Chapter 996
How can a true devil fall so easily?

This has been sealed for hundreds of years, and this demon immediately became alive and well as soon as it escaped from the seal, and after ingesting a little blood, it forcibly came back, it was simply invincible!
Chen Xinghe originally wanted to break free from the restraint, but there was a change in the life and death book, and he immediately knew that the crisis was approaching.

Since the real devil is approaching, it is very likely to feel the magic pot in the treasure chest, so it is better to pretend to be dead and wait for the change.

The cultivator at the Transformation Stage grabbed Chen Xinghe and blasted at the real demon, and said in his heart, "No matter how weird you are, you will surely die after this collision. The young emperor of Qingtianzong came to me to visit Tianzong to play wild, and this is the end."

"Boom..." The real demon didn't hold back, and stretched out its sharp claws to stab Chen Xinghe, the roar almost pierced the eardrum.

At the critical moment, a blue light appeared on Chen Xinghe's body, which skillfully supported him to slide out, dispelling the attack invisible.

The real demon and the cultivator at the stage of transforming gods were taken aback for a moment, and then attacked each other at the same time.

Chen Xinghe couldn't believe that the two figures merged and separated immediately.

As soon as the light of the blade disappeared, the cultivator in the stage of transforming gods was split into two, and his body was broken along the center of his eyebrows. Nascent Soul and Xinshen could not escape.

"What kind of method is this? Why is it so terrible?"

Chen Xinghe was so frightened that all his souls trembled, he ran away!

Being able to kill a cultivator at the stage of transformation in one blow, such methods are appalling!
This blow once again refreshed his cognition of true demons.

Fortunately, the other party didn't take him seriously. If the collision happened just now, his life would have been lost.

"Want to leave?" Zhenmo sneered, raised his finger and waved lightly.

A sense of great crisis arose in Chen Xinghe's heart, he took out the Mahayana bones on the way of dodging and moving, and immediately formed a three-foot-thick suppression barrier.

Any power that touches this barrier will be suppressed.

Even so, he is not a cultivator at the stage of transformation after all, and cannot exert the true power of the Mahayana Dharma bone.The red light flashed across, if it wasn't for the blue light rushing out of his body to resist desperately, this blow would have caused serious injuries even if he didn't die.

"Bang bang bang..." The small blue bowl in his arms disappeared.

You must know that this small talisman bowl was used by the people of the bank to cover up the corpses of the two important figures. It can suppress several magic weapons at the same time, which shows how extraordinary its quality is.

However, it is such a small bowl that cannot withstand the blow from the real devil.

Chen Xinghe has never seen such a tyrannical existence. He has been sealed for many years, but he recovered in such a short period of time. You must know that this is in Chihuangtian, and in those places filled with devilish energy, he might even be able to see through the air. kill.

The potential between life and death is the most stimulating. Chen Xinghe suddenly broke through the speed limit and spent most of his mind to forcefully gather star power. Although the sense of space is still hazy, he didn't care about so much. He forcibly opened the body formation and teleported out. .

"It's that magic bone, the magic pot?" The real demon immediately locked on to the treasure of refining magic that he cared most about, and wanted to chase after him, but unexpectedly, a huge beam of light shot down from the mountain above his head.

"Boom boom boom boom boom..." This moment is a good explanation of what is meant by overwhelming mountains and seas.

It's the Jingtian mirror showing its power.

Before, the three monks held the tokens to attract Jingguang, but they failed to kill the target. When Jin Tianjing came back to his senses, he immediately found something wrong. How could the monster be so powerful?How could he easily hold the Zhenzong's treasure and kill him?

Is this worth it?Must increase strength to kill.

The real devil snorted coldly, blood glowed under his feet, and he had already locked in on the whereabouts of the little devil just now.

But the mirror light suddenly became stronger, making him frown involuntarily.

Faced with an increasingly strong suppressive force, the real demon grabbed it in all directions. Immediately, most of the demons, heretics and monsters in Wanli Mountains and rivers bled, dying and injured. Demons jointly bear this mirror light.

"Damn it..." Two cultivators at the transformation stage chased after him, and one of them lost his arm and shoulder, and was seriously injured.

Jin Tianjing couldn't remember how many years he hadn't encountered such a strong resistance, so he mobilized more forces to suppress it.

Fortunately, the real demon was held back by Jingguang, so Chen Xinghe had time to escape.

If the mirror light came a little later, the real demon could catch up to him in a flash, and the Mahayana bone could indeed suppress the demon, but it would depend on who used it.

Chen Xinghe knew that since he used the Mahayana magic bone, the breath of the magic pot had probably leaked out.

Next, he must find a safe cave to avoid being tracked in the shortest possible time, and now he can only hope that Jin Tianzong will act vigorously and get rid of this terrifying true demon.

As the wind blew up, Chen Xinghe flew wildly all the way, and when he saw people from a distance, he immediately ran over.

It's a big city, but the real devil's methods are too terrifying, and it's hard to guarantee that he won't blend into the crowd and come near, so he can't exchange ingots as he thought before, and go directly to the teleportation array in the city to check the nearby places that he can go to.

As expected of a big city, the teleportation array was built with incomparable style, and the teleportation range almost covered the entire territory of Jintianzong.

Of course, the cost is also high, and you need to pay for a high-grade spiritual weapon.

Chen Xinghe didn't dare to turn back to Qingtianzong's Mianyue City. This real demon is so powerful that he probably has a way to lock his position. Now he can only use the cave of the most powerful ancestor of Jintianzong to escape for a while.

At this moment, he tried his best to attract the star power and searched in a wide area.

I kept praying in my heart, hoping that a certain expert would build the cave in this area.

It is best to be above the stage of transforming gods, at first glance, it is full of black and red areas that indicate danger.

Don't tell me, this area is full of outstanding people and rich geomantic omens. From ancient times to the present, many monks have placed their caves here.

Over time, there were always three or five people who fell outside due to various reasons and failed to return, so that the cave mansion had been idling for many years.

Some local caves have even become the best places to "crash the fairy".

There is such a place above the Yuanjiang River, where a large number of Nascent Soul stage monks gather every 60 years.

On March [-]rd, a treasure ship will surface to absorb the first ray of vitality.

Since thousands of years ago, exploring this treasure ship has become a grand event, but the cultivators of the transformation god stage could not get close, so it became the exclusive opportunity for the monks of the Nascent Soul stage.

Chen Xinghe didn't know the inside story, but he conducted a large-scale search through star power, and saw that there seemed to be a cave in the water.

Since there are not many fluctuations in the cave, it can basically be judged that this is an uninhabited cave.

Looking at the red and black coverage area, the edge area is slightly better, close to the core area, the red and black cover each other, making Chen Xinghe dizzy.

After counting and counting, it seems that this place is the most suitable place to avoid the limelight, so Chen Xinghe immediately changed his coordinates and decided to enter this underwater cave to avoid the real demon.

In order to increase his sense of security, he directly locked the core of the underwater cave, looking for small gaps in the red and black covered area to penetrate.

With the help of such teleportation formations, they have to be interspersed. It can be seen that Chen Xinghe is serious, and he has made up his mind to stay for three months before going out for activities.

(End of this chapter)

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