Chapter 942 The Return
after one day.

Ye Weiyang handed a few jade slips to Jun Litian, Jun Litian took them over with a sad expression: "You really want to leave?"

"Well, I have to leave. I have been here for more than 100 years."

Jun Litian took out a storage ring, handed it to Ye Weiyang and said: "Here!"

Ye Weiyang knew that these were the various resources of this world that Jun Litian gave her, so she put them away, without thanking her, but said:

"I can't leave here, maybe I'll ruin this place, go to a deserted place."

"Okay, when?"

"In three days, I'll go see my two disciples."

"it is good!"

Ye Weiyang left, returned to Weiyang Peak, saw her two disciples, and now the two disciples have reached the consummation of the Great Talisman Sect, and the next step is the Talisman Zun, but Ye Weiyang knew that it would be difficult for the two of them to break through to the Big Talisman Zun .As for Ning Hongying not coming back yet, Ye Weiyang instructed the two disciples for three days, and then left with Jun Litian without telling the two disciples the real situation, and the two came to a virgin forest, an uninhabited place.Jun Litian leaves Ye Weiyang far away and looks at her from afar.

Ye Weiyang completely let go of her aura, and then felt the strong repulsion of this world towards her, a space crack appeared on her head, and she was thrown out.


Ye Weiyang sighed, she found herself in the turbulent flow of space, and did not go to any higher world.

After feeling it carefully, his face was overjoyed, and he could still faintly feel the imprint of his stay in the world of Jiugongxing.Very weak, can only faintly perceive the direction.Still, that's enough.

After confirming the direction, Ye Weiyang didn't rush to go, but sacrificed her natal talisman tower from the sea of ​​consciousness, and then observed the talisman tower, feeling even happier in her heart.

She felt that her talisman tower now surpassed the star lock in terms of hardness.

Ye Weiyang's body and Xingsuo have not changed much in the past 100 years. Ye Weiyang and Xingsuo can still take turns walking in the turbulent space. She and Xingsuo take turns for one day each.But this talisman tower can persist for about ten days in the turbulent space.This gave Ye Weiyang an extra emergency protection in the turbulent space.

Then let's talk about Ye Weiyang's degree of freedom in the turbulent flow of space, which is much stronger now than it was more than 100 years ago.Because her current spiritual consciousness has become divine consciousness, and the transformation of divine consciousness has reached [-]%.The transformation of Xianyuan has also reached [-]%.Coupled with the profound meaning of Tai Chi she had comprehended, she felt that she could do it. Although she could not comprehend the profound meaning of Tai Chi, in the real turbulent space, the retrograde speed was extremely slow, but if she could go retrograde, she would have the ability to get close to the Nine Palaces Star Wall. In addition, he can continue to comprehend the profound meaning of Tai Chi during the retrograde, and the speed will only get faster and faster.

What is there to complain about?

To have hope is to be lucky!
Ye Weiyang started to go retrograde in the direction of the Jiugong star, like a turtle's speed, and a day later, the star cable went retrograde again.Although Xingsuo doesn't know any Tai Chi secrets, but he can go retrograde, but the speed is about the same as Ye Weiyang. If Xingsuo's retrograde journey was before Ye Weiyang, he would be pushed back by the space turbulence, and Drift further.But it is different now, both she and Xing Suo can go retrograde, and will only approach the direction of Jiugongxing a little bit.

This really requires patience, here is the turbulent flow of space, and the short retrograde distance every day is a kind of torture.Moreover, the speed of spatial turbulence is different. Sometimes it is a kind of happiness when it encounters slow ones, but it is a disaster when it encounters fast ones.There is also space storm, that is the threat of death.

However, under such a harsh environment, Ye Weiyang comprehended the profound meaning of Tai Chi extremely quickly, the level of borrowing power also increased extremely quickly, and the speed of retrograde also continued to increase.

In this way, 56 years have passed.Because on the day when Xingsuo and Xingsuo took turns resting, Ye Weiyang used her spiritual veins to cultivate in the rune tower, and the transformation of the immortal essence in her body reached [-]%, but the transformation speed of the spiritual consciousness was not as fast as the immortal essence, but it also reached [-]% Half, this made her retrograde speed increase again.

On this day, Ye Weiyang was cultivating in the Talisman Tower when she heard Xing Suo's call.She came out of the rune tower, and then out of the Xingsuo, and then her mouth grew.

