Chapter 993

"too horrible!"

"My god, how did Master Jianxu seal a monster in the transformation stage? Although the aura has become undetectable, it cannot escape the detection of star power."

"Fortunately, this is Chihuangtian, with abundant spiritual energy, it is not easy to gather demonic energy to restore strength."

"Otherwise, the trapped beast will continue to fight, and the consequences will be disastrous."

Chen Xinghe felt that Master Jianxu must have a purpose for keeping this monster. No matter what this expert originally wanted to do with this monster, it has nothing to do with it now. Demon slayer?
The third forbidden area is not big, Chen Xinghe has already anchored a safe point to gain a foothold.

However, the power of prohibition has not diminished, and it can only maintain a foothold.

Teleporting in with the help of the body array, it is like applying a body-holding spell for the time being, requiring a strong external force impact, so that he can peek into the mysteries of the cave one step ahead of others.

Keep waiting!
The Jintian Sect has a large number of people, even if this monster has a deep aura, it may not be defeated under the concerted efforts of all, and there may not even be major casualties.

Sure enough, violent fluctuations came from outside. The monster had just escaped from the seal and was in an extremely weak state. The group of Heavenly Sect monks failed to find Chen Xinghe, so they vented their anger on the monster.

"Huh? This feeling is a little familiar?" Chen Xinghe suddenly recalled the true demon cultivator he had killed before. It was a terrifying enemy that almost wiped out him. He had only seen it in his cultivation career. He never expected to meet a real demon again here. Moreover, it is also a true demon in the transformation stage.

"It's over, these monks have stabbed Lou Zi."

No wonder he thinks this way. True monsters and ordinary monsters are definitely two concepts. Even if they are at the same level, they cannot be treated as the same level, let alone the other party is one level higher.

Chen Xinghe probably understood Master Jianxu's approach. This kind of true demon can only be besieged and wiped out after years of hard work. Once he does it himself, it may cause many troubles.

As cursed as he is now, even if it is cleaned up and suppressed several times, it still cannot be eradicated.

In this way, if you set up an ambush against certain monsters in the future, the other party will have a sense in advance, knowing that you are hiding and calculating nearby, which will greatly reduce the harvest of demon hunting.

In addition, there are a lot of troubles, so the real devil is a pit, it is not easy to kill, on the one hand, killing it will also attract a whole body of trouble, whoever gets involved will know, it is very depressing.

The moment Chen Xinghe felt the aura of the real devil, he immediately guessed that some monks outside were about to die, because the real devil's skills were astounding, and he could seize any opportunity to make a comeback.

Sure enough, as a wave bloomed, the disciples of Jintianzong let out screams.

After that, Chen Xinghe was speechless, and the three laps were like rivers, lakes and seas, and his spiritual sense rushed to him.

The Jintian Sect actually sent monks of the stage of transforming gods to spy on this place secretly, and there were three of them in one group, and one of them was as brilliant as a sun.

"A real devil! You are a real devil, try to blow up his grandma's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, but don't be cowardly."

At this time, Chen Xinghe and the real devil stood on the same front.

Those who came were not good, and even Xingli couldn't find their whereabouts, so there must be heavy treasures to protect them.

This kind of monk often has unexpected means. Maybe there is a way to set up traps and obstacles for his speed. The appearance of the real devil at this time has actually helped a lot, and these three guys have to rescue him.

In the potholed cave, the devil's claws grabbed five lumps of flesh and quickly retracted the seal, followed by the sound of "guji guji" cow drinking.

With Chen Xinghe's mental strength, he has the urge to drink blood, which shows how powerful this true demon is.

Soon, under the orders of the three cultivators of the transformation stage, the disciples of the Jintian Sect hurriedly set up a large formation and tried their best to block the place.

There are two advantages to doing this, one is to prevent the emergence of demonic obstacles, which will bring unnecessary losses to the sect.

The second is to detain Chen Xinghe, the three of them are certain that this young emperor of the Qingtian Sect who is so arrogant that he came from across the sect is still here and has not left.

Feeling threatened, the real demon began to attack with claws and teeth.

There was a loud bang on the ground, and hundreds of blood-colored crystal pillars suddenly grew out, attacking many monks.

When Chen Xinghe saw such a big scene, he said straight in his heart: "Okay, the real devil is really not a cover-up. He can kill several people as quickly as possible, and he can show such means by extracting blood essence. If he catches you later Take the opportunity to get a few more balls of blood, is that okay?"

"Boom..." Under the impact of the blood light, some cultivators couldn't bear it immediately, and their protective spiritual weapons were shattered one after another. Only the magic weapon could barely resist. This kind of magic power is frightening.

"Kill!" The monks of Jintianzong were still very bloody. The strong stepped forward, and the weak retreated. They were not timid in the face of such a true demon of the transformation stage, and they all used their killers to strike together.

The terrifying impact spread wildly. One side had advanced magic, and the other side had a large number of people.

However, Chen Xinghe's face suddenly changed drastically.

"Not good, why is this true demon coming towards me?"

There was a wave of fluctuation in the curse suppressed in the depths of his soul, and he immediately knew it was not good.

The real devil actually searched him through the restriction, is this too powerful?Don't let go of any assistance that helps you turn over.

Chen Xinghe took a deep breath. To be honest, he was a little scared of the real monster, but he already killed one, so what's the point in killing another one?Could it be worse than it is now?

He took out a shuttle-shaped magic weapon and pinched it in his hand, ready to detonate and strike at any time.

"Boom..." The blood crystal rose from the ground and hit the restriction, exposing this place.

The monk of Jintianzong immediately reacted: "There is a hidden forbidden area, and the young emperor of Qingtianzong must be hiding in it."

Chen Xinghe sighed in his heart, it was impossible to use a real demon to stop him, this demon was trying to distract the monks from the Heavenly Sect, and it was undoubtedly very successful.

The two cultivators at the stage of transforming gods separated their spiritual thoughts to keep a close eye on the restraint, to ensure that Chen Xinghe would not escape in the chaos.

It's difficult now, the outside world is so chaotic that the teleportation is disturbed.

In addition, the leading cultivator at the transformation stage has treasures blocking the space, and even the speed of star power gathering has slowed down, which is extraordinary.

"Bang bang bang..." The blood crystal collided with the restriction, and it was not easy to get in.

Chen Xinghe didn't dare to be careless, God knows if the real devil deliberately pretended to be in such a situation, and later he will come in coldly, what can you do?
When confronting real demons, you must mention 120 cautions. This is the experience you get back after dying once. If you make a move, you will be lore. If you hesitate or delay, the consequences will be disastrous.

Sure enough, it was right to be careful, the blood-colored crystal pillar seemed fragile, but it was pulled up again suddenly, shaking the outer layer of restraint into dust in the wind, exposing Chen Xinghe's aura.

The real golem is saying: "I'm under siege, you little mouse don't try to hide, come out and share the pressure together!"

"Let's go!" Taking advantage of the impact on the forbidden area, Chen Xinghe immediately started his unbelievably fast escaping method, followed a trace of ripples, passed through the forbidden area and fled to the second foothold that had been anchored for a long time.

If you don't have diamonds, you can't do porcelain work. Since you dare to come to the Tianzong, you must have two brushes.

The real devil was stunned when he saw this scene, and he didn't react in a short time. Is this another trick he started?
(End of this chapter)

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