The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 928 Settled

Chapter 928 Settled
This city didn't have a large guard formation, and there were people on duty at the gate, Ye Weiyang slowed down, walking slowly, while observing, and found that people who basically didn't need to check in and out of the city gate had a kind of waist card.And those who do not have a waist card must go through strict inspections.

Ye Weiyang thought for a while, took a step forward, and entered the city.It was not discovered.Then he walked slowly in the city, observing the surroundings.

As she walked, she probed in with her spiritual knowledge. She didn't believe that in such a medium-sized city, there were people with similar cultivation level as her who could discover her spiritual knowledge.

Seeing that the people here also paid their bills with Lingshi, she felt relieved.And I also saw that someone had storage equipment, so I found a tea house and went in, ordered a pot of tea, and listened while drinking tea.My heart gradually settled down.About an hour later, she got up and left the tea house, checked into an inn, gave a clerk a low-grade spirit stone, and roughly inquired about what she wanted to inquire about.

It's just that what she inquired about was the general situation. As for the distribution of power in this world, he didn't inquire about it, which would make people suspicious.There is no rush, it is not too late to settle down first, and then ask slowly.

With that spirit stone, the clerk quickly introduced Ye Weiyang to a middleman of the dental shop, and Ye Weiyang bought a courtyard.Then I lingered in the tea house and wine shop every day, and after listening to it for more than ten days, I basically understood the distribution of power in this world from the chats of those people.

There are three forces in this world.

Tianfuzong, Tiandaozong, Bailianzong.

The Tianfu Sect is for cultivating talisman Tao, the Tiandao Sect is for cultivating spiritual power, and the Hundred Refining Sect is for body training.

It's just that in this world, the Tianfu Sect is the mainstream and the most powerful.This is not surprising, the way of heaven here is naturally close to the way of talisman.

However, not everyone has the aptitude to practice talisman, that is to say, not everyone can awaken before the age of ten.So what about those who are not awakened?

Of course, you can only live at the bottom, just like the backing village.But after all, some people are not willing to do this, after tens of thousands of years, some people have created a cultivation method similar to that of Ye Weiyang's world, they practice spiritual power, so they are called Tiandaozong.There are also some people who can't even cultivate their spiritual power, so they embark on the road of body training. This is the Hundred Refining Sect.

But the Dao of Heaven in this world is not friendly to cultivating spiritual power and body training, so the strength of Bailian Sect and Tiandao Sect is much different from that of Tianfu Sect.

But in terms of number, it far surpasses Tianfuzong.

After all, there are very few people who can awaken, and there are many who cannot.Therefore, although Tianfuzong regarded Tiandaozong and Bailianzong as heresies, they started wars several times, trying to completely strangle Tiandaozong and Bailianzong.

But can this be strangled?
It's because everyone wants to live forever and be strong, but the result is that more and more people are encircled and suppressed, like mushrooms after rain.Moreover, although Tiandaozong and Bailianzong are not as good as Tianfuzong, their numbers are too large, and they have persisted.Up to now, even though the disciples of the Tianfu Sect saw monks practicing spiritual power and body training, they were immediately hunted down for heresy.But there is no such kind of extermination war.

Of course, the person with the highest combat power in this world is from the Tianfu Sect.It's just that the strength of this world is far from that of Jiugongxing, and there is only one talisman.It is equivalent to harmony.There are not many gods even.In this way, the Great Talisman has become the strongest monk in the world.

Ye Weiyang didn't get Bailianzong's body training technique and Tiandaozong's cultivation technique.However, I got a rough idea of ​​the cultivation system of Tianfuzong.

The talisman cultivation system in this world is still different from what she said.

She thinks that you condense the natal talisman first, and then visualize the talisman tower. The talisman tower initially only has one layer, and then it is cultivated layer by layer, and now there are six layers.However, this world is different.

They don't have natal talismans, and the talisman towers are not cultivated, but awakened.Or it was given by God.

Once the monks in this world are successfully awakened, Heavenly Dao will bestow rune towers in their sea of ​​consciousness.It's just that the number of layers of rune towers is different.

Those with low talent have only one layer of rune towers.The one with the highest talent currently has only seven floors.

