Chapter 996
Ye Weiyang decided that she would do alchemy every day in the future, and after that, she would continue to comprehend the cohesion of domains, integrate the divine channel method of Yuanshenshu, and continue to comprehend the small enchantment of Tiankeng runes in Luoshu space, and she I am still comprehending the original version, but I have not yet comprehended the improved version.

This small barrier of runes is too obscure.

In the end, she still needs to comprehend the practice of internal illumination.

The Nei Zhao Sutra is also very obscure and difficult to understand. Although it has given her a lot of enlightenment in the past hundred years, she still feels that she has not gotten started, and she has only comprehended some superficial aspects.


Ye Weiyang is going to start integrating more than 7000 divine channel methods in the Yuanshen Book.She is going to divide into six types of fusion first.

Yin Yang, metal, wood, water, fire, earth five elements.

Because she followed the path of Yin Yang and Five Elements.

She first started to integrate the golden magical powers of the five elements. She wanted to integrate the golden Taoist magical powers from the more than 7000 divine channel methods into one magical power, and tried to integrate the magical powers she had previously comprehended.For example, the metal supernatural power star breaker she founded back then.

With Ye Weiyang's current state, the integration is very fast, and the time passes day by day.

Mao Jiudu still did not appear, six days since No.20 after Mao Jiudu retreated.Ye Weiyang, who was practicing, suddenly exuded a trace of fairy charm, which made Ye Weiyang look ethereal and mysterious.

This breath lasted for about a quarter of an hour before it subsided, Ye Weiyang opened his eyes.Her eyes were full of surprise.

Just now, she finally comprehended the small enchantment of the original Tiankeng runes, and it took nearly a hundred years to fully comprehend it.At the moment of complete comprehension.Her rune has changed.Those runes that had been growing continuously, grew by leaps and bounds the moment Ye Weiyang realized it.
At this time, looking at Ye Weiyang's natal talisman tower, those runes became more mysterious and profound, no longer ordinary talismans, but immortal talismans.The talisman tower looked full of fairy charm.

And at this moment, Ye Weiyang had a deep understanding of the fairy talisman, and at this moment, Ye Weiyang became a real fairy talisman master.

Ye Weiyang raised a finger, and immortal energy emerged from the fingertips, and then she drew in the air. At her level, drawing symbols in the void is very simple.But when she was about to finish drawing a fairy talisman, she stopped suddenly, turned her head to look at her cave, and finally dispersed the fairy talisman, got up and walked out, then sketched a fairy talisman in the void and sacrificed it. It was a fire dragon, lifelike, and it destroyed her current cave.

A powerful consciousness swept over Ye Weiyang, Ye Weiyang already had experience with it, the last time he collapsed the cave, he had to sweep over with a tyrannical consciousness, and then that tyrannical consciousness swept over Ye Weiyang, paused, Finally left.

Ye Weiyang let out a sigh of relief, and walked towards a nearby cave, and she changed caves again.

After entering the cave and sitting cross-legged, Ye Weiyang entered the Luoshu space, and entered the improved version of the Tiankeng small enchantment.Ye Weiyang felt that the improved version of the small enchantment was more profound and mysterious, but it was much easier for her to comprehend than the original version before.This is because she has comprehended the original version and has a solid foundation.

Ye Weiyang had no choice but to withdraw from the Luoshu space until her spiritual consciousness was exhausted, and then began to take Yangshen Pill.For the past hundred years, Ye Weiyang has exhausted her spiritual consciousness every day, and then practiced to recover.Under such circumstances, she found that the realm of her primordial spirit had improved faster than usual. Now her realm of primordial spirit had reached the peak of the fifth level of world creation, and she was about to break through to the sixth level of world creation.

In fact, Ye Weiyang has already reached the realm of creation no matter the basic conditions of body, primordial spirit, or immortal power.She is just about to open her heart and break through the world.

After recovering her consciousness, Ye Weiyang began to practice the Nei Zhao Sutra.


Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat, she found that she had comprehended the original small enchantment, the talisman pagoda had turned into a fairy pagoda, and after she became a fairy talisman master, her understanding of the inner illumination sutra became much clearer.In just over an hour, she really got started.

Opened his eyes, raised his hand to lean on his chin, Ye Weiyang's eyes sparkled with wisdom.In the end, she decided not to build the Purple Mansion for now.


She originally used the Talisman Tower as the purple mansion, but later cultivated the Yuanshen, and the Yuanshen regarded the Talisman Tower as a weapon, a weapon of the Yuanshen.

