Chapter 979 Hundred Years of Time
Ye Weiyang nodded, expressing her understanding.

"Since the Qingshan Sect has exercises, why does the Qingshan Sect still not have a single world?"

"This has something to do with the exercises they chose!" Qin Jie said with emotion: "The Qingshan School has three kinds of exercises that directly reach good fortune. But only one is left by the first ancestor of the Qingshan School. A patriarch and two monks have practiced to break the boundary. That is to say, the grade of that exercise is very high. The other two exercises were found after the decline of the Qingshan sect, and the grade is very poor. There is no problem with breaking through the boundary of the two kinds of exercises, but it is difficult to break through the boundary. Therefore, monks in the Zongmen all choose higher-level exercises. But the higher the grade of the exercise, the more difficult it is. But in order to be able to walk Farther away, everyone still chooses high-grade exercises. Therefore, the sect has never had a world-creating monk."

Ye Weiyang thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid it's more than that."

"what do you mean?"

"What I think is, if the Qingshan Sect doesn't create a world, it is a third-rate sect. Most of the pressure of the sect comes from the level of the third-rate sect. And the strength of the Qingshan Sect is within the range of the third-rate sect. Is it weak?"

"Well, but it should be regarded as the top level."

"That's right! But just like the creation of the world in the Qingshan Sect, this is entering a second-rate sect, so the pressure of the sect comes from the second-rate sect. And the monk who broke through the creation of the Qingshan Sect is an ordinary cultivator. If they don't use the cultivation method, then the strength must be very poor, so the Qingshan Sect is in the range of second-rate sects, and has become the bottom.

The result is that if you stay in a third-rate sect, the sect will have no worries.If you step into a second-rate sect, you are in danger of being wiped out. "

Qin Jie was stunned, then nodded and said: "Really! It seems that I also want to choose the high-level kungfu, and it's fine if I don't break through. Once I break through, at least the fighting power will be stronger, otherwise, don't just break through and be beaten to death gone."

"Hahaha..." The two laughed.

Ye Weiyang took out a storage ring and handed it to Qin Jie, "Here are ten-year-old herbs. It is estimated that at least you can make alchemy by yourself for 50 years. If you refine it intermittently, 100 years is enough." .Actually, there is not much difference between 99-year-old and [-]-year-old herbs. When I have [-]-year-old herbs, I will send you another batch."

"Thank you!"

Qin Jie took the storage ring and thanked him sincerely.Having Ye Weiyang is completely different from not having Ye Weiyang. Without Ye Weiyang, my own resources will become the biggest problem, and most of my time will be spent on seeking resources.But with Ye Weiyang, you don't need to think about resources anymore, you can spend most of your time on cultivation.

Next, the two began to exchange some questions about cultivation. Qin Jie knew about Ye Weiyang's problems. Even if she had a practice method, she might not practice it according to that method, but just used that method as a reference. Do yourself to derive the nutrients for the follow-up exercises.Therefore, after he entered the Green Mountain Sect, he also consciously watched the Harmonious Dao exercises and the cultivation experience of his seniors in the Cangshu Pavilion.Needless to say, this observation has greatly improved his understanding of the way of heaven.This let him know why Ye Weiyang is so strong, invincible at the same level, and even challenged by jumping steps, it is because Ye Weiyang has seen too many exercises, and her background is too deep, so the exercises she practiced accommodate hundreds of schools of thought. Long, can this not be strong?
He is now telling Ye Weiyang the exercises and experiences he has seen. He is not worried that these exercises will be leaked and cause trouble for him, because he knows that Ye Weiyang does not know how to practice at all, but only regards these exercises as nourishment .In this way, no one will know that he told Ye Weiyang the exercises.

When Ye Weiyang finished listening to these exercises and experiences, she began to think and communicate with Qin Jie at the same time.This exchange lasted for three days, Ye Weiyang gained a lot, but it was Qin Jie who gained even more.

Three days later.

Ye Weiyang left Qingshan Sect, returned to Chongxu Sect, handed over the bandit leader's head, and completed the first ten-year mission.

When he returned to his mountain peak, he saw that more than [-] monks had completed their tasks and returned.One of the monks smiled when he saw Ye Weiyang:
"Complete the task?"