But it doesn't mean that a one-level Talisman Tower cannot cultivate to a Talisman Saint, nor does it mean that a seven-story Talisman Pagoda must be able to cultivate to a Talisman Saint.It's just that it is almost impossible for monks on the first floor of the talisman tower to cultivate to become a talisman saint. Although it is possible, the hope is extremely slim.And the people of the seven-story talisman tower naturally hope to be higher than the people of the first-level talisman tower.And even if the people in the seven-story Talisman Tower can't cultivate to the Talisman Saint, they are better than the monks in the same level of the Talisman Tower.

This is from the moment of awakening, the way of heaven has given honor and inferiority.

As for after awakening, how to cultivate after obtaining the talisman tower?
Ye Weiyang doesn't know yet, she needs to gradually understand this world and this system.

The yard that Ye Weiyang bought is very large, and Ye Weiyang will go out to travel in the future, so she decided to hire a few people to take care of this temporary home.After all, she doesn't know how long she will stay in this world.

Still looking for the intermediary of the tooth shop to find for herself, to Ye Weiyang's surprise, the intermediary actually found a monk for herself.

This monk is a female nun named Ning Hongying, who is a branch of the Ning family in the backer city.

There is no sect in the backing city, but there are three families.

The Ning family, the Wang family, and the Dang family.

This Ning Hongying is a woman from the side branch of the Ning family, with a stubborn personality.When he awakened at the age of eight, although he only awakened a layer of talisman pagodas, he had a firm heart towards the Tao and devoted himself to cultivation.But no matter how firm she is, she is only a one-story talisman tower, and it is a side branch. The family resources are very scarce to her, and now she is over forty, but she is only a talisman teacher, and she can't help but feel disheartened.At the same time, because of his character, he was ridiculed by the family and couldn't stay any longer, so he wanted to find a way out.In this way, he was brought to Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang simply talked to her, and he could see that this person's character, although stubborn, was noble and pure.Such a person is just right to be his own housekeeper.

Ning Hongying also has a straightforward character, when she saw Ye Weiyang hiring her, she immediately thought about the housekeeper.

"Miss, do you want to buy a few more people? For example, cooks, maids and so on?"

Ye Weiyang said: "It's not urgent, after a few days, maybe I will bring a few people over."

"Yes, what else do you want Miss?"

"Sit down first, I'll talk to you."

"Miss Xie." Ning Hongying sat down and looked at Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang looked at her and said: "It is said that you have been stuck in the realm of a talisman teacher?"

Ning Hongying's face showed a dejected look: "Yes!"

"If you can trust me, show me the exercises you have practiced. If you can't trust me, forget it."

"Miss is also a talisman teacher?" Ning Hongying was shocked.

"En!" Ye Weiyang nodded.

Ning Hongying was just tangled in her heart. She is suffering from not being able to break through now. Seeing that she is getting older, she is already over forty. If she continues like this, her lifespan will only be over 100 years old. How many years are left?

What's more, all the exercises on my body are only the first two layers. This is a family practice, and only one more layer of exercises is given to you.The first level of skills is the realm of a talisman master, so she only has the skills of the first level of talisman master and the second level of great talisman master. Even if it is given to Ye Weiyang, it will have no effect on her family. Ye Weiyang was able to help herself, but it was an unexpected joy.Immediately without further hesitation, he took out a blank jade slip, transferred the exercises into it, and handed it to Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang was overjoyed, finally able to observe the cultivation techniques in this world.

After receiving the jade slip, the spiritual sense penetrated into it, there were only two levels of exercises, Ye Weiyang read it quickly.Then he frowned and thought.

This first level of practice is actually very simple, it is just a method of condensing spiritual knowledge.It's just that this condensed spiritual knowledge has three effects.

The first one is to prepare for breaking through the second layer.The second level of skill is to engrave runes on the rune tower.In other words, the Heaven-given Talisman Tower is a bare board Talisman Tower.If you want to walk on the rune path, you need to brand runes on the rune tower.Of course, the inheritance of this branded rune is different, and the strength is also different.However, no matter what the inheritance is, if your spiritual awareness is not strong enough, you will naturally not be able to brand it on the Talisman Tower. This is why you are preparing for the second floor.

The second is to temper the rune tower, using spiritual knowledge to temper the rune tower.Refining the talisman tower to the strength that can carry the branded talisman.From a certain point of view, this talisman tower is actually the carrier of the talisman.

