Chapter 927

Ye Weiyang walked into the village, but saw no one.Ye Weiyang didn't care, she could already smell the smell of meat, everyone should be eating at this time.

Ye Weiyang walked into the village, a girl came out from a door, holding a dirt basket with garbage in it.Seeing Ye Weiyang, he froze for a moment, then turned around and shouted:

"Father, someone is here."

A man came out, seeing Ye Weiyang and Ye Weiyang's clothes, there was tension and embarrassment in his eyes:
"Who is the guest looking for?"

Ye Weiyang smiled and said: "I have traveled here, can I ask for a bowl of water?"

"Of course, guests are welcome to come in. We are eating at home, and guests don't mind, we can join together."

"Thank you!"

Followed into the room, Ye Weiyang didn't dislike the shabby and dilapidated place here.Sitting on a wooden pier, drank a bowl of gruel, and chatted with the man opposite.

From the chat, I learned that this man is called Zhang Shi, and the village is called Kaoshan Village.He also has a shallow understanding of this world, because Zhang Shi doesn't know much.

Ye Weiyang was very surprised by the cultivation system in this world.

The cultivation system in this world is not as diverse as that of Ye Weiyang, there is only one kind.Similar to Talisman.

According to Zhang Shi, people here usually have their first awakening when they are seven years old.Once awakened, a tower will appear in the sea of ​​consciousness.If you can't awaken when you are seven years old, you may not always be unable to awaken.still have a chance.But if you can't awaken at the age of ten, you will no longer awaken and become an ordinary person.

This world is not friendly to ordinary people. Only those who are awakened can become masters, and those who cannot be awakened live at the bottom.Even their lives can be taken away by awakened people at will.

Awakened people live in prosperous cities, and there are also unawakened people in the city, but they can only be servants of awakened people.

As for how to cultivate after awakening?
Zhang Shi didn't know. According to Zhang Shi's words, only the awakened people who live in the city can know.

Ye Weiyang didn't rush into the city immediately, Zhang Shi told her that there was a city two hundred miles away from Kaoshan Village, called Kaoshan City.But Ye Weiyang decided to familiarize herself with this world first, and then decide whether to enter the city.

Zhang Chun's younger brother is called Zhang Shu, and he ran out to play with the children after eating.Tell the children that they have guests at their home.Soon, the head of the village came to Zhang Shi's house.

The village head is very respectful to Ye Weiyang, after all, Ye Weiyang's skin is very delicate, and she is very well dressed, and he has already confirmed that Ye Weiyang came from the city.There is a natural awe in their bones for the people in the city, because the people in the city are all awakened monks, so his attitude is even more humble.When Ye Weiyang said that he wanted to live here for a while, the village immediately wanted to give up his house, but Ye Weiyang refused, and he didn't dare to disobey Ye Weiyang, so he chose an empty room for Ye Weiyang .

There are several idle houses in the village, all left by dead villagers.

Ye Weiyang chose a house with a small yard, the village chief arranged for someone to help clean it, seeing their awe-inspiring expressions, Ye Weiyang did not refuse.

Ye Weiyang didn't reveal that she had storage equipment, because she wasn't sure if there were such things in this world.After cleaning up the house, the village head led the villagers away.

The next morning, Ye Weiyang left.She wants to check the surrounding environment.She didn't go to the mountain city, although the distance of [-] miles was an instant for her, but she still didn't go, but explored the environment outside the mountain city.

Most of the surrounding areas are wild beasts, and occasionally there are fierce beasts. The environment is relatively safe for the villagers.

At dusk, Ye Weiyang came back.Not empty-handed, but a deer was hunted.Weaving a sledge out of tree branches, putting the deer on the sledge, Ye Weiyang dragged it back to the village.

From a distance, I saw a small figure, looking around at the entrance of the village, it was Zhang Chun.Seeing Ye Weiyang, his eyes lit up, he ran forward a few steps, and then stopped in fear.Ye Weiyang dragged the sledge to her and rubbed her hair:

"Waiting for me here?"

"En!" Zhang Chun nodded.

Ye Weiyang really wanted to offer something to Zhang Chun, but finally gave up.Because the things in her storage ring are not suitable for Zhang Chun to eat.Not even the spirit fruit, Zhang Chun ate it, and his body couldn't bear it.

