The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 995: Promising Primordial Spirit Rank Improvement

Chapter 995: Promising Primordial Spirit Rank Improvement
Ye Weiyang cautiously began to try, and after just a little try, she knew that she could not erase the book, but she could move the book out of the primordial spirit and float in front of the primordial spirit.Then she tried to move the book out of the sea of ​​consciousness, but couldn't.

But she instinctively had a feeling that her soul could flip the book, and with a thought, the soul flipped the book.


A flaming knife suddenly appeared in the air in front of Ye Weiyang, standing on the wall of the cave, the cave shook rumblingly, large chunks of stone fell down, Ye Weiyang ran away with a whoosh After going out, the sound of the cave mansion collapsing continued to be heard from behind.

Ye Weiyang was ecstatic at this time, she didn't care that her cave collapsed, there were many caves on this mountain, none of them lived in now, she could choose whatever she wanted.What she is ecstatic about is that she now has an additional means of fighting.At the speed of Yuanshen flipping through this book, releasing the divine channel method is faster than releasing the magic power of the rune tower, and faster than releasing the divine channel method by oneself.

This is simply a powerful hole card that is hard to guard against.


Cultivation techniques and supernatural powers are too low-end. They are a powerful trump card in the lower world, but they are a bit of rubbish in the fairy world.

Can you try to integrate it?

She doesn't have much confidence now, because she finds that she can't erase the book, so she doesn't have the confidence to integrate the exercises and magical powers in the book.

There are exercises and supernatural powers in that book, should I try to integrate the exercises first, or supernatural powers?
There is actually nothing to integrate these exercises, and compared with my own Yin Yang Zhou Tian Jue, it is too low-end.Totally useless.Even the degree of reference is very small.After all, Ye Weiyang read a lot of exercises for the follow-up exercises of Yin-Yang Zhou Tianjue, even the books in Luoji Library Pavilion.The exercises in this book now have very little reference for Ye Weiyang.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat, and it's all a process of combing. Small references are also references.


How can the exercises in the book be integrated into the Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue?
There are more than 3000 Chinese exercises in this book, but there is no Yin Yang Zhou Tian Jue.

Ye Weiyang found the first exercise in this book, read it once, but didn't have any reference for her own Yin-Yang Zhou Tianjue, so what should she do now?
Can the exercises on this page be erased, and then imprinted on the Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue?

Ye Weiyang began to try, thinking about erasing the exercises on this page of the book, and then not only the exercises were gone, but also the pages of the book.

That does not work!

Ye Weiyang read another page of exercises, but it didn't have any reference effect for herself, her Yin Yang Zhou Tian Jue already contained the essence of this page of exercises.

She thought for a while, and began to try to directly imprint the Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue on this page. Her thoughts were concentrated on this page, and then the Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue flowed in her mind, and then she saw the words one by one like flowing water. Like water, imprinted on this page of the book, the original exercises disappeared and became Yin Yang Zhou Tian Jue.


Ye Weiyang was overjoyed, but she was even more delighted at the back. When the Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue finished imprinting the last word, she found that her soul level had improved. Although she hadn't transformed into a top-grade soul, the improvement was not small.The key is that this kind of improvement gave Ye Weiyang hope, and it is not impossible for her soul to continue to be a product.

At this time, she has basically determined in her heart that there should not be a book or other things born in the primordial spirit like her in the inheritance in the fairy world, otherwise there will be no primordial spirit that will not be promoted once it is finalized statement.

She began to quickly read those exercises, too many exercises already included them for the Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue, without the slightest effect, Ye Weiyang will erase such exercises, and with the erasing, the pages of the book will also be erased Disappeared.When encountering a helpful technique, Ye Weiyang will think carefully and try to integrate it.But even the fusion technique is too simple for Ye Weiyang, it only takes a dozen breaths, and as time goes by, the pages of the book become less and less.All pages that were erased and fused disappeared.Just when she was completely immersed in it, she was awakened by Mao Jiudu's cry.

"Weiyang...Weiyang..." There was anxiety and concern in the voice.

At this time, Mao Jiudu was standing in front of Ye Weiyang's collapsed cave, his eyes were full of anxiety.

how come?
This is the Chongxu Sect, how could someone attack the sect's disciple's cave?

