Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1003 Entering the Great Formation

Chapter 1003 Entering the Great Formation
Blood babies are extremely evil, which arouses people's desire for protection.

However, Guishui Shenying didn't care about this, and manipulated the Guishui elite scattered on the ground to penetrate everywhere, chasing down the blood baby.

About half a quarter of an hour later, with an extremely angry roar, all the talismans used by Chen Xinghe to suppress the magic pot were shattered. The pot was not far from the center of the formation, and at this moment it flew to meet its owner at top speed.

At the same time, the scarlet cassock also flew towards the center of the formation, and the Buddha's voice suddenly became louder.

"what is that?"

Xingli brushed out a huge and incomparable figure.

This figure seems to have come from ancient times, towering above heaven and earth, extremely noble.

I saw it clearly, it was an indescribable blood Buddha, and even the star power was affected. Back to Chen Xinghe's mind, there were many magic illusions, trying to pull him into the blood world Buddha cave.

"It's scary!" Chen Xinghe breathed hard, mustering all his strength to break free from the influence.

"Boom..." The power of the Buddha was cleared in his mind, and the blood shadow was cleaned up as quickly as possible.

Just being affected is so terrible, what will happen when the true devil cultivates into a blood Buddha?
"I curse you, you little bastard." The blood baby collapsed with endless resentment.

Guishui Shenying and all the yakshas suppressed and killed together, only to see all kinds of lights and shadows dispersed, the demonic energy dissipated completely, and there was no trace left.

Instead, Chen Xinghe frowned and shouted suddenly: "No, where are the magic pot and the blood cassock? Why didn't they appear?"

Just at this moment, a faint bloody light appeared very abruptly, and it had already left the central formation and passed through the thirteenth layer of restriction.

"It's not dead! It's not dead." Chen Xinghe really wanted to rush up and bite this guy to death, why isn't he dead yet?As for being so tenacious?

If it is about surviving by any means, the true devil deserves to be at the forefront of the heavens, which is worth learning.

Encountering this kind of enemy is quite a headache, and it tortures you over and over again. Every time you think this guy is going to die, there will always be something strange after a while.

A strong light burst out from the central array, shining on the real demon, one round stronger than the other round.

At this moment, the real devil is jumping and cursing.

There should be pools of blood in the magic pot, converging into a sea of ​​blood, but at this moment there is not a drop of blood, forcing him to take apart the blood cassock in order to get blood essence to activate the magic pot.

There was another problem with this urging, and the magic pot lost half of its original source, not to mention its power was greatly reduced, and it was still handicapped to control it.

At the critical moment, there is no room for any mistakes or omissions, because the magic pot is far from expected, so that the speed of the blood baby is greatly reduced, and some of them can't hold back the strangulation.

Guishui Shenying rushed up, his eyes full of fierceness.

Between the interlacing of light and shadow, the magic pot was hit several times, and only a blood light was seen cutting through the sky and the earth.

"Crack..." The two yakshas and a Guishui divine shadow were instantly destroyed, and such power was blatantly exposed to the world.

However, after this blow, the real demon completely emptied his roots, and his aura plummeted.

Chen Xinghe was a little stunned, and felt that this decline was not fake, and suddenly weakened after being violent, this state was more credible.

"Hahaha, I've lived recklessly all my life, I won't die like this silently, explode for me." The real demon slapped the magic pot, frantically extracting the origin of the magic way, causing ripples to spread out.

There was blood everywhere, as bright as fire, and red became the main theme, causing an incredible impact.

The big formation wailed, the stone forest exploded and became more radiant, and the two extreme forces faced off.

Soon, the bright red color and the burst of golden light crazily offset each other, and then a black bubble blew up, producing a second explosion.

At this moment, a black light appeared, leaving the central formation in an instant.

Hearing a soft "poof", Chen Xinghe's eyebrows were pierced by black light.

The real devil failed to escape in the end, but before he died, he broke off a finger and struck in the air.

"Hahaha..." When the laughter echoed, he became extremely unwilling, because another Chen Xinghe appeared, and the Chen Xinghe standing in the light fell to the ground, and it was just a stand-in talisman.

Chen Xinghe bowed from a distance, and said calmly: "I have been taught, it seems that I still have a lot to correct and make up for. This life may be very long, and I will definitely not only meet two true demons."

A real master will not be arrogant, and it is normal to take the enemy as a teacher.

This real demon taught Chen Xinghe a few lessons, making him put away all his arrogance and contempt, and become extremely restrained and extremely mellow.

The sky is big and the earth is big, there are always some unreasonable existences that can refresh your cognition.How to deal with this kind of enemy, recalling this battle, we can only treat every enemy with the most cautious attitude.

"If you want to live, work hard! It's nothing to be the best among the same ranks, because there will always be monks with higher cultivation than you who stand on the high places and seem to be calm, but in fact they hold the power of life and death."

At this moment, Chen Xinghe felt very insecure. There was only one thought left in his mind, and that was to find a way to climb up. The higher the climb, the safer he would be...

The real devil died, and it was calculated that he died at the hands of Chen Xinghe.

The power of the curse rolled over, and the "teng" ignited the curse that had been suppressed deep in his mind before.

Chen Xinghe clenched his Mahayana bones.

The curse turned into a black cloud and swirled endlessly. However, when the real devil was alive, he couldn't resist the Mahayana mana. What about the remaining power after death?
Under the suppression of the Mahayana mana, the black cloud of curse gradually died down, waiting for the opportunity to devour the mind of the cursed person.

After this exposure, the demon boss Moxiu and the Void Demon near Chihuangtian basically knew where Chen Xinghe was.

Those lower-level demons can't resist the attraction of the curse, and will find a way to arrive in the next few to ten days. Chen Xinghe welcomes them to visit the Yuanjiang Treasure Ship.

Mayflies all return to the team, bringing a harvest.

Although these monks did not accumulate many ingots, they always had one or two, and when they met a few rich and powerful monks, they even issued dozens of them.

The dragon veins received two hundred ingots, which immediately produced new dragon energy, allowing Chen Xinghe's almost exhausted mana to recover quickly.

At this time, the center of the formation is still in a mess, if you don't take the opportunity to go in and take a look, I'm sorry for the opportunity created by the death of the true devil.

Chen Xinghe's body began to flicker, he piled up a large number of spirit stones at his feet, the acupoints all over his body quickly pumped out spirit energy, and more than 700 small golden elixirs exerted their strength together.

Immediately, the body array opened in a ring shape outside the body, and after Chen Xinghe was ready, he took a step forward.

This step achieves exquisite transmission without the slightest error.

When Chen Xinghe reappeared, he was already standing on the stone forest in the center of the formation, his feet fell in a straight line and crashed into the huge talisman.

"Bang..." The talisman glowed golden, and just about to clear out the intruders, it shattered inch by inch.

This sigil suffered a strong impact and was slightly damaged, so it was very suitable as a breakthrough.

"Come in! Sure enough, it has become much easier, but this large formation is quite high-level, so you have to be extra careful every step you take, and you have to withdraw if you feel something is wrong."

After making up his mind, Chen Xinghe began to explore the most mysterious place in Yuanjiang Cave Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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