The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 929-Awakening

Chapter 929-Awakening
Ning Hongying also knows Ye Weiyang a little bit, this is a master who is not bad at spirit stones, and he can do whatever he says, so after thanking Ye Weiyang, he immediately took Ye Weiyang to the main hall of the city lord.

What Ning Hongying is seeking is one of her clan brothers, named Ning Ling.Ning Ling led two people into the Great Hall of Awakening, and told Ye Weiyang to only watch and not touch the things in the Great Hall of Awakening.Ye Weiyang nodded in agreement.

Standing in front of the Awakening Platform, Ye Weiyang's spiritual consciousness spread out, covering the Awakening Platform.

This is a round platform with an awakening talisman engraved on it.There are also eight holes on the round platform, which are used to place spirit stones and activate the awakening talisman array.

Ye Weiyang just stood there motionless, but the Luoshu space had already begun to replicate the awakening platform.In about half an hour, the copying was completed.Ye Weiyang bid farewell politely, and returned to Ye Mansion with Ning Hongying.

Ning Hongying cooks by herself, and there are no servants now, and Ning Hongying's realm is not up to the realm of bigu, so she needs to eat.Thought Ye Weiyang also needed to eat.Ye Weiyang didn't say anything, and let her get busy while she sat in the room and entered the Luoshu space.

As expected, there are two awakening talisman arrays in Luoshu space, one is copied and the other is improved.

Ye Weiyang thought about it.

What will be the effect of this improvement?
There are nothing more than two types, one is to improve the level of awakening, maybe originally only one layer of talisman towers can be rewarded by heaven, but with this improvement, there can be two layers.The second is to extend the age.In other words, after the original ten years old, there is no possibility of awakening, and the improved talisman may be able to extend the age by a few years.

Ye Weiyang began to copy the improved awakening talisman in the Luoshu space, and with her current state of perfect talisman, she quickly learned this awakening talisman.He took out a large piece of jade from the storage ring, cut off a piece, and carved an awakening talisman array on it.Although this Fang Dayu is big, it is still incomparable to the round platform in the City Lord's Awakening Hall.That round platform can accommodate a hundred people at a time, and Ye Weiyang's piece of jade can only stand one person.

After completing the awakening talisman, Ye Weiyang called Ning Hongying and said, "Hongying, I'm going out for a few days. Take care of your home."


Ye Weiyang gave a few more instructions, then left the house and walked out of the city.Leaving the backing mountain city, shrinking the land into an inch, and soon came to the backing mountain village.

From a distance, Qing Zhuang was seen patrolling, showing a tense atmosphere.Seeing Ye Weiyang, all the young and strong were overjoyed and rushed towards Ye Weiyang.



Ye Weiyang glanced at him: "What happened?"

"Weiyang, you are not here these days, we found someone came to investigate our village. The village said that it should be that we went to the big market to exchange a lot of things a few days ago, which made the surrounding villages think and want to come to our village to rob."

Ye Weiyang frowned: "Will there be a robbery between the villages?"

The man smiled bitterly: "It's all for eating."

Ye Weiyang nodded: "Don't worry about it, I'm here, even if you come, it's fine, go tell everyone to go to the center of the village."

"it is good!"

Those young and strong didn't ask what they were going to do in the center of the village, they ran towards the center of the village with a hush, shouting as they ran, telling everyone to go to the center of the village.

Soon, all the villagers gathered in the center of the village, and the village came to Ye Weiyang's side: "Weiyang, who are you?"

Ye Weiyang took out the awakening talisman and put it on the ground: "I want to see if anyone in the village can awaken."

"This is... the awakening talisman?" The village chief's eyes lit up, and then he said darkly: "The village has been checked, and there is no awakening."

"My awakening talisman is different, more advanced. Try it, it doesn't take much effort anyway."

"it is good!"

"Then start with the oldest one." Ye Weiyang placed the spirit stone.

"The oldest? What do you mean?" The village chief was taken aback.

"It doesn't matter how old you are, I'm not sure, but you can try."

The surrounding villagers were all stunned, but for Ye Weiyang's trust and expectations in their hearts, they still lined up one by one, starting with the oldest, only ten people passed by, and still no one was able to wake up, and the atmosphere of disappointment spread.But at this moment, there was a sudden cry from outside, and everyone was shocked. When they turned their heads and looked, they saw hundreds of people coming in from the entrance of the village.The village chief shouted in surprise:


His two words were still echoing in the space, and he saw Ye Weiyang smashed a stone mill next to him with a fist, then grabbed pieces of gravel and threw them out extremely fast.