Where did Wei Young go?
"Senior Brother Mao!"

Ye Weiyang came out from the newly selected cave not far away, seeing the anxiety and concern on Mao Jiudu's face, he was moved.

"Weiyang?" Mao Jiudu looked at Ye Weiyang, then turned to look at the collapsed cave: "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine! I was experimenting with a Taoist technique, and I accidentally knocked down my cave." Ye Weiyang walked towards Mao Jiudu, with gratitude on his face:

"Thank you!"

Mao Jiudu waved his hand and said, "It's fine! It's fine!"

Ye Weiyang nodded with a smile: "Let's go to compete."

"Okay, let me tell you, I feel that I have reached the edge of the realm of condensing the domain, and maybe I can break through it today. Once I break through, I will be the first among our group of monks to break through the condensed domain Dacheng people."

"Congratulations!" Ye Weiyang said sincerely.

"How are you? Do you understand?"

Ye Weiyang smiled and said: "Last night, I finally got into the field of cohesion and comprehension."

"Really, hurry up, let's compete and see."

"it is good!"

The two of them flew above the white clouds. This time, Ye Weiyang didn't release the Liuhe Curtain. Instead, like Mao Jiudu, he slammed out a palm at the same time, and that palm was formed by the condensed domain.It's just that the palm print released by Mao Jiudu is only the size of two palms, while the palm print released by Ye Weiyang is about seven palm prints in size.

But this is indeed an introduction, at least it can unite the field.


The two palms collided in the air, and Mao Jiudu's face showed horror and disbelief.Because the palm prints of the two people collapsed at the same time.

Mao Jiudu's domain is almost complete, while Ye Weiyang is just getting started.

How could this power be the same?
In half a breath, Mao Jiudu, who had been sparring with Ye Weiyang for decades, finally confirmed that Ye Weiyang's condensed celestial power and spiritual consciousness were far higher than Yu himself.There was this speculation originally, but it has not been confirmed, but today it is really confirmed.

Ye Weiyang's field condensing is indeed just an entry, but entry and entry are different, just like two kinds of ore have the same volume, but different weight.For example, a piece of cotton and a stone of the same size, but the weight is very different.If Ye Weiyang can condense the palm print to the same size as her own, the power contained in it will easily defeat her own domain condensing.

How did Ye Weiyang cultivate this night?
How condensed is her immortal power and spiritual consciousness?
"Come again!"

Ye Weiyang was excited.Although she comprehended domain cohesion last night, she was not sure if she had really started. This required actual combat. Today's actual combat made her sure, and she knew that any supernatural power is the most difficult to get started. Once you get started, don't say After that, it's a matter of course, but much simpler.

"Okay, come again!"

Mao Jiudu was also excited. He also felt last night that he was about to break through the Dacheng realm. That was because Ye Weiyang didn't realize it and still let him attack Liuhemu, but now Ye Weiyang also uses domain cohesion to fight him. The auxiliary effect is stronger.In the same way, the cohesive collision of the two domains has a much more direct auxiliary effect on Ye Weiyang than Liuhemu.

This is a win-win situation.

The two of them had already entered the hurricane layer at this time, and the surrounding gale was howling, but it did not affect the two of them in the slightest.The two people continuously released domain cohesion, twisting the wind between the two into powder.Until Mao Jiudu's immortal energy was almost exhausted, he had to stop, panting heavily.

"Weiyang, you are too powerful! Just getting started, you can fight me head-to-head... Oh, no, my immortal energy is almost exhausted, and you have no sign of exhaustion at all. The two of us If you continue to fight like this, I will lose. How condensed is your immortal power?"

Ye Weiyang smiled and said: "We have reached the world."

"No wonder!" Mao Jiudu's eyes showed admiration and envy: "Your spiritual consciousness is also very strong. I heard from those monks in the inner sect that the stronger the spiritual consciousness, the higher the level of the primordial spirit you will cultivate in the future."

Ye Weiyang nodded, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes, but she quickly regained her composure: "Let's go back."

"Okay, but I may not be able to come here tomorrow. I'm going to retreat, and I don't think it will last long. When I go out again, I should be able to condense and cultivate the domain to a great degree. At that time, we will fight again."

"it is good!"

