Chapter 983
He saw a big monster, it should be one of the ten tasks he wanted, it was a mouse monster.The task jade slip not only contains the detailed information of these ten tasks.And images.At this time, what Ye Weiyang thought was, should he take this opportunity to challenge again?
Maybe he can still fool the Yaozu, as long as he kills the rat demon himself, he can leave calmly.

Immediately, he bowed his hands to the tree demon and said: "Your Excellency, are you the Wind Rat?"

Chasing the Wind Mouse stared: "You know me?"

Ye Weiyang smiled gracefully and said: "I often hear your name in the human race, and it's like thunder. Can you fight with me?"


In front of so many monster races, how could the Chasing Wind Mouse not fight?

Although he was a little afraid of Ye Weiyang, he had enough confidence in himself.His racial supernatural power is fast, especially at his level, is it more than just chasing the wind?

Holding two scimitars in his hand, he went straight to Ye Weiyang, Ye Weiyang's eyebrows jumped.

too fast!
It was so fast that the naked eye could not see the shadow of the Chaser at all, and could only hear the sound of the other party's scimitars cutting densely on the Liuhe curtain.

Ye Weiyang couldn't help but click her tongue, at this speed, if she had achieved a normal Hedao, she would have been killed by the Chaser Mouse.That is to say, the condensed celestial power of himself makes the Liuhe curtain he built extremely strong, able to block the opponent's attack.And now that I have realized the unloading force, it is much easier.

Ye Weiyang stood empty in mid-air, supporting the Liuhe curtain, and did not fight back.After a few breaths, she had a general understanding of the strength of the Chasing Wind Mouse.

The strong point of Chasing the Wind Mouse is speed, but it is weaker in strength and power.But as soon as he thought of this, a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

She felt that Chasing the Wind Mouse had changed its style of play, cutting each knife at the same place in the Liuhe curtain.Dense like rain hitting plantains.This kind of intensive attack on a place, Ye Weiyang sensed it, estimated that in about two breaths, he would be able to cut a big hole in his Liuhe curtain.

"So strong!"

Ye Weiyang instantly spread her spiritual consciousness, covering a thousand-meter radius with herself at the center.But the shock in her eyes was even worse. She thought that the other party had nowhere to hide under the cover of her divine sense, but the real situation was that although the other party's figure could be seen, it was still very vague.

Ye Weiyang's expression became dignified and solemn. She had a clear understanding of her spiritual consciousness, and she had performed missions before. Through battles, she knew that her spiritual consciousness was very strong, which was simply not comparable to that of a Taoist monk.Because the Taoist monk doesn't have a soul, but she does.

But what about today?

Even his own spiritual consciousness can only catch the vague shadow of Chasing the Wind Mouse, and it's even more unbearable for other monks who are in harmony with the Tao.

No wonder it was recorded in the mission that even the He Dao Consummation who died in the hands of the Chaser Mouse exceeded the number of hands, which is really amazing.

Ye Weiyang finally started to move.

Ye Weiyang began to dodge, her purpose of dodging was to prevent the chasing mice from hitting the same place on her Liuhe curtain densely.As long as the opponent's scimitars cannot be hit intensively at the same place, the opponent will not be able to break through her Liuhe curtain, and she will remain invincible.

At the beginning, Ye Weiyang really did it.But in less than half a quarter of an hour, the Chasing Wind Mouse was able to continue standing in the same place on the Liuhe Curtain.

This perception and experience is really strong.It was so strong that Ye Weiyang was extremely afraid.

This is Ye Weiyang openly challenged, but did not think about secretly ambush the other party.If he really ambushes and kills the Chasing Mouse, there is no possibility of success at all, and if there is a big commotion and he is surrounded by the monster clan, he will be in danger of death.

But now Ye Weiyang doesn't have to worry about being besieged by the monster clan, the sword in her hand starts to stab out quickly, and every time she strikes out, there are seven sword lights.Then each of the seven sword lights split into seven sword lights, which became seven seven and forty-nine sword lights, and then divided again. In less than half a breath, thousands of sword lights were separated, and they chased after him. The wind mouse roared away.

But the Chasing Wind Mouse unexpectedly flashed thousands of sword lights with ease, and then stood on the Liuhe curtain with one knife at a time.

This is really...

Ye Weiyang swung his long sword, and stabbed out the second move of the Seven Star Sword, splitting thousands of sword lights in half a breath.But this time the sword light didn't chase after the wind mouse, but protected Ye Weiyang inside layer by layer, forming another layer of sword curtain outside the Liuhe curtain.

