Chapter 975
"There are too many disciples of the Chongxu Sect who have not entered the mountain peaks. There are many peaks in the Chongxu Sect's inner sect, but there are only eighteen peaks with masters.

One of them is the Sovereign Peak, four are the four peaks of the Pill Talisman Array, and the remaining thirteen peaks are the Elder Peaks.Only these [-] peaks will accept apprentices, how many people can they accept?
Therefore, the vast majority of disciples in the inner sect do not have a master.Because those peak masters look down on them.Those big bosses are very strict in accepting apprentices. "

"What about disciples who don't have a master?"

"As I said just now, only these eighteen peaks accept apprentices, because the peak masters of these eighteen peaks are great monks. In the Chongxu sect, only great monks are qualified to fight a mountain alone. This mountain peak became his dojo. However, there are dozens of peaks in the inner sect, and the remaining peaks cannot accept disciples.

For example, Chongxufeng.

The reason why this mountain was named Chongxu Peak is because the Chongxu Sect's Law Enforcement Hall, Chuangong Hall, Task Hall, Library Pavilion, etc. are all on this mountain, and this mountain is the inner door of the Chongxu Sect You just asked what to do if you don’t have a master. You can go to Zangshu Pavilion to watch the inheritance of martial arts and supernatural powers, and you can also read the cultivation experience of the seniors.On the first day of every month, there will be an elder preaching in the Chuan Gong Hall, and anyone can listen. "

Ye Weiyang nodded, toasted another glass of wine, and then asked: "Where do those disciples who don't have a master live?"

"The sect poured out ten mountain peaks for these disciples who don't have a master to live in."

"There are still so many peaks, why only ten peaks are poured out?"

"One is enough. Of course, the mountain peaks where these disciples live are very close to the caves, but the space in the caves is definitely not small. As for the other mountain peaks, ten mountain peaks are also poured out for the low-rank elders to live in."

"A low-ranking elder?"


"In this way, there are still top grades and seniors?"

Zhang Tian laughed: "There are not only high-rank elders, but also middle-rank elders. The masters of the Eighteenth Peaks are great fortune-telling monks, so they are all high-rank elders. Once a disciple breaks through to the creation world, he will be a low-rank elder. The Chongxu Sect has more than 500 low-rank elders."

Mao Jiudu on the side was moved in his heart: "Then can't low-ranking elders accept direct disciples?"

"Of course." Zhang Tian nodded, but there was a trace of repulsion in his eyes, a little bit of contempt for the low-rank elders: "But many Tianjiao are unwilling to worship the low-rank elders as teachers. One is the low-rank elders with low cultivation, and many low-rank elders I am already very old, and basically my cultivation level is just like that, the realm of creating realms for a lifetime. Such guidance to us is limited, once we also break through the realm of creating, there is no ability to guide us at all. The other is , These more than 500 low-rank elders live on ten mountain peaks, and each mountain must have at least [-] people. I don’t want to think about the eighteen peaks. It has its own independent cave, but it cannot be done by the elders of the lower rank.

According to the sect's regulations, disciples are not allowed to open a cave on the peak of a low-rank elder, and can only live in the same cave with a low-rank elder, or you are still living on the mountain of disciples, and you can go to the master to ask for advice every day.This is very inconvenient. "

Ye Weiyang and Mao Jiudu couldn't help but nodded slightly. Every monk has his own secrets, so they don't want to live in the same cave with others, even if they are masters and apprentices.Really inconvenient.

In fact, there is another rule that Zhang Tian did not mention, a rule that everyone knows.That is the master-student relationship.

Once the master-student relationship is established, it is a very close relationship, which has surpassed the relationship between father and son.

The master should preach to the disciples and solve their doubts, and also provide the disciples with hard work and resources for cultivation. Similarly, the disciples should also work hard for the master.

In this case, the master chooses the disciple, and the disciple also chooses the master.Who wouldn't want to have a powerful master?

"Then the middle-rank elder is the Cracking Cultivator?" Mao Jiudu asked.

"Yes, it is said that there are more than 100 middle-rank elders of the Chongxu Sect, who live on ten mountain peaks, and each mountain has about ten people. Of course, they will also accept disciples, but disciples are not allowed to be alone on these ten peaks. To open a cave, you have to live in the same cave with your master.