The two returned to the sect, and each flew towards their own cave.After Ye Weiyang returned to the cave, he began to sort out his comprehension, as well as the cultivation method of condensing this supernatural power in the domain.She wanted to sort it out and pass it on to Fang Zigu and the others.He knew that Fang Zigu and the others would not cohere in the domain.Although the three of Fang Zigu are now repaired out of bounds.But knowing the domain cohesion also has an additional means of fighting.And it might also inspire the cohesion of the world.

After sorting out all this, Ye Weiyang started her daily routine again.

For seven days in a row, Mao Jiudu did not come to look for Ye Weiyang.And Ye Weiyang had already erased more than 3000 exercises in the book in Yuanshen on the fifth day.Fusion of fusion, the book suddenly lost more than 3000 pages, which made it a lot thinner.But for Ye Weiyang's Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue, there was only a slight improvement, and she also felt that the primordial spirit had improved, but it was also very weak.

This didn't make Ye Weiyang depressed, but surprised Ye Weiyang.

Although the grade improvement is very weak, it seems that there is almost no hope of upgrading to the top grade soul.But Ye Weiyang doesn't think so, since she has improved, it is hope.That's the direction.

Everything comes slowly, anyway, she has a lot of time, and she still has nearly 1000 years to obtain the inheritance of world creation.

Now I should integrate the divine channel method in the Yuanshen book.

In 80 years, I can enter the inner door.

She is seriously thinking about her current progress in various aspects and the projects that need to be practiced.

Now she will pour out two hours of alchemy every day and provide it to Mao Jiudu to sell.But except for the Yangshen Pill, which belongs to the elixir, the rest of the elixirs belong to the panacea, which are for the monks who joined the Tao and joined the Tao.What's more, the herbs used were only a few decades old. In the past 200 years, these herbs will finally be consumed.The remaining herbal medicines are all over 200 years old, and none of them are herbal medicines.During the last batch of plantings, Ye Weiyang no longer planted those low-grade herbs, and all the herbs she planted in the rune tower were suitable for making elixir above the world, which is the real elixir level.

In other words, Ye Weiyang is now an elixir teacher.If she can refine the world-making pill now, she will become a master of elixir.

Moreover, Ye Weiyang's rune tower has all kinds of herbs. She spared no effort to buy all kinds of herbal seeds, no matter how expensive she was, and even spent all the fairy crystals on her back.

Some extremely precious herbal medicines are difficult to obtain, and extremely precious herbal medicines with a long medicine age are even more difficult to obtain.But seeds are not difficult.Of course, this kind of not difficult is aimed at such a big sect as the Chongxu Sect.Moreover, this kind of big sect also encourages monks in the sect to plant it, because this extremely precious herbal medicine needs a long medicine age to be able to refine high-grade elixir.

For example, herbs suitable for boundary breaking monks, such as herbs suitable for good fortune monks.Some elixirs require 3000-year-old herbs.Therefore, even with the encouragement of the sect, there are very few monks to plant. It really takes too long. The main direction of the monks is cultivation. Where is the time to plant?
Therefore, apart from planting in the Zongmen Medicine Garden, few monks planted it.Rang Zongmen saved a lot of seeds, which made Ye Weiyang even more complete when he collected the seeds.

Therefore, she has no shortage of herbs.Although those extremely precious herbs are not old enough.However, to refine the elixir of this level in the manufacturing world, it is necessary to have such a long-lasting herbal medicine.

Ye Weiyang thought about whether she should start refining the Jiedan, and then she decided to try it tomorrow, once she could refine the Jiedan, she would gain even more.

This harvest is not only about getting more fairy crystals, in fact, she doesn't need fairy crystals very much now. In the past 100 years, the pills sold through Mao Jiudu have earned Ye Weiyang a lot of fairy crystals.And now Ye Weiyang doesn't need to practice, so there is no place to consume immortal crystals.But if she becomes a master of elixir, she will gain status.Status in Zongmen.

A master of elixir, more or less has some status in the Chongxu sect.Ye Weiyang is very clear that if she wants to win the respect of Chongxu Sect and the inclination of resources in the future, she must show her worth.But in terms of cultivation, she couldn't show her own value because she didn't inherit it.In this way, there are only other ways, and becoming a master of elixir is one way.

(End of this chapter)

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