"Puff puff……"

In less than half an hour, hundreds of people were lying on the ground, howling there, and all of them had a leg broken by a stone.The young people in Kaoshan Village were not surprised when they saw Weiyang stone hunting wild animals overnight.Those villagers who hadn't seen it all opened their mouths in shock.

Ye Weiyang glanced away, and then landed on the three old men.At this time, amidst howling everywhere, only the three old men stood there, stunned for a moment.

The three old men did not rush to kill. After following the young and strong, they saw their villagers falling down layer by layer as if they were being harvested.Seeing Ye Weiyang walking towards them at this time, he suddenly became startled, trembling all over, with a look of fear on his face.

Ye Weiyang walked in front of the three of them: "You three are the village chiefs?"


"Take people and get out, remember, this is the first time, the second floor is not broken legs, no one can survive."

"Yes, yes, a lot...thank you!"

Ye Weiyang didn't bother to pay attention to them, these people only had one broken leg, they helped each other up one by one, and bounced away.Ye Weiyang returned to the original place and said:


The villagers continued to wake up one by one, Ye Weiyang couldn't help but frowned seeing that none of the villagers had awakened.Zhang Chun timidly stepped onto the awakening talisman formation, Ye Weiyang's eyes showed anticipation.


Suddenly a ray of light appeared from the sky and penetrated into Zhang Chun's head, Ye Weiyang's eyes lit up, and the surrounding villagers also showed excitement.

Ye Weiyang looked at Zhang Chun and said, "How?"

Zhang Chun was stunned for a moment, then excitedly said: "There is a tower in my mind."

"How many floors?"

"Two floors!"

Ye Weiyang nodded, it seems that Zhang Chun's aptitude is just average.Let Zhang Chun down, and then continue.Not long after, an eight-year-old boy was successfully awakened, with a three-story rune tower.After that, no one was successful.

Ye Weiyang looked at Zhang Shi and said: "I bought a house in Kaoshan Village, are you willing to follow me there?"

"Yes, we are willing!" Zhang Shi nodded again and again, his face full of excitement.

Ye Weiyang looked at the family of the eight-year-old child again.This is a family of three, the child's name is Zhang Ying, and his father's name is Zhang Hui.

"Are you willing to come with me?"

"Yes, we are willing!" The family of three also nodded repeatedly.

The village head looked sad and said: "Weiyang, are you leaving?"

"Yeah!" Ye Weiyang nodded and said, "Tomorrow I will take them away."

The village chief wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't speak.Ye Weiyang doesn't owe them anything, what reason do they have to beg Ye Weiyang?

Ye Weiyang naturally wouldn't care about this village, let alone promise to protect this village, she came here to see if she could accept a few awakened ones, and took them away with her family.Cultivating a few monks in this way can also help him. After all, he doesn't know how long he will stay here.The family members with the awakened disciples were handed over to Ning Hongying to help take care of the house.As for the two children Zhang Chun and Zhang Ying, whether they will take care of the village in the future is up to them.

The next day, Ye Weiyang took the two families into the backing city and returned to her home.To Ning Hongying said:

"This is Zhang Chun, and this is Zhang Ying, the awakened ones. I will teach them how to practice. You can also teach them when you have time."


"These are their families, and they will be your subordinates in the future. You arrange their work."


"You go to arrange it first, and come to my room after the arrangement."

Ning Hongying took the people down, first arranged rooms for them, then arranged their respective jobs, and then came to Ye Weiyang's room.

"Miss, everything is arranged!"

Ye Weiyang nodded: "I'll give you a task to help me collect all kinds of news, and the range of news is at the level of monks."

"Okay!" Ning Hongying nodded bluntly.

"Hongying, is there any way to buy more books about exercises?"

"There are three kinds!"

It seems that Ning Hongying is no stranger to this aspect, presumably because of her own cultivation problems, she has often inquired about this aspect, and even bought it.

"The first one is the shops on the street. The second one is the open-air market on the East Street, and the third one is the exchange meeting between monks in a small area.

