Chapter 1005
"Enlightenment Seal? This is the only thing I got in the middle of the big formation." Chen Xinghe had already left the big formation, and ran far away in a very short time. He felt that the vicinity was still safe, so he sat down to count the harvest.

The small seal engraved with the word "enlightened" is round and exquisite, and an enlightened beast is engraved on the top of the seal.

Legend has it that the enlightened beast is a divine beast that guards the heavens. It is very brave, with a body like a tiger, nine heads and a human face.

The Enlightened Beast carved on this small seal is cute and fat, like a small ball, which makes people want to play with it.

Just when Chen Xinghe thought that this small seal was nothing special, the Enlightened Beast on the seal cried out in a milky voice.

"Huh? Alive?"

Kaiming Yin laughed straight: "It's so fresh, it's not alive, is it still dead?"

"Are you a magic weapon spirit?"

"How is it possible? Which eye of yours sees Ben Kaiming in a spiritual state? Woohoo, you actually have a dragon vein, and what's the matter with this right hand?"

"Then what are you?" Chen Xinghe was a little surprised, this small seal is indeed not a magic weapon, but it can communicate with people, and it can be seen at a glance that the dragon's veins and right hand are obviously not ordinary things.

"Ahem, listen well, Ben Enlightenment is the seal of luck that goes up to heaven and earth without fear, has extensive knowledge, is omnipotent, and omniscient. Congratulations, getting Ben Enlightenment is a great blessing. Hahaha , you have good eyesight, did you see that Ben Kaiming is incomparably great, and that's why he went all the way to get acquainted with me?"

This Fang Xiaoyin was blowing his mind, Chen Xinghe put him in front of his eyes and observed carefully: "Don't talk about it, it's useless, it's a great fortune, the judgment of heaven on you is not even one ten thousandth of a magic weapon, your value is only [-]." It’s equivalent to half a fairly good magic weapon.”

"Ahhh! How do you know that the way of heaven makes such judgments? You are not God?" The enlightened beast was like a fighting rooster, clucking with its crown erected.

"It's really judged like this." Chen Xinghe was talking about the "debt" of the Dao of Heaven recognized by the book of life and death. After getting this small seal, there was no disturbance. He guessed that it was not a big deal.

"Damn it! You bastard, you actually deny Ben Enlightenment, don't tell me you also deny your luck?" Kaiming Seal chattered.

"Hahaha!" Chen Xinghe laughed loudly: "I know I don't have much luck, but if the enemy falls into my hands, most of their luck will be deducted, and more or less will be transferred to me. Today, for now..."

After a slight pause, Chen Xinghe looked at the book of life and death's judgment of luck, and couldn't help but be overjoyed!

Before killing a real demon, his status has risen a lot. Today, the real demon is even stronger, and killing him is a huge gain.

When the person level reaches 72, it means that one's own structure is uprooted from the dry land, and has reached the middle stage of integration, and there is no bottleneck in cultivation before that.

"What are you smirking at? You think you have no luck and you are still smirking? What a weirdo." Kaiming Yin suddenly looked around and said aggressively, "Who is it? It has influenced the formation so far. Wow, the flowers and plants that Ben Kaiming planted himself back then! They have all been uprooted by them, how unreasonable! Hurry up and snatch them back."

"Oh? Do you know how to grow spiritual flowers and spiritual grass?" Chen Xinghe's expression lifted.

"How fresh? Why don't you understand what you are enlightened about? Going up to the sky and entering the earth, the three realms and five elements, the yin and yang in the world, everything is in control." The cowhide was blown into the sky by Xiaoyin.

"It's good if you know how to plant spiritual flowers and spiritual grass. I planted some in the human seed bag. If someone needs to take care of it for me, you can go in and tend the flowers and plants!"

"What? Ben Kaiming is so great, how can he..."

Chen Xinghe sent Xiao Yin into the human race bag, and heard the little guy yelling: "Ben Kaiming knows everything, especially for the achievement of Yin God and Yang God..."

The voice quickly faded away, Chen Xinghe didn't have time to listen to him rambling.

The injury to the right arm was too heavy, and it was necessary to set the bone for treatment as soon as possible. If it is delayed, sequelae are likely to occur.

At this moment, those Nascent Soul cultivators are making a fortune. The weakening of the battle has created a lot of opportunities for them. There is a chance, a rare opportunity!
For two whole hours, the array strength failed to return to its original level. I really want to thank those monks who cracked the core array. They must have affected the operation of the main array, otherwise this change would not have occurred.

Just when everyone was rejoicing at the harvest, several Nascent Soul cultivators died quietly.

Then there was a roar, and the two Nascent Soul cultivators were attacked by a monster, and they were only a mile away from death.

More and more monsters appeared, frantically looking for the source of the curse.

Chen Xinghe is still recovering from his wounds, so the healing spot he chose naturally has a pattern, and it cannot be approached casually.

The outside world is becoming more and more terrifying, monsters are invading wantonly, and when they see delicious prey, they will slaughter it along the way.

Most Nascent Soul cultivators are not weak, and those who have been massacred are mostly marginal occupations, such as tailors, cooks, etc. They don't have much fighting ability, and even if they enter the battlefield in the future, they will be cannon fodder.

Today is a rehearsal. In the face of these vicious monsters, if you cannot make an accurate judgment at the first time, the result will be death.

Some Nascent Soul monks united to kill the monsters, while some monks went alone and didn't care about these monsters.

These monsters sensed the dying curse of the real demon, plus the curse of the demon world, as if they had received the emperor's decree, they must execute the killing order.

So they came, and the monsters lurking a million miles nearby responded.

Chen Xinghe is suffering from bone-setting, and for the time being, he doesn't know that he has helped Jintianzong clear up many hidden dangers.

The bone setting process was very tormenting, requiring constant hammering of the right arm, and even the big move "pounding air" was used, and it didn't work once.

It is conservatively estimated that it will take nearly a hundred bombardments to correct it, and it is far from it now!
Chen Xinghe could only clean up the spoils once, look for the elixir that would help recovery, and use the power of the medicine to speed up the speed of healing, hoping to recover within ten days.

Five days later, the cave where the Yuanjiang Treasure Ship was connected to suddenly blew up a wind. Those monsters who were raging in all directions with their fangs and claws slammed together, their bodies spewed out magic energy in an instant, and they fell to the ground and howled.

There was a loud "boom", and there was a huge figure at the entrance, and he raised his thick arms and gathered thousands of demonic energy.

At this moment, the golden core stage monsters have no room to resist, they are squeezed out completely, and wait to die in place after losing their magic energy.

Those monsters in the Nascent Soul stage were in better condition, but they couldn't hold back this force and forcibly plundered them, and they all became very frightened.

Suddenly, another figure entered the cave. Standing in the air and looking down at the huge figure, he said, "Think you can survive if you get magic energy and recover from your injuries? You're overthinking."

As soon as the words fell, a bright mirror appeared.

"Hey, I have no fear when I come here. Even if you are the first disciple of the Jintian Sect, this demon can kill you."

(End of this chapter)

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