The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 994 Yuanshen Book

Chapter 994 Yuanshen Book

The two quietly left the sect, and then flew into the sky.Stand opposite.

Mao Jiudu knew that Ye Weiyang was only trying to comprehend the condensed domain, so he didn't use his other magical powers, and said to Ye Weiyang seriously:
"Wei Young, I will directly use Domain Condensation, you have to be careful."

"it is good!"

Ye Weiyang responded, with excitement in his eyes.But he was extremely careful in his heart, and began to release the Liuhe curtain, one layer after another, releasing the six layers of Liuhe curtain in succession.Wrap yourself tightly inside.

She is going to use the Liuhe curtain to hard-wire the opponent's domain cohesion, so that she can fully understand the domain cohesion.At the same time, she was also afraid that the six-layer Liuhe curtain would not be able to block the opponent's attack. She was deeply impressed by the world cohesion in the late stage of world creation.She is always ready to release the realm.I am also ready to step on Yin and Yang and step on the stars.

With a six-layer six-fold curtain, when the time comes, release the domain, and then step on the yin and yang steps backwards, and you should be able to avoid the opponent's attack.After doing all this, Ye Weiyang cautiously said:
"Senior Brother Mao, I'm ready!"

Mao Jiudu is very satisfied with Ye Weiyang's attitude, because he knows that the domain cohesion is very strong, really strong.Condensing the domain into a single supernatural power, the power has increased tenfold.And this is not the limit, because he is only comprehending the field to the small achievement level.If one comprehends Dacheng, the power will increase fifty times, or even more, and if one comprehends Dzogchen, the power may even be increased to a hundred times.

However, even Xiao Cheng, even if he has only improved ten times now, he doesn't think Ye Weiyang can bear it.

Originally, he was perfect in the Dao, but now his power has increased by ten times, it can be said that he already has the power of half-step world creation.

Ye Weiyang couldn't stop it!

Even if Ye Weiyang releases the six-layer Liuhe Curtain, it can't stop it.

So, he slapped him, and this palm only released [-]% of his power, he didn't dare to release [-]% of his power, for fear of killing Ye Weiyang with a slap.


Ye Weiyang was always ready to release the domain, and then stepped on the Yin and Yang steps, she was not even ready to comprehend the cohesion of the domain.It is the first time to cohere and collide with the field, and protect yourself first.Don't worry about comprehension.It won't be too late to comprehend the power condensed in the field once you understand it.

She saw a small hand, three times the size of a normal hand, and slapped it towards her.While that palm was still in the process of slapping, one could sense the surging power contained in that palm.

She will also release this kind of mudra, but once it is released, it is very large.And it also took a majestic name, called the Shrouding Heaven Mahamudra.

But the palm that was slapped did not cover the sky, it was only three times the size of a normal palm, but it made Ye Weiyang feel the power far beyond the big handprint that covered the sky.

The concentration in this field is really amazing!
Ye Weiyang became even more nervous, one foot was slightly raised, and she was ready to step on the yin and yang steps.

That palm bombarded the Liuhe curtain.


Ye Weiyang was stunned!

Not to mention breaking through the six layers of Liuhe curtain, even the first layer did not penetrate, and it only rippled slightly, without violent shaking.

"That's it?"

Mao Jiudu on the opposite side was also stunned, and then looked down at his hand.

"Is my field cohesion fake?"

"Impossible!" He reacted instantly, Ye Weiyang should be too strong.He just blocked his attack with ordinary Taoism and supernatural powers.But how is this possible?

Unless...unless her background is very deep, so deep that she can fight against the monks in the early days of world creation.

Ye Weiyang was also in a daze at this time, if she reacted, it should be because Mao Jiudu was afraid of hurting herself, so he didn't use all his strength, so he asked:
"Senior Brother Mao, how much power did you use just now?"

Mao Jiudu also reacted immediately.


I only used [-]% of my power. This is not my strongest power. My face is no longer in a daze, and my confidence is restored. A confident smile appeared on my face and said:
"Sixty percent!"

Ye Weiyang showed such an expression on his face, after thinking about it, he had six layers of Liuhe curtain, and said: "This time use all your strength."

"Okay! Be careful yourself!"


Mao Jiudu also let go this time, he felt that if he tried his best, he should be able to shatter Ye Weiyang's Liuhe curtain, but whether he can break the six layers, he himself has no idea, but it should not hurt Ye Weiyang.