The Purple Mansion accommodates the Yuanshen, that is to say, the Yuanshen is going to live in the Zifu.Whose Yuanshen holds Zifu in his hands all day long?

Therefore, this Talisman Tower is no longer the Purple Mansion, it has become a real Yuanshen weapon, Ye Weiyang needs to build a Purple Mansion for himself in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

But after thinking about it, Ye Weiyang decided not to build the Purple Mansion for the time being. Ever since she got started with Nei Zhao Jing, she had a feeling in her heart that building the Purple Mansion now is a wrong path.

But where is the right path?

She didn't know, so she decided to continue practicing the Nei Zhao Jing, hoping that with the improvement of the Nei Zhao Sutra, she could know the answer.

Ye Weiyang rested for a while, and started alchemy.

Refining Jiejie Dan, and then failed.She is not in a hurry, anyway, she has countless herbs.


After failing three times in a row, she ended today's alchemy, and then continued to comprehend domain cohesion.

Mao Jiudu, who had retreated for a month, finally came out of the closed door. He came to look for Ye Weiyang vigorously, and then found that Ye Weiyang's cave had collapsed again, but this time he was not anxious, but calmly shouted:

Ye Weiyang came out from the nearby cave, Mao Jiudu said helplessly, "You blew up the cave again?"

"Yeah!" Ye Weiyang nodded with a smile: "After becoming a fairy talisman master, I couldn't help but experiment."

"Have you become a fairy talisman master?"

"Well, anyway, there is no inheritance of world creation now, so I have a lot of time, so I will learn alchemy and talisman making."

"That's right!" Mao Jiudu felt the same way: "It's too hard to live without the inheritance of the world. We are better, after all, we have entered the inner sect, and the inner sect has the secret cultivation realm to cultivate the body, condense the power of immortality, and purify the spiritual consciousness , this can be regarded as preparation for breaking through the world in the future, and it is a necessary preparation..."

At this point, he suddenly couldn't continue.He suddenly remembered that although Ye Weiyang was still at the outer door, her main body, celestial power and spiritual consciousness had reached the realm of creation, stronger than them.But at this time, Ye Weiyang asked:
"Brother Mao, have you broken through the creation realm now?"


"Is the immortal power supposed to be reached?"


"Then the strength of spiritual consciousness must have reached it?"

"also not……"

Mao Jiudu suddenly wanted to cover his face, and he didn't recover until the two of them discussed the field again to condense his depressed mood.He can finally suppress Ye Weiyang again.When Ye Weiyang's domain condensed collided with him, it was shattered by his palm.The two fought each other for more than an hour, Mao Jiudu's face was pale, but he was elated: "Weiyang, let's continue tomorrow."

"it is good!"

Ye Weiyang looked at Mao Jiudu who had consumed a lot of immortal energy, and felt very happy in her heart.She felt that she understood faster after getting started with Domain Condensation.With Mao Jiudu's sparring experience, she is sure that within five years, she will condense her field to the level of Xiaocheng.

Five years is really fast.

In fact, Ye Weiyang has condensed and cultivated the domain to the realm of Xiaocheng in four and a half years.In addition to this achievement, she finally succeeded in refining the World-Creating Pill and became an elixir master.Mao Jiudu was happier than Ye Weiyang, because after Ye Weiyang became a master of elixir, he sold the elixir at a higher price, and the commission was also higher.

His cultivation environment has become less embarrassing these years, all because of the elixir that Ye Weiyang asked him to sell.

280 years have passed since Ye Weiyang joined Chongxu Sect.

Ye Weiyang finally passed the punishment period and can become an inner disciple.

It's just that she was punished for 280 of her 180 years.Therefore, she still needs 900 years to get the inheritance of world creation.

Moreover, she needs to stay in the inner sect for 100 years before she has the right to choose to be a teacher.In the next 900 years, she still needs to complete a task every ten years.

But this time was not wasted, and she also achieved satisfactory results.

First of all, she became a master of fairy talismans. After comprehending the improved version of the Tiankeng talisman enchantment, her understanding of celestial talismans was more profound and extensive, and she also had a detailed inheritance of celestial talismans in the library of the outer sect. Ye Weiyang and the others who ascended do not keep it secret, they can read it at will.

Her talisman became thicker and more mysterious.

Moreover, these improvements also have a strong auxiliary effect on the Nei Zhao Sutra, Ye Weiyang finally comprehended the Nei Luu Sutra to the Dacheng state.And there is a strange feeling, it seems that there is a faint idea that there is no need to rebuild the Zifu.