However, no matter what kind, the secret books on the inheritance of exercises and talismans are very expensive. "

Ye Weiyang nodded, it was inevitable.After thinking about it, he said, "What kind of talisman do you know?"

Ning Hongying's face turned red: "I can only make three kinds of talismans."

"Can you make it for me now?"

Ning Hongying's eyes lit up, are you trying to point me out?
Immediately nodded and said: "Okay!"

The two came to the table, and Ning Hongying took out the talisman paper, talisman ink and talisman pen from her storage bag, and began to make them.Ye Weiyang stood aside and watched, the reason why she wanted to watch Ning Hongying make the talismans was to see if the way and final result of making talismans in this world were the same as what she had mastered.

After Ning Hongying finished making three talismans, she looked at Ye Weiyang expectantly.Ye Weiyang breathed a sigh of relief, in terms of making talismans, there is no difference from what he has mastered.Seeing Ning Hongying's expectant eyes, she pointed out several deficiencies in the process of making the talisman.Then he took the talisman pen and demonstrated it to her personally, Ning Hongying made it again, thanking Ye Weiyang gratefully.Ye Weiyang waved his hand and said:

"You are my housekeeper. It is good for me to improve your strength. It's nothing. If you don't understand something in the future, you can ask me."

Ning Hongying put away her pen and ink, then took out three cheat books from the storage bag, put them on the table and said:

"Miss, this is a book I bought from other sources, you can take a look."

"Okay!" Ye Weiyang took it over: "How many spirit stones?"

Ning Hongying hurriedly shook her head and said, "The advice you gave me is not something that can be measured by Lingshi."

Ye Weiyang nodded: "Let me take a look first, go get busy."

After thinking about it, he took out another storage bag, handed it to Ning Hongying and said, "Here is a million low-grade spirit stones. You can use them to make friends with monks, and it will be convenient for you to inquire about various news."


Ning Hongying clicked her tongue in her heart, her boss is really a rich man, and her background is probably not simple.So what is she doing here?
If you want me to inquire about the news, is there any relic about to be born near the mountain city?

No matter what you do, you can do whatever your boss asks you to do.

After Ning Hongying left, Ye Weiyang began to look through the three cheat books.One of the three secret books is about cultivation techniques, and the other two are about the inheritance of talismans. Ye Weiyang quickly read the two books about the inheritance of talismans, basically there is no difference from what he has learned.Moreover, the level of these talismans is very low, and I know it myself.He put the two secret books together, and picked up the inheritance of skills.

This practice inheritance can only be cultivated up to the Talisman Sect. Ye Weiyang already knew that the cultivation of the first level of Talisman Master Realm is to temper the spiritual consciousness, and then use the spiritual consciousness to temper the Talisman Tower, and then use the Talisman Tower as the seed, Attract spiritual power to quench the body.And the second level, which is the realm of the Great Talisman Master, is to carve basic talismans on the Talisman Tower with spiritual knowledge. For example, Ning Hongying took the path of water attribute, so she had to carve the most basic water attribute talisman.Then, because she didn't have any exercises, she didn't know how to practice in the next step of the Fu Zong realm.Now, he has seen how to cultivate in the realm of the Talisman Sect, still engraving talismans. Through the derivation of these three levels of exercises, Ye Weiyang has determined that the ultimate direction of cultivation in this world is still to cultivate the Talisman Pagoda into a blessed place.

However, there is also a difference. Combining the three levels of skills, Ye Weiyang was shocked to discover that the talismans imprinted on the talisman tower in this world are not only related, but also growable.

Let me talk about the relationship first, which is not surprising.The talisman pagoda that Ye Weiyang cultivated, the runes on it are also related.She has been practicing the five elements, so the runes on the Talisman Tower are all about the five elements.It's just that the branded talismans are getting more and more advanced.And the same is true here.

However, scalability is different.

The talisman imprinted on Weiyang Talisman Tower has no growth potential, once it is imprinted, it will be fixed.Moreover, in Ye Weiyang's world, there is no growthable talisman inheritance.

Ye Weiyang called Ning Hongying over again, and chatted with her about the growth talisman, of course she would not ask directly.After chatting for a while, Ye Weiyang realized that the talismans branded on the talisman pagoda and the talismans made on the talisman paper are two systems.Only the talismans imprinted on the talisman tower can grow.

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(End of this chapter)

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