Chapter 974

this day.

The five of Ye Weiyang headed towards Chongxuzong's branch in Dengxian City, including Qin Jie.They were all concerned about whether Ye Weiyang could join the Chongxu Sect, and everyone agreed to accompany Ye Weiyang first, and then accompany Qin Jie after Ye Weiyang's examination results.Anyway, the time to recruit disciples will last for one month.

When I came to the branch hall of Chongxuzong, I saw only four people standing there, wearing Chongxuzong's costumes, and in front of them, there were many people who were being assessed, but these people who were assessed were very young, and the youngest looked She looks less than ten years old.Ye Weiyang couldn't help being startled:
"Senior Fang, why are you so young?"

Fang Zigu smiled and said: "The first condition of the nine super sects for us ascenders to open mountains and recruit disciples is to measure the bone age. There is no need to come if we are five thousand years old. It is not uncommon for people under the age of [-] to break through to the perfection of the Dao, but it is extremely rare. Moreover, there are nine super sects, and there is no one's expression test, which is not surprising. And these young people are all descendants of Ascended, which is no longer considered Ascended, these people come to the assessment, naturally there is another assessment method."

"Oh! Then I'll go to line up."

Ye Weiyang came to the back of the line and lined up obediently.The four of Fang Zigu were standing not far away, waiting with unavoidable nervousness on their faces.This is the opportunity of the Nine House Stars.In fact, Ye Weiyang was also a little nervous, it was related to her path.

Ye Weiyang watched the people in front of them have their bone age measured, and then they were taken away and entered the main hall.Ye Weiyang knew that there should be various assessment methods in the branch hall.These people only checked one thing outside the gate of the branch hall, which was to measure the bone age, and then they were taken away, so the speed was very fast.And while she was queuing up, she also saw some young people coming out of the gate of the branch hall, and some happily ran to the elders of their family members waiting outside. These people should have been admitted.Some people were dejected and even came out crying. These people should have been admitted.In comparison, very few were admitted, but many were eliminated.

In less than a quarter of an hour, it was Ye Weiyang's turn, and at this time there was a long queue behind Ye Weiyang.Not far away, the four of Fang Zigu looked nervously at Ye Weiyang.

Before the bone age was measured, Ye Weiyang's appearance was very young.So when the monk who measured the bone age measured Ye Weiyang's bone age, he couldn't help showing a little surprise in his eyes:
"The Ascender?"

"Yes!" Ye Weiyang nodded.

"Tsk!" The cultivator exclaimed, and said to the cultivator next to him, "Senior Brother Chong, this person's bone age is [-] years old."

The heavy senior brother's eyes also brightened: "Come, come to my side."

Ye Weiyang then came to Senior Brother Zhong, cupped his hands and said, "I have seen Senior Chong."

Chong Huan nodded and smiled, "Extend your palm, don't hide."

Ye Weiyang stretched out his palm, and Chong Huan raised his index finger, a ray of sword energy emerged from the index finger, and then stabbed at Ye Weiyang's palm.

Ye Weiyang didn't hide, she already sensed that the sword energy was just the power of the perfect harmony.

The sword energy pierced Ye Weiyang's palm, but Ye Weiyang's palm didn't respond.The monk said happily:
"Yes, release a ray of immortal energy."

Ye Weiyang raised a finger and released a ray of immortal energy, deliberately loosening the immortal energy in the body, only the degree of consummation of the perfect harmony.

Chong Huan nodded and said: "You have passed the assessment, go to Senior Brother Jiang to register."

Knowing the way Zongmen tested them, Ye Weiyang was not surprised by such a simple but effective test. After thanking her, she came to the third monk:

"I met Senior Jiang."

Jiang Xiangjun also smiled and said, "Name?"

"Ye Weiyang."

"Which lower realm do you come from?"

"Nine Palaces."

Jiang Xiangjun entered her age into the jade slip again, and then said to Ye Weiyang: "The first thing, I ask you now, are you sure you want to join the Chongxu Sect?"

"Yes!" Ye Weiyang replied affirmatively.

"So, from this moment on, you are a disciple of Chongxu Sect. If you go to participate in the assessment of other sects and then join other sects, you will be a traitor. You should know the result of treason, right?"

Ye Weiyang pondered for a while and said: "Senior Jiang, this disciple has also studied the nine super sects in detail before the assessment, so he decided to come to Chongxu Sect."

Jiang Xiangjun smiled when he heard the words: "Second thing, you can go back to deal with some private matters now. But you must come back within a month."

