The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 982 Challenge

Chapter 982 Challenge
After leaving the sect, she entered Xingsuo and flew towards the Green Mountain Sect.

After taking a seat in Qin Jie's cave, Qin Jie breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I heard that you have been here for 100 years, so I thought something happened to you."

"It's just some insight." Ye Weiyang smiled and said: "I have sensed the position of Dao Heart, but I haven't told anyone about it."

"Have you found your heart?" Qin Jie was shocked.

"En!" Ye Weiyang took out a jade slip and handed it to him, "This is the summed up experience, I leave it for you to learn from."

Qin Jie took the jade slip excitedly, and immediately began to read it.Ye Weiyang was not in a hurry, she drank tea slowly and waited.After about an hour, Qin Jie closed his eyes.This closed for more than four hours, when he opened his eyes again, his eyes were full of excitement:
"Weiyang, this is not like your way of finding Dao Xin, or not exactly. I understand you, just as you understand me. Your direction should not be like this."

"Yes, as you said, you understand me just as I understand you. This jade slip is a path suitable for you that I have found based on my experience in finding the Dao Xin and according to your cultivation method. Look If you look happy, I should make it up pretty well."

"It's more than good! It's so suitable for me. I can feel the vague position of the Dao Heart now. I thought it would take me about 300 years to find the position of the Dao Heart, or even longer. But now I have the confidence to be able to find the position of the Dao Heart." Find the exact location of the Dao Heart within 50 years.

Wei Young, thank you. "

"You're welcome!" Ye Weiyang took out another pile of storage bags and said, "These are 200-year-old herbs, here you are."

Looking at these herbs, Qin Jie was not very excited, because he had thought of them a long time ago.But still grateful:
"Wei Young, with these herbs, I will earn a lot of fairy crystals, and naturally I will buy resources suitable for my current realm. I don't know how much the resources will be consumed after the creation of the world, but I know that the value of these herbs is enough I broke through the boundaries."

Speaking of this, he took out three jade slips and handed them to Ye Weiyang, saying: "Weiyang, these are the three sets of exercises of the Qingshan sect. I know you won't use these exercises directly, and if you use them directly, I dare not give them to you." You. After all, the sect's skills cannot be leaked. Once the sect finds out, I will die.

But you are just borrowing, so no one will know.Just read it here, and after reading it, return the jade slip to me. "

"it is good!"

Ye Weiyang took the three jade slips and began to read them together.She didn't try to understand and comprehend, but just memorized it first.For her, carrying things is never forgotten.

In less than an hour, she memorized the three exercises.Then he returned the jade slip to Qin Jie, stood up and said:

"I have to go, I will go to Dengxian City to visit the seniors below."

"Then you take this with them." Qin Jie took out a storage bag and handed it to Ye Weiyang, saying, "With you here, I don't need to give Senior Fang their resources. Here are some jade slips, which are not Cultivation techniques are some cultivation experience, which I obtained in Qingshanzong's Library Pavilion."

"it is good!"

Ye Weiyang put away the storage bag, Qin Jie sent Ye Weiyang out of the mountain gate, watched Ye Weiyang's figure disappear above the white clouds, he couldn't help but rejoice that he had a good relationship with Ye Weiyang, and even more rejoiced that he and Ye Weiyang were in the same era. Only then can she get Ye Weiyang's help.

Xingsuo taught quickly in the space, while Ye Weiyang sat in Xingsuo and began to recall the three exercises that he had memorized just now.The two exercises were inferior, and the first exercise was stronger. In addition to Fang Zigu's exercises she had seen before, she already had four exercises.

Although these four kinds of exercises are not of high grade and cannot meet Ye Weiyang's requirements, they are the key to open the door of the world, and let her know how to open up the Dao Heart.

What she has to do now is to use these four exercises as a basis, combine her understanding of the way of heaven, and her understanding of the yin and yang Zhou Tianjue to create a kind of exercise that suits her heart.

Now that she has found the precise location of her Dao Heart, she even knows how to open up her Dao Heart. Now she needs to perfect her cultivation method to make her Dao Heart even bigger.

She already has a direction and is no longer foggy.

No.30 Liudeng Immortal City is far away from Chongxu Sect, but Xingsuo is too fast. In just nine days, he has already arrived at No.30 Liudeng Immortal City.

Ye Weiyang walked into Dengxian City.

After 200 years, Dengxian City still hasn't changed much.She went straight to Jiugongjie's home in Dengxian City, reached out and tapped lightly, the runes emerged from her fingertips, and the runes on the door rippled, then reached out and pushed the door open, and walked in.

