The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 981 Solicitation

Chapter 981 Solicitation
What cultivation base?
The minimum should also be the creation of the world, right?
It might still be a breakthrough.

Ye Weiyang returned to the sect, and first went to the mission hall honestly to accept the punishment.Because a hundred years have passed, she only completed one mission, and she didn't accept the mission for the next 90 years, and just disappeared.

Punishment is divided into two aspects.

The first one, one task punishes 180 sect points, and nine tasks equals [-] points.Then there are nine new missions to complete.The second is that the time when he obtained the inheritance was delayed by [-] years.

This is the most important thing. Although the points are also important, but at their level, they can pay back the quests for a period of time in the quest hall.But what did they come to Chongxuzong for?
Isn't it just for inheritance!

Now it has been postponed for 180 years, which is the hardest thing for Ye Weiyang and the others to accept.

However, Ye Weiyang didn't regret it either.After all, this stargazing has achieved fruitful results.

The first achievement was to find the position of Dao Xin. She felt that other monks, even if they got the inheritance, might not be able to find the position of Dao Xin so quickly.

The second result is that the monk who has been in the desert for a hundred years has attracted the body of the fairy rhyme, which has also improved her body. You must know that her body has not been improved for a long time. During these hundred years, her body has been upgraded to the cracking level. quadruple.

The third result is that the condensed degree of the celestial energy in her body is also lower than that of the celestial rhyme tank, which has been raised to the fourth level of cracking.

The fourth result is that she feels that her primordial spirit has also improved, but she doesn't know the realm.

Compared with these four achievements, punishment is nothing.

The points that are punished are easy for Ye Weiyang, and alchemy is over.At this time, she was standing in front of the counter of the mission hall, and an old monk looked at her and said:

"Ye Weiyang, your current situation is very dangerous, do you know that?"

Ye Weiyang looked indifferent: "I also ask senior to give me some advice."

"Owing Zongmen points can't be owed infinitely. Of course, you now have Zongmen benefits every month, and this treatment includes the [-] points that Zongmen distributes to you every month.

The reason why you only have [-] points per month is because the disciples with you have passed the inner sect's century-old task assessment, and they have become real inner sect disciples.

Do you know what it means to be a true inner disciple? "

Ye Weiyang thought for a while and said: "You can choose the mountain to worship Master."

"Yes, this is one, but I'm not talking about this one. What I'm talking about is that once you pass the assessment and become a real inner disciple, you will have five thousand sect points per month. You owe me a little The debt can be paid off in two years. But you have not passed the assessment and only have [-] points per month. If you want to pay off [-] points, it will take more than seven years.

The most important thing is, once you have not completed any tasks, how many points do you owe?The rule that Zongmen has set for you disciples is that you can owe debts, but they cannot exceed one hundred thousand.Once you exceed [-] points, you will be expelled from the sect.You know what it means to be expelled from a sect like Chongxu Sect. "

Ye Weiyang nodded, thinking in her heart, it's really exciting.

"Senior, don't worry, I will definitely repay the points within a month."

"One month?" The old man looked at Ye Weiyang suspiciously.

"Well, I know how to make alchemy. By the way, senior, can I pre-store some points, and if I don't complete the task, the sect will deduct it directly?"

"Want to eat farts?" The old man said in a bad mood: "The rules of the sect are to test you, and you still want to save it? Besides, which of you ascenders can't make alchemy? Look at others, and there is no one like you." You stab your head like this."

Ye Weiyang grinned awkwardly and said: "Senior, I'm not a prick."

"Then tell me why you disappeared for a hundred years? If you can say it, you can say it, if you can't, you don't. The sect never covets the opportunity of the disciple, and gives the disciple the right to keep secrets."

"There's nothing that can't be said." Ye Weiyang said: "It's just that when I was traveling abroad, I seemed to have a feeling. This feeling took a hundred years, and I vaguely found the position of Dao Xin."

"That's right, your punishment is worth it." The old man nodded in relief and said, "Although it was only found faintly, the effect is great. When you have the inheritance, you should find the Dao Heart very quickly."

"Senior, is it easy to find Dao Xin?"

The old man rolled his eyes: "Do you think it will be easy?"