"Clang clang..."

Sure enough, the sword curtain resisted the wind-chasing mouse for more than one breath, but the Liuhe curtain had already rotated during this breath-long time, so naturally the wind-chasing mouse couldn't hit the same place continuously.

Ye Weiyang didn't release the sword curtain immediately, but controlled the Liuhe curtain, and her spiritual consciousness tried her best to find the Zhuifengshu. She still wanted to improve her Liuhe curtain by fighting with the Zhuifengshu.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

Three hours later, Ye Weiyang's heart relaxed, she was finally able to get rid of the Wind Rat, although she could only get rid of a little bit, but just this trace prevented the attack of the Wind Rat from being concentrated in one place all the time.In this way, Chasing the Wind Mouse has nothing to do with her, because it can't break through the Liuhe Curtain.

Of course, in Chasing the Wind Mouse's heart, Ye Weiyang has nothing to do with him.

Ye Weiyang's gaze became sharper, the opponent's speed was no longer a threat to him, and the improvement of Liuhe Curtain had lost its sharpening effect, so let's kill the opponent, and if it drags on, there might be a change.


The domain divided by Yin and Yang spread out in an instant, enveloping the Chaser in just an instant.But Chasing the Wind Mouse didn't panic, releasing its domain almost at the same time.

The field of wind.

A huge tornado was suddenly born, and every strand of wind that formed the tornado was a wind blade, which began to strangle Ye Weiyang's domain, and rushed towards Ye Weiyang's body who controlled the domain.

However, Chasing the Wind Mouse's face changed drastically afterwards, and he found that the direction he was running towards was not Ye Weiyang's body, and deviated from the direction.There was an irresistible suction that attracted him to fly in one direction.

He struggled with all his might, tried his best to activate his Wind Domain, but he was shocked to find that his own domain couldn't compete with the opponent's domain at all.


The chasing mouse was sucked into the center, and was cut into pieces by Yin and Yang.The yin and yang division closed, revealing Ye Weiyang's figure.There was silence all around, and the eyes of those monster races were all wrong.

Did they know that Chasing the Wind Mouse was definitely a group of top cultivators in the range of Yaozu's consummation, and now they were killed by Ye Weiyang.

Seeing the eyes of these demon clansmen, Ye Weiyang also knew that things could not be repeated again and again.Ben Lang said:
"Dear friends of the Monster Race, this challenge is over for the next time. In Xiaye Weiyang, Chongxuzong monks. In the future, if Yaozu monks want to break through the challenge, they can go to Chongxuzong to find me at any time, as long as they are with me. If I am in the same state, I will definitely accompany him and sign a contract with him, no matter who dies, the Chongxu Sect will definitely not embarrass the Yaozu fellow Taoist and let him leave."

This time, the gazes of those monster monks began to soften, and even if there were murderous intentions, they couldn't open their mouths at this time.Ye Weiyang thought about leaving, cupped her hands and said:



Suddenly a voice sounded, Ye Weiyang's heart tightened, and he looked towards the place where the voice came from, and saw a big monster standing there, exuding the aura of world creation.Ye Weiyang took a deep breath, cupped her hands and said:

"Senior, what advice do you have?"

"Human monk, it's okay for you to challenge our monster clan, and it's okay to kill our monster clan, but you can't just challenge if you say you come, and leave if you say you want to leave."

"What do you mean by senior?"

"We will send monks to fight with you."

Ye Weiyang said earnestly: "Senior, do you want to fight with wheels? I'm sure I won't be able to catch one after another like this, so it's better to kill me directly and give me a good time."

"I can promise you that the number of monks we will fight will not exceed..."

"Three!" Ye Weiyang rushed to say without waiting for the big demon to finish, "All I challenge are the consummation of Dao, which is in the same realm as me. There are only three things, and I can challenge three in a row, which is already the limit Of course, if any of you Yaozu can go to Chongxuzong and challenge consecutively, as many as he can challenge, I will challenge as many as possible.”

The corner of the big demon's mouth twitched, he went to challenge Xuzong, and continued to challenge?

Looking for death?
He knew the fighting power of the group of monks from the Chongxu Sect.Among the four great sects in the fairy world, the Chongxu Sect has the most terrifying combat power. They are a group of fighting lunatics.Some Yaozu monks are powerful in combat, and some can kill the same level of Chongxu sect monks, but asking them to kill a few in a row is really overthinking.