Senior Brother Mao, what is Junior Sister Ye thinking? "

"Senior Brother Zhang, there is too much information, I have to think carefully." Ye Weiyang said humbly.

"You should think about it carefully." Zhang Tian said attentively, "If you have anything to do, you can come to me, and I will definitely help."

"Thank you, Brother Zhang."

"You're welcome!" Zhang Tian waved his hand and said, "The three of us are newcomers, so we should help each other, Senior Brother Mao, don't you think so?"

"Of course!" Mao Jiudu said calmly, "Huddle together to keep warm!"

The three chatted for a while, separated and returned to their rooms.This room spans a lot, Ye Weiyang chose a room at random and lived in it, thinking carefully.

Her thoughts are the same as Zhang Tian's. This master cannot be worshiped casually. A strong master is very important to her future. In addition to being strong, character is also very important. She must focus on the eighteen peaks.But he also knew in his heart that the master of the eighteen peaks might not choose him.

On the one hand, there is no shortage of geniuses in the fairy world, and a super sect like Chongxuzong still has peerless geniuses.On the other hand, I was not brought up by Chongxuzong since childhood, which is a point of loss in Shibafeng.

Not urgent!
I have 200 years of time!
The outer sect has 100 years, and the inner sect has 100 years. These 200 years are the time for oneself to understand the sect, and it is also the time for the sect to understand itself. After I have a detailed and comprehensive understanding, it will not be too late to make a decision.

Then how did I live in the outer sect for 100 years?
She remembered what Zhang Tian and Mao Jiudu had said just now. In fact, they both had a way to open up their Dao heart, but just like her own situation, that way to open up their Dao heart could not obtain a high-grade Tao heart.But for the three of them, if you can't develop a high-grade Taoism, you are a failure.Because Dao Xin is related to the future path.

This requires high-grade exercises, and even more suitable exercises for oneself.

Then what have you been doing for 100 years?

I have a primordial spirit, my body has reached the third level of breaking the boundary, and the condensed degree of the immortal power has also reached the third level of breaking the boundary. If I want to improve it, it is almost impossible to rely on my daily practice.

Even in the Chaotic Mountain Range, the depth I dived into has no effect on my tempering. If I want to have an effect, I must go deeper.But go any further, and the danger will increase.With my current strength, it is really not suitable, maybe I will die in it.And I still don't know where Chongxuzong is, how far is it from here?

Does Chongxuzong have a holy place for cultivation?
Can you help yourself?

This is the first thing I need to know after entering the Chongxu Sect.If so, I can retreat there to improve my basic conditions in all aspects.She is very clear in her heart that every improvement in basic conditions will make herself more in line with the way of heaven, and it will be easier to understand the way of heaven.

This is also a kind of accumulation. Once you get a suitable technique for yourself, open up your mind, and break through the world, it will happen naturally, and it will happen overnight.

If you don't have a cultivation secret realm that suits you, then your hundred years in the outer sect will be wasted.Therefore, I can't stay in the outer door all the time, I have to go out to travel and get familiar with the whole fairy world, and I also go out to find opportunities.


Whether it is cultivating the secret realm or going to the Zangshu Pavilion, you need sect points...

Ye Weiyang rubbed her temples, she must read a lot of exercises and supernatural powers, plus the cultivation of the secret realm, the sect points must be massive.

Alchemy should be able to earn sect points, right?
It seemed that he still had to start with alchemy, Ye Weiyang began to consider the feasibility of the plan.Then make sure it works.

Alchemy can not only earn points, but also make friends with a group of monks through alchemy.Don't think that there are no monks worth making friends with in the outer sect, the disciples of the inner sect are also promoted from the outer sect, and the outer sect also has peerless arrogance.

Companions in the legal couple's wealth are very important. Through communicating with other monks, Ye Weiyang will undoubtedly increase her own background, and through the introduction of other monks, it is easier to understand the sect and the fairy world.Most importantly, alchemy can also increase one's status.

Then let's practice alchemy in the Zongmen first, and then go out to practice after getting a good understanding.

Three days later.

At the beginning of the assembly, a monk named Che Qingcong, who was said to be a great boundary-breaking monk, took everyone on board the flying boat and flew in the direction of Chongxuzong.

There are a total of 38 disciples, the youngest is six years old, and the oldest is Mao Jiudu, who is four thousand six seventy-two years old.The cultivation bases are also different, of course, Ye Weiyang and the three have the highest cultivation bases. ,

Chongxuzong is far away from Dengxian City where Ye Weiyang is located. With the speed of the flying boat, it took more than two months to reach Chongxuzong, which shows how big the fairyland is.