"Then how long does it usually take for a monk to find his Dao Xin after he acquires the cultivation technique?"

"It's different. Some people can find it in one day, and some people may not be able to find it in 1000 years. On the contrary, you have already faintly confirmed your Dao Xin. It is estimated that you will be able to find Dao Xin in ten days at most. Therefore, I It is worth saying that you are punished this time. It may not necessarily lag behind those ascended who have become official disciples."

"Senior!" Ye Weiyang said with complicated eyes: "They can become apprentices, right?"

"Of course, but it's not something you can worship if you want, and the Peak Master has taken his fancy. Nine of you have become the direct disciples of the Peak Master."

"What about the rest?"

"Naturally, he was not favored by the peak master."

"Those nine people are all worshiping high-ranking elders, right?"

"Of course!"

"In this way, the remaining monks can worship middle-rank or low-rank elders as teachers."

"They look down on middle and low-ranking elders."

Ye Weiyang couldn't help grinning, the old man looked at Ye Weiyang and said: "What do you think? After 180 years, you will have to face this problem too."

"Me?" Ye Weiyang said with a wry smile, "I'd better wait 180 years. I'm not qualified now."

"You are not qualified to be a teacher, but you are qualified to join the gang."

"Guild? What gang?" Ye Weiyang asked in surprise.

The old man said indifferently: "You should know that the sect is divided into two camps, the native and the ascended?"

"Yeah. I know!"

"Whether it's the ascenders or the local monks, they have formed gangs one by one. When you join the gang formed by the ascenders, you are standing in the camp of the ascenders. If you join the local gang, you are joining the local camp. Now that one of you Although only nine of the first batch of ascenders have become direct disciples, almost all of them have joined the gang of ascenders. Because after joining the gang, not only can you get guidance on cultivation, but also someone can help you complete tasks and help you You get resources."

"You just said almost? So, there are still people who have joined the local gang?"

"No, but there is one person who has chosen the path of penance, and will not join any camp."


"Mao Jiudu!"

"It's him!"

"How about it, which camp do you choose? I believe that when someone knows that you are back, they will definitely come to pull you into the gang. You can't wait 180 years later."

Ye Weiyang smiled wryly: "I'm not used to this kind of fighting, I should choose penance."

"Being a penance is not so easy, you will know in the future." The old man's face was milder.

Ye Weiyang showed a smile on her face: "My tasks?"

"As a punishment, the difficulty of the affirmation task is increased."

Ye Weiyang nodded, she was already mentally prepared for this.

"The ten monks you want to kill this time... originally there were nine, and I will directly send you the first ten-year task after you come back. That is to say, in the next ten years...

Do not!
Now there are nine years left, and you have ten tasks to complete.Once you fail to complete, you will continue to be punished. "

"I see!"

"In order to save you time, I have arranged these ten tasks for you to be closer to each other."

"Thank you, senior, what's your name?"

The old man pointed Ye Weiyang with his finger and said, "It's really realistic to ask my name at this time."

Ye Weiyang was a little embarrassed, but the old man didn't mind: "My name is Feng Yu. Your ten missions are to hunt and kill monster monks, and every monk has completed the Dao. I believe in your strength. You should have no problem with a monster monk fighting alone. But this is not a one-on-one, but you have to enter the monster territory and kill ten monsters in a row within ten years to complete the Tao. Once you are found in the monster territory, you have It is very likely that you will be surrounded and killed by the monster clan at the beginning. If you are not dead, and you continue to kill the monster clan and complete the Dao, maybe there will be a monster clan monk who made the world to kill you.

So, your mission looks simple, but it is actually very dangerous. "

Ye Weiyang nodded calmly.

"The mentality is very good!" Feng Yu nodded with a smile: "You are the No. 30 cultivator who ascended to the Immortal City of Six Climbs, and you still have concerns about Climbing to the Immortal City at 36? It’s time to go back and have a look.”

Ye Weiyang knew that this was really taking care of herself, and she also knew why the other party took care of herself.The other party should be a native monk in the fairy world. Seeing that he chose to practice penance, he should show kindness to himself.

"Here is the information. These ten demon clans have all killed the Tianjiao of our human race. All the sects of the human race have issued hunting missions to these ten people, but they have not been successful. I hope you can succeed."