Talisman, the avenue of heaven.It is not something that ordinary things can carry.Therefore, there are requirements for the strength of the rune tower.The higher the grade of inheritance, the higher the requirement for the strength of the rune tower.Ye Weiyang looked at the second level of her talisman pagoda's kung fu, it's a kung fu that doesn't go up or down, and it's water attribute.Although I haven't seen the follow-up exercises, but deduced from Ye Weiyang's realm, the follow-up exercises should be to cultivate this talisman tower into a water world.

From this point of view, the talisman cultivation system in this world is different from the system I cultivated myself, but there are also many similarities.

The third is to use the talisman tower as a seed to attract the spiritual power of heaven and earth to temper the body.

Ye Weiyang thought carefully, this first condensed spiritual knowledge was no different from her own way of cultivation.The second tempering tower is also the meaning of the title.It's just that the third one uses the talisman tower as a seed to attract the spiritual power of heaven and earth to temper the body, which is obviously not as good as his own world, which has a special way of tempering the body.From this point of view alone, the lifespan of monks in this world is far inferior to that of people in their own world.

Ye Weiyang looked up, and seeing Ning Hongying's expectant eyes, she smiled and said, "What problem are you encountering now?"

Ning Hongying took a breath and said: "There are two problems. One is that my aptitude is poor, and the speed of condensing spiritual knowledge is not enough. Up to now, I have not condensed my spiritual knowledge to the perfection of a talisman teacher, so I have not condensed my talisman and my body. Refine it to the proper level. The second is resources. I have very little resources from the family. Now that I am here as a housekeeper, the lady has already given me a lot of monthly orders, but..."

Ye Weiyang nodded, with Ning Hongying's current state, there really isn't any problem with the Dao of Heaven, it's all a step-by-step problem, there is really nothing to explain.However, she also needs to think about these issues.Seeing that Ye Weiyang didn't speak, he said again:
"I don't think there are too few monthly cases. Compared with other families, what the lady gave is already very high. I'm just talking about the problems I'm facing..."

"I know!" Ye Weiyang waved her hand, stopped her and said, "Let me first teach you a method of tempering spiritual consciousness. Of course, this is only for the realm of tempering spiritual consciousness."

Ning Hongying's eyes lit up, and she thought to herself, Miss really has better skills, but I don't know what realm she is?
Ye Weiyang took out a blank jade slip, selected a cultivation method for tempering spiritual consciousness, sent it in, then looked at Ning Hongying and said:
"Don't tell anyone about this."

"Yes, I will definitely not tell others."

Ning Hongying said seriously, and then began to read the exercises.Seeing that she had finished reading, Ye Weiyang said: "Just practice for a while and see if you have any questions, you can ask me face to face now."


Ning Hongying started to practice, about half an hour later, Ning Hongying opened her eyes, her eyes were full of shock and gratitude.This technique can actually increase the speed of condensing by five times.Standing up, he saluted Ye Weiyang deeply:

"Thank you Miss!"

Ye Weiyang nodded and said: "Sit down, I have something to ask you."

Ning Hongying sat down in an orderly manner, and looked at Ye Weiyang respectfully.

"Hongying, how did you wake up in the mountain city?"

"Miss Hui, backing mountain city is mainly governed by our Ning family, Wang family and Dang family. The city owner is also held by our three families in rotation every ten years.

In the main hall of the city lord, the three of us jointly established an awakening talisman.Every year at the beginning of the year, the meeting will open, and all people under the age of ten around the mountain city can try to awaken.But there is a fee.To participate in an awakening ceremony, you need a low-grade spirit stone. "

Ye Weiyang frowned: "Doesn't it mean that many people came to awaken without spirit stones?"

"Yes!" Ning Hongying nodded and said: "But there is no charge for the first time to participate in the awakening ceremony, and the charge will start from the second time."

Ye Weiyang nodded, this was the right choice.

"Can I go and see the awakening talisman?"


"If you need points, you can tell me the number. I just want to go and see how the awakening talisman here is different."

Ning Hongying thought for a while, a little confused: "I'm going to try it first."

Ye Weiyang nodded, then took out a storage bag, handed it to Ning Hongying and said, "There are 1000 yuan of low-grade spirit stones here, you can take them and sort them out."

"it is good!"

Ning Hongying's face brightened, with this 1000 yuan low-grade spirit stone, things are basically fine, Ye Weiyang just went to have a look, the problem is not big.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, Ning Hongying hurried back with joy on her face: "Miss, it's done. I only used 100 yuan of low-grade spirit stones, and this is the rest."

Ye Weiyang waved her hand: "The rest will be rewarded to you."

(End of this chapter)

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