She saw the space storm, which was rapidly rolling in her direction.

"Xingsuo, call me when you can't hold on."

Ye Weiyang immediately got into the Xingsuo.But Xingsuo just persisted for four hours, and Ye Weiyang didn't go out, and she probably persisted for less than two hours when she went out. She sacrificed the talisman tower, and then hid in the tower with Xingsuo.

Then Ye Weiyang felt the Talisman nervously, and frowned.

It wasn't the first time she had experienced a space storm, but this storm was so powerful that she felt that her natal rune tower could last for less than two days.But once Futa couldn't hold on, it was Futa, she and Xingsuo took turns, and it was too late to recover.

It is mortal.

Ye Weiyang put away the natal talisman tower without hesitation, and then sacrificed the metal talisman tower warmed in the sea of ​​consciousness, and she hid in the metal talisman tower.

This talisman tower was much weaker than her natal talisman tower, but it was about to collapse after persisting for less than three hours.Ye Weiyang put it away immediately, and sacrificed the next talisman tower. In her sea of ​​consciousness, there were twelve talisman towers.

One is the natal talisman tower, the other is the earth attribute talisman tower that was first obtained in the ruins of the colossus, and the other is the ten talisman towers obtained in the world of Junlitian, one is imprinted with yin-yang and five-element growth talismans, and nine are imprinted separately. Nine single-attribute growth talismans of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light, dark, wind and thunder.

Ye Weiyang sacrificed these talisman towers in turn, walking through the space storm.

The ten talisman towers passed by in turn, and in the end she had to sacrifice the life talisman tower again.Fortunately, half a day after the Natal Talisman was sacrificed, the space storm passed.

Ye Weiyang let out a long breath, and then opened her mouth wide.

She saw a continent.

But how is this possible?

How is it possible to see a continent in the turbulence of space?
It is still far away from her, not in her retrograde direction, but to the left.She observed carefully, and then she was even more shocked.

Judging from the shape, it was a person, a giant, a giant as big as a small continent.

She changed direction and walked towards the giant. It took three years to climb on top of the giant. It was indeed a giant, completely naked, with slight damage to the body, but the whole body was still intact, with a big gap between the eyebrows. A big hole, this should be the reason for the death of this giant.

Ye Weiyang didn't know how this giant died, and how he was in the turbulent space, but she knew that this giant must be very powerful, because through the analysis of the wound in the big hole, this person should have been dead for a long time, and was trapped in the turbulent space. It has been drifting for a long time, so long that Ye Weiyang can't analyze how long it has been.

Ye Weiyang is confident that if the death time of this giant is not more than 10 years, she can still analyze it, but if she can't analyze it now, it proves that the death time of this giant is more than 10 years.Being strangled by turbulent currents for more than 10 years in space turbulence, but there is no visible damage, and it is still in a state of death. One can imagine how powerful this giant was when he was alive.

Not to mention anything else, the strength of this body is desperate.Ye Weiyang felt that if this person was still alive, he would just lie there and let himself beat him with all his strength, exhausting himself, maybe he would not be able to hurt him at all.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but have an idea, if she refines this body...

Do not!
Such a large body cannot be refined by itself. If it is only refined a little, is it possible to obtain a physical breakthrough?
As soon as he thought of it, Ye Weiyang turned Xingsuo into a big spear and stabbed at the body under his feet.


It didn't have any effect, Ye Weiyang didn't believe it yet.

"Bang bang bang..."

An hour later, Ye Weiyang was tired and slumped on the giant, but it still had no effect at all.Ye Weiyang thought about it, I'm afraid it won't work from the outside, the outside is too hard, how about from the inside?
She looked down at the big hole between her eyebrows, and finally thought about it, but she didn't go in. The big hole had already been pierced, and the front and back were transparent, and the space inside was very turbulent.I'm afraid I won't be able to stabilize my figure inside.Ye Weiyang walked over to the giant's nose, the two nostrils were the huge cave, and then she walked into the nostrils.

It feels very good, there is almost no spatial turbulence in it, allowing her to completely stabilize her figure, without wasting strength to resist the spatial turbulence, so that she can bombard the giant with all her strength.

"Boom boom boom..."

Ye Weiyang bombarded it dozens of times in a row, and finally it shattered, with a drop of blood oozing out from inside.Ye Weiyang waved her hand, and grabbed the drop of blood in her hands.

