Chapter 998
Chen Xinghe is meditating.

The space is limited, if he moves rashly, he will be banned and strangled immediately.

So practice with peace of mind!Don't think about exploring around, that's an unrealistic idea.

This place is full of unforeseen dangers, and the two wooden men standing thirty feet away are not decorations, but celestial yakshas.

Yasha, a very unique existence, is called evil god in some places, and its biggest characteristic is immortality and indestructibility.

This is a danger that can be seen, and Chen Xinghe believes that there are more dangers that cannot be seen.

He has been in seclusion for a month or so, and under the blessing of the dragon vein, it is equivalent to five years of penance for ordinary Nascent Soul monks.

At this speed of cultivation, I believe it only takes two or three years to reach the mid-stage Nascent Soul level.

That is the mid-stage Nascent Soul, and you don't have to worry about running out of strength to control the magic weapon. The basic combat power will step into a new level.

Chen Xinghe suddenly felt a strange movement, opened his eyes and said strangely: "How could there be a shock coming here? Could it be..."

There was no abnormality in the book of life and death at the moment, so he was shocked, and after waiting for a while, he did not find any more abnormalities, so he closed his eyes and continued to practice.

This closure lasted for three days and three nights, and the shock reappeared.

"Eh? Is it really aimed at me? If this true demon retrieves the magic pot, it will be windy and rainy, so no matter what, we can't let him get what he wants." Chen Xinghe took out the magic pot and asked: " How is it? With the support of Mahayana Dharma bones these days, can you succeed?"

"Master, it's still a bit late, and I haven't been able to completely strip away the origin of the magic way of this magic pot."

"Okay, if you eat it until there are no bones and scum left, what should you do if the real devil can't come over? That's it? Apart from the origin of the devil's way, how many bloody marrows have you made?"

"My lord, there is a sea of ​​blood in this magic pot, and after absorbing it, a total of 31 blood marrows have been refined."

"So much?" Chen Xinghe was overjoyed.

To be honest, he didn't have much to do with this magic pot suppressed by the Mahayana bones, but there was a fake magic pot in his pocket. Li Gui met Li Kui, and the counterfeit product met the original product. Although the two cannot be compared, they still belong to the same kind of thing.

Counterfeit goods are willing to be the shadow of the real one for the rest of their lives?Give Li Gui a chance to kill Li Kui, will he mercifully let him go?
As a magic treasure, how can there be no selfishness?
So these days, Magic Pot has tried its best to target this original product.

That's really eating his flesh, drinking his blood, using all the methods he can think of, wishing he could drain the opponent's source of magic.

Chen Xinghe felt that it was okay to achieve this level, and if it was squeezed further, the real demon would not be able to recognize his own demon refining treasure, how embarrassing would that be?
He took out the magic pot, pasted a bunch of talismans to suppress it, and then stretched out his right hand to hold 31 bloody marrow.

Gradually, his right arm turned reddish purple, and he shouted loudly: "Go."

Hearing a light "嗤", the magic pot turned into light blue smoke and transmitted into more than a dozen layers of prohibition and large formations. After arriving at the star power survey point, it swished and swished, and then the speed became faster and faster. Slowly, slowly falling down.

After Chen Xinghe sent away the magic pot, his complexion was pale and his whole body was limp, so he quickly extracted dragon energy to restore his cultivation.

The blow just now not only borrowed the power of 31 bloody marrows to break through the sky, but also consumed all the mana in his body. Walk the magic pot, so this throw is more tiring than fighting a big battle.

He has done everything he should do, and used the Mahayana bone to suppress the magic curse in his body. If the real demon can still find him, he will fight to the death!

At this moment, the blood Taoist found that the coordinates had suddenly shifted, and he felt disgusted.

The little ghost didn't know how to escape into the big formation and the place surrounded by the restriction without restriction. He thought that this trip could be easily captured, but he didn't expect that four days and four nights had passed, and he stopped outside the big formation of Tiangang Shensha and could not advance an inch .

The progress is so slow because the current body is too ordinary.

The mirror of Jintianzong was really powerful, causing its body to be wiped out in the mirror light.

However, for the true demons of the transformation stage, this kind of blow is not completely fatal. As long as the magic pot is retrieved and restored, they will be able to recover in ten years, and after experiencing this catastrophe, they will be able to reach a higher level and achieve the goals of other true demons. A great achievement that is difficult to achieve, becoming a demon within a demon.

"Come here, you need to help me break this formation." The blood Taoist has been rushing forward alone, talking to the Nascent Soul cultivator behind him for the first time in five days.

These days are undoubtedly a happy time for the Nascent Soul monks. Many spiritual lands have been exposed, and spiritual flowers and grasses that are thousands of years old can be found everywhere.

There are also some special treasures of heaven, material and earth, so naturally some competition is inevitable.

No matter how fiercely these Nascent Souls killed each other, no one stepped forward to disturb the blood Taoist, but they did not stay away.

The prohibition and the big formation are so dense, anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this blood Taoist is a little bit unsustainable, and he is trying so hard to break through the big formation, there must be something in it that attracts the blood Taoist.

More than a dozen Nascent Souls with profound cultivation bases were waiting for the blood Taoist to say something, everyone should work together to obtain the treasure, and mutual help can naturally share one or two benefits.

How could the true devil fail to see the intentions of these monks?The ready-made labor is behind, and it is time to concentrate the strength of these people to speed up the breakthrough.

In this way, the vibration Chen Xinghe felt became more and more intense, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that the seventh day was close at hand.


"The front is equivalent to a fork in the road. Whether you are running towards the magic pot or towards me, the next two hours will tell."

A little nervous, Chen Xinghe raised his heart to his throat.

Naturally, he didn't want to collide with the real demons. This kind of enemy was too much beyond the limit of how to deal with it. It was much more beneficial to lead to the core formation to consume a wave than to confront it head-on immediately.

Fortunately, the real demon turned around and headed towards the magic pot.

A big stone fell to the ground.

Out of caution, Chen Xinghe didn't even release his spiritual consciousness, and his star power didn't fluctuate, and only relied on his voice to identify the general situation.

For five consecutive days after that, the real devil was very angry.

Now he is even more curious about how this human monk escaped the restriction and entered the formation without knowing it, and he has made up his mind to take him down.

As long as you master this magical method, as a true demon on the battlefield, you can sneak into the enemy's lair silently and strangle them with lightning speed. Maybe you can boost your side to victory overnight, and thus become the leader in the world alone. .

Chen Xinghe didn't know that the real demon had died once and was currently in the state of seizing the house. The reason why he came here aggressively was because he really didn't take him seriously.

I don't know if there is a good thing I don't know, that is to fight with the highest standard, so I spent so much effort to throw the magic pot.

Now, the location of the magic pot is extremely convenient, it is just in the center of the center of the cave, close to the treasured object of the owner of the cave in the past.

That is to say, the real devil must completely crack the Yuanjiang Treasure Ship Cave Mansion, so as to get back the magic pot, there is no other way.

(End of this chapter)

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