Chapter 980
The ten mountain peaks are all about the same even if they have immortal energy, but there are gaps.On the same mountain peak, there is also a gap in the immortal energy between the cave and the cave.They are all latecomers. Naturally, regardless of the mountain peak or the cave, they have a good cultivation environment and are occupied.

you want?
you can!

To challenge, as long as you win, that cave is yours.

Of course, you can't just let you challenge it, so is he still practicing?

So there is a challenge fee, [-] low-grade immortal crystals for each challenge.

No one challenges because no one is stupid.

Their understanding of the sect is only the overall understanding and the understanding of the outer sect, but they don't know enough about the disciples of the inner sect.These people first chose an uninhabited cave, thinking that after understanding the actual situation of the inner disciples, they would challenge.

Here, only Ye Weiyang really chose a cave at random, not for changing caves after future challenges.Her current state does not need strong immortal energy at all, the mountain peaks where the elders live are effective for her.The mountain where the disciple lives, even the best cave, is of no help to her.

And now she has her own cultivation direction, which is to comprehend and perceive the feeling of talisman, and try to push open the door of that new world.

It's just that she is also a little unhappy, because the higher the mountain peaks, the stronger the immortal energy, so the peaks of the mountains are all occupied.But the best place to watch the starry sky is the top of the mountain.

However, Ye Weiyang did not challenge, because she wanted to leave the sect and choose a place outside.Chongxuzong is not the best place to watch the starry sky.She also read some geography in the past [-] years, and learned that the desert is the best place to watch the starry sky.And one hundred thousand miles to the west of Chongxuzong, there is a boundless desert, so Ye Weiyang plans to rush to the desert after the procedure of joining the inner sect is over.

On the third day after randomly selecting a cave, the mission for the first ten years will be issued.Ye Weiyang looked at it, and it was murder again.They, the one hundred and one ascenders, have learned from the mutual communication that all the missions of all of them are to kill or kill demons. It seems that Chongxuzong really regards them as thugs.At least in the year 2000 it is estimated that this is the case.

Although there was some resentment in my heart, there was nothing I could do.

Ye Weiyang set off immediately, the direction of this mission was not the west, but the east.Ye Weiyang took the Xing Cable and completed the task in more than a month. After returning to the Zongmen to hand in the task, he took the Xing Cable and went straight to the western desert.

in the desert.

Ye Weiyang watches the starry sky at night and sorts out during the day.

Gradually, the perception becomes clearer and clearer.

Two years later, Dao Yun began to gather towards Ye Weiyang, and gradually some desert monsters gathered towards Ye Weiyang.At first, Ye Weiyang was ready to kill, but she saw those monsters lying on the ground after a distance of about [-] meters from her, and did not attack like her.It dawned on her that this should be the dao rhyme caused by herself, which is good for these monsters.So she didn't make a move, because she knew that as long as she practiced here, more and more monsters would gather. If she killed them herself, she would not be able to kill them all, and there was no time to comprehend them.

Ten years later.

There are already a lot of monsters gathered around Ye Weiyang, and the positions closest to the inner circle have been occupied by Hedao monsters, but these Hedao monsters did not attack Ye Weiyang, and they all showed their enjoyment in a very humane manner. look.

Ye Weiyang has given up on going back to the sect to receive the task, she has reached a critical moment and doesn't want to stop.

15 years later.

Monster monks began to appear around her, and there were also monster monks who joined forces. These monks did not attack Ye Weiyang. They realized that this was also an opportunity for them, a chance to comprehend. After Ye Weiyang died, this opportunity was gone.

Twenty years later, there have been monster monks who created the world here, and this desert has become a place for the monsters to seek Taoism.And among these monster races, some human monks also appeared.

In the past 20 years, Ye Weiyang has already set up a defensive formation around himself, so that even if there are monks attacking, it can give him time to react.

It's not that she doesn't know that the environment she is in is very dangerous. Once these monster monks swarm up, even if she has Xingsuo, she has a high possibility of being killed.

