Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1002 The True Devil Is Trapped

Chapter 1002 The True Devil Is Trapped
Chen Xinghe was shocked when he heard the words Guishui Shenying.

This is a terrifying thing that has long since disappeared in the cultivation world.

The monks need the Guishui elite to refine the magic weapon, so they dig and collect it everywhere.

I don't know when and what month, Guishui elite became a demon, and with the deepening of his cultivation, he has a very clear self-awareness.

It is said that this water demon was very angry at the unrestrained logging by the monks, so he used himself as a bait to kill many monks silently.

The more monks you kill, the more resources you will get, and you will make great progress on the road of cultivation.

A long time ago, this water demon accumulated thousands of years of skill and stepped into the Mahayana realm in one fell swoop, becoming a very rare Taoist among monsters.

No one knows whether this water demon will eventually become a fairy, but it is true that she has inspired a large number of Guishui elites to kill monks everywhere.

The world called the Guishui elite she enlightened as the Guishui God Shadow. Its lethality is extremely terrifying. If you encounter it, you will die. It is unexpected that the owner of the Yuanjiang Treasure Ship has a way to capture such a ghost, and put it in the center of the formation as an escort.

At this moment, the real demon tried his best to rush out of the formation, but the yakshas in front of him were too annoying, and they used their paws to intercept them from time to time.

Unexpectedly, the coldness struck, and the tyranny of the real devil was frozen, and a roar came out of his mouth.

The next thing was amazing, I saw four transparent lights and shadows attacking the real demon.

Chen Xinghe pulled out his body little by little, and used his star power to observe this battle that was much higher than his level.

At this time, Ashes Net returned to his side, and immediately turned into green smoke and escaped into the sleeve of the master.

If there is no such a large net today, the consequences will be unpredictable!So it is very important to prepare one more magic weapon, because you don't know when it will be used.

At this moment, the ground trembled suddenly, the formation came to a standstill, and the golden light that covered the five senses and consciousness disappeared.

At the same time, dazzling blood surged from all directions, and those Nascent Soul cultivators who were seriously injured and fell to the ground let out miserable howls, and hurriedly escaped from the Nascent Soul with their important belongings.

Those Nascent Soul cultivators who were already dead couldn't stop the sudden suction, and contributed their blood towards the air, causing the blood glow to spread, faintly gathering into a blood-colored cassock.

"Cassock?" Chen Xinghe couldn't believe it, did this blood demon still learn Buddhism?

Facts have proved that this blood demon has indeed learned Buddhism, and his attainments are profound. In an instant, it aroused thousands of chanting voices, and a series of terrifying Buddhist voices played out.

This is not the sound of Buddha, it is the sound of magic.

All sentient beings have a Buddha-oriented side and a demon-oriented side in their hearts. The real demon took a fancy to this and trained himself into a blood Buddha.


"I'm ignorant..."

The magic sound was like beating a human-skinned battle drum, thumping in the heart, forming a feeling that all demons were about to come out of the cage.

A Nascent Soul cultivator suddenly went mad when he heard the magic sound, and rushed towards the center of the formation. When he was dying, he used all his means to blow himself into a blood mist, like a bloody lotus blooming in full bloom.

Where there is the first, there is the second. More and more multi-infant monks are infected by the demonic nature, and they launch a blow of destruction in an instant, and they die.

Chen Xinghe hurriedly sacrificed the Mahayana Dharma bones, and saw a ball of green light rising slowly, confronting the blood-colored cassock, and the voice spread.

"You wait to go quickly, if you don't go, it will be too late."

The Nascent Soul cultivators already knew how powerful they were, so they took advantage of the Mahayana Dharma bone to hold the blood-colored cassock, and hurriedly gathered together, united as one, and ran for their lives!

This is really stealing chickens and losing rice. I wanted to follow the blood Taoist to make a profit, but I ended up in such a mess.

It can be considered lucky to have escaped with his life. I don't know how many fellow Taoists have already fallen into this treasure hunt.That blood-colored cassock was so powerful that everyone was almost bewitched, but the result would not be very good.

Some monks may have recognized the Mahayana Dharma bone, but at this time, it is important to escape, so how dare you have any unreasonable thoughts?
Chen Xinghe released a mayfly while shaking his hands, and whispered: "Please!"

Mayfly nodded for the first time, and immediately split up to act.

At least fifty Nascent Soul cultivators were buried here. Regardless of whether the Nascent Soul escaped or not, there would always be something left on them, which would be worth some ingots if gathered together.

In order for the dragon veins to reach the standard as soon as possible, Chen Xinghe has calculated carefully, releasing mayflies to pick up items is much faster than collecting them one by one.

The roar became more and more piercing, and the blood-colored cassock and the Mahayana dharma bones competed in the air, setting off waves of terror.

Chen Xinghe suddenly looked towards the center of the formation.

Since the two sides are far away, he can't see the specific battle situation, but Xingli is frantically scanning the changes, generating a frame of pictures in his mind, which can be connected in series to watch movies.

Suddenly, thousands of Buddha voices gathered, as if telling the darkest and most selfish thoughts in the Buddha's heart.

No, that is the evil thought of sentient beings, and people can't help but move towards depravity, weakness, and decadence.

Even Chen Xinghe's mental strength was affected, and he felt a very strong sense of world-weariness. He wished he could bump his head into it and spend the rest of his life happily.

Life is meaningless, only death can solve thousands of worries.

"It's really a magic sound piercing through the brain! If this real demon becomes a climate, maybe he can go to the west to wipe out all the Buddhas. Will I gain merit by destroying this demon?" Chen Xinghe clasped his hands together, and there was a sense of great meditation all over his body. Thousands of threads of Buddha's light.

This Buddha's light is the response, and the slaughter of this demon can enjoy thousands of merits.

Chen Xinghe smiled, with this body protected by thousands of merits and virtues, he can untie the bondage of his eyes, and it can also offset the karma of Buddhism, which has many benefits.

"I'm sure to kill this real demon." As soon as the words fell, the golden shuttle lifted into the air and rushed towards the blood-colored cassock.

The mana that had just recovered to [-]% was gone, but it also created an opportunity for the Mahayana bones to forcefully suppress the scarlet cassock.

No matter how violent the real devil was, after the blood-colored cassock fell into the wind, the source of power suddenly plummeted, and under the onslaught of Guishui's shadow, a roar came from his throat.

Afterwards, the mountains were shaken, and they talked about the power of the real demon all the time.

Two Guishui gods and shadows were desperately killed by him, and a large number of Guishui elites fell to the ground with a clanging sound, which was really beautiful.

But the remaining two were even more powerful, waving their transparent claws and tearing wildly, the real demon was dismembered into pieces by them.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, the pieces turned into blood babies of various sizes, and scattered in a rush.

Chen Xinghe used star power to create this scene, and said with emotion in his heart: "The real devil is really hard to entangle! You can escape like this, and Master Jianxu used the Mahayana bone to suppress him back then, it was too powerful. "

"Boom boom boom..." The big array showed its power and wiped it out with all its strength.

At this moment, the core formation retracted [-]% to [-]% of its strength, which caused many restrictions in the cave to be invalidated. The places where rare herbs were planted were exposed, and those with deep fortunes immediately noticed and picked them one after another.

The mayflies released by Chen Xinghe also became much more free. They were no longer hindered by the large formation and restraints, and hurriedly pursued the bloody atmosphere to clean up the battlefield.

Suddenly, the blood baby let out a whining cry, which made people feel extremely unbearable and wanted to help.

(End of this chapter)

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