Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1006 I am as strong as a god and Buddha

Chapter 1006 I am as strong as a god and Buddha

"The first disciple of Jintian Sect?" Several Nascent Soul cultivators heard the voice and looked from afar.

One of them was stunned, nodded and said, "That's right, it's Ji Hongtian who used the sunglass to imprison the five cultivators at the transformation stage."

"It's him? The No. 1 disciple of the Yuanying stage of Jintianzong. I don't know how many tyrannical monks fell under his big sunglass. Let's stay away from this place quickly. I heard that Ji Shouzuo only interacts with the monks who transform the gods, so I'm in a bad mood." It is very lawless to kill the Nascent Soul cultivator casually."

"That's right, no matter whether the rumor is true or not, there must be a reason for the groundless rumours. Let's stay away quickly and don't feel uncomfortable."

As soon as several Nascent Soul cultivators left, there was a terrible shock around them.

Facts have proved that it is right to be cautious. The demon that Ji Hongtian is killing is unusual. He was once in the stage of transformation, and fell to the late stage of Nascent Soul due to serious injuries. However, some of the realm of transformation stage is still there, and the origin of the magic way is even more domineering. Peerless.

Those little devils don't have any ability to resist, they can only contribute magic energy for the big devil to use.

One person and one demon are powerful, and the aftermath of the battle is pushed out, causing an extremely terrifying scene, and the movement can be heard far away.

They are fighting here in a hurry, Chen Xinghe is extremely far away from the battlefield, but the disturbing force is too strong, and the star power fluctuates.

"Huh? Who's fighting? The power has reached the edge of the stage of transformation. If you grit your teeth and use some strength, you may be able to break through the limit and burst out the power of the stage of true transformation."

"It's amazing! It's amazing."

Chen Xinghe is still recovering from his wounds, and it is unusual for him to pay attention to the situation.

"Where did this devil come from? Why didn't he go to other places to fight, but why did he come to this cave to fight?"

"Wait, I haven't monitored the surroundings for a while, why are there so many demons?"

Thinking of this, he immediately realized that these monsters came for the curse, and he couldn't think of another explanation except for this reason.

"Come on! Come on! Anyway, I can't lock my specific location. There are so many restrictions and large formations. I will change to a place to meditate every day. I guarantee that there will be no repetition within a year."

"Where did the monk who fought against this big devil come from? He actually used a mirror to fight. Could it be some kind of avatar created by the Heavenly Mirror?"

Knowing that this is the territory of the Heavenly Sect, Chen Xinghe must be vigilant, if he really encounters such a terrifying expert, no matter how many treasures he has on him, it will be useless.

Of course, this cave is very safe, and it is difficult for monks in the transformation stage to enter. Only the Nascent Soul level can come in and take a walk.If it wasn't for the real demon's self-detonation that damaged the central formation, the intruders would have been expelled long ago, and they would never tolerate it until today.

Since it's safe, let's stay for a few more days, one is that the injury needs to be recovered, and the other is to get some spiritual flowers and grasses and send them into the human seed bag for cultivation, how can you return empty-handed to the treasure land?

The battle was fierce, Chen Xinghe allocated half of his mind to activate the star power, and described every detail of the battlefield.

After two hours of "watching the battle", I only felt that this person and one monster were no worse than a real monster, not to mention the many methods, but the stamina was still so long.

If you ask about the impression after viewing, just two words, it's difficult.

It's too difficult to deal with, it's definitely the kind that you thought they were about to die, but suddenly broke out and gave you a full blood resurrection, which can be called a lucky dragon.

Chen Xinghe secretly planned that if he met one of them, since his cultivation level was far inferior, he would not even be able to balance it with dragon veins.

Fortunately, it is not easy for the other party to kill him, and the speed is a bit behind.

If two of them beat one of them, they will definitely lose a lot, and even have a high chance of dying, and it will be an ugly death.

Chen Xinghe patted his forehead and said to himself: "Could it be that you can't tolerate me for more than ten months? When I enter the Nascent Soul Middle Stage, I will be more confident then."

Right now, he is still in the early stage of Yuanying, and the dragon veins have not yet been fully slammed. Fortunately, after exchanging that "treasure ticket", it is estimated that it will be almost the same.

81 times the speed of practice is the bottom line. The ability to quickly accumulate so many treasures is thanks to the monks of the Demon Cult. Those monks who survived under the rule of Jintianzong are not as rich as imagined. , can't take out too many belongings.

Therefore, if you want to accumulate more ingots and reach an incredible level, you have to aim at those powerful caves that are restricted by large formations, and don't expect to squeeze much oil and water from ordinary monks.

Master Jianxu's legacy of the cave is just right, Yuanjiang Treasure Boat cave is beyond the limit, it's okay to avoid powerful enemies, but it's courting death to make a profit.

There is a wave of unrest in front of him, and another wave rises again. One person and one demon are killed, and you can tell with your toes that they are coming for him. It is the most disadvantageous to fight with this kind of enemy. Not to mention the huge consumption, it is easy to put yourself in it , the real loss outweighs the gain.

Chen Xinghe came here to make a fortune, not to seek abuse, not to mention that he is injured now, so he is not suitable to confront these two guys head-on.

So he mobilized his star power and chose a safe place for himself.

The location is in a Ganoderma lucidum garden, and a giant purple Ganoderma lucidum grows in the center of the garden. It is unknown where it was transplanted from, and its age may be more than 20,000 years.

The owner attached great importance to this Ganoderma lucidum, and specially arranged ten exquisite small formations and 33 kinds of restraints to form a large formation for protection.

Chen Xinghe weighed his own cultivation, and did not have extravagant expectations for this giant Ganoderma lucidum.

Three miles away from this giant Ganoderma lucidum, there grows an Aohai Cangqiongzhi, which is a Shenzhi that appears at the junction of sea and sky, and it is also extremely precious.

The foothold he chose was this Aohai Cangqiongzhi. With the help of his body array, he was transported to the top of the Ganoderma lucidum, and he breathed lightly and felt refreshed.

It's really a good place for retreat and practice. When you leave, you must take this Ganoderma lucidum with you.

Now I have to quickly adjust my right arm. Even with the help of the dragon veins, it will not be easy to restore it to the original state, and the progress is far behind expectations.

On the third day after Chen Xinghe was transferred to the Ganoderma lucidum garden, one person and one demon collided again.

The result of this collision was unexpected. I thought it would be evenly matched, but it turned out that the winner was determined within half an hour of the battle.

The demon head died, and perished together with the dozen or so demon heads who were forcibly enslaved.

The first disciple of Jintianzong proved with actual combat power that he has surpassed the normal recognized monk of the late Nascent Soul.

It's really too strong, the devil deliberately gathered a group of men, but in the end they were still killed at will, and they died so badly that they had no chance to turn around.

It's nothing more than this person's victory, Chen Xinghe didn't expect that he hid so tightly, this guy came to the door the next day, only heard the loud roar outside the Ganoderma lucidum garden, followed by a voice.

"The young emperor of the Qingtian sect, since he came from across the sect, why is he so timid? Do you dare to come out and fight?"

Chen Xinghe knew right away that this master had a way to target him, and most of them came from the direct line of the Jintian Sect.

Don't be cowardly at critical moments, especially when representing the sect.

Many Nascent Soul cultivators in the distance heard it.

"I am the young emperor of the Qingtian Sect. I am as powerful as a god or Buddha. Which green onion are you? You have come so far and can't even break through this formation. What are you talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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