But she didn't want to give up this opportunity. She was already on the road of continuous comprehension. Once she stopped, it can't be said that all previous efforts were wasted, but the effect would be greatly reduced.

Fortunately, this desert was originally a no-man's land. The so-called no-man's land means that monks from the human and monster races rarely come here.Because there are almost no resources here, the only resources are these monsters in the desert.And these monsters are not precious resources.Therefore, very few monks came to this desert.

These monks are unwilling to give up this opportunity.

In fact, around Ye Weiyang, the number of monsters is much more than the number of monks.The total number of monks is less than two hundred, but the number of monsters is more than 2000 million.They are all strange desert monsters, and even some big insects.

Therefore, these human and monster monks did not dare to attack Ye Weiyang.Because they all know that Ye Weiyang has become the source of comprehension for tens of millions of desert monsters, once they attack Ye Weiyang, the comprehension of these desert monsters will be interrupted.I'm afraid it will arouse the fury of these desert monsters and attack them.They really didn't have the confidence to survive the attack of tens of millions of monsters.

A hundred years passed in a hurry.

this day.

As if the layer of veil in front of her eyes dissipated, Ye Weiyang was no longer perceiving, but saw the runes in the starry sky, saw the runes in the starlight, the whole night sky was like a sky net in front of her eyes, composed of countless runes The skynet built.

And at this moment, she also clearly perceived the exact position of Dao Heart.If she has the cultivation method now, she can directly open up the Dao Heart.

Ye Weiyang continued to comprehend, she wanted to try to create a follow-up method of Yin-Yang Zhou Tianjue, a method to open up one's mind.

in the desert.

A team of monks is flying close to the ground. This is a second-rate sect in the west. It is composed of eleven monks in total, led by a monk who was in the early stage of world creation, and the remaining ten are also of the same way.

Liao Sha and his group were looking for the desert monster, the Jade Bone Lizard.This monster is very rare and powerful.It is difficult to find and capture even if one or two join forces.Especially in the desert, it is its trump card, and it is even more difficult to capture it.

The most important thing about the jade bone lizard is its jade bone, which is not only a good material for refining weapons, but also a good material for alchemy.But the most precious thing is the talisman.

A kind of talisman can be made by using jade bones to make talismans.

Talismans are disposable, but talismans can be used repeatedly.And the power is several times stronger than the talisman.Liao Sha accidentally heard that someone in this desert had seen a jade bone lizard, so he organized this team and entered the desert.But in the boundless desert, and without a specific location, their team is like a headless fly.

The continuous flying close to the ground also made them feel boring and tired. Fights broke out during the period, but not many times, and the strength of the monsters was relatively low.

This is not the desert they imagined, and they all have a feeling that they have come to the wrong place.

"Master, why do I feel that this time I came to the desert, it's so quiet here."

"Uncle, I also have this feeling. It seems that there are a lot fewer monsters here, and their strength has also dropped dramatically."

Liao Sha stopped, feeling uneasy in his heart, and he also felt something unusual.

"Each of us chooses a direction to investigate. Remember, it's just an investigation, no fighting is required. Gather here before dusk."

"it is good!"

A dozen people were divided into more than a dozen directions and flew.

At dusk, Liao Sha was the first to return, but from his furrowed brows, it could be seen that he hadn't found anything.He sat cross-legged on a sand dune and waited silently.

As time went by, monks began to come back one by one, but none of them brought back any news of possession, let alone the news of the Jade Bone Lizard.

Liao Sha raised his head and looked in three directions. There were still three monks who did not come back.Then he saw a black dot flying towards him in one direction, and it became bigger rapidly. It was one of his nephews.

"Uncle Master!" The monk came to Liao Sha and saluted.

"What did you find?"

"Yes!" There was shock in the monk's eyes.The eyes of the surrounding monks also brightened.

"What did you find?"

"In my direction, I saw countless monsters."

"Countless monsters? What are they doing?"

"I don't know!" There was a trace of tension in the monk's eyes: "It seems to be offering sacrifices, I don't know, anyway, they are lying there quietly. I just watched from a distance for a while, and didn't dare to approach."

