person came.

It was Ye Weiyang.

Hearing the laughter in the village and the smell of meat wafted out, Ye Weiyang's mood became very good.

She came in through the cracks in the space and found that there was a wasteland all around her. She tested it and found that all her abilities were not lost, and she could use them in this world, which made Ye Weiyang feel relieved all of a sudden.

Then he randomly chose a direction and walked slowly.Not in a hurry to fly, while walking, she felt the way of heaven here, and then she found that she could practice here, and there was a way of heaven that fit the way.

This made her more and more happy, so that she could practice here and improve her cultivation.At that time, return to the turbulent flow of space, try to go upstream and return to the Nine Palaces.

She remembered this place, and after her cultivation level improved, she would come back here, smash the barriers here, and return to the turbulent flow of space.

(End of this chapter)

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