The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 941 Rejection

Chapter 941 Rejection
Hearing that Jun Litian actually used the word boil, Ye Weiyang couldn't help but get serious, and cupped his hands towards Jun Litian and said:

"Brother, please speak up!"

Jun Litian was silent for a while, and said with sadness and frustration on his face: "Before the age of ten, as long as our monks can awaken, they will be bestowed with a talisman tower by the heavens and embark on the road of cultivation. Do you say this is sadness? happiness?"

Ye Weiyang didn't answer immediately, but fell silent.Based on her experience in Taoism, of course she knows that the Tao of Heaven has two sides.

To be honest, the cultivation system in this world is too friendly for monks.

You don't need to practice, as long as you wake up, you will be given a rune tower.After having the talisman pagoda, and having the skills, the speed of cultivation is much faster than that of the talisman masters in his own world.It seems that the Talisman Tower bestowed by the Heavenly Dao fits perfectly with the Heavenly Dao of this world.

And what about your own world?

First of all, you need to build the natal talisman, but the threshold of the natal talisman has stopped countless people, and then you have to visualize the talisman tower, which needs to be done by yourself, not given by heaven.

Cultivation in this world is so easy, isn't there another side?

Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat suddenly, he suddenly raised his head and said: "Senior brother, but is the end of Fu Sheng?"

Appreciation appeared in Jun Litian's eyes and he said, "That's right, it's been nearly 3000 years since I broke through to the talisman, and I found this world is like a cage. The talisman is its limit, no matter how much you practice, you won't If you make a breakthrough, you can only wait for death. I have studied for more than 1000 years and found that the essence of this cage is the Talisman Tower. When Heaven bestows on you the Talisman Tower, it also gives you the shackles. The Saint Talisman is the shackles."

Ye Weiyang was shocked, he borrowed the talisman inheritance from this world, will he also be imprisoned by the heaven in this world, making it difficult to make any progress in the future?

She closed her eyes and began to perceive carefully.

Then he opened his eyes, looked at Jun Litian and said, "I can't feel the shackles."

Jun Litian nodded and said: "It should be that you haven't reached the consummation of the talisman, and you should be able to perceive it when you reach the consummation of the talisman."

Ye Weiyang's face became ugly: "Senior brother, you haven't found a way to crack it?"

"No!" Jun Litian shook his head: "However, a person's strength is limited. Now that you are added, we may not be able to find a way. What you need now is to improve your cultivation as soon as possible, and then perceive Heaven's shackles on you, and then the two of us can cooperate. Come with me!"

Jun Litian stood up, took Ye Weiyang out of the cave, and flew towards his cave.Ye Weiyang followed him into the cave, it was a huge mountain, entered through the gate, and walked down the passage, Ye Weiyang reckoned that the huge mountain had been hollowed out, and along the inner wall was the winding road leading downwards Extend, and there are talismans engraved in the mountain, all the way to the bottom, there is a huge talisman array.

In fact, the entire giant mountain is a complete huge rune array.Coming to the center of the talisman array, Jun Litian said to Ye Weiyang:
"Come on, let's practice."

Ye Weiyang nodded, then sat cross-legged in the center of the talisman array, and began to practice.Immediately, I felt that the conversion rate of my spiritual consciousness had increased by more than a hundred times, and the degree of fit with the way of heaven had also increased by more than a hundred times, making it easy for me to enter the comprehension. Once I entered the comprehension, the divine consciousness The conversion rate has increased by more than ten times.

Ye Weiyang was immersed in comprehension, and Jun Litian stopped talking to Ye Weiyang, but came to a stone room on the edge of the talisman array. The stone room was very spacious, and inside were rows of bookshelves. The jade slip, Jun Litian took out a blank jade slip, and recorded it while deducing it.

Ye Weiyang retreated here, and after more than a month, Ye Weiyang woke up and found Jun Litian.Without waiting for Ye Weiyang to speak, Jun Litian pointed to a bookshelf to the east and said:

"The jade slips on that bookshelf are all inherited from the seventh floor of Zangshu Pavilion, go and have a look."

"What about the rest?" Ye Weiyang looked at the rows of jade slips on the bookshelves.

"It's all my deduction. There are all directions, some are useful, and some are just wishful thinking. You can look at it."