In a heartbeat, I have exercises for body training, but I can pass them on to Zhang Chun.But the mainstream of cultivation in this world seems to be Talisman Dao, and I don't know how to pass it on to Zhang Chun for body training.Is a blessing or a curse.

This is not alarmist talk, since this world has a cultivation system, this cultivation system will definitely maintain its own status, and it is not impossible to regard other cultivation systems as heresy, and once discovered, they will be killed and eradicated.Otherwise, it is impossible for the people in this village to be all mortals.

In the end, Ye Weiyang decided not to teach other cultivation systems until she had a clear understanding of this world.He rubbed Zhang Chun's hair again and said:

"Go and inform the village chief to share the meat."

"oh oh!"

Zhang Chun excitedly ran towards the village chief's house. During the chat before, Ye Weiyang had already learned from Zhang Shi that the village had a hunting team, and when they came back from hunting, they also distributed the meat to the villagers, and everyone had a share.It's just that people in the hunting team will get more points.

Soon, the village head trotted over, with a surprised and embarrassed look on his face, rubbing his hands in front of him and saying:
"My dear guest, are you really willing to share this deer with us?"

"Take it, since you live here, you have to abide by your rules, and for me, it's also a matter of convenience."

Seeing that Ye Weiyang's demeanor was not fake, the village became happy, but in demeanor he respected Ye Weiyang even more, calling the villagers to start dividing the meat, Ye Weiyang also stood aside and watched, laughing.After dividing the meat, Ye Weiyang rubbed Zhang Chun's head and said:
"Go back and tell your mother, I'll treat your family to dinner." Zhang Chun is the first person Ye Weiyang saw when she entered this world, and this child is also simple-minded, Ye Weiyang loves it very much.

"Yeah!" Zhang Chun nodded and ran towards his home.

Ye Weiyang exchanged some of the meat with the villagers for some food and some vegetables, and then returned to her home and lit a fire to cook.

After a while, Zhang Shi's family came, and Ye Weiyang asked Zhang Chun to invite the village chief, and everyone sat around for dinner.Seeing Ye Weiyang cooking rice, meat, and vegetables all at once, the village chief moved his lips, and finally said:

"Uncle, please call me Wei Young."

The village chief hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded and said: "Weiyang, what do you eat next?"

Ye Weiyang was stunned, and then realized that it was because she was concerned about being hungry tomorrow.Then he smiled and said, "Don't worry, old man. I'll go out to hunt another wild animal tomorrow. Maybe I can hunt more. Just can I have a place to exchange for food and vegetables?"

"Yes." The village chief couldn't help but smile, seeing what Ye Weiyang did today, even if he hunted more wild animals, he should be able to give them some.

"A hundred miles away, there is a big market at the beginning of every month, where you can exchange it. Do the math, there are still six days before the big market."

"There are still six days! What if there is no big episode?"

"Then we have to go to the city." The village's face showed a look of embarrassment: "If people like us want to go to the city, they will be exploited."

"Is the exploitation heavy?"

"Well, sometimes you even rob them all. If there is nothing to exploit, you will not be allowed to enter the city at all, and you will even be killed."

Ye Weiyang frowned, this world is strictly hierarchical.

"Then let's go to the market. I'll hunt more wild animals. Then the fur can be exchanged for things, right?"


Then everyone started eating and chatting.The village knew more than Zhang Shi did, and after about half an hour, the village and Zhang Shi's family left.

Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice.About an hour later, Ye Weiyang opened his eyes and frowned slightly.This is her first time practicing in this world, and she only sensed it before.Now that I officially started to practice, I found that this world is different from my own world after all.

The way of heaven is tilted!

The Dao of Heaven here is more suitable for comprehending the Dao of Talismans, that is to say, it is of great assistance to Ye Weiyang in breaking through the Talisman of Talismans, but it has a much smaller range for improving the realm of Dao.

"It seems that it will be very difficult to raise the cultivation base to the second level of the Dao in this world. Even if it takes a thousand years, it may not be possible to break through. As for the improvement of the body, let alone think about it. But breaking through the talisman has a lot of benefits. Big opportunity.