"Let's rest first." Liao Sha said: "Wait a while, we're all back, let's go and have a look together."

"Yes!" The disciple immediately began to exercise his energy and adjust his breath.

Another quarter of an hour or so passed, and the last two disciples also came back.Liao Sha asked the two disciples to adjust their breathing to recover. At this time, the sky had already begun to turn gray.Liao Sha didn't choose to go immediately, but let all the monks adjust their breathing overnight, and at dawn the next day, a group of people flew in that direction.


A look of shock appeared on Liao Sha's face.Wherever you look, there are endless monsters, tens of millions of them.He stopped his figure, his spiritual consciousness gathered his eyes, and looked intently.

His eyes moved, and he saw jade bone lizards, and there were three of them.Among the tens of millions of monsters.He also saw more than a dozen human monks, and dozens of monster monks.

These monsters formed an extremely large circle in the boundless desert, and every monster, including the monks, turned towards the center of the circle.

But those monsters were too tall, and he couldn't see what was in the center of the circle.

Afraid of alarming those monsters, he began to fly slowly towards the sky, and the monks following him did the same, flying higher and higher, and gradually they saw the center of the circle.

The distance was very far, and even though they used the divine channel method, they could only vaguely see a person in the center of the circle, who was lying on the desert, and it was unclear whether he was alive or dead.


Liao Sha suddenly felt that the space around him was fluctuating slightly, it was the fluctuation of the water flow, he felt it carefully, his eyes showed shock, it was the fairy charm, and the fairy charm was flowing towards that circle.That circle is like a black hole, devouring the surrounding fairy rhymes.

At this time, he understood that these monsters should be nourished by the fairy rhyme here, and those monks comprehended it from the fairy rhyme.

Is it possible to comprehend it by yourself?

If this fairy charm dissipates, will it cause a riot of monsters?

At that time, can I kill myself from the monsters?
Also, who is that guy in the circle?

Are all these fairy charms attracted by her?
Is she practicing some shocking technique, or is it a divine channel technique?
"Master, do we want to go there?" His disciple's tone was filled with anticipation and fear.

Liao Sha hesitated for a moment and said: "It's too dangerous. Don't look at the calm and calm here, like a holy place for cultivation. But once the person in the circle ends the state of comprehension, even she may not be safe."

"Then us?"

Liao Sha looked at these monks. These monks were the elites of the sect. If they fell here, he would be a sinner of the sect.

"Forget it, let's leave."

"Master, I saw a jade bone lizard."

"I saw it too, but it's useless?" Liao Sha's face suddenly changed. He felt that the fairy charm between heaven and earth seemed to stop flowing, and then he saw the person lying on the sand in the circle of monsters sitting on the ground. up.

"Let's go!" Liao Sha shouted, and flew towards the distance with the monks of his sect.

Ye Weiyang woke up from her comprehension, and she found that she had reached a bottleneck.Maybe it's because there is nothing to comprehend here, but Ye Weiyang believes that she needs time to settle down.

In a hundred years, she has comprehended too many things. Although she has determined the position of Dao Xin, she still has too many comprehensions that have not been fully sorted out and formed a system.And this system needs her to sort out in the future.

This is precipitation.

Before completing this precipitation, she could no longer continue to comprehend.

The moment Ye Weiyang decided to leave in his heart, he sacrificed Xingsuo, and then entered into Xingsuo, Xingsuo turned into a black light and disappeared in an instant.

When she disappeared for less than three breaths, those monsters rioted, not only attacking the monks, but also attacking each other.The monks of the human race and the monster race frantically rushed to the outside, but very few escaped in the end.

The news spread over time, and after that, many monks came here, and seeing the dead bones everywhere made them feel chills down their spines.After returning, they all told their relatives and friends.If you find this in the desert in the future, be sure to stay away.At the same time, the monks in the fairy world are also very curious, who is the monk who comprehended in the desert?
(End of this chapter)

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