"I may come to challenge again in the future. I can challenge three consecutive times each time. However, I need to choose the first two. The last one will be arranged by you monster clan.

Senior, you agreed to let us come here.You disagree, if you want to kill me, come here.If you don't kill me, I will leave and never come again. "

The big monster's eyes flickered, and finally he said: "You must challenge the perfect harmony?"


"Okay! I agree to your conditions. Now we, the Yaozu, will send monks to play the third match with you."

"it is good!"

The big monster looked around and landed on the expression of a monster monk who had completed his Taoism: "Green snake, you go."


A monster cultivator flew to the opposite of Ye Weiyang, Ye Weiyang felt joy in his heart.What a coincidence, this green snake is also on his task list.But after thinking about it, she realized that the missions Chongxuzong chose for her were all strong men in the consummation of the Dao, and they all gathered in the territory of No.30 Liudeng Xiancheng, which was picked by the big monster. Isn't it normal for Yaozu monks to be on their task list?

Then she discovered that each of the Yaozu really has its own specialties, and one of them didn't pay attention, and almost fell into the trap of the green snake.

The characteristic of this green snake is poison!
And because the realm is high, there is no need to spray poison like those low-level snakes, but the poison is released invisibly, without knowing when, the poison is all around you.

Ye Weiyang was poisoned, and the green snake has been paying attention to Ye Weiyang.The moment Ye Weiyang sensed that she was poisoned, she released the domain, her domain was the poison, and Ye Weiyang was enveloped by the poison domain in an instant, let alone the body began to appear strange, even the consciousness began to have a trance.


The green snake's long sword slashed across Ye Weiyang's body like fangs. At the moment when she was in a trance, her reaction was a little bit slower, and it was just this little bit. She escaped the vital point, but was pierced in the abdomen A big hole was opened, and the whole monster clan cheered.


The Luoshu space in the Sea of ​​Consciousness rotated, sucking in all the poison in the Sea of ​​Consciousness at once.Ye Weiyang cleared her mind, instantly released her own domain, broke through the green snake's domain, and enveloped the green snake. The green snake couldn't resist the suction force of the Yin-Yang division domain, and the whole body fell towards the center of the Yin-Yang division.


The green snake's body was twisted into pieces, Ye Weiyang didn't dare to stay any longer, at this moment her condition was very bad.Although there is no problem with the sea of ​​consciousness, the body is actually poisoned.You don't need to pretend, even a monster can tell that she is poisoned.So, hastily cupped his hands and said:

The figure is like the wind, flying towards the distance.All the monsters looked at Ye Weiyang who disappeared in an instant.Although they had the spirit of the monster race, they did not go after Ye Weiyang in the end, although they knew that Ye Weiyang was poisoned, and now is the best time to kill Ye Weiyang.But before Ye Weiyang's words froze.It was only at this moment of hesitation that Ye Weiyang's figure was gone.The World Maker Great Cultivator looked gloomy, but in the end he didn't go after Ye Weiyang.He has an understanding of the green snake's poison, and he feels that Ye Weiyang may not be able to detoxify it, even if he can detoxify it in the end, it may only save his life, and his cultivation will be useless.There is no need to break the promise and hunt down Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang did not dare to believe the promise to the Yaozu, at this time she was already sitting in Xingsuo's space, and Xingsuo went away in an instant.Ye Weiyang, who was sitting cross-legged in the Xingsuo space, had already swallowed the detoxification pill at this time, and then her face changed. She found that her detoxification pill could not fundamentally remove the poison of the green snake.

Thinking quickly in my heart, the first thought that came to mind was yin and yang.Because her yin and yang division domain is to absorb the opponent into the center of the domain, in other words, her domain has a strong suction.

Ye Weiyang, who was sitting cross-legged, began to cover her whole body with her domain, and then consciously began to target the toxins in her body, and instantly found that the toxins in her body began to flow towards the center of the domain.


Ye Weiyang was overjoyed, and communicated with Xingsuo, in just a short while, Xingsuo had already flown thousands of miles away, so he stopped Xingsuo, and Ye Weiyang came out of Xingsuo's space, identified the direction, and then walked towards a She flew to a mountain range, did not go deep into the mountain range, just found a big tree at random, sat cross-legged on the big tree, star cables were wrapped around her wrists, and protected her. The toxins in the body are absorbed towards the domain where yin and yang are separated.

Thank you Jiao Zi (100) for your tip!

(End of this chapter)

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