Mao Jiudu slapped his palm again, this time the palm was smaller, already the same size as a normal palm.But the power it exudes is even more astonishing.

Ye Weiyang is still extra cautious, ready to release the domain at any time.


The outermost layer of Liuhe curtain vibrated more violently, rippling out circles of ripples.

But not broken!

Mao Jiudu was stunned for a moment or two, and then he didn't believe it anymore, and started attacking Ye Weiyang crazily, one palm after another.At this time, Ye Weiyang had already determined that the opponent's domain condensed could not harm her.No matter what the reason is, comprehension is the most important thing now, and she began to carefully perceive the mysterious changes brought about by the collision of the opponent's domain and her own Liuhe curtain. In this mysterious change, she comprehended domain cohesion.

"Boom boom boom..."

Mao Jiudu began to surround Ye Weiyang, slapping his hands crazily, each time he slapped the monk's domain to condense, while Ye Weiyang stood there quietly, carefully perceiving the changes coming from the Liuhe curtain.

For about a quarter of an hour, Mao Jiudu stopped, with disbelief, unwillingness, and even aggrieved expression on his face.

How can this be?
How can you do this?


He suddenly sacrificed the long sword, and there was a stream of light fluctuating on the long sword, he concentrated the domain on the long sword, and stabbed towards Ye Weiyang.

"Boom boom boom..."

Ye Weiyang, who was perceiving, suddenly woke up, and she saw a long sword shattering her heaven and earth curtain.

Layer, layer, layer...


Finally blocked it, the sword shattered the triple six-fold curtain, causing the fourth six-fold curtain to vibrate violently, and even a crack appeared, but it was finally blocked without collapsing.

A look of frustration appeared on Mao Jiudu's face, how could he not know at this time that Ye Weiyang's strength is very strong.Even though he has achieved the same Dao as him, Ye Weiyang's true strength is already capable of leaping to the stage and fighting against the world.

This is not surprising, there are always some geniuses who can leap.Think back when Mao Jiudu was in the Lower Realm, wasn't he also this kind of arrogance?

Even in the current Immortal World, he can still leap to the next level, for example, to fight against those low-inherited Loose Cultivation Worlds.But it is obvious that Ye Weiyang is more evil than herself.

Ye Weiyang is also thinking at this time, she knows that she is very strong.In the past 100 years, she has carried out more than a dozen missions, each of which involves killing, so she still has some bases for her combat effectiveness.She crushed almost all Hedao Consummations, and even in the execution of some missions, some Hedao Consummations were not her one-hit enemies.

She has also analyzed that on the one hand, the opponent is weak, and on the other hand, she is too strong.

Why are you too strong?
The reason is very simple, both his body and celestial power have reached the fourth level of breaking the boundary, and he also has the primordial spirit.In this way, the method of releasing the divine channel is no longer a weaker level of consciousness, but the primordial spirit, coupled with his own boundary-breaking quadruple immortal energy, in the realm of the Dao, there is almost no enemy of the same.

This is still the case of not getting close, if Ye Weiyang is allowed to get close and Ye Weiyang uses the power of the body, it will really kill one.

Therefore, after blocking Mao Jiudu's attack, she had sufficient confidence in herself and entered into comprehension wholeheartedly.

But now it seems that the cohesion in this field is really powerful.

With the help of the fairy weapon, he was able to shatter his Liuhe curtain, and it exploded [-]% in a row.

This is because I was cautious and released the six layers in a row.In previous battles, it was impossible for Ye Weiyang to release six layers of six-fold curtains consecutively, usually only one layer.In this way, Mao Jiudu has the ability to hurt himself, or even kill himself.

Of course, this was because he didn't move at all, just released the Liuhe curtain and let Mao Jiudu fight.If you let yourself move, Mao Jiudu is definitely not his opponent.

However, this has already surprised Ye Weiyang, she is extremely envious of the domain cohesion, and wants to understand the domain cohesion.


Mao Jiudu let out a sigh of relief, he has come out of the negative emotions, after all, he is also an arrogance, so there is no problem in his mood.Once he came out, he also became excited.

His current domain is only concentrated in the realm of Xiaocheng, and it is not easy to comprehend from Xiaocheng to Dacheng.But now I have a target to practice for myself.

This target is Ye Weiyang, is there a better target?

This target just stood there, motionless, let yourself hit it casually, from the attack, you can try and comprehend repeatedly, this is definitely the best way to improve yourself.

"Wei Young, let's come again!"