Ye Weiyang nodded, and began to read the contents of the jade slips.Thinking in his heart, this mission is different from the previous ones. If he wants to go deep into the territory of the monster clan, or kill ten monster clans, it may be impossible to bring back the corpses of the monster clan.sidewalk:
"Senior, it is very difficult to bring back the corpse of the Yaozu this time."

"You can buy a photo ring to prove you got the job done."

"Picture ring?"

"That's it." Feng Yu took out a ring, handed it to Ye Weiyang and said, "There is a picture bead inlaid on it, you can usually put it in the storage ring, and when you want to take a picture, you can wear it on your hand .”

Ye Weiyang bought a photo ring with points, and said to Feng Yu:
"Senior Feng, this junior will go back and get ready, then go to the task and take my leave."

"Take care." Feng Yu said, "And... life is the most important thing."

"I understand, thank you!"

Ye Weiyang left and flew towards her cave.She has to go back and get ready.She was going to pick two layers of herbs from the six-layer talisman pagoda, one for Qin Jie and one for Fang Zigu.

You must know that the herbs in the current rune are all 200 years old, and the value is not comparable to before.Moreover, each person gave a layer of herbal medicine from the talisman pagoda, which is a huge batch of resources. Even selling the herbal medicine is enough for Qin Jie and Fang Zigu to practice for hundreds of years, let alone alchemy.

Back in the cave, Ye Weiyang began to pick herbs.With a thought, the first layer of herbs was picked intact, and then put in storage bags one by one, and when they were picking the second layer, they heard the touch of the cave prohibition, walked out of the cave, and saw Zhang Tian.

"Brother Zhang."

"Sister Ye, you are back."

"Senior Brother Zhang, please come in."

The two came to the cave, and Ye Weiyang made tea.Zhang Tian looked at Ye Weiyang and said:

"Are you going to perform the mission?"

"Yeah, ten tasks have to be completed in nine years. It's very tight. I'm going to leave soon."

"Then I'll make a long story short." Zhang Tian said solemnly, "Do you understand the current situation in the sect?"

"Understood!" Ye Weiyang said: "I heard a little bit, and I also guessed what Brother Zhang wanted to say, but my current assessment is not over yet, and it will take 180 years to become a formal disciple, so I don't want to consider what camp , or gang matters."

"It seems that you really understand. Also, we are peerless geniuses, and we can analyze it after hearing a few words. However, Junior Sister Ye, as you said, it is very difficult to complete ten tasks in nine years. Tight. It may not be possible to complete it, but if you join my gang, we can contribute to help you complete it."

"Is it okay?" Ye Weiyang froze for a moment.

"Of course. Just complete the task. The sect doesn't care how you complete it."

Ye Weiyang shook her head and said: "I still don't want to make a decision now. And completing ten tasks in nine years is also a kind of tempering for me. I want to try."

Zhang Tian nodded, because he knew that before people like them ascended from the lower realm, which one was not a giant?Who is not a strong-willed person?

Once a decision is made, it is difficult to change.Unless you encounter something unbearable, you will recognize the facts and change your mind.

For example, Ye Weiyang failed this mission, and after returning, she added a punishment mission.At that time, Ye Weiyang would know that with his own strength, he would not be able to survive in Chongxu Sect.At that time, Ye Weiyang will take the initiative to ask to join the gang.But now, no matter how much he persuaded him, it would be a waste of effort.

However, the purpose of his coming is to plant a seed in Ye Weiyang's heart.Let her be frustrated in the end, and will be the first to choose him.Therefore, he seriously said to Ye Weiyang:
"Then I bless you, but remember, our gang will always open the door to you."

"Thank you, Brother Zhang!"

Sending Zhang Tian away, Ye Weiyang just picked up the second layer of herbs and felt that the cave's restriction was touched again.Walking out of the cave, another senior brother came to recruit him. After Ye Weiyang refused, she immediately left the sect. Originally, she wanted to talk to Mao Jiudu, but she stopped thinking about it.Because she knew that she was still staying in the cave, and many gangs would come to recruit her.


Thank you book friend 160612124033950 (100) for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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