Chapter 999
Chen Xinghe was careful, for fear of revealing a trace of aura that would be felt by the real devil.

Fortunately, the real devil was more concerned about the magic pot, and went directly to the magic pot, which also foreshadowed that it would compete with the ultimate power of the cave here.

The most important word right now is to wait.

You have to wait until the moment when the restriction and the formation are fully activated, and then decide whether to stay behind or run away immediately depending on the situation.

How to choose is very important. After a wave of consumption, the real devil's strength must be at a low point, so this time may be the best time to make a move, and it should not be missed.

But if the real devil doesn't consume much, then he has to leave as soon as possible. Not only will he not win, but he will put himself in it instead.

Plans can never keep up with changes, and this cave has taught everyone a lesson.

It's been 13 days since the real devil's entry into the pit, and a new day is ushering in, but this morning is very unusual.

First, the ground trembled slightly, and the birds and beasts that lived and worked in peace and contentment in the cave suddenly started up, and fled to the distance in groups.

Immediately afterwards, a stone forest rose from the core of the formation.

Each strip-shaped boulder is engraved with densely packed sigils, which sputtered with dazzling light after being lifted into the air. Before the Nascent Soul cultivators who were breaking the formation could count how many boulders there were, the light instantly magnified, and then magnified again...

In a blink of an eye, light is everywhere.

This kind of light blocks the five senses and consciousness, and you can no longer see or feel anything except the bright light.

Because the change came so suddenly, the monks present were caught off guard.

Those cultivators who were wary and fearful of this place had been wandering outside, and when they saw birds and beasts rushing in, they immediately used escape methods to escape.

They were not affected, but when they looked back, it was a vast expanse of whiteness. With lingering fears in their hearts, they couldn't help but rejoice, and secretly said: "It's important for people to know how capable they are, and how many bowls of dry rice they can eat. Those guys who went to crack the core formation still alive?"

At this moment, Chen Xinghe closed his eyes tightly, and his five senses and spiritual consciousness were also blocked. Fortunately, the star power is still running, and he is more accurate about the surrounding situation than before.

This kind of light has the ability to block perception, and he found that the position of the formation is changing, and those Nascent Soul cultivators who do not know where the real devil found are being pushed by the large formation, getting closer and closer.

At the same time, hundreds of wooden figures appeared, and each wooden figure sealed a yaksha in its body, and they also approached the intruder under the push of a large formation.

What made Chen Xinghe extremely depressed was that the two wooden figures nearby also began to move their positions, and their direction of movement happened to be aimed at him.

It means that the big formation has detected him, and he will be dealt with together.

Before the wooden man came over, those monks started killing each other, because they couldn't feel each other, and they didn't know what kind of tricks the stone forest formation had done, making these monks mistake each other for enemies.

Chen Xinghe felt that if he didn't have star power to monitor his surroundings, he would fight with all his strength if he was deceived and seduced.

For ordinary monks, it is very difficult to break through this obsession. You must know that those wooden men are real enemies. How to choose between the real and the fake?It is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

The key now is how to take advantage of such changes?Chen Xinghe didn't find out where the real devil was, this situation made him a little strange.

"Isn't it true demon breaking formation? Just these monks?"

Soon, he rejected this idea.Because the other party's purpose is too clear, he is going towards the magic pot, it's no wonder he's not a real devil!

Chen Xinghe decided to observe carefully while the light blocked his perception, and if he couldn't find the real demon as soon as possible, then he would leave as soon as possible.

Even if the cultivation base of this kind of devil is greatly reduced, he must be extremely careful, as long as he is not aware of it, he may fall into a situation of eternal doom.

The wooden man was approaching, and under the cover of the light, there was no sign of his approaching.

Chen Xinghe suddenly turned his head to avoid the attack, a faint black air brushed his face and retreated, only this first blow was not easy to defend against, if he didn't have a treasure to protect him, he might be killed immediately, even Nascent Soul couldn't escape, would He was instantly swept away by the black air.

Yasha's blow failed, and he stopped on the spot and did not move, but black fire flashed in his eyes, it seemed that he did not give up the attack, but was preparing a killer move.

At this moment, those Nascent Soul cultivators had suffered casualties, but even the screams were blocked by the light and could not be transmitted.

Chen Xinghe had a premonition that the situation here was rapidly escalating, and it would be even more dangerous after a while.

Suddenly, a bloody ripple spread, and Xingli sensitively captured the movement, which was demonic energy.

"The real devil made a move?"

"Eh? It's just a demonic monk?"

"No, this kind of killing has the shadow of that real demon."

Chen Xinghe concentrated all his energy on describing the details, when the two wooden figures in front of him suddenly started to attack.

Yasha was a little surprised. The monk just turned his body slightly to avoid the attack. Could it be that the two of them have been in dust for so long that they have become useless?

How unreasonable!The two yakshas were furious, and just about to go all out, they heard two "bang bang" sounds in front of them, and then they changed directions, and were pushed towards another monk by the boy.

Chen Xinghe made a decision in the blink of an eye and launched an attack!

After Xingli locks on this demonic cultivator, he always has a feeling of being unclear and unclear.

So the heartstrings were drawn, and the determination to kill was constantly strengthened, and the book of life and death immediately became blurred.

Where can ordinary magic monks cause changes in the Book of Life and Death?None of the monks present had this qualification.

With Chen Xinghe's current level of cultivation, only true demons have such abilities, so judging from this, this demon monk is a true demon.

The majestic true devil also learned to disguise as an ordinary monk?

If it were someone else, they might not be able to associate with Duoshe, but Chen Xinghe is too familiar with Duoshe, and this kind of experience is terrifyingly rich!
Almost in an instant, he judged that the real demon had seized the house.

With such an existence, how could he easily give up his true body?So the answer was ready to come out, and the real devil had to take the house and rebuild after being hit.

Although the true demon is still powerful and the means he can use must be extraordinary, but after a lot of consumption, it is no longer comparable to before.

Chen Xinghe didn't want to leave this karma as a hidden danger. How could he miss the opportunity to deal with this great enemy?
When it's time to make a move, you must make a move, even if you make a mistake, you will have no regrets.

So he teleported to the front with two wooden figures, and sent Yaksha up to test with the first blow.


Bloody ripples bloomed, and Yaksha howled angrily, and began to attack frantically.

Chen Xinghe was horrified, the real demon could actually control some of the surroundings of his body, and the light failed to completely block it.

Without any hesitation, he took out the golden shuttle magic weapon, his right arm turned purple, and released it with a "duh".

This blow was basically the same as that of throwing the pot before, and the golden light suddenly passed through the body of the blood Taoist, making his expression stagnate.

(End of this chapter)

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