Therefore, she decided not to establish the Zifu first, but to continue to comprehend the Neizhao Sutra, and comprehend the Neizhao Sutra to a perfect state, and then decide on the future path.Anyway, I have plenty of time.

Moreover, she was not prepared to reveal her identity as a master of fairy talismans, because of the relationship between the talisman tower, she wanted to show that she didn't understand talismans on the bright side.However, she unabashedly reveals that she is a master of elixir.


She is now an elixir master!
18 years ago, she finally succeeded in refining the world-making pill.It took nearly a hundred years and a lot of resources to become a master of elixir.For a monk who has no master, and in the eyes of others, no source of resources, there is only one reason to become an elixir master, Ye Weiyang is a genius in alchemy.

Because no one knows that Ye Weiyang has been refining and making Jiedan, and has been failing. No one would have thought that Ye Weiyang has a rune tower, and the rune tower is full of herbs. They all thought that Ye Weiyang only failed dozens of times before succeeding. Refining the world-making pill, stepped into the realm of the elixir master.

Such a genius in alchemy would naturally attract the attention of Chongxuzong, and even attracted the attention of some peak masters.

Ye Weiyang's domain cohesion has also reached a perfect state, and of course Mao Jiudu reached the perfect state decades earlier than her.Ye Weiyang has already created a kind of cultivation method that belongs to her own domain.She plans to find some time to go back to No.30 Liudeng Immortal City and teach it to Fang Zigu and the others.

The remaining more than 7000 divine channel methods in the Yuanshen Book have all been integrated.

Now her soul book is very thin.

The first page of the Yuanshen Book is the Yin-Yang Zhou Tianjue.In the future, she will integrate her comprehension and other exercises she has seen into the Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue. With the extensive spirit of the Yin-Yang Zhou Tian Jue, she is looking forward to whether she will bring her soul to the top grade .She has now been able to confirm that this Yuanshen book is indeed the Yuanshen center, which is equivalent to the soul of the Yuanshen.The improvement of the soul can indeed improve the grade of the primordial spirit.

It's just that the process of ascension is too difficult. Ye Weiyang has integrated more than 3000 exercises and more than 7000 supernatural powers, which only slightly improves the primordial spirit, which is very far away from the top-grade primordial spirit.Of course, this is also because those exercises come from the lower realm, and they are not top-notch exercises in the lower realm.Therefore, Ye Weiyang is looking forward to the inner sect now, although she cannot read the world-making skills and supernatural powers in the library of the inner sect.However, under the creation of the world, those cultivation techniques and supernatural powers that fit the Dao can still be seen.If these exercises and supernatural powers can become the nourishment of one's own soul, and finally promote one's soul to the top grade, this will be a great opportunity for oneself.

On the second page of the Yuanshen book, there are various supernatural powers at the beginning.This page is Ye Weiyang's defensive supernatural power, which was formed by combining the defensive supernatural power in the original Yuanshen book, her own Liuhe curtain, and the Yin-Yang domain.She named her Yin Yang Mu.

Yin Yang Mu's defense is much stronger than the Liuhe Curtain, especially with the fusion of domains condensed in it, the current defense strength has exceeded the Liuhe Curtain by a hundred times.Ye Weiyang felt that as long as he released Yin Yang Mu, even if he stood still and let the well-rounded monks attack, it would be impossible to break through his defense.Yin-Yang Mu is not only rigid and strong in defense, but the most important thing is that Yin-Yang Mu contains the mystery of Yin-Yang, which can relieve the enemy's attack, so that [-]% of the power and at most [-]% of the enemy's attack will be effective, and [-]% of the power will be removed.

On the third page, the imprint is the division of yin and yang.On the fourth page, the imprint is Yin-Yang Reversal, and on the fifth page, Yin-Yang Intertwining is imprinted.The brand on the sixth page is the condensation of yin and yang.On the seventh page, the five-element space is imprinted.The seven-star sword is branded on the eighth page, but every sword in the seven-star sword is a five-element sword.From the eighth page to the No.12 page, there are five attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, each with a sword, which is more than ten times stronger than the single-attribute attack created by Ye Weiyang before, but the name was taken by Ye Weiyang.They are called Golden Sword, Wooden Sword, Water Sword, Fire Sword and Earth Sword respectively.

There are only 1 pages of Yuanshen Book with more than [-] pages.

During the 180-year punishment period, Ye Weiyang's cultivation level did not break through, and even her main body and celestial power did not improve at all, but her combat power had a terrifying increase.

Ye Weiyang walked out of the cave, her demeanor became more and more ordinary, only her bookish air became more and more intense.She is not like a monk, but like a pedant.

(End of this chapter)

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