Ye Weiyang looked at Mao Jiudu, wondering why Mao Jiudu, who was a little depressed just now, became excited now?

Her eyes fell on Mao Jiudu's fairy sword again. If Mao Jiudu kept using the fairy sword, she would need to constantly replenish the Liuhe curtain, which would delay her comprehension, so she said:

"Senior Brother Mao, can you use the sword?"

"no problem!"

Mao Jiudu happily put away the fairy sword. He realized that the domain is cohesive, and he doesn't need the fairy sword.Seeing that he put away the fairy sword, Ye Weiyang was relieved, and did not release the Liuhe curtain, but left the unbroken three-layer Liuhe curtain, expecting:


"it is good!"

"Boom boom boom..."

The two started to practice again, Ye Weiyang remained motionless, Mao Jiudu surrounded Ye Weiyang and attacked continuously.The battle lasted for more than an hour, and both of them still had something to say.However, Ye Weiyang still stopped the fight, her daily comprehension time is limited, and she has other projects in other time.So they made an appointment with Mao Jiudu to fight again tomorrow, and both of them returned to their caves contentedly.

Ye Weiyang has entered the Chongxu Sect for 200 years.Finally achieved two results.

The first one, domain condensed into entry.

Second, she finally obliterated Luo Xiu.

In the last three years, Luo Xiu had already started crying, begging Ye Weiyang to let him go, he was willing to be a slave, but Ye Weiyang's heart was as firm as iron, resisting Luo Xiu's begging for three years, grinding Luo Xiu to death .

The moment Luo Xiu was ground to death, she felt that she was transparent all of a sudden, and her whole body felt refreshed from the inside out, a transparent refreshment.There is no longer a gap between Yuanshen and Yuanshen.At this very moment, she discovered with ecstasy that her primordial spirit had become a middle-grade primordial spirit.

Ye Weiyang's primordial spirit was originally a mid-rank, but was influenced by Luo Xiu and became a low-rank.Now that Luo Xiu is completely dead, Ye Weiyang has returned to the true grade of Yuanshen.

But after the ecstasy, it was lost again.

Even if the grade has been improved, Yuanshen is still a middle grade, and this grade is not the pride of heaven.Now Ye Weiyang is relying on her own celestial power, primordial spirit, and body, to be in the same realm vertically and horizontally.But when she enters the creation world, her advantages will be gone.But others can crush her in turn because of the top-grade soul, or even the best soul.

This is not what she wants!
Her character is quiet and stubborn, and stubborn and strong.

She wants to be the best.

But now because of Yuanshen, her upper limit is limited!

She sighed and began to look inside at the primordial spirit.Because after killing Luo Xiu just now, she sensed something between her eyebrows.

Because of Luo Xiu's existence before, she could vaguely perceive that Luo Xiu was located between the eyebrows of Yuanshen, but it was very vague, and her internal vision was not clear.

But now, she can clearly see everything in her soul.

Then a look of shock appeared on her face.

She saw a book between Yuanshen's eyebrows, a very small book, but very thick.It looks like over [-] pages, compressed into a tiny, tiny book.

Her inner vision entered the book, and then the book suddenly became huge. She quickly browsed through it, and found that every page recorded a kind of exercise or a kind of supernatural power.Moreover, she is very familiar with these exercises and supernatural powers. They are all very low-end inheritance and supernatural powers, and they all come from Luo Ji Zangshu Pavilion.

She suddenly understood that she absorbed Luo Xiu and gave birth to the primordial spirit.On the other hand, Luo Xiu absorbed the monks of Luo Ji Zangshu Pavilion. When she absorbed Luo Xiu, she also absorbed the monks that Luo Xiu had absorbed.

Her heart was awe-inspiring, Luo Xiu actually killed more than 1 monks.

She withdrew her inner gaze, her eyes flickered, and she began to think.

She was a little confused at this time, because she had asked Fang Zigu, Zhang Tong and Wang Ye, there was nothing in their soul, but a book appeared in her soul, what happened?
Could it be that Fang Zigu's world-building skills are too resistant?
Something will appear in the primordial spirit cultivated by the top-grade kung fu?

She has no one to ask now, and she sighed, so she had to look for opportunities in the future.


She began to think about the inheritance and supernatural powers in the book between the eyebrows of Yuanshen again, which was complicated and low-end.

Can I erase the supernatural power and inheritance in that book?

Or integrate the supernatural power and inheritance in that book?

Can you erase that book?
What would be the result of erasing that book?
(End of this chapter)

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