"En!" Ye Weiyang nodded.

"Then you have to treat yourself!" The man smiled: "We have established a rule that every person who completes the task and returns must hold a party for everyone to exchange ideas."

"it is good!"

Ye Weiyang readily agreed.So she went to personally invite more than [-] monks, and then gathered in her cave, and she also took out the fairy fruits and fine wine bought along the way to entertain everyone.Over the past five years or so, everyone has gained some experience, and they began to communicate with each other.

More than [-] people communicated for seven days before leaving with satisfaction.

Ye Weiyang first collected all the fifth layer of herbs in the natal rune tower, and then planted the seeds of various fairy fruits bought on the way.On the fifth floor of the Natal Talisman Tower, she is going to plant it into a fairy fruit forest.Then the herbal seeds purchased on the road will be placed on the vacated floor of the six-story rune tower.Afterwards, he went to Dandian, bought some herbal seeds that he didn't have, returned to the cave, and planted them.

Ye Weiyang now has all kinds of herbs in the Talisman, and there are many varieties.It can refine various realm-assisted pills.She plans to gradually phase out the herbs that are used as auxiliary pills of He Dao and lower realms. In the future, only auxiliary pills of the realm above the realm will be planted in the rune tower.Of course, there are also a few other elixirs suitable for any realm, such as detoxification elixirs.

It's just that this process will not be fast and needs to be eliminated slowly.On the one hand, there are not so many seeds. She needs a batch of herbs to grow seeds and then plant them continuously.On the other hand, these herbal medicines also need her to slowly refine them into pills. It is impossible for her to stay in the alchemy room for decades.

After finishing all this, Ye Weiyang went straight to the task hall, received ten copies of herbs for Hedao Pill, and then rented an alchemy room for a month to start alchemy.

First, he quickly refined ten furnaces of high-grade Hedao Pills, and then began to use the ten-year-old herbs in his rune pagoda to refine auxiliary pills of various realms.It took her more than two years to go back and forth to perform the mission this time, so she can use the excuse that she met a chance outside and obtained a lot of herbs to cover up her talisman.

What's more, after going out for more than two years, even if you don't get a chance, the probability of encountering a battle is very high. It is very normal to kill the opponent, take the opponent's storage ring, and then get the herbal medicine. No one will doubt it. Don't overwhelm the amount of herbs you refine.Therefore, Ye Weiyang only planned to refine continuously for one month.In this way, although the amount is not small, it is within the acceptable range.

A month later.

Ye Weiyang handed in the task, got [-] points, and then went to Zongmen's open-air square market, took out a bottle of each kind of pill as a sample, put it on the booth, and put the price on it. Shops sell [-]% cheaper.

She didn't sell the elixir to shops in a centralized manner. Although it is more convenient and time-saving, it can't leave an impression on the hearts of many sect disciples.She just wanted to leave an impression and let the sect monks know about herself.Knowing that he is an alchemist.With an identity, he has the qualifications to make friends with others, and also makes other monks willing to approach him and have a good impression of him.Let yourself have a good environment in the sect.

On the other hand, selling them to shops in a centralized manner will cost you [-]% cheaper than yourself, which will cause you to lose a lot of fairy crystals.

There are many monks in the open-air square market all the time, Ye Weiyang set up a stall, and before chatting with the monks who also set up a stall next to him, some monks surrounded him.

"Senior sister, you have so many kinds of pills here? Are you refining them?"

"Well, I happened to get some herbs when I went on a mission this time, so I refined some of them. However, the age of those herbs is a bit short, so the refined ones are all middle-grade pills. However, Hedao Dan has some top-grade pills. of."

"Give me ten Dao Plastic Pills."


There was an endless stream of people in front of Ye Weiyang's booth, and the pills in the storage ring decreased rapidly. In the afternoon, the last bottle of pills was sold, and Ye Weiyang got five 10,000+ low-grade fairy crystals. Ye Weiyang smiled haha He said hello to the monks in the left and right stalls, and then returned to his cave.

This wave should have opened up some of his own reputation in the sect, and earned five 10,000+ immortal crystals.Including the original ones on my body, there are already tens of thousands of low-grade immortal crystals.

However, she can't use it now.