Ye Weiyang's eyes lit up, not to mention the inheritance of the seventh floor of Zangshu Pavilion, which actually doesn't have much attraction to her, but Jun Litian's deduction is attractive to her!

Striding to the front of the bookshelf, it is better to read the inheritance of the seventh floor of Zangshu Pavilion first. After reading it, Ye Weiyang felt relieved. The inheritance of the seventh floor is indeed of no use to her. It was deduced by combining the two worlds. Inheritance is much more advanced than these inheritances.

Then, she began to watch Jun Litian's derivation, not all the time, when she was incomprehensible or uncertain, Ye Weiyang went to the center of the talisman to practice, and quickly entered into a deep level of comprehension with the help of the talisman , analyze and deduce Jun Litian's experience.

One year, two years, three years...

Fast forward a hundred years, with the help of the talisman array, Ye Weiyang's cultivation has broken through to the late stage of the talisman saint, and the transformation of spiritual consciousness has reached [-]%, surpassing the transformation of the immortal essence in the body.

And the moment Ye Weiyang broke through to the later stage of Fu Sheng, she felt the rejection of heaven.

It is exclusion, not suppression, let alone shackles.

Ye Weiyang fell into deep thought, and gradually she understood a little bit, and she was not surprised but happy.

What does this mean?
This shows that the Heavenly Dao of this world cannot shackle her, nor can it be suppressed by her, because she has not obtained the Talisman Tower bestowed by this Heavenly Dao, and what she cultivates is not the system of this Heavenly Dao. But the talisman tower as the foundation was conceived by Ye Weiyang, not bestowed by heaven.

Therefore, Heaven is rejecting her, rejecting this creature that does not belong to this world.

The reason why she was not rejected before was because she was not strong enough, but now that she has broken through the late stage of Fu Sheng, Heaven began to reject her.She believes that the higher her cultivation base, the more this repelling force will be noticed. In the end, she doesn't need to actively look for space cracks, the way of heaven will directly repel her from this world, but she doesn't know, it will repel her into the world Another higher-level world still excludes itself into the turbulent flow of space.

At the same time, this also became a difficult choice for Ye Weiyang.

Because she has two choices.

One is to leave this world by myself now, there is a space crack, and I can leave directly.The other is to continue to practice here, wait until the world rejects oneself, and see where you can reject yourself?
This is a difficult choice, in the end Ye Weiyang decided to let the world exclude her to see where she excluded herself.

Then there was another multiple choice question.Do you want to have an open and honest talk with Jun Litian?As far as Jun Litian's cave and the jade slips in this cave have helped him a lot, if he doesn't leave something behind, it won't make sense.

Then talk!

With Ye Weiyang's current cultivation, she has no fear of this world.Get up and come to Jun Litian:

"Brother, I want to talk to you."

Jun Litian's eyes lit up: "Feel the shackles?"

"No, what I feel is rejection."

"Repel?" Jun Litian's eyes were blank.

"Brother, I am not from this world."

"Aren't you from this world?" Jun Litian's eyes were blank, and then he looked startled: "What did you say? You're not from this world?"

"Well, brother, I'll tell you slowly, you listen slowly."

Jun Litian took deep breaths continuously, then looked at Ye Weiyang and said, "Say it."

Ye Weiyang roughly talked about the world she came from and the reason why she entered this world, and then explained in detail the various cultivation systems in her own world.Then concluded:
"I can leave some of the inheritance I have to you, but I don't know where I will be excluded in the end. If I am excluded into the turbulent flow of space, with the strength of the monks in your world, I will not persist for half a breath , you will die. Your body is too weak."

After a while, Genius Junli woke up from the shock: "You mean you can leave us your inheritance?"

"Yes, in addition to the talisman, I can also leave behind the inheritance of body training. In this way, even if I enter the turbulent flow of space, I can persist for a longer time and have a glimmer of life."

Jun Litian took a deep breath: "Thank you!"

"you are welcome!"

Ye Weiyang stopped talking, and began to take out blank jade slips one by one, and continuously conveyed some exercises and her own experience into each blank jade slip.