The flow of runes on the door alarmed Fang Zigu, Zhang Tong and Wang Ye.The three of them had just returned from hunting outside for two days, and the herbs that Ye Weiyang had left for them had all been turned into resources and consumed.They had to go out and hunt hundreds of years ago.Moreover, the cultivation of the three people has advanced, but the higher the cultivation base, the more resources are needed, so the three of them have returned to the hard life in the past.

Fortunately, they now have their own real estate and do not have to pay rent, otherwise it will be even more difficult.

At this moment, the three of them stood in the yard, saw Ye Weiyang standing inside the gate, from the initial stupefaction to ecstasy, and then with a whoosh, the three of them stood in front of Ye Weiyang:

"You're back!"

"Where's Xiaojie?"

"Quick, come in first."

"Yes, yes, come in first."

In the living room, four people sat around, each holding a cup of tea, Ye Weiyang roughly talked about the experience of the past 200 years, and Fang Zigu also talked about their experience.Ye Weiyang then took out the herbs she had prepared and the jade slips Qin Jie gave them.Fang Zigu and the three of them all showed relief and gratitude on their faces.

This time, they are all fairy grasses, and they have a medicine age of 200 years. They all know that with this batch of herbs, they should all upgrade to a small level at best.

Ye Weiyang has a mission, so she dare not stay longer.After only staying in Dengxian City for three days, Fang Zigu, Zhang Tong and Wang Ye respectively told Ye Weiyang their experience of breaking through the world.Three days later, Ye Weiyang left Dengxian City, took the Xingsuo, and flew towards the first target.

Yaozu Territory.

Wantuo Mountain.

Ye Weiyang slowly descended from the white clouds, stood in mid-air, without hesitation exuded her aura of perfection, and then raised her voice:

"Fellow Daoist Jin, I'm Ye Weiyang from the human race. I've heard about you for a long time, and I'm here to challenge you today. Do you dare to fight?"

The sound rumbled, and all the monsters around turned their eyes towards this side.

The cave door of Wantuo Mountain opened, and a big monster strode out from inside.

With the hair tied and the golden crown, the aura emanating from his body made the surrounding space unceasingly rippling, spreading to the distance.

With a step in the air, his figure flew up, leveling with Ye Weiyang in mid-air, with a murderous intent in his eyes: "Ye Weiyang? I haven't heard of it, how brave! You dare to challenge me."

This is a strategy that Ye Weiyang came up with after thinking about it for a few days, directly and openly challenged like a demon clan.This kind of challenge, the face-saving Yaozu can't afford to lose face.After all, both he and the other party are in complete harmony, so it is impossible for the other party to refuse the challenge.And even if he killed the other party himself.The monster clan who want to save face will not besiege and kill themselves on the spot, let alone a world-making monk.

At the very least, there won't be any challenges in this first round. As long as he kills the opponent, he should be able to leave calmly.

Ye Weiyang took out his long sword, held it in his hand, and stared at the big demon opposite: "I am just at the point where I am consummated, but I can't break through. I am looking for a monk who can put pressure on me. I heard that fellow daoists are strong, and I hope fellow daoists can True to its name."

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"There is no regret in dying!"

"Okay!" The big demon shouted in a concentrated voice: "I'm also consummating the Taoism, I hope you can give me enough pressure. Let's fight!"

Countless gazes came together, and among them were monster races who joined the Tao, and even some who joined the Tao to perfection, but there were no monks above the world.

The big demon took out a golden wheel, and threw it towards Ye Weiyang, the golden wheel instantly enlarged, forming a boundary, covering Ye Weiyang inside.The voice of the big demon came in from outside.

"Ye Weiyang, let's talk about breaking through my Golden Wheel Realm."

Ye Weiyang's heart trembled, the reason why the world-creator cultivators are higher than He Dao is that they can cultivate out of the world.The big demon on the opposite side is of course in harmony, and has not cultivated out of the realm, but he has a fairy artifact, the golden wheel realm.

This is the device world!

Although the power is like a real realm cultivated by a non-monk, it also has a trace of the power to create a realm.


Halos of light appeared on Ye Weiyang's body, like golden wheels, restraining Ye Weiyang in an instant.From head to toe, eighteen light circles tied Ye Weiyang into a rice dumpling, and she couldn't move at all.

The big demon couldn't help laughing out loud.