"Understood!" Ye Weiyang nodded and said, "Senior Jiang, can I ask a question?"


"Are there any Ascendants who are the same as the disciples joining the sect?"

"There is one, and I have gone back to deal with private matters. There should be more in the future, but not many."

"Thank you senior, the junior bid farewell."

Ye Weiyang saluted, then turned around and walked towards Fang Zigu and the others.A bright smile bloomed on his face.At this time, the four of Fang Zigu also heard Jiang Xiangjun's words, and greeted them happily one by one.

"Wei Young, congratulations!"

Ye Weiyang also breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Qin Jie and said, "Let's go, let's accompany Senior Brother Qin to the assessment."

"Yes, with Wei Young's good start, Xiaojie must be fine." Fang Zigu said happily, and Qin Jie seemed to be more confident.

However, the result made the five people feel more and more depressed.For seventeen days in a row, the five people almost visited the second-rate sects, but none of the second-rate sects took Qin Jie in.

At this time, five people were sitting at home, and the room was silent.After a while, Fang Zigu said: "Xiaojie, what do you think? Are you going to join the third-rate sect, or stay with us in Dengxian City?"

Qin Jie's complexion was not good, he sighed and said, "I'll join a third-rate sect, do you have any suggestions?"

Fang Zigu had expected Qin Jie's choice a long time ago, and he also had considerations in his mind: "The strength of the sect is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that this sect must have a good inheritance compared to the third-rate sects. , I screened, and there are 26 in total. These 26 third-rate sects all have cultivation techniques that directly reach good fortune, and they are still middle-grade exercises. As far as this inheritance is concerned, it is no less weak than many second-rate sects .”

Qin Jie ended up looking at the jade slip that Fang Zigu handed over, and asked, "Do you have any suggestions?"

Ye Weiyang thought for a while and said: "Senior Brother Qin, why don't you join a sect that is close to the Chongxu Sect, so that I can help you with resources. Other resources may not be able to help you, but herbal medicine is no problem, just enough .”

Qin Jie's eyes lit up, if his inheritance was middle grade, and then he had the herbal medicine provided by Ye Weiyang, he basically wouldn't have any major problems in terms of cultivation resources.

"I think so." Ye Weiyang thought about it and said: "After joining the sect, the first thing we should do is keep a low profile, especially when we don't know much about the sect and the fairy world. So, in After entering the Zongmen, my idea is to learn alchemy first. With our current level of alchemy and the herbs I will provide at that time, even if we use herbs, we can pile them up. There must be no problem in refining and making Jiedan .

Once we successfully refine the world-making pill, we should have a certain status in the sect, and the profession of alchemist will become the best way for us to make friends.At that time, our situation in the sect should be much better, and then we can seek development. "

Qin Jie's eyes lit up: "I joined a third-rate sect, and the sect with the highest cultivation level is just like me. It is a consummation of He Dao. I guess in that kind of sect, it is possible to refine the Dao Harmony Pill. It is already very high. If you calculate it this way, I will quickly open up the situation in the Zongmen. If I can refine the World Creation Pill, I will have a certain right to speak in the Zongmen. Let the resources tilt towards me, so that I The road is promising.

Let me find out, this... The Green Mountain Sect is within the scope of the Chongxu Sect, and it is a subsidiary sect of the Chongxu Sect. It is not far from the Chongxu Sect, so I will join this Green Mountain Sect.

Wei Young, I will trouble you in the future. "

"No trouble." Ye Weiyang waved his hand and said, "Before you join the sect, take some herbs from Hedao Pill. The herbs I'm planting now are less than five years old, and I don't know if they can be refined. Come out to create the world pill. When I enter the Chongxu Sect, I will watch some alchemy experience in the library pavilion. If possible, I will ask some seniors. When we can refine the good luck pill, I will look for you. At that time, give You send herbal medicine, and pass it on to you to refine the world pill."

"Okay, thanks! Let's go."

The five got up and left the house, Qin Jie's mood was completely different.The five went straight to the Green Mountain Sect, and Qin Jie easily passed the assessment and joined the Green Mountain Sect.

For the next ten days or so, none of the five of them practiced, and they enjoyed their final reunion.Fang Zigu gave Ye Weiyang and Qin Jie [-] low-grade celestial crystals each. In his words, it was the road to wealth for a poor family.Ye Weiyang did not refuse this favor, otherwise Fang Zigu and others would feel that Ye Weiyang wanted to draw a line with them.Fang Zigu gave Qin Jie a large amount of herbal medicine, so, with three days and a month to go, Ye Weiyang and Qin Jie left, each heading towards their respective sects.