Half a year later, there was an extra bookshelf in Jun Litian's cave, and the bookshelf was full of jade slips.And Jun Litian had already started reading these jade slips.Ye Weiyang put down the last jade slip, and decided to keep so many.Then he continued to read Jun Litian's experience, and continued to practice and comprehend in the talisman array.And Jun Litian is doing the same thing as Ye Weiyang now, reading the inheritance left by Ye Weiyang, and then also came to the center of the talisman array to practice and comprehend.Every once in a while, two people will discuss the Dao to confirm each other, so that the two people's understanding of the Talisman is constantly deepening.

Another 30 years passed in a hurry.

Ye Weiyang's cultivation is approaching the perfection of Fu Sheng, and this world is getting more and more repulsive to her.But Jun Litian began to worry.

On this day, he found Ye Weiyang and said: "Junior Sister, my problem now is that I still can't break through that shackle. There is no way to change the shackles into repulsion, what can Junior Sister do?"

"Brother, you are now a talisman saint, and the talisman tower is a gift from the heavens, so your foundation is restricted by the heavens. I don't think there is a chance for you to be rejected by the heavens."

Jun Litian couldn't help being frustrated, Ye Weiyang continued: "In our world there is a saying called ascension."


"Yes, but I haven't seen it, but after careful investigation, it is real. The so-called ascension means that after our monks have cultivated to the Dao, they will not be tolerated by the current world and will I was sent to a higher world by Heavenly Dao, which we call Immortal Realm. But I have never been there, and no one who has been there has returned. Therefore, ascension is real, but no one knows where it went.

I think you can use ascension as your direction instead of being rejected by this world as your direction.Combining the inheritance of our two worlds may not necessarily lead to a new path.Even if your current generation is not good, there is still the next generation, the next generation.This is how our human race has come from generation to generation. "

"Yes!" Jun Litian regained his composure: "There must be a way, Junior Sister."


"In the future, you will tell me the feeling of each breakthrough in cultivation base, as my derivation data."

"No problem, I will record it and give it to my brother."

"How long do you think it will take to reach the consummation of the talisman?"

Ye Weiyang thought for a while: "With your talisman formation here, and so many inheritances, combining the inheritance of the two worlds to deduce the way of heaven, I think at most 20 years, I will break through to the consummation of the talisman saint."

"Okay, whether you ascend to a more advanced world or are repelled into the turbulent flow of space, I will try my best to collect some resources from this world for you.

Ten years, I will give it to you in ten years, and I will arrange it now. "

"Thank you, brother."

"You're welcome, we are brothers and sisters." Jun Litian stood up and left.

Ye Weiyang sighed softly, she understood Jun Litian, this world has become a prison for monks while allowing the people to cultivate because of the talisman pagoda given to the monks.This difference, I am afraid that we will never see each other again.Jun Litian also knew that he would not be able to leave this cage in his life, so he pinned his hopes on himself.

But I have nothing to give away, and I have given all the inheritance that should be given. I hope he can find his own path.

After Jun Litian arranged the matter to Gu Ze, he came back here and continued to deduce and comprehend, and Ye Weiyang Ye also continued to comprehend and deduce, the experience of each breakthrough, and the feeling of being rejected by the way of heaven changes.They are also recorded.Send it to Jun Litian.

Another 18 years passed.

Ye Weiyang has reached the consummation of Fu Sheng, and at this level, she no longer knows how to go down, nor what the next level should be.

But these are not important now, because she feels a strong sense of rejection, and the moment her cultivation reaches the perfection of Fu Sheng, the strong sense of rejection comes.If she hadn't tried her best to restrain her breath immediately, she felt that she would be excluded from this world immediately, because she had clearly seen...

I just saw, rather than felt, that the space around my body began to rippling violently.It was only after she tried her best to restrain her breath that she stabilized.

Jun Litian worriedly stood not far away, looking at Ye Weiyang, when the space around Ye Weiyang stabilized, he hurried over:
"Junior Sister Ye..."

"Brother, I'm leaving."

"where to?"

"do not know."

"Can't feel it?"

"I can't feel it."

Jun Litian was silent.The reason Ye Weiyang can't feel it is that she doesn't know whether she is sent to a higher level world, or sent to a turbulent space.

Ye Weiyang began to take out the blank jade slips, and conveyed her feelings and so on into it, while Jun Litian remained silent.

Thanks a lot to Yang Fengyin (500) and lammasfan (100) for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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