After returning to his own cave, he washed and adjusted himself, and then went straight to the outer gate of the Hall of Talismans.

The inheritance and experience in Zangshu Pavilion are no longer helpful to her, because there is nothing suitable for her to read.Now she wants to study the fairy talisman, and even more wants to see if there is any inheritance of the immortal talisman in the fairy world.

As a result, she was disappointed.

There is no such inheritance, but there is also a system that belongs to the fairy talisman, Ye Weiyang began to immerse himself in the inheritance of the fairy talisman.Her talisman tower had already been transformed into an immortal talisman, which was of great assistance to her, and now she was inherited by the immortal talisman, which made her advance by leaps and bounds on the road of talisman.

One year, two years, three years...

Flash forward 30 years.

In the past 30 years, Ye Weiyang has left three times to complete the task, and each time after completing the task in a hurry, he came back in a hurry and immediately started to learn the fairy talisman.

In 30 years, she had systematically learned the inheritance of Chongxu Zong's fairy talisman, and then she returned to her cave, continued to retreat, sorted out and integrated the 30 years of knowledge.

This time was even longer, lasting nearly 70 years.During this period, every ten years, I went out to complete a mission and returned in a hurry.

By the time she really leaves the customs, it will be only two years before she joins the Chongxu Sect for a hundred years.

Visited the neighbors, participated in several exchange meetings, and refined some elixir to sell in the open-air square market, so that those monks remembered Ye Weiyang again.They all asked where she had been for the past hundred years, and they all felt relieved when they heard that she was retreating.

this day.

Ye Weiyang attended an exchange meeting, and after the end, she walked towards her cave under the moonlight.Occasionally, he raised his head to look at the night sky, but his heart was shocked suddenly, and he stopped in place, like a sculpture.

She had a feeling that the stars all over the sky were made of runes, and even the scattered starlight was lingering around the runes.

She believed in her own feelings.

Because her current talisman realm is very high, she not only comprehended the growth talisman, but also comprehended the fairy talisman, and even merged these two kinds of talisman through nearly a hundred years of inheritance.

Therefore, her perception of talismans is extremely keen, and her perception of heaven is also extremely keen.

I didn't notice it before, but at this moment, in the silence of everything, looking up at the starry sky, I suddenly had this perception.She couldn't help but think of what Liang Yuan had said to her at the beginning, that everything in the world is made of talismans.Runes are the origin of the world.

It's just that her perception is very vague now, as if separated by a veil.It can be felt, but not seen.It was as if she had sensed a new world, but she couldn't open the door leading to the new world.She couldn't help but let her calm state of mind stir up a little ripple.


She let out a long breath, gradually calming down her state of mind.Then he flew up, and began to look for the best mountain to watch the starry sky among the uninhabited mountains at the outer gate.

She didn't need a place full of celestial energy, but a place with the best view of the starry sky. After choosing a mountain, she lay down on the rock on the top of the mountain and watched the night sky.At the same time, Yin Yang Zhou Tianjue flows in the heart.

Two years later.

She still hasn't seen the new world, but her perception has become clearer.This filled her with hope, knowing that she was heading in the right direction, and that sooner or later she would be able to see that new world.

After two years, she has a little new understanding of Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue. Although it is only a little bit, but at her level, no progress is a huge leap.It's just this little bit of progress that made her vaguely perceive the position of Dao Xin.

Originally, I knew that the Dao heart was in the heart, but I couldn't perceive it at all, but now I can perceive it. Although it is not specific enough, it has a direction.

this day.

One hundred and one Hedao gathered together perfectly, because this day is the time for them to enter the inner gate.

The process was uneventful.

Enter the inner door according to the procedure, change the identity card, and then choose the cave.

This time, there is not so much room for choosing caves in the inner sect. There are only ten mountains, and each mountain has already been inhabited by disciples. Dongfu.It is impossible to gather one hundred and one monks together.

But in the past hundred years, everyone has gotten to know Chongxu Sect very well, and they no longer have the fear of unfamiliarity, so they don't care.Everyone is choosing carefully, because this cave is related to their future millennium years.And now they all need to condense the immortal power in their bodies.Therefore, the requirements for the concentration of immortal energy are very high.

(End of this chapter)

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