Fang Zigu, Zhang Tong and Wang Ye looked hopefully at the back of the two as they left.

Ye Weiyang came to the branch hall of the Chongxu Sect, saw there were still disciples taking the assessment there, first went to meet the seniors of the Chongxu Sect, and then Jiang Xiangjun said:
"Go to the courtyard on the east side of the branch hall, where you Ascenders live."

"Yes! The disciple has gone."

Ye Weiyang walked into the gate of the branch hall, then walked towards the east, and saw a cross courtyard, walked in, and saw a gazebo in the courtyard, at this time two monks were sitting there drinking, on the stone table There are also four dishes of side dishes.The two monks were male cultivators, seeing Ye Weiyang walk in, their eyes lit up, they stood up and said:
"Your Excellency is a junior sister who joined the sect?"

Ye Weiyang walked into the gazebo, saluted the two of them: "Xia Yeweiyang, from Jiugong Realm, what do you call the two brothers?"

A slightly taller cultivator cupped his hands and returned the salute: "In the next day, I come from the world of leading stars."

The slightly shorter monk also bowed his hands and said, "I'm Mao Jiudu, from the Eternal Realm."

"Please, Ye Shimei!" Zhang Tian took out the wine glass and put it in front of Ye Weiyang, picked up the jug and poured wine for Ye Weiyang: "I brought this wine from the Star Realm. It's a must, Sister Ye, try it."

"Thank you!"

The three of them sat down and had a drink, Ye Weiyang praised the wine and said: "Is it just the three of us?"

"En!" Mao Jiudu said: "There are only three of us who ascended, and the Chongxu Sect's conditions for accepting disciples are too strict, as is the case with super sects. However, in this way, we should be able to receive more attention from the sect, right?" .We are considered the pride of heaven.”

Zhang Tian said: "If you want me to say, we should be regarded as peerless geniuses. There is a saying in the fairy world that those who break through to the Tao within the age of two thousand are peerless geniuses. However, I think they are because of the cultivation environment in the fairy world. If we The three were also born in the Immortal Realm, not to mention breaking through to the Dao at the age of two thousand, it is not difficult to reach the consummation of the Dao at the age of two thousand."

Ye Weiyang thought about it, maybe it was true.But I'm not sure, the main body and the immortal power are easy to cultivate, but the way of heaven is not easy to comprehend.

Since the three of them are all ascenders, their relationship has been somewhat close from the beginning.Ye Weiyang chatted with them while observing the two of them.

Zhang Tian's personality is a bit crazy, while Mao Jiudu's personality is relatively calm.

At this moment, Zhang Tian drank another glass of wine and said, "Sister Ye, after you enter Chongxu Sect, which mountain do you want to join?"

"Do you have specific news about the sect?" Ye Weiyang asked in surprise.

Seeing Ye Weiyang's surprise, Zhang Tian proudly said: "We currently have two seniors in Chongxuzong in Star Realm, and they are still connected with our Star Realm's station in Dengxian City, so we have some understanding of Chongxuzong. .

Chongxu sect is also divided into outer sect and inner sect.But with our cultivation base, it is natural to directly join the inner sect.However, Chongxuzong recognizes us as inner disciples and also gives us the benefits of inner disciples.But the first hundred years kept us at the outer door.The purpose is to let them get acquainted with the Zongmen first, and integrate into the Zongmen from the outside to the inside. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Tian was obviously a little unhappy.Mao Jiudu persuaded from the side: "For us, a hundred years is just a closed door, nothing."

"That's right!" Zhang Tian resentfully said: "After a hundred years, as long as we complete ten missions, we can be promoted to the inner sect. However, not all the inner sects will join the mountain and become the direct disciple of the mountain.

It is said that only one percent of monks will become direct disciples of each mountain peak.Therefore, after we are promoted to the inner sect, we are also given a hundred years of time. This hundred years of time is for us to understand each mountain peak, and for each mountain peak to understand us.A hundred years later, we can go to worship mountains and ask to join a certain mountain.However, those peak masters may not choose us.

This is a two-way choice.Once you enter the mountain and become a direct disciple, the treatment and status will naturally be different. "

"What about the disciples who were not accepted into the mountain?"

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(End of this chapter)

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