Beginning to win the big elder

The power of the great formation

The power of the great formation
"Did you die?" Chen Xinghe stepped back quickly, using the dragon's veins to recover his mana.

"Heck, little guy, you figured it out!" The strange voice echoed nearby, and a blood-stained woman was seen walking towards Chen Xinghe with a blood baby in her arms.

"As expected, real demons are not so easy to kill." Chen Xinghe raised his vigilance, squinted his eyes and asked, "Which one is you? Is it this blood girl or this blood baby?"

"Hahaha, very smart, you seem to have seen some clues." The bloody girl sent the baby to her lower abdomen.

I saw the lower abdomen split open, sucking the baby in instantly, the bloody girl turned into a pregnant woman with a bulging abdomen, bloodthirsty desire flashed in her eyes.

This scene is full of weirdness and mystery. I don’t know which one is the real devil, the blood girl or the blood baby. Speaking of cultivating myself to this form, it has surpassed the monk’s cognition of "devil". Maybe this kind of mother-child demon is closer to the origin of the devil ?
Even though Chen Xinghe was well-informed, he still couldn't see the details of the true devil. At this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared.

Hearing a loud "bang", the blood girl's abdomen was pierced, and her color changed due to the sheer power.

Chen Xinghe reached out to catch Jin Shuo.

This treasure is the ultimate magic weapon, even if it cannot be sacrificed to become a life-killing weapon, you can negotiate terms with it in exchange for several sure-killing blows.

The Golden Shuttle Spirit had to compromise, because the other party's right hand had indescribable corrosive power, especially for metal magic weapons like him.

The two sides have reached an agreement, Jin Suo will help Chen Xinghe kill the three enemies, and then he can leave.

At present, Gui Zangjian is using that precious ore to upgrade, and when it is upgraded, it will be about the same level as this golden shuttle, or even a little higher.

In order to survive this period of emptiness, Chen Xinghe gave Jinsuo the greatest freedom, allowing him to serve his life willingly, and after that, he was free to travel freely.

Do you know that this is the ultimate magic weapon?How can you be so casual?
Chen Xinghe didn't think so, because the existence that he could call an enemy was not simple.

Take the real demon in front of him as an example. Jin Shuo hit the body of the body, and the huge force pierced through it. He was obviously dead and couldn't die anymore.

When Jin Shuo flew back, his strength was stronger than before, and he pierced through the blood girl's abdomen accurately.Ordinarily, one corpse should kill two, but the result did not follow Chen Xinghe's wishes.

The blood flowed around the blood girl, and it returned to its original state in an instant, and there was no other change except that her complexion turned paler.

The golden shuttle buzzed, telling how difficult the enemy was. The blow just now didn't hit the blood baby entity, it only injured it, not seriously injured it.

Chen Xinghe stepped back into the triple restriction, the blood girl looked up at the sky, and suddenly understood: "It turns out that you have obtained the Xingjun Taoism."

What kind of experience is this?Glancing at the body array teleportation, I immediately knew that the core was difficult to locate.

There is a faint concentration of star power around him, based on which it can be judged that Chen Xinghe has acquired the star-lord lineage.

"Hahaha, your skull is very valuable, it can help me lock the heavens." The real demon obviously knows more than Chen Xinghe, Chen Xinghe heard this and immediately recalled that when he was absorbing star power in the void to practice, there was a The big man came to the door with Xingjun's skull in his hand.

He is still a little short of the official Xingjun, but the enemy has got his skull, and according to the current achievements in Xingjun's commanding god table, he can indeed use some methods.

"Boom..." The blood girl broke through the restraint and went straight forward.

In the blink of an eye, the two layers of restrictions were broken, and the third layer of restrictions was a little more difficult, but it didn't take ten breaths to see the situation.

At this time, Chen Xinghe had already recovered [-]% of his magic power with the help of the dragon veins, and he had more or less confidence in his heart. He took out the Mahayana magic bone and was about to fight head-to-head when Xingli suddenly detected a change.

The stone forest floating at the core of the formation vibrated extremely quickly, and an unknown number of sigils suddenly lit up, and then a layer of golden light brushed towards him and the blood girl.

"Dangerous." Chen Xinghe released a conch shell to protect himself while making a judgment.

This conch came from Master Jianxu. During this period of time, the sacrificial training has been preliminarily completed, and it has been approved by the superficial level of Qi Ling, and has become a body protection.

Sacrificing the magic weapon is not easy, it needs continuous devotion. Fortunately, Chen Xinghe can get twice the result with half the effort under the blessing of the dragon veins, and has achieved some success.

As for the golden shuttle, it was not within the scope of Chen Xinghe's sacrificial training due to its high consumption.

Qian Zhuang got five magic weapons from the corpse, and got two from the treasure chest left by Master Jianxu. In addition, the Ashes net got through the robbery and became treasures by chance.

In this way, there are already eight pieces, and the magic pot does not need to be counted. The problem facing Chen Xinghe is how to choose.

You must know that the monks in the early stage of Yuanying carry a middle-grade magic weapon, and it is not bad to exert its full power. The Guizang Sword is already a top-grade, and it is expected to be further improved, so this sword alone is already capped.

Chen Xinghe is a Taoist monk, much better than ordinary monks.

However, apart from carrying the Guizang Sword, in addition to refining the Great Net of Ashes, the sacrifice of a middle-grade magic weapon has also reached its limit, which is already super-excellent!

It was this conch that he chose.

This snail is called Bihai Shengyan snail, it can only be used for defense, it has no ability to attack.

Concentration is good, the attack has Guizang Sword, and there is no need for other magic weapons to preside over the attack.

In times of crisis, smoke rises from the blue sea.

Chen Xinghe seemed to be standing in the middle of the boundless ocean, the sense of distance around him was getting stronger and stronger, and the golden light emitted by the stone forest talisman was gradually weakening.

It's just that this kind of golden light is too unparalleled, even with a middle-grade magic weapon to protect it, it still approaches within three breaths, which shows how powerful it is.

"Ding!" At the critical moment, the Mahayana dharma bone showed its power, blocking the golden light three feet in front of him.

Without the blessing of such gods, in the face of this sudden blow, he would be skinned even if he did not die.

The blood girl is already dying.

The golden light's restraint effect on the devil was even stronger. First, she didn't have a magic weapon to protect her body, and second, she didn't have a Mahayana magic bone to shield the damage. She bit the bullet and endured the blow, forming golden flames around her body.

Every time the flame jumped, it could burn the demon soul, causing her unbearable pain.

This kind of formation is definitely not something that monks in the transformation stage can arrange, so the owner of the Yuanjiang Treasure Ship must at least have to be in the stage of integration.

If you think you're done for a while, you're wrong.

The arrival of the golden light was only for diversion, and the real killer came on the stage. The two were divided into eight wooden figures, four for each, surrounded in the center.

"Yasha? Yasha of Transformation Stage?" Chen Xinghe was terrified. He was just a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, okay? As for making such a terrifying lineup?

The four wooden figurines made their moves together, and within a moment the blue sea was filled with smoke, and Baoluo made a whining sound as a warning.

Chen Xinghe had already opened the body formation, and wanted to teleport it out, but unexpectedly, the golden light shook slightly, canceling the teleportation ability.

"Not good!" At the same time as I was shocked, the four yakshas of the transformation stage had pierced into the defense range of the Mahayana bones, and I could only feel the power surge.

"Pfft..." Chen Xinghe was so shocked that he vomited blood immediately, but luckily the Mahayana Dharma Bone blessed him and gave him a little chance to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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