Unprepared, Ye Weiyang's hands sank.

so heavy!
Ye Weiyang was startled, and then let Xingsuo continue to bombard, she sat cross-legged and began to try to refine this drop of blood.

after one day.

Ye Weiyang's eyes were full of surprises, she refined this drop of blood, and found that her body strength had been greatly improved.At this time, Xing Suo blasted out more than a dozen drops of blood, and Ye Weiyang continued to refine.

Time passed day by day, hiding in the nostrils.Can't feel the turbulent flow of space, the star cable is constantly bombarding, Ye Weiyang is constantly refining.She had already forgotten about returning to the Nine Palaces.

One year, two years, three years...

There was a roaring sound coming from Ye Weiyang's body, her body finally broke through to the realm above Hedao, but she didn't know the name of that realm.But perception is real.She didn't stop and continued refining.

Ten years, 20 years, 30 years...

A hundred years hastily passed, and Ye Weiyang's body has reached a new realm of perfection.Then he sensed the bottleneck, which came from the lack of immortal energy, unable to support Ye Weiyang to continue to improve her body.

Ye Weiyang began to try, she didn't want to take this giant away, because her rune tower couldn't fit, she wanted to take away a small piece, even a finger, then she experimented for three years and gave up.

Can't cut it off!

Let's go!

Ye Weiyang glanced at the giant reluctantly, then sensed the direction of the Nine Palaces and set off again.

Another 70 years later.

Ye Weiyang floats in the place where she left her mark, now Ye Weiyang's body has reached the realm above Hedao, the transformation of immortal essence has reached 70%, and the transformation of spiritual consciousness has reached [-]%.So her speed has been improved, and it took [-] years to return here.

Looking at the brand mark that she had left, Ye Weiyang took out the Xingsuo, turned it into a big gun, and with enough power, bombarded the barrier of the brand.

"Boom boom boom..."

Two quarters of an hour later, Ye Weiyang stopped, with neither sad nor happy expression on her face.

The barrier didn't break away, and Ye Weiyang didn't feel depressed at all.Because this has been expected.At the beginning, dozens of Hedao teamed up to break through the barriers, but now there is only one here.

However, now that she is experienced in the turbulent flow of space, she is not in a hurry. She knows that there must be a weak place in the barrier. If you look for it slowly, you will be able to find it.She began to search along the barrier a little bit, trying in different places. This search lasted for 18 years. At this time, she stood in a place with a light gray color and fired a big gun.

"Boom boom boom..."


A crack appeared, and Ye Weiyang was overjoyed, she immediately slipped in, and then glanced, it was above a village, at this moment the people in the village were looking up at her in fear, Ye Weiyang took a step forward, her figure has disappeared.In the air that gap is being healed.

Three days later.

Ye Weiyang was drinking tea in a teahouse in a small city, she had already figured out where she was.Not far from Jiugong Mountain, he remembered that he once made an agreement with a young man who was kicked out by Jiugong League to help him break through the Hunyuan, but now a hundred years have passed.

But go see it anyway.

Ye Weiyang put down the teacup, paid for the Lingshi, left the small town, and flew towards the originally agreed place.

Fu Xiaolong is the one who made an agreement with Ye Weiyang at the beginning, he is really a genius, otherwise he would not have been selected to join the Jiugong League.

He returned to the Zongmen with the cultivation base of breaking through Daoyuan, which made the Zongmen pay more attention to him, and he had the resources and advice given to him by Ye Weiyang, which really allowed him to get promoted before the agreed deadline. To Dao Yuan Consummation.

So here he comes.

However, they did not wait until Ye Weiyang.

But he didn't leave either, because he knew that neither the guidance of his sect nor the provision of resources was enough for him to break through the chaos, or in other words, it was not enough for him to break through the chaos in a short time. Yuan.He still pinned his hopes on Ye Weiyang.And he felt that even if Ye Weiyang didn't come, he would comprehend the way of heaven here, and it wouldn't delay his cultivation.As long as you comprehend the Dao of Heaven to Hunyuan, you can find resources slowly.

However, the waiting time was too long, ten years later, he returned to the sect, but ten years later, he couldn't help but come back here, waiting for Ye Weiyang.He didn't have a chance to break through in Zongmen either.In this way, he went back and forth with the sect here, but he also left a message at the place where he met Ye Weiyang. When Ye Weiyang came, he could also see the news and make a new appointment.

Thank you book friend 160612124033950 (100) for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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