Chapter 995

Chen Xinghe was ready, once he found something wrong after opening the box, he would immediately stay away from this place without delaying for a moment.

It is really this master Jianxu who left a deep impression on him, his scheming is too unpredictable, maybe where to dig holes and set limits!

No matter how good a treasure is, it is not as important as a small life.

Isn't it just a box?Other miscellaneous things have been collected enough in the cave, and there is not much expectation for more gains.

if I get it I am lucky, but if not, it is fate.

Chen Xinghe has dug many caves before, and his abilities are there!If you encounter danger, avoid it quickly, just change to another one!
With so many caves, there must be treasure chests that are open and aboveboard, without restrictions, so there is no need to be obsessed with one discovery.

The more he was in this state of mind, the luckier he was. After opening the box, he was very calm, without a trace of strangeness.

Looking carefully at the contents of the box, Chen Xinghe was taken aback, quickly closed the box, took a deep breath to calm himself down.

There are six items in the box, but the two magic weapons are reduced to supporting roles, and the real rare items are the other four items.

This first treasure is very similar to the Blood-Swallowing Demon Pot in the pocket.

Swallowing the essence and blood in this pot can create the essence of the pool of blood. It is a somewhat tasteless magic treasure, but it is suitable for Chen Xinghe.

The magic pot in the box is the genuine product, and the one in the waist bag is just an imitation. It is not difficult to distinguish from the depth of the grain and the magic.

If you guessed correctly, this magic pot must have come from a real demon, and its effect is definitely not as simple as sucking blood to condense the blood and spirit. As long as there is a trace of breath leaked, the real demon will kill and take back this treasure.

This is the first treasure, and the next three are the most important.

The second treasure Chen Xinghe has seen and used, is a piece of Mahayana monk bone, and it is of the same origin as the previous piece.

A long time ago, the Mahayana monk fought bloody and blocked the demon army, but because of this, his whole body exploded and scattered a lot of magic bones.

"It's no wonder Master Jianxu can seal the true demon cultivator. What he relies on must be this Mahayana bone."

Chen Xinghe was full of joy. With such a treasure to suppress luck, true demon monks would be restrained from going forward. They could even use curses to attract demons to come, and then reap a wave.

The third treasure is a piece of dragon skin.

This dragon skin may be precious, but it is not as precious as the inscriptions and stamps on it.


Because it is a bank note, ingots can be withdrawn from large banks.

This kind of thing is only limited to legends, and this is the first time Chen Xinghe has seen it.

The number of 3000 taels is red, which is considered a considerable wealth for any cultivator at the stage of transformation.

"Three thousand ingots! As long as you find a place to exchange them, you will be close to ten thousand ingots. I really want to thank Master Jianxu."

He was happy in his heart, but there was another item that was more valuable than these three thousand ingots.

This thing is square and square, but it is a piece of ore.

Chen Xinghe used to possess metal supernatural powers, during which time he consulted a large number of classics to learn about various rare metals, among them was a legendary metal called Luo Tianxia Xuanjin.

Where there is the Lower Xuan, there is the Upper Xuan. It is said that the Gold of the Upper Xuan is square and upright, and it is a natural treasure that can be cultivated.

The legend may be exaggerated, but Chen Xinghe is very sensitive to metals, and he can clearly feel that the square ore in the box is mysterious and mysterious, and it already has the taste of a spiritual treasure.

You must know that he transferred the metal supernatural powers to Gui Zangjian, so finding precious metals is of great benefit to improving combat power. Gui Zang Jian can refine metals by himself without any extra worries.

With a "click", Chen Xinghe opened the lid of the box again, took out the ore and handed it to Gui Zangjian for refining, and then looked at the Mahayana bone.

Now I think about it, if this Mahayana dharma bone was not powerful enough to suppress the changes in the surrounding aura and devil energy, otherwise this magic pot and the other two magic weapons would have gone through the sky long ago, how could they have stayed so honestly until today?
That's it, all worries are gone!

Chen Xinghe took out the "silver ticket" and put it close to his body. This is the greatest boost to the development of dragon veins. When he leaves here, he will search for a safe bank to cash it out.

After gaining Master Jianxu's wealth, he suddenly felt that his confidence was rising wildly, and he was not in a hurry to leave this place, but instead sat down and watched steadily.

This is really an unpredictable situation. I was still trying to find ways to leave before, but now I am practicing with peace of mind. It can be seen that there are completely two kinds of mentality between relying on and not relying on.

The two mentalities are completely different!
The poor will starve in times of famine, and even die of hunger.

The rich have food in their hands, so they still eat, drink, sing and dance, and enjoy peace without feeling the crisis brought about by famine at all.

This is just an analogy to illustrate that the material conditions are different, and when facing danger, the reaction is not the same.

At this moment, the real demon killed the three Nascent Soul monks in one fell swoop, and with the help of essence and blood, completely reversed the situation of the battle, and suppressed the three monks of the Tianzong Huashen stage into the blood-colored river, making a chilling laugh.

"Damn it, use the order of worshiping the heavens!" The three cultivators of the transformation stage took out their tokens and shook them to a high place, which immediately attracted three mirror lights to cheer.

It is the power of the Heavenly Mirror, which kills in an instant and wipes out all unfavorable factors.

The river of blood melted in an instant, and the three of them unleashed their special skills together to strike the real demon with a decisive blow.

"Boom..." The sound shook half of the cave, and Chen Xinghe's heart sank due to such power. If he doesn't leave now, when will he wait?

It was too late to say, but in an instant, he took advantage of the aftermath of the great battle to use his escape method, and escaped from the cave, and when the space blockade weakened, he immediately prepared to teleport.

However, the three cultivators at the transformation stage had been paying attention to their surroundings, and when they found that the brat surnamed Chen was about to run away, they immediately sent out one of them to chase after him.

Fortunately, it wasn't the most powerful cultivator at the Transformation Stage. If that guy came after him, Chen Xinghe wouldn't be sure to escape.

Move location immediately.

He maintained his posture while shifting, even if he couldn't teleport to a distant place, at least he had to extend the distance to thousands of miles away.

"Little ghost, you are really tricky. My sect's disciples have suffered a lot. How can we go back to work if we don't arrest you?"

As soon as the voice fell, the visitor had already cut to Chen Xinghe's side.

too fast.

Obviously, Jintianzong knew that he was fast, so he found three monks of the same speed to intercept him.

This person is no slower than Chen Xinghe if he explodes a little bit, and if he is serious, he can even surpass the first-line speed.

"Bang..." The big hand grabbed Chen Xinghe's neck.

If a dignified cultivator at the transformation stage wants to hold down a cultivator at the Nascent Soul stage, it's as easy as an adult dealing with a child of a few years old.

Chen Xinghe had made some preparations in the past few days. Suddenly, balls of light burst out from his body, and dozens of five-element talismans tried to shock the enemy back.

However, he thought simply about the cultivators of the Tianzong sect who transformed into gods. By transforming into gods and gods, the divine consciousness is more compatible with the Nascent Soul, and the more compatible with the heaven and earth.

Just as the power of the five elements was about to unleash their power, they immediately died down when they were guided.

Not to mention shocking the enemy back these two times, even the big hand that was holding his neck was not deflected, which drew a contemptuous sneer.

Just as Chen Xinghe was about to use the magic weapon, his head suddenly drooped, and he seemed unconscious.

The cultivator at the transformation stage was a little strange, thinking: "Young Emperor Qingtianzong is so useless?"

Suddenly, a gloomy cold hit.

"It's the real demon, he's not dead?"

(End of this chapter)

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