Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 994 The Fourth Treasure Chest

Chapter 994 No.14 Treasure Chest
Chen Xinghe was fast enough, calm enough, and professional enough, taking advantage of a slight deviation in the restriction to enter at top speed.

Ordinarily, he would not get good results if he drilled in like this, but he suddenly stopped his figure, and his foothold was just at the connection point between the restriction and the restriction. As long as the overall formation remains unchanged, this point is safe for the time being.

This step just now can be called a god move, even the real devil was dumbfounded, so he had to write a convincing word.

In this way, Chen Xinghe used the restriction to separate himself from the battlefield. The cultivators of Jintianzong didn't want the real demon to escape, so they could only attack with all their strength. If the real demon wants to escape, he must use real skills.

This vicious battle was unavoidable, both sides reacted quickly, bursting out the brilliance of Taoism and magic, and collided with each other in the most blazing posture, killing the sky and earth, trembling in all directions.

The more intense the fight outside, the more help it would be for Chen Xinghe to break the restriction in front of him. In the hysterical roar of the real demon, he seized the opportunity to shift shape and change positions, standing at the new node, and relaxed a little in his heart.

A moment later, the impact wave surged violently, and the restraint behind him began to crumble.

It was at this moment that he saw the whole picture of the forbidden area clearly with the help of star power, so there were ripples under his feet, and he activated the teleportation ability of his body, and he floated in with incredible precision.

Usually, one coordinate is locked for teleportation, and it can only reach far, but not close.

The closer the distance, the higher the requirement for accuracy. Dozens of warlocks are needed to make calculations, and the final results may not be accurate.

Chen Xinghe is different. The sky is full of stars for positioning index, and the coordinates are checked by more than a dozen stars, and the accuracy rate is very high.

If you feel unsure, then introduce a hundred or so stars for index proofreading, and the star power will not be inaccurate.

These advantages can be described as Xingjun's unique secret skills. Even if others have the ability to teleport, they cannot pass into the forbidden surrounding land nearby.

So it was a dog's head outside, but Chen Xinghe took the opportunity to find a gap to enter, as if he was in two worlds separated by many restrictions.

"Huh? This is where Master Jianxu keeps his belongings?"

Chen Xinghe was a little surprised looking at the thirteen boxes filled with precious energy in front of him.

These boxes enclose a deep dark well, and each box is connected with a chain behind it. It seems that the order of opening the box is very important. If you make a mistake in the first step, there will be no second.

This deep well is connected to the space slit, and the interior is very chaotic, which is equivalent to a deathbed.

Chen Xinghe's speed is fast, but he is not sure that he can defeat the treasure chest in an instant and get the contents inside.

The spiritual consciousness is shielded by the box, so I don't know which one is true and which one is false.

For now, we can only go back in time, hoping to reproduce the scene when Master Jianxu stored these treasure boxes a long time ago, maybe we can see the clues.

The time of 600 years is not so easy to go back. Chen Xinghe sat down and took 23 pictures of talismans. A large number of imaginary lines appeared on the front and back of his body, faintly forming a concave surface that attracts stars.

The starlight began to gather in a small area. Naturally, this kind of concave surface cannot be compared with the previous absorption in the void. However, although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs, and it can still relieve urgent needs at critical moments.

Time began to go back, but fortunately, 600 years have not changed here, just search for those different pictures directly.

Finally, a flash of inspiration dawned, and Chen Xinghe saw it!

"Is this the time?"

"Wait, Master Jianxu is a woman?"

He couldn't help but touch his forehead, why didn't he see before that there were no women's belongings in the cave, so that he mistakenly thought that the other party was a heroic man.

Looking back now, the details are relatively well done, but the other party is downplaying gender differences, and it seems that he is a heroine among women.

Looking carefully at the lights and shadows in the past, Chen Xinghe was terrified. These treasure chests were all fake, and the No. 14 treasure chest was the real treasure chest.

"Good means, good scheming, the false is the real, the real is the false, even hanging the No.14 box in the well, no matter what you choose without knowing the inside information, it is wrong."

"Let's keep the people behind these box pits!"

Chen Xinghe moved slowly, lay half down on the mouth of the well, stretched out his right arm and slowly fished it out, until the ground shook and the external restraints were destroyed several more layers, then he seized the opportunity and pulled out the chain with a "bang".

This box is very heavy, and because the well is almost in chaos, no matter how high your cultivation level is, you can't detect the existence of No. 14 box.

"It seems that this Venerable Master really wants to reincarnate and rebuild, so as to leave behind for himself. But after so many years, it is expected that something went wrong halfway, and it will be difficult to return to the cave!"

In Chen Xinghe's plan, this is only the first cave mansion that he can manage at present, and it will soon disappear in Jintianzong.

No.14 boxes in hand.

Now is not suitable for opening the box to appraise treasures. Master Jianxu is a woman after all, not as careless as a man, maybe there are other backhands arranged in the box, and when you come out, you must engrave the word "be careful" in your soul, and at any time Can't be careless.

There was no more attachment to this place, Chen Xinghe began to think of ways to escape.

The outer space was covered with a layer of fog and became a little hazy. It was this layer of barrier that interfered with escape and teleportation, making it extremely difficult to escape.

Chen Xinghe thought to himself: "If I really can't get away, I have to find another place to hide. The cunning rabbit has three caves, so staying here will easily lead to disaster."

If the real devil knew such thoughts, he would definitely yell: "What is the disaster of the fish in the pond? I am the fish in the pond, okay? If you can't hide in the restriction, you just bully me like this. You really are bullied by dogs!"

It is not an exaggeration to say that Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs. When the true demons are at their peak, not to mention the three cultivators at the transformation stage, even if the number doubles, it will be a piece of cake.

True demon cultivators are extremely rare, Chen Xinghe unexpectedly met two, this luck is really against the sky!
And the true demon cultivator in front of him is by no means comparable to the second-generation ancestor of the mixed-blood human demon before him. The difference between the two is huge, just like a firefly and a bright moon.The former are flowers in the greenhouse, while the latter are towering giant trees in the wild.

Chen Xinghe almost died when he met the greenhouse flowers among the real demons, but this time he met this more powerful guy, the consequences are unpredictable.

Fortunately, the book of life and death is still calm, and there is no abnormality. Maybe there is a way to leave this place as soon as possible.

The fighting outside became more and more intense.

The True Demon cultivators were not built. Even though their cultivation had dropped by [-]%, almost inferior to the Nascent Soul Early stage cultivators, they still made a comeback every step of the way, making the faces of all the cultivators of the Heavenly Sect cultivators turn livid, and they gradually felt a sense of pressure.

Just as they were beating their lives to death, Chen Xinghe was already out of his mind, and he escaped from the third forbidden area before he knew it, and ran to the forbidden area where he thought the treasure was stored.

Looking at the whole area of ​​the cave, it is relatively safe here, and the aftermath of the battle happened to break up part of the formation, so it was easily teleported here.

Chen Xinghe took out the No.14 treasure chest, and after thinking for a while, he decided to open it for a look.

The situation is not optimistic. What if there are items that can be used immediately in the treasure chest?It would be even better if there were treasures that could deal with real demons.

(End of this chapter)

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