However, even if he broke through the talisman by himself, how would it help him to walk in the turbulent space?
slow! "

Ye Weiyang's heart moved, and he also felt a little regretful. He relied on the star cable in the turbulent flow of space, but he forgot the rune tower. If he hides the rune tower and envoys the rune tower, he doesn't know how long the rune tower can last in the turbulent space flow. ?
Can it go against the current?

Even if I'm not as good as Xingsuo, if I break through the Saint Talisman, with my main body, the Talisman Tower and Xingsuo, three rotations, I may be able to go upstream.

Ye Weiyang's spirit was greatly lifted, and she decided to focus on talismans in this world, and try to see if she could break through the talisman.It's just that she also knows that she still has to go to the city to see, or even travel to this world, to see the inheritance of this world, which may speed up her breakthrough to the talisman.

However, there is no rush.I have plenty of time.After breaking through Hedao, Ye Weiyang already has a lifespan of 5 years, how old is she now?
It's just a thousand years old.

Early the next morning, Ye Weiyang left the village again, looking around.Don't rush to fight wild beasts, just do it casually.

During this day, she secretly inspected several villages, just like the backer village, life is very difficult.

When she came back at dusk, she dragged back three cows with a sledge, which made the whole village boil.

In this way, Ye Weiyang goes out during the day every day and returns with a few prey at dusk, the living standard of the mountain village has been greatly improved.With so much meat, the villagers ate it without saving money. In just a few days, the villagers in Kaoshan Village became flushed and their bodies became stronger.

On this day, Ye Weiyang did not go hunting, but came to the village chief's house.When the village chief saw Ye Weiyang coming to his house, he was very enthusiastic.Now he really hopes that Ye Weiyang will live here forever.

"Weiyang, what's the matter?"

"Uncle, you gather the young and strong people in the village, and then go hunting with me at night, hunt in the first half of the night, and drive in the second half of the night, going directly to Daji."

"At night?" The village was a little worried: "Is it too dangerous?"

"With me here, there is no danger."

The village hesitated for a while, but finally decided to trust Ye Weiyang.Because Ye Weiyang's performance these days is worthy of his trust.


Ye Weiyang left with more than fifty excited young men, all of whom also brought knives, axes, bows and arrows.

In fact, they have long wanted to go hunting with Ye Weiyang, but they dare not mention it.Now that Ye Weiyang took the initiative to take them, they were all very excited.Ye Weiyang was holding a cloth bag in her hand, which she asked Zhang Chun to make.At a young age, she does needlework very well.The bags are filled with stones of similar size.

Ye Weiyang hunts, just throwing stones is enough, only wild animals are hit.And it won't expose her cultivation.

At the beginning, these young men were thinking of showing their hands in front of Ye Weiyang when the beasts appeared.But when the wild beasts actually appeared, before the wild beasts got close, Ye Weiyang killed one with a stone, and the fifty or so young men found that all they could do was to keep making sledges, and then used the sledges to support the dead beasts.

so easy……

By midnight, more than 100 beasts had been hunted and killed. Ye Weiyang asked everyone to practice for half an hour, and then headed towards Daji.

At dawn, came Daji.At this time, Daji was already overcrowded, and when those people saw Ye Weiyang's team, they were dumbfounded.

With just dozens of people, how could it be possible to hunt and kill so many beasts?
All the people who come here to go to the market are ordinary people. Ye Weiyang originally hoped to meet monks here, so that he could chat and test things out, but he found that he was thinking too much, exchanging grain, oil and vegetables, etc., Ye Weiyang would not participate.These young and strong are all clean, Ye Weiyang asked them to exchange, and he himself looked around at the fair.

At noon, everyone exchanged a large amount of daily necessities such as grain, oil and vegetables, put them on the sledge, and dragged them back to the mountain village.The entire backer village is like celebrating the New Year.

Do not!
It's even more lively than the New Year's atmosphere.

The village sought Ye Weiyang's opinion, and then distributed the materials.These substances are enough to feed the village for three months.

Ye Weiyang was thinking about it, it seemed that there was nothing to investigate around the village, if she wanted to investigate the reality of this world, she still had to go to the city.

The next morning.

Ye Weiyang left Kaoshan Village. After a distance of [-] miles, Ye Weiyang shrunk to an inch, and soon saw the Kaoshan City. Looking at the size of Kaoshan City from a distance, from Ye Weiyang's perspective, it can be regarded as a medium-sized city. .

(End of this chapter)

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