Chapter 997
"Brother Wang, it's only one and a half months until March [-]rd. Why did you come so early this time?" A rather imposing dragon boat came up the river, and the voice was transmitted to the sky, talking to a yellow cloud.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be Brother Xiao. To be honest, the opening of Yuanjiang Treasure Ship is very important to me. If I can't get the thing I was looking for last time, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive the next time at my age."

"Brother Wang was joking, you are in your prime, and you don't have to worry about not having enough life energy in a few hundred years."

"Brother, why bother with me? In terms of grasping the strategic direction of the sect, who can compare with your Xiao family? Nowadays, many people know that the magic way is making a comeback. Isn't it when we wait for the Nascent Soul to go to the battlefield? So I really can’t wait until the next time.”

"Ah!" A sigh came from the boat, without further words.

On the contrary, the one in Yunzhong said with great emotion: "The mountain rain is about to come and the wind is all over the building. Although there is only a light breeze now, the dark clouds are already overwhelming the city in the distance. The signs and trends are not good!"

"What Brother Wang said is really..." Another Yuanying cultivator arrived. Seeing the situation, he had a good relationship with Yunzhong. He rode a crane and approached Yunduo and said, "This exploration of the Yuanjiang treasure ship must be very lively. I heard that there are many retreats. The old people have come out, compared with me and other mature monks, they are the first batch of people to step into the battlefield."

"Brother Ma is here too! This exploration of the Yuanjiang Treasure Ship is indeed very different. Maybe it will take all the treasures in it, and it may even break through to areas that have never been broken through before."

"Wait a minute! If you meet a close friend, you can go together."

In this way, in the next half month, a large number of Nascent Soul stage monks gathered on the river.

You must know that in the Yuanying stage, it is not easy to maintain a decent cultivation career, and a lot of precious treasures are needed for support.

Waiting for the idle Nascent Soul stage monks are not as aggressive as the trialists, even if they make a move, they have to weigh it, especially those marginal professionals.

What is a marginal occupation?

For example, managing the Lingzhi Garden, picking flowers and planting grass, making talisman paper, refining special spiritual weapons, cutting female nuns' clothes, and even the master of the restaurant.

These people are talented enough, and their fortunes may be good, but they are not good at fighting.

Hearing the rumors recently, he guessed that he might go to the battlefield. It just so happened that this year, when the Yuanjiang treasure ship was launched, how could he miss such a grand event?
It is said that there must be a reason for the rumours, and the situation must be not optimistic, so that such rumors spread.If it wasn't true, Jin Tianzong would have refuted the rumors long ago and would not allow the rumors to spread.

It's not even March [-]!Hundreds of Nascent Soul cultivators have already appeared, so it can be seen that the competition for entering the ship for treasure hunting must be fierce.

Many Nascent Soul cultivators are thinking, what if they have the chance to obtain the relics of the predecessors?

Besides, those old people will definitely find a way to go to the deeper part of the treasure ship. After they break through the battle, can I sneak in with them to try my luck?

Youdao is the Prophet of Spring River Plumbing Duck. While those Jindan monks were still singing and dancing, living happily, these Nascent Soul monks had already taken action and started to collect various useful resources like scraping the ground.

When the news reaches the Jindan level, the war will not be far away. This is the difference between middle-level monks and bottom-level monks.

The Qingtian Sect has fallen into the quagmire of war. Chen Xinghe has gone through fire and water many times on the battlefield. It goes without saying, but how do these Nascent Soul cultivators know?The biggest variable of this Yuanjiang treasure ship trip is approaching.

Ten days before the opening of the treasure ship, there was only a loud "bang" in the early morning, and someone launched an attack on the river.

"Ah! Who is that? A cultivator in the transformation stage?"

"I don't know, it shouldn't be in the stage of transforming gods. After all, monks in the stage of transforming gods can't get close to the treasure ship."

"What is he going to do?"

"It seems that this fellow Taoist wants to board the ship first. Some people have done this before, but how tyrannical is the Yuanjiang treasure ship? It's hard to even get a glimpse of it in advance, let alone approaching it."

While these Nascent Soul monks were discussing, someone exclaimed: "Baoguang, purple Baoguang, that is the unique glow of the Yuanjiang treasure ship."

"What? Did this man really cut a way to board the ship? It's incredible."

"Who is that?"

"Wait, I seem to have some impressions. I remember that this person claims to be a Daoist of Blood. He is an evil Yuanying who was promoted many years ago by absorbing the Qi of Yuanyin from a Jindan female cultivator. It is disgusting."

"Oh? A mere rascal wants to get his hands on the treasure ship?"

"This blood Taoist must have obtained some kind of opportunity, otherwise he wouldn't have become so powerful."

"Be careful, this person's skill is extraordinary, he is not a rule-abiding person, evil spirits and heretics are always feared..."

These Nascent Soul cultivators quickly reached an agreement through sound transmission and flew towards the river.

What puzzled them was how the river was split in half by such means, and the man was already approaching the treasure ship.

At this moment, there was a violent roar from the bottom of the river, and then the river water spread out, creating a huge momentum, forming a huge pothole that reached the bottom of the river.

Some Nascent Soul cultivators reacted first, and flew towards the center of the flashing precious light.

The previous monk surnamed Wang who lived high in the clouds hurriedly summoned his friends and gathered ten monks to approach the Yuanjiang treasure ship. He said that this exploration was really different from the past.

The Yuanjiang Treasure Boat is the entrance to the underwater cave. For many years, people have gone down to the bottom of the cave to search, but the coordinates could not be determined after many years of searching, so the matter was left alone, and the Yuanjiang Treasure Boat was still used as a springboard to enter the cave.

Who would have thought that a Daoist of Blood would come today, breaking through the defense formation of the Yuanjiang Treasure Ship with a gesture of his hand, giving everyone a chance to board in advance.

"Hurry up and board the ship!"

Many Nascent Soul cultivators have already realized that the exploration of entering the cave this time may greatly exceed expectations, because someone is taking the lead with a mighty force.

Yuanjiang Treasure Ship does not look big, but every detail is beautifully carved on the ship.

Everyone couldn't believe it, so they boarded the ship?

Previous explorations have not been done in advance.

"Let's go, that blood Taoist ran to the front and broke the formation."

Everyone rushed forward, and with such fierce people standing in front, the exploration is expected to double the harvest.

Hundreds of Nascent Soul cultivators poured in together, so many people, but it didn't seem crowded at all. At the beginning, it was like a maze. Everyone was prepared, and just after taking out the compass to locate, they heard a loud rumble ahead.

After a while, the ever-changing labyrinth came to an abrupt stop, and it actually stayed in place.

"Broken? Completely broken?"

"It's so good, hurry up and follow immediately."

Only the monk surnamed Wang remained calm, and whispered: "Be careful, I have a supernatural ability to distinguish breaths, and I always feel that this blood Taoist has two ends. If I guess correctly, this blood Taoist will be taken away by someone."

"Duoshe?" The people around immediately became vigilant and stopped rushing forward in a flash of enthusiasm.

(End of this chapter)

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