Even Ye Weiyang felt a little surprised by the grandeur of Chongxuzong.

too big!
Fairy rhyme!

The first feeling for people is that the fairy charm is faint.

There are monks flying in the sect from time to time, some are flying with their bodies, some are imperial weapons, there are all kinds of weapons, some are sword-shaped, some are shaped like leaves, some are shaped like flowing clouds, some are shaped like flower baskets, wait.There are also those riding various monsters.

The flying boat started to fall, and suddenly a burst of laughter was heard: "Hahaha, old Che, you are back too. Have you received any good seedlings this time? I have received eighteen good seedlings, and all of them can become the pride of heaven."

Standing on the deck, Ye Weiyang and the others couldn't help but turn their heads to look, and saw a spaceship also descending downward.On the deck of the flying boat stood an immortal monk, who was laughing greenly at the car.A look of pride appeared on Che Qingcong's face:

"Old Li, I have collected 35 good seedlings this time, which is almost twice as many as yours. How about it, are you envious?"

The face of Lao Li on the opposite side changed, as did the faces of Ye Weiyang, Mao Jiudu and Zhang Tian.

There are obviously 38 disciples on this flying boat, but Che Qingcong said that there are 35 good seedlings.

What do you mean?
Does this exclude the three ascenders?
Only local disciples are seedlings?

The three of them looked at each other, their hearts sank.Could it be that Chongxuzong's rejection of them who ascended is already so obvious?
Then why recruit them?
Treat them as thugs of the sect, cannon fodder?

Che Qingcong sensed the change in the aura of the three of them, pondered for a while, and finally explained:
"You are all in harmony, you can't be regarded as seedlings."

The three of Ye Weiyang didn't feel much relaxed because of these words.What Che Qingcong said makes sense, they are indeed not considered seedlings, they should be considered big trees.However, there is always anxiety in my heart.

Even listening to the bickering of two big brothers, he didn't have much interest.

Ye Weiyang and the others were first arranged on a mountain peak in the outer gate, and they had to wait for the return of the [-] people who had climbed the mountain to recruit disciples in the Immortal City before holding the disciple hall.The distance between one hundred and eight Dengxian cities ranges from far to near, so naturally the time to return is different.There are other places where apprentices are accepted, and they are also rushing back.

At this time, there are already many disciples on this mountain, and there are sixteen ascended monks who ascended from different immortal cities. Naturally, everyone gets together from time to time. It's because those new disciples are too young and their cultivation base is also low.There is really no common language.

During the exchange, everyone was also worried about whether the Ascendant would be rejected and suppressed in the Chongxu Sect.But they can't leave this mountain now, they can't inquire about the news, so they can only wait.

After another 21 days, the flying boats that went out to recruit disciples came back one after another. The number of disciples has exceeded [-], and even the number of Ascendants has exceeded [-].

The disciple acceptance ceremony began, which was similar to Zhou Tianzong's procedure for accepting apprentices.After some speeches, everyone was given a storage ring, and then according to the different cultivation levels of the disciples, magical weapons, spiritual weapons and fairy weapons were distributed.But they are the lowest grades in each realm.

For example, those ascended like Ye Weiyang, what they give out are low-grade fairy weapons.

Everyone also has an identity card, which is the identity certificate of Chongxu Sect disciples.Then there is a jade slip, which records the rules of the Chongxu Sect, benefits, the map of the sect, various cultivation secrets, etc., in great detail.However, they are all aimed at outer disciples.Some maps of the inner sect, cultivation secrets, etc. are not available.

Each identity card has one hundred points, which is the same for all disciples, no matter what your cultivation level is, or whether you are a native or an ascender.

There is also the map selected by the Dongfu. The green dots indicate that no one lives there, and the red dots indicate that there are already people.Of course, you can also choose a place in the outer gate, build a cave yourself, and then report it to the sect.

A total of one hundred and one ascensioners gathered together naturally after the acceptance ceremony. Everyone had no idea what attitude the Chongxu Sect had towards them. There are seniors, but I haven't been in touch yet.In fact, they can't contact them either, they can only wait for those seniors to contact them.

But, who knows if these seniors will contact them?

(End of this chapter)

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