It was the first time for Ye Weiyang to encounter this kind of fairy artifact, she was curious and wanted to try its power.As soon as he contracted the skeletal muscles all over his body, his body became smaller, and then he recovered suddenly.


The power of the Boundary Breaking [-]th Layer shattered the circles of imprisonment.

The big demon on the opposite side was stunned, he had already realized that Ye Weiyang was not easy, his opponents had broken the prison circle in the past, but it was definitely not as simple and easy as Ye Weiyang.

He hurriedly drove the golden wheel, one by one, they attacked towards Ye Weiyang, some wanted to trap Ye Weiyang, some directly hit Ye Weiyang, in his imagination, Ye Weiyang would definitely dodge around.But in fact, Ye Weiyang just stood there, motionless, but a light curtain was released from his body.

Liuhe curtain!
Those golden wheels collided with the Liuhe curtain, and it only made the Liuhe curtain slightly rippling, Ye Weiyang completely ignored his attack.

Since Ye Weiyang comprehended in the desert, and then her celestial strength, body and soul have all improved, this is the first time she has fought, and she has realized her own strength.It's just a very ordinary supernatural power, but now that it's released by itself, its power has increased by more than ten times.This is because her celestial power has been condensed too powerfully, and she has a primordial spirit.

The big demon opposite was ashamed and angry, he had never seen a monk who fought with him so easily.How could this human race be so powerful?
But her aura is clearly the consummation of harmony!

Ye Weiyang is having fun now, and she finds that her Liuhe curtain has the possibility of improvement.

Liuhe curtain, gather the power of Liuhe to form a light curtain.In the past, she was mainly fierce, that is, to constantly build the tightness of the Liuhe curtain, so that the resistance of the Liuhe curtain was continuously strengthened.But now she found that this may not be the case, she borrowed from the other party's golden wheel.She found that when the golden wheel hit the Liuhe curtain, because of the rapid rotation, it not only increased the cutting force, but also removed a lot of the rebounding force of the Liuhe curtain.

So what if your Liuhe curtain also rotates?
Gongfa is different from supernatural powers.

Cultivation method is to improve one's cultivation level, which requires painstaking practice, and it is enough to practice alone.But supernatural powers need to be sharpened in actual combat.Only in fierce confrontation can the power of supernatural powers be enhanced, and only in actual combat can one skillfully use them.

Now she also saw that the monsters around her didn't intend to make a move, and they all watched happily.It seems that I have taken this step in the right way, and the aboveboard challenge has won the approval of the Yaozu.At least in this scene, it was recognized by the Yaozu.So, she started to focus.

With this concentration, the comprehension of Liuhe curtain is even faster.

In fact, this method of sharpening oneself in battle is very dangerous, because if there is a slight flaw, the opponent will probably seize the opportunity and kill you.Because yours is comprehending supernatural powers through combat, while the other party is desperately trying.The difference is huge.That is to say, Ye Weiyang dared to do so because she felt that she was sure to win the opponent.

This is not only because of her primordial spirit, her body and celestial power, but more because she has experienced too many lives and deaths from cultivation to growth, and she has jumped on the edge of life and death. Combat experience is far richer than other monks.Even in fairyland.

At this time, not only the big monster on the other side could see that Ye Weiyang was using him as a trial move, using him as a whetstone, but also the monsters watching around could see it.Those monster races watching couldn't help but start booing one by one.It made the big demon feel even more ashamed and angry.


Ye Weiyang felt the vibration of the space, and this vibration was inward.She instantly sensed that the space was shrinking.She is too familiar with space contraction, because she knows the five-element space herself.

This is the space of the golden wheel shrinking. Seeing that the magical power of the golden wheel could no longer restrain Ye Weiyang, the big demon thought of using the golden wheel itself to restrain Ye Weiyang. He didn't believe that Ye Weiyang could still shatter the fairy weapon!

Naturally, Ye Weiyang didn't think that he could shatter the fairy artifact. After sensing the opponent's intention, he immediately slashed towards the air with a sword. With this sword, the Yin-Yang division domain cut open the golden wheel space, and Ye Weiyang volleyed into the sky With one step, the figure pierced through the space crack.His eyes fixed on the big monster opposite, and with a turn of the long sword, he slashed down in the air.

The yin-yang division domain instantly enveloped the big monster opposite, and the crazy suction sucked the big monster into the center of the yin-yang division, and the big monster's body was cut into several pieces.The golden wheel in the sky lost its owner, fell to the ground, was grabbed by Ye Weiyang, and put it into the storage ring.With a sweeping gaze, he looked at the